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Bookmarks of Buzzard

      Posted: Sep 3, 2006   10:40 AM by IndieTX

Why Are We Here? The Hermetic Marriage - Alchemy of the Soul
      Posted: Jul 4, 2007   5:01 PM by gengis gandhi

Who knows why Alex Jones is mad at Prothink
      Posted: Apr 4, 2009   1:30 PM by Itistoolate

Mystery Babylon - Texe Marrs
      Posted: May 8, 2009   3:56 PM by Itistoolate

Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2009
      Posted: May 18, 2009   11:24 AM by Horse

The Rothschilds control the (WORLD'S) gold market
      Posted: Jun 8, 2009   4:54 PM by Itistoolate

Pike Knew
      Posted: Jun 18, 2009   8:07 AM by Itistoolate

The Empire Strikes Back: Preparing for the Worst (Good Read)
      Posted: Jun 19, 2009   8:20 PM by christine

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance"
      Posted: Jun 22, 2009   5:44 AM by Stephen Lendman

Criminal Rothchilds
      Posted: Jun 28, 2009   3:59 PM by Clitora

Note from a Cop (Obama and street vibes)
      Posted: Jun 29, 2009   8:20 PM by Jethro Tull

Fifty Things To Do NOW
      Posted: Jul 7, 2009   7:14 PM by HighLairEon

Two President Who Died Defying the Rothschilds
      Posted: Jul 8, 2009   5:38 AM by Itistoolate

New 9/11 Info about Gold Coin, and Rothschild Involvement
      Posted: Jul 8, 2009   9:46 PM by Itistoolate

Are you on the "no fly" list?
      Posted: Jul 9, 2009   4:38 PM by TwentyTwelve

The Strangest Secret in the world - Earl Nightingale
      Posted: Jul 11, 2009   5:12 PM by abraxas

Discovery backs theory oil not 'fossil fuel'
      Posted: Jul 11, 2009   8:38 PM by wudidiz

12 Greatest Low-Tech Inventions
      Posted: Jul 13, 2009   5:51 PM by Horse

70 Years: Chart Illustrates the Dominance by the CFR, Trilaterals & Bilderbergers
      Posted: Jul 14, 2009   12:17 PM by Itistoolate

The Antifederalists Were Right
      Posted: Jul 15, 2009   6:36 AM by Ada

      Posted: Jul 23, 2009   8:08 PM by tom007

      Posted: Jul 28, 2009   10:51 AM by christine

Choose Your Weapons
      Posted: Aug 4, 2009   6:30 AM by Ada

The First Rothschild
      Posted: Aug 10, 2009   4:27 PM by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt

Tough times in the porn industry
      Posted: Aug 12, 2009   6:52 AM by Kamala

The Oil Factor - Why are we in Afghanistan? O-I-L
      Posted: Aug 17, 2009   9:03 PM by Jethro Tull

Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America (Texe Marrs' New Video)
      Posted: Aug 18, 2009   3:47 PM by christine

More Alex Jones idiocy for you.
      Posted: Aug 23, 2009   9:08 AM by PSUSA

Magnesium is the Underrated Master Mineral (Good info)
      Posted: Aug 23, 2009   8:01 PM by christine

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch predicting Insiders plans to destroy America
      Posted: Aug 24, 2009   6:16 PM by abraxas

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World
      Posted: Aug 28, 2009   12:12 AM by X-15

north carolina Felon wins the right to own a gun
      Posted: Sep 4, 2009   12:30 AM by freepatriot32

1918 Influenza: A Treatment That Worked
      Posted: Sep 9, 2009   12:48 PM by Horse

3 World Wars Needed to Bring About the New World Order
      Posted: Sep 11, 2009   3:49 PM by Itistoolate

Rothschilds Timeline 01
      Posted: Sep 16, 2009   4:43 AM by Itistoolate

High Frequency Forex Manipulation Evidence
      Posted: Sep 29, 2009   8:58 PM by Horse

The 55 Best Herbal Remedies
      Posted: Oct 15, 2009   9:57 AM by Horse

Homeowners Stricken With Chinese Drywall Now Face New Threat Of Losing Insurance Policies
      Posted: Oct 15, 2009   12:49 PM by Brian S

Doug Casey on the Biggest Danger to Your Wealth
      Posted: Nov 10, 2009   6:07 AM by Ada

Gld ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars
      Posted: Nov 13, 2009   12:19 AM by DeaconBenjamin

The $2.5 trillion global oil scam
      Posted: Nov 19, 2009   2:16 AM by wudidiz

Obscure Polish Book Sheds Light On Elusive Rothschild Financial Link to The Militant Messiah, (And Satanist)Jacob Frank
      Posted: Nov 23, 2009   4:45 PM by Horse

2009 DVD Lindsey Williams Tragedy Hope Reality The Prophecy Club
      Posted: Dec 9, 2009   7:19 AM by Itistoolate

The Future of Gold, the Dollar, and More--Peter Schiff
      Posted: Dec 14, 2009   11:10 AM by DeaconBenjamin

Rothschild's Plan for America
      Posted: Jan 5, 2010   5:24 AM by Itistoolate

A global fiasco is brewing in Japan
      Posted: Jan 13, 2010   1:21 PM by Horse

2008 An introduction to 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' - Blueprint for Jewish World Conquest
      Posted: Jan 17, 2010   4:24 PM by Itistoolate

Tennessee Guardsman Challenges Supreme Court on 2nd Amendment
      Posted: Jan 25, 2010   10:03 AM by farmfriend

WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN HAITI? (very interesting read)
      Posted: Jan 25, 2010   8:28 PM by christine

Chinese dig deep to join the gold rush
      Posted: Jan 26, 2010   12:21 AM by DeaconBenjamin

The Fort Knox Conundrum: Chinese say they received bogus bars of gold traced to U.S.
      Posted: Jan 26, 2010   3:47 AM by Itistoolate

Swiss halt deal with U.S. that IDs Americans with secret UBS bank accounts
      Posted: Jan 28, 2010   9:02 PM by TwentyTwelve

In tough economic times, shoppers take haggling to new heights
      Posted: Jan 29, 2010   2:19 PM by DeaconBenjamin

No cookies or JavaScript? No worries. You can be tracked anyway.
      Posted: Feb 3, 2010   1:16 AM by X-15

My Struggle (Eustace Mullins)
      Posted: Feb 6, 2010   4:03 PM by christine

Jail Time for Federal Agents Violating New Wyoming FFA Law
      Posted: Feb 17, 2010   11:09 AM by F.A. Hayek Fan

The Census Is Getting Personal... BOYCOTT or, Video Activism
      Posted: Feb 17, 2010   5:37 PM by wakeup

Uh-oh...There's More to the story on Joe Stack
      Posted: Feb 24, 2010   11:26 AM by TwentyTwelve

Greece, Gold and Financial Terrorism - Freedomain Radio Interviews Max Keiser
      Posted: Feb 26, 2010   11:09 AM by Horse

Catalog of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
      Posted: Mar 1, 2010   4:16 PM by Turtle

The Man Who Found a Cure for Cancer - in 1934
      Posted: Mar 1, 2010   8:21 PM by FormerLurker

Seven reasons to invest in gold
      Posted: Mar 8, 2010   8:33 AM by DeaconBenjamin

What is it Like to Teach Black Students?
      Posted: Mar 8, 2010   10:10 AM by PSUSA

David Duke Broadcast: The Russian Mafia is Jewish.
      Posted: Mar 11, 2010   2:20 PM by Horse

Gentile Folly: the Rothschild's [online book]
      Posted: Mar 29, 2010   5:07 AM by Itistoolate

"Protocols of Zion" is the NWO Blueprint
      Posted: Apr 6, 2010   4:48 PM by Itistoolate

Andrew Maguire finally exposes systemic fraud by CFTC & JPMorgan
      Posted: Apr 6, 2010   6:29 PM by Horse

The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty
      Posted: Apr 7, 2010   1:12 PM by Horse

The Greatest Shell Game Ever Continues As The Whole World Is Now Insolvent; Updated Thoughts From Chris Martenson On The Upcoming US Funding Crisis
      Posted: Apr 8, 2010   9:05 PM by Horse

The Greatest Shell Game Ever Continues As The Whole World Is Now Insolvent; Updated Thoughts From Chris Martenson On The Upcoming US Funding Crisis
      Posted: Apr 8, 2010   9:05 PM by Horse

Begin With Lone Wolves
      Posted: Jun 1, 2010   8:58 AM by PSUSA

The Protocols of Zion Explained 1/2
      Posted: Jun 2, 2010   10:08 PM by Itistoolate

The Bilderbergers have failed and are now trying to activate plan B
      Posted: Jun 8, 2010   12:01 PM by gengis gandhi

8 Great Places to Retire You've Never Heard Of (outside of the US)
      Posted: Jun 9, 2010   12:41 PM by F.A. Hayek Fan

Rothschilds Timelines of Banking
      Posted: Jun 13, 2010   8:30 PM by Itistoolate

Roth$child$= the 6th Beast of Mystery Babylon
      Posted: Aug 9, 2010   7:37 AM by Itistoolate

1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer
      Posted: Aug 23, 2010   7:55 PM by Horse

FEMA ordered 102,000 prisoner boxcars with shakles and guillotines
      Posted: Aug 24, 2010   12:53 PM by Itistoolate

Electricity collected from the air could become the newest alternative energy source
      Posted: Aug 26, 2010   5:37 PM by gengis gandhi

(Eustace Mullins: Frances Farmer) Excerpted From SIGMUND FREUD: ANTICHRIST DEVIL
      Posted: Sep 5, 2010   9:13 PM by Horse

House of Rothschild Purchased Reuters and the Associated Press
      Posted: Sep 12, 2010   1:26 PM by Itistoolate

Gog and Magog
      Posted: Sep 20, 2010   6:45 AM by Itistoolate

The Aquarian Conspiracy
      Posted: Sep 23, 2010   4:35 AM by wudidiz

The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
      Posted: Sep 27, 2010   12:55 PM by X-15

Americans are Rothschild's proxies in Iraq
      Posted: Nov 5, 2010   2:08 AM by Tatarewicz

Anyone else read about the guy who refused the scanner AND the patdowns?
      Posted: Nov 23, 2010   1:40 PM by James Deffenbach

5 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License
      Posted: Nov 23, 2010   7:27 PM by Itistoolate

The Serpent Bloodline: Edomite/Khazar Jews and Sons of Cain
      Posted: Nov 24, 2010   4:03 AM by Itistoolate

JP Morgan Getting CRUSHED.... charts to prove it...
      Posted: Nov 24, 2010   9:37 PM by Horse

The Wizard of Oz - We can't say they didn't tell us
      Posted: Nov 24, 2010   11:50 PM by angK

Is The Govt. trying to Find out, Who has What now? I ask, because - Child Services Interviewed My Child - Wanted to Know if We Had Solar Panels, Exactly Where We Go Camping and Hiking , If have Alternative Energy, If Food Stored, Then Came to my House!
      Posted: Dec 1, 2010   6:03 PM by Horse

BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures
      Posted: Dec 4, 2010   12:40 PM by HAPPY2BME-4UM

J.P. Morgan Getting Squeezed In Silver Market?
      Posted: Dec 6, 2010   4:48 PM by ghostdogtxn

Hand feeding Hummingbirds - Taming The Alaskan Hummingbird
      Posted: Dec 10, 2010   1:19 PM by Horse

Something’s Wrong in the Silver Pit: But It’s Much Bigger than J.P. Morgan
      Posted: Dec 10, 2010   6:57 PM by Horse

American WEALTH DESTRUCTION explained by Catherine Austin Fitts
      Posted: Dec 11, 2010   7:24 PM by Horse

Exclusive! HARVEY ORGAN 1 of 2 : Is Silver Really Worth $424/oz?
      Posted: Dec 13, 2010   11:07 AM by Horse

Are The Rothschilds Taking Over The World?
      Posted: Dec 13, 2010   6:30 PM by Itistoolate

      Posted: Dec 13, 2010   11:30 PM by Itistoolate

[REPOST]4 or 5, maybe 6 years ago I asked Christine if I should post this
      Posted: Dec 17, 2010   9:34 PM by Itistoolate

Is JP Morgan Shifting Its Silver And Gold Shorts To Non-US Domiciled, And Thus Unregulatable, Banks?
      Posted: Dec 21, 2010   10:56 AM by Horse

Hardly any one answers my posts any more [Part 2]
      Posted: Dec 31, 2010   6:40 AM by Itistoolate

10 Modern Methods of Mind Control
      Posted: Dec 31, 2010   11:39 AM by Bill D Berger

A Cure For Cancer - Max Igan talks with Rick Simpson
      Posted: Dec 31, 2010   2:00 PM by Horse

USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame (Neurotoxin Alert)
      Posted: Jan 1, 2011   11:15 PM by Original_Intent

Solvo Sermo - Free Speech, loosely translated, The answer to youtube?
      Posted: Jan 3, 2011   9:45 PM by Critter

Top 10 reasons to eat avocadoes
      Posted: Jan 4, 2011   5:46 AM by Tatarewicz

The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: One of the Most Evil Books in Print
      Posted: Jan 4, 2011   12:57 PM by ghostdogtxn

The New Gold Rush
      Posted: Jan 4, 2011   4:20 PM by ghostdogtxn

      Posted: Jan 6, 2011   9:13 AM by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt

      Posted: Jan 13, 2011   11:10 AM by Itistoolate

      Posted: Jan 13, 2011   11:10 AM by Itistoolate

Giffords: Reality Turned Inside-Out (Larken Rose)
      Posted: Jan 13, 2011   1:11 PM by christine

Changing to a Silver Economy
      Posted: Jan 14, 2011   9:56 AM by ghostdogtxn

Evan Sadler - Jewish Bankers, The NWO, Illuminati and Freemasonry
      Posted: Jan 17, 2011   8:43 AM by Itistoolate

Montana Bill Would Make Feds Action Illegal Without Sheriff's Aproval
      Posted: Jan 18, 2011   6:46 PM by Original_Intent

It pays to stay within the Tribe
      Posted: Jan 27, 2011   12:15 AM by Tatarewicz

David Duke is back! - New 30-min 'tube on immigration
      Posted: Jan 27, 2011   1:57 PM by Jethro Tull

Total Control of United States (FULL MOVIE) Israel Lobby Zionist Dual Citzens
      Posted: Jan 27, 2011   10:38 PM by Horse

Total Control of United States (FULL MOVIE) Israel Lobby Zionist Dual Citzens
      Posted: Jan 27, 2011   10:38 PM by Horse

Total Control of United States (FULL MOVIE) Israel Lobby Zionist Dual Citzens
      Posted: Jan 27, 2011   10:38 PM by Horse

What George Washington and Benjamin Franklin said...
      Posted: Jan 28, 2011   8:15 AM by Itistoolate

Micro Drones to Fly Surveillance Missions Over The U.S.
      Posted: Jan 29, 2011   11:48 AM by Buzzard

EL Rothschild buys stake in Weather Central
      Posted: Feb 1, 2011   4:07 PM by CadetD

      Posted: Feb 2, 2011   10:09 AM by Tatarewicz

Edgar J. Steele from the grave
      Posted: Feb 2, 2011   8:29 PM by Itistoolate

What world Famous Men Said About the Jews
      Posted: Feb 10, 2011   1:45 AM by Itistoolate

Mexican Smugglers Catapult Pot Over Border
      Posted: Feb 15, 2011   12:20 PM by freepatriot32

America, Russia, Mexico, Canada, France, and The Vatican and who knows where else..
      Posted: Feb 21, 2011   12:53 PM by Itistoolate

Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets
      Posted: Feb 23, 2011   7:12 AM by Itistoolate

The Rothschild 1901 – 1919: The secret creators of World War 1
      Posted: Mar 3, 2011   8:28 AM by Itistoolate

      Posted: Mar 15, 2011   12:02 PM by christine

The basic premise of the protocols is that the end justifies the means. Here is a one page summary…
      Posted: Mar 15, 2011   2:42 PM by Itistoolate

I just clicked on this:
      Posted: Apr 20, 2011   12:07 PM by Horse

      Posted: May 19, 2011   12:26 PM by HAPPY2BME-4UM

James Wickstrom - Who Has Destroyed America?
      Posted: May 21, 2011   5:05 AM by HAPPY2BME-4UM

The 25 Rules of Disinformation
      Posted: May 26, 2011   6:06 AM by Ada

Bruce Lipton - Where Mind and Matter Meet (Fascinating)
      Posted: May 30, 2011   2:11 PM by christine

You know something's wrong
      Posted: May 30, 2011   6:09 PM by X-15

NM Rothschild & Sons Are Moving In For The Kill! Witness Their Work All Over The Globe! RIGHT NOW!!!
      Posted: Jun 6, 2011   8:55 AM by Eric Stratton

Behind the Georgia Guidestones (The Origins of Elite Progressivism)
      Posted: Jun 15, 2011   3:19 AM by Coral Snake

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now
      Posted: Jun 20, 2011   4:37 PM by Original_Intent

It hertz when you do that – power grid to stop regulating 60 Hz frequency
      Posted: Jun 27, 2011   5:08 PM by farmfriend

Behind the Georgia Guidestones (Implementing the Killer Commandments)
      Posted: Jul 1, 2011   12:22 AM by Coral Snake

10 Essential Rules Of Liberty
      Posted: Jul 6, 2011   12:49 PM by Original_Intent

A Polity of Castrati
      Posted: Jul 7, 2011   2:52 PM by Turtle

Safe-Haven Currencies: If You Want to Flee the U.S. Dollar, Here Are Four Places to Hide
      Posted: Jul 26, 2011   10:26 AM by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Physicists have created a "hole in time" using the temporal equivalent of an invisibility cloak.
      Posted: Jul 27, 2011   7:04 AM by Tatarewicz

8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance The ruling elite has created social institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance.
      Posted: Aug 5, 2011   6:45 AM by Ada

Video: Bankers, Listen To This. Your Final Warning
      Posted: Aug 9, 2011   4:25 PM by Horse

Garage-built DIY drone plane can cause serious damage worldwide
      Posted: Aug 12, 2011   3:09 AM by Tatarewicz

How to buy small batches of junk US silver below spot
      Posted: Aug 13, 2011   10:51 AM by Critter

Hugo Chavez, Gold Runs, Bank Runs And Bank Holidays
      Posted: Aug 19, 2011   5:09 PM by Horse

AA-12 Russian Shotgun
      Posted: Aug 26, 2011   7:04 PM by Jethro Tull

Cannabis oil is a highly efficient natural cancer cure
      Posted: Oct 5, 2011   6:59 PM by gengis gandhi

Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider
      Posted: Oct 27, 2011   12:55 PM by Horse

(HUGE IMPLICATIONS) POLICE AS MERCENARIES---“North Carolina Police Warned To Put Their Personal Property Into Someone Else’s Name !”
      Posted: Nov 1, 2011   2:39 PM by gengis gandhi

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar |
      Posted: Nov 21, 2011   8:34 PM by christine

The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy
      Posted: Nov 25, 2011   8:47 PM by tom007

How They're Handling Obama's Pipeline Fumble
      Posted: Nov 26, 2011   5:53 AM by Tatarewicz

Drinking This "Popular Poison" is Worse than Smoking
      Posted: Nov 28, 2011   4:50 AM by Tatarewicz

ow to Discover and Achieve Your Life Goals
      Posted: Nov 29, 2011   3:34 AM by Tatarewicz

18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation On Earth Is More Doped Up On Prescription Drugs Than America Is
      Posted: Dec 5, 2011   1:32 AM by Tatarewicz

Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria
      Posted: Dec 11, 2011   11:50 AM by christine

      Posted: Dec 12, 2011   7:24 PM by Itistoolate

How I beat a $700 ticket in 30 seconds in court
      Posted: Dec 15, 2011   2:27 PM by Artisan

Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried
      Posted: Dec 16, 2011   12:20 PM by Pinguinite

How to destroy the Jewish crime network
      Posted: Dec 17, 2011   2:15 AM by Tatarewicz

Hemp: It's All About The History
      Posted: Dec 17, 2011   6:53 PM by bluegrass

Ron Paul fans in Nevada show support for long shot
      Posted: Dec 18, 2011   4:55 PM by Critter

Venn Diagram of why nothing ever changes in the Federal Government
      Posted: Dec 20, 2011   2:45 AM by farmfriend

Money Power World Rule
      Posted: Dec 20, 2011   4:52 AM by Stephen Lendman

Ron Paul Is Freaking People Out
      Posted: Dec 21, 2011   6:26 PM by christine

Foods that help eliminate toxins from the body
      Posted: Dec 23, 2011   7:46 AM by Tatarewicz

People can teach themselves new skills in dreams
      Posted: Dec 26, 2011   1:03 AM by Tatarewicz

Need some help ...
      Posted: Jan 16, 2012   5:55 PM by Eric Stratton

Welcome to SATAN’S Jew World Order!
      Posted: Jan 16, 2012   8:45 PM by X-15

Google announces privacy changes across products; users can’t opt out
      Posted: Jan 24, 2012   6:46 PM by bush_is_a_moonie

Magic mushrooms may help treat depression
      Posted: Jan 25, 2012   1:16 AM by Tatarewicz

How Not To Argue That We’re Running Out Of Oil
      Posted: Jan 28, 2012   12:03 PM by lead.and.lag

Welcome to the Real World. Sorry.
      Posted: Feb 1, 2012   7:06 PM by Esso

Why China Doesn't Want U.S. Investors in These Shale Profits
      Posted: Feb 4, 2012   7:53 AM by Tatarewicz

Toxic Artificial Sweetener ‘Neotame’ May Be Lurking in Your Organic Food
      Posted: Feb 10, 2012   2:01 PM by Original_Intent

Using bacteria to mine expensive metals
      Posted: Feb 13, 2012   4:50 AM by Tatarewicz

Molecular Secrets of Ancient Chinese Herbal Remedy Discovered
      Posted: Feb 14, 2012   8:01 AM by Tatarewicz

Scientists Uncover Why Massage Heals Sore Muscles
      Posted: Feb 16, 2012   4:32 AM by Tatarewicz

10 Myths About Introverts
      Posted: Feb 19, 2012   3:04 PM by Turtle

History of Zionist Terrorism All The Way up to 911 ✡ ✈ ▌▌
      Posted: Mar 7, 2012   7:26 AM by Eric Stratton

Best Second Amendment Video Goes Viral
      Posted: Mar 9, 2012   8:06 PM by wakeup

Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies
      Posted: Mar 10, 2012   8:33 PM by noone222

public domain audio books
      Posted: Mar 17, 2012   11:12 PM by IRTorqued

Modified bacteria make bio-diesel from carbs
      Posted: Mar 18, 2012   4:55 AM by Tatarewicz

The REAL Cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic
      Posted: Mar 18, 2012   11:01 AM by tom007

Thoughts on Singapore
      Posted: Mar 19, 2012   8:48 AM by Ada

Got banned from Target today
      Posted: Mar 25, 2012   11:12 PM by Hmmmmm

Identifying Toxic Additives
      Posted: Apr 4, 2012   2:11 AM by Original_Intent

How Jew tactics have changed in a half century
      Posted: Apr 15, 2012   5:32 AM by Tatarewicz

Chi Energy Amazing video
      Posted: Apr 15, 2012   9:38 PM by farmfriend

      Posted: Apr 18, 2012   1:06 PM by Original_Intent

What Every White Person Should Know
      Posted: Apr 23, 2012   2:09 AM by FormerLurker

Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US Arnie Gundersen
      Posted: Apr 28, 2012   5:03 PM by Horse

Why are we not rebeling?
      Posted: Apr 30, 2012   4:03 AM by titorite

Anonymous: 'We have access to every classified database in the US'
      Posted: May 14, 2012   8:45 PM by gengis gandhi

The Rap Music Conspiracy
      Posted: May 19, 2012   1:45 PM by Original_Intent

FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt Warns “They’re All Insane”
      Posted: May 23, 2012   11:37 AM by gengis gandhi

Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you (and they include 'pork', 'cloud' and 'Mexico')
      Posted: May 30, 2012   11:00 AM by PSUSA2

Is The End Nigh: Rockefellers And Rothschilds Merge
      Posted: May 30, 2012   7:34 PM by Itistoolate

Ron Paul, Don't Destroy Yourself
      Posted: Jun 9, 2012   10:27 AM by abraxas

Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill
      Posted: Jun 29, 2012   9:32 PM by Horse

The best article I've ever read re: women
      Posted: Jul 1, 2012   9:12 AM by PSUSA2

Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas and the Plan for World Government
      Posted: Jul 21, 2012   9:52 AM by Ada

Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged
      Posted: Jul 21, 2012   11:47 AM by Ada

Comic Books and the Loss of Chivalry
      Posted: Aug 13, 2012   12:25 PM by Turtle

What was Hitler’s unforgivable sin?
      Posted: Aug 16, 2012   7:33 PM by X-15

It was a “mob hit” against someone who failed to kiss the feet of Netanyahu.
      Posted: Aug 22, 2012   7:14 PM by Americans 1st

Some reporter and proof reader is probably getting the @$$ reaming of their lives about now
      Posted: Aug 25, 2012   7:35 PM by James Deffenbach

This 10 Minute Video Will Change Your Life
      Posted: Sep 8, 2012   10:32 AM by christine

The Wide-Ranging Influence of Gut Microbes on Your Mental and Physical Health
      Posted: Sep 17, 2012   4:46 AM by Tatarewicz

DHS buying 200 million more rounds of ammunition
      Posted: Sep 18, 2012   11:52 PM by Tatarewicz

6 Simple Ways to Boost Testosterone
      Posted: Sep 22, 2012   6:11 AM by Tatarewicz

These men are the REASON for the economic chaos
      Posted: Oct 19, 2012   1:10 PM by Itistoolate

Easiest Way I Have Found to Download Videos
      Posted: Nov 25, 2012   11:33 AM by James Deffenbach

The Ghost of Ezra Pound
      Posted: Dec 5, 2012   5:41 PM by BTP Holdings

Web Sites Zionists Hate
      Posted: Dec 11, 2012   2:19 PM by Itistoolate

Now Available: David Duke DVD
      Posted: Dec 15, 2012   7:34 PM by wakeup

This is my last post here, Please delete my account
      Posted: Feb 9, 2013   7:36 PM by Itistoolate

The Fifth Amendment, Self-Incrimination, and Gun Registration
      Posted: Feb 10, 2013   11:47 AM by Southern Style

      Posted: Feb 21, 2013   9:24 PM by Southern Style

Charles Krafft Is a White Nationalist Who Believes the Holocaust Is a Deliberately Exaggerated Myth
      Posted: Feb 23, 2013   4:03 PM by X-15

Alternative News for Alternative Thinkers
      Posted: Mar 2, 2013   11:18 AM by robnoel

Why Public WiFi Hotspots Are Trouble Spots for Users
      Posted: Mar 11, 2013   2:10 PM by Original_Intent

CB radio Do you have one
      Posted: Mar 15, 2013   1:46 AM by titorite

No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation
      Posted: May 15, 2013   1:48 PM by Hmmmmm

Dr. Mercola's Dozen anti-aging nutrients
      Posted: May 21, 2013   1:27 AM by Tatarewicz

Dr. Mercola's Dozen anti-aging nutrients
      Posted: May 21, 2013   1:27 AM by Tatarewicz

5 Principles of Patrolling explained, with select quotes from Patton
      Posted: May 24, 2013   11:08 PM by X-15

Tips to Avoid Government Surveillance
      Posted: Jun 16, 2013   2:27 AM by Tatarewicz

US Military Thugs with Keyboards to Spread Propaganda Using Up to 10 Online Personas Each
      Posted: Jun 16, 2013   10:49 AM by Buzzard

      Posted: Jun 23, 2013   1:39 PM by PSUSA2

Building homes that make more power than they take |
      Posted: Jul 24, 2013   5:22 AM by Tatarewicz

Mike Rivero & Kevin Barret discuss Sept. 11th ''Million American March Against Fear"
      Posted: Aug 25, 2013   3:48 PM by Artisan

What Christians Don't Know About Israel
      Posted: Sep 22, 2013   9:15 PM by Original_Intent

Immune protein explains skin diseases' link to infection
      Posted: Oct 2, 2013   3:55 AM by Tatarewicz

Valentines? Valentines?
      Posted: Oct 29, 2013   7:46 AM by Ada

Not enough natural psychopaths to force the NWO now
      Posted: Nov 8, 2013   8:01 AM by HighLairEon

Shake Internet Trackers In 4 Steps
      Posted: Jan 9, 2014   7:55 AM by BTP Holdings

Fifty Free Farmstead eBooks
      Posted: Feb 23, 2014   6:57 PM by X-15

There must be a Reason
      Posted: Mar 9, 2014   8:56 AM by Itistoolate

The gambling boss that runs America
      Posted: Apr 5, 2014   7:25 AM by Tatarewicz

Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren’t Nice To You
      Posted: Apr 12, 2014   8:01 AM by Ada

Banks owned or controlled by the Rothschilds
      Posted: Jun 8, 2014   2:40 PM by Itistoolate

“Straight out of the Protocols”—Controlled US Government Gives New Funding to Israel’s Defense Budget
      Posted: Jun 10, 2014   6:54 PM by Lorie Meacham

The BEST gun for home-defense?
      Posted: Jun 16, 2014   5:08 PM by BTP Holdings

ICLOAK Creates Revolutionary Way To Take Privacy Into Your Own Hands
      Posted: Jun 26, 2014   8:59 PM by Lorie Meacham

Comprehensive Lists of the Jews Who Dominate Us
      Posted: Jul 15, 2014   7:51 PM by Horse

John Stadtmiller on RBN Pulling no Punches
      Posted: Sep 4, 2014   9:41 PM by Jethro Tull

Famous Jews who changed their names
      Posted: Sep 4, 2014   9:31 PM by Horse

Are You Tired of the Dreck That Hershey's Still Calls Chocolate Syrup? I Found a Recipe to Make My Own with NO HFCS
      Posted: Sep 17, 2014   6:11 PM by James Deffenbach

DHS Arrests, Imprisons Motorist For Invoking 5th Amendment, Deletes All His Videos (But Files Were Backed-Up!)
      Posted: Sep 19, 2014   12:06 PM by Artisan

The BRICS Nations Will Take Down The Dollar? But What About Israel?
      Posted: Dec 8, 2014   12:14 AM by Horse

Naming Names: Your Real Government
      Posted: Feb 27, 2015   8:47 AM by Ada

Clearing up the confusion of U.S. sugar guidelines
      Posted: Mar 17, 2015   4:13 AM by Tatarewicz

Michael Collins Piper, 1960-2015, Rest in Peace
      Posted: Jun 2, 2015   7:53 PM by Horse

Michael Collins Piper on JFK
      Posted: Jun 3, 2015   4:34 PM by Horse

REPOST - War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
      Posted: Jun 9, 2015   10:42 AM by HAPPY2BME-4UM

It’s hot out there, try not to puke too much
      Posted: Jun 11, 2015   1:42 AM by X-15