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I'm Sorry.
Post Date: 2020-06-29 09:08:33 by Esso

Caitlin Johnstone: It is the US intelligence’s job to lie to you. NYT’s Afghan bounty story is CIA press release disguised as news
Post Date: 2020-06-28 12:14:38 by Ada
Caitlin Johnstone: It is the US intelligence’s job to lie to you. NYT’s Afghan bounty story is CIA press release disguised as news By Caitlin Johnstone, an independent journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. Her website is here and you can follow her on Twitter @caitoz Whenever one sees a news headline ending in “US Intelligence Says”, one should always mentally replace everything that comes before it with “Blah blah blah we’re probably lying.” “Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill Troops, US Intelligence Says”, blares the latest viral headline from the New York Times. NYT’s unnamed sources allege that the GRU ...

BLACK LUNATIC MARXISTS - Whites Yawn While The Republic Falls
Post Date: 2020-06-26 01:11:21 by Uncle Bill
Black Lives Matter Conference Teaches Alinsky Tactics Breitbart July 31, 2015 Lee Stranahan The recent conference held in Cleveland by the Black Lives Matter movement featured a host of classes on community organizing for attendees. One class was on the tactics of the godfather of the modern Democrat Party, Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky. The courses demonstrate Black Lives Matter is not merely a disorganized, angry mob, but is at the vanguard of leftist strategy utilizing effective street tactics and buoyed along by a sympathetic Democratic power structure. The course listed on the conference program was called There’s A Method To The Movement: Examining Community ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2020-06-19 12:04:41 by Horse
"Confused? Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys? Use this handy guide to differences between Terrorists and the U.S. Government: TERRORISTS: Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely wealthy oil family US GOVERNMENT: Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely wealthy oil family TERRORISTS: Leader has declared a holy war ('Jihad') against his 'enemies'; believes any nation not with him is against him; believes god is on his side, and that any means are justified. US GOVERNMENT: Leader has declared a holy war ('Crusade') against his 'enemies'; believes any nation ...

US Ahead of Schedule in Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Post Date: 2020-06-19 11:15:05 by BTP Holdings
US Ahead of Schedule in Withdrawal from Afghanistan Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, center, top U.S. commander for the Middle East, visits Kabul, Afghanistan, on Jan. 31, 2020. (Lolita Baldor / AP) By AP Reports Published June 18, 2020 at 11:08am The United States has reduced its troop presence in Afghanistan to 8,600, fulfilling its obligation as part of a February deal with the Taliban, the general who oversees American forces in that region said Thursday. Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie noted that the February deal requires the U.S. to fully withdraw its troops by next May. He called that an “aspirational” commitment that would depend on certain actions by the Taliban. President ...

The US admits they are to blame for the Syrian hunger
Post Date: 2020-06-12 09:11:49 by Ada
President Trump inherited the Syrian war from its creator, former President Obama. United States Special Envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, announced on Sunday that Washington had offered Syria a proposal to end the US sanctions. The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry in Damascus said that the statements by James Jeffrey constitute a clear admission by the Trump administration of it being directly responsible for the suffering of Syrians. The Syrians see the increasing sanctions as economic-warfare after the US failure to bring about ‘regime change’, by using terrorists supported by the CIA. Damascus declares the sanctions violate human rights and international law as they affect the ...

All members of Buffalo PD's emergency response team resign in protest
Post Date: 2020-06-05 21:03:53 by Esso

‘Last night was not Fort Wayne’: Leaders vow not to let violent protests happen again
Post Date: 2020-05-30 11:25:45 by Esso
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) — A night after a protest in downtown Fort Wayne escalated and turned violent and destructive, officials pledged to not allow another event take place. Twenty-nine people were arrested, primarily for disorderly conduct, after a 5 p.m. peaceful protest spilled onto Clinton Street within 90 minutes and eventually took over the roadway. By 8 p.m., police in riot gear fired tear gas into the crowd, and by nightfall, windows of downtown business were shattered and property was vandalized. Mayor Tom Henry, aggressive and emotion in a Saturday morning press conference, said “what we experienced last night is not Fort Wayne.” Henry said a number of the ...

Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
Post Date: 2020-05-30 02:02:16 by Bill D Berger
In the period leading up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration and its media accomplices waged a relentless propaganda campaign to win political support for what turned out to be one of the most disastrous foreign policy mistakes in American history. Nearly two decades later, with perhaps a million dead Iraqis and thousands of dead American soldiers, we are still paying for that mistake.  Vice President Dick Cheney, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, were key players behind the propaganda—which we can define as purposeful use of information and misinformation to manipulate public opinion ...

Mr Winkle Goes to War (1944)
Post Date: 2020-05-29 03:25:17 by Esso
Poster Comment:This is kind of Esso's story, but it was a little girl who's fingers couldn't encircle my index finger, and a little boy that will never know what I did for him...

SIGAR: The Boys Who Cry About Actual Wolves
Post Date: 2020-05-28 09:23:39 by Ada
Congressionally appointed inspector generals have poked holes in America’s absurd Afghan War strategy for 47 straight quarters: is anyone listening? Washingtonian elites have lived out the inverse of the popular Aesop’s Fable since at least 2008. That pivotal year – when power passed from buffoonish Emperor Bush to polite Emperor Obama – Congress formed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) to "provide independent and objective oversight of Afghanistan reconstruction projects and activities." And, well, the boys of SIGAR have been crying about real wolves – in 47 consecutive quarterly reports – ever since. Though ...

Memorial Day: Remembering the Political Lies that Spurred Mass Killing
Post Date: 2020-05-26 07:13:06 by Ada
On Memorial Day, the media do their usual sacralizing of war. Instead, it should be a day for the ritualized scourging of politicians. During the last 70 years, their lies have resulted in the unnecessary deaths of almost 100,000 American soldiers and millions of foreigners. And yet, people still get teary-eyed when politicians take the stage to talk about their devotion to the troops. On Memorial Day 2011, for instance, the Washington Post included numerous touching photographs of graves, recent widows or fatherless kids by the headstones, and stories of the troops’ sacrifices. The Post buried a short article in the middle of the A-Section (squeezed onto a nearly full-page ad for ...

William Kristol, the Flaming Neocon, Is Looking To Reinvent Himself as a Dissenter
Post Date: 2020-05-23 07:57:00 by Ada
“A ‘Neocon’ is neither new or conservative, but old as Babylon and evil as Hell.” – Edward Abbey Being an unrepentant Neocon, such as William (Bill) Kristol, means having never to say you’re sorry. To qualify, you need to be an ideologue, who also has paid no price for recklessly cheerleading 4,488 U.S. troops to their deaths in the illegal and immoral Iraq War, plus another 32,223 who were seriously wounded (2003-2011). It also helps to have a significant media platform and not to give a good hoot about how many innocent Iraqis died via the U.S.-led invasion and/or the occupation of that country. (Try an estimated 655,000.) By the way, false prophet, ...

10 politicians who should be hanged
Post Date: 2020-05-17 14:37:26 by Ada
If no living Homo sapiens is above the law, why not sending Bush to the gallows? Why is he still enjoying retirement in Texas? # 3: George W. Bush A number of historians has rightly crowned George W. Bush as the worst president in the United States because he led America into the most disastrous event in the history of covert and diabolical operations: the war in Iraq. Jean Edward Smith, a biographer and the John Marshall Professor of Political Science at Marshall University, has written: “Whether George W. Bush was the worst president in American history will be long debated, but his decision to invade Iraq is easily the worst foreign policy decision ever made by an American ...

Dear Dad...
Post Date: 2020-05-08 02:14:45 by Esso
Poster Comment:Dad, it's been 44 years 1 month and a day since I saw you on my birthday at your funeral. I still remember your left index finger sticking up in your coffin. Ever since then, I've had to touch the bodies in coffins to make sure they're dead. Caused a few gals to faint at funerals ever since. I gave my new tax accountant gal one of those coins that you brought back from WW2, she loved it. One of my friends here gave me a link to what it's worth ($2- 10). I was going to give her a gold eagle, but thought that might be inappropriate. Ended up giving the eagle to a young fella who is taking care of his daughter on his own. Anyway, you probably know how much shit ...

This Islamic terrorist planned an assassination to make Joe Biden President
Post Date: 2020-04-24 19:01:55 by BTP Holdings
This Islamic terrorist planned an assassination to make Joe Biden President Joe Biden is the presumptive Democrat nominee for President. Now his campaign was thrown for a loop. And that’s because this Islamic terrorist planned an assassination to make Joe Biden President. Navy SEALs seized a treasure trove of intelligence from the compound in Pakistan where they tracked down and killed Osama bin Laden. One bombshell America discovered is that Osama bin Laden tried to plan an assassination attempt on Barack Obama in order to make Joe Biden President. Bin Laden wanted Biden as President because he was “unprepared” and would lead America into a crisis. Fox News repots: ...

How Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh changed the fringe right
Post Date: 2020-04-21 09:05:47 by BTP Holdings
How Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh changed the fringe right Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh with his lawyers Rob Night, on left, and Stephen Jones in prison June 23, 1995, in Oklahoma City, Okla. (Getty Images file photo) By Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck Published April 19, 2020|Updated April 19, 2020 Pendleton native Timothy J. McVeigh set domestic terrorism on a new course 25 years ago when his truck bomb slaughtered 168 innocent people and injured 800 more in the Oklahoma City bombing. McVeigh said the 7,000-pound truck bomb he ignited in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, was an attack against the U.S. government. In reality, government ...

Brave New Normal
Post Date: 2020-04-16 08:17:40 by Ada
So the War on Populism is finally over. Go ahead, take a wild guess who won. I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the Russians, or the white supremacists, or the gilets jaunes, or Jeremy Corbyn’s Nazi Death Cult, or the misogynist Bernie Bros, or the MAGA-hat terrorists, or any of the other real or fictional “populist” forces that global capitalism has been waging war on for the last four years. What? You weren’t aware that global capitalism was fighting a War on Populism? That’s OK, most other folks weren’t. It wasn’t officially announced or anything. It was launched in the summer of 2016, just as the War on Terror was ending, as a sequel to the ...

All Roads Lead to Dark Winter (Part 1)
Post Date: 2020-04-07 22:24:08 by albatros
The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks. During the presidency of George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s, something disturbing unfolded at the U.S.’ top biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Specimens of highly contagious and deadly pathogens – anthrax and ebola among them – had disappeared from the lab, at a time when lab workers and rival ...

‘Collateral Murder’ 10 Years Later: Who Among You Forgets?
Post Date: 2020-04-07 07:16:26 by AdaC
It was the hope of traumatized veterans that we would learn from the Wikileaks video, but sadly the lessons seem lost. Ten years ago this week—April 5, 2010 in fact—Wikileaks published a 2007 video that depicts three consecutive strikes by two American Apache helicopters tearing into a group of people on the ground in Baghdad, Iraq. When the smoke cleared there were at least 12 people dead, including two Reuters journalists. Others were wounded, including two children who had been riding in a minivan that had pulled up to assist the victims. It is probably one of the eeriest visual depictions of U.S. empire in the 21st Century (aside from Lynndie England holding that leash): an ...

Democrats and Republicans Blaming Each Other for the Economic Collapse Won’t Continue After It Hits
Post Date: 2020-04-04 09:05:44 by Ada
This is the dumbest partisan blame game ever. They all went along with shutting down the entire country. This necessarily was going to pop the “everything bubble.” Anything after that is just deck chairs on the Titanic. Fox News: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told “Hannity” Friday that fewer American workers likely would have been affected by economic restrictions imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic had Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., not held up the passage of last week’s coronavirus aid bill. “I wondered when I saw … this week that six million more Americans lost their jobs, ‘How many of them could have kept ...

US Position in Iraq and Syria Continues to Deteriorate, It Will Eventually be Forced Out of Both Countries
Post Date: 2020-03-27 10:42:39 by Ada
The situation in northern Syria and Iraq has developed pretty much as expected. So far, the Turks have been unable to re-take full control of the M4 highway. As a result of that failure, the joint Russian-Turkish patrols have not been able to move along the full length of the highway as spelled out in the agreement between Russia and Turkey. Clearly, Turkey lacks either the will, or the capability, or both, to remove the Takfiri forces from the M4 highway. So far, the Russians and Syrians have very kindly agreed to wait a little longer, but the recent visit of Russian Defense Minister Shoigu to Damascus clearly shows that big decisions are being worked on: As for Iraq, the various Shia ...

Kurt Russell Drops Massive Truth Bomb About Gun Control
Post Date: 2020-03-26 19:59:39 by BTP Holdings
Kurt Russell Drops Massive Truth Bomb About Gun Control 'If you think gun control is going to change the terrorists’ point of view, I think you’re, like, out of your mind.' December 11, 2015 By The Federalist Staff In a recent interview for Hollywood Elsewhere, Kurt Russell shut down a reporter’s argument in favor of gun control. The conversation started out civil enough, focusing on Russell’s performance in the upcoming Quentin Tarantino film “The Hateful Eight,” but things took a turn when reporter Jeffery Wells described guns as a “metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need… [to] feel good about themselves.” “If you think ...

WHO Presentation on CV-19
Post Date: 2020-03-20 13:41:27 by Anthem
This presentation prompted me to think about SARS and MERS, which appeared in China in 2003 and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2011, respectively. While the US military budget is many multiples of the rest of the world, it has seemed puzzling to me that a huge population like China, or KSA's wealth and oil leverage, would give so much ground to the US, especially on the dollar as world currency. Why has it remained so strong for so long after it was clear that it was literally counterfeit? Then it occurred to me that the US military isn't just high tech ordnance, aircraft, and commandos; it is bioweapons too. It is very possible that SARS and MERS were warnings to keep China and ...

These sickening videos of Australian SAS troops murdering unarmed Afghan civilians are a disgrace to my country
Post Date: 2020-03-19 10:00:29 by Ada
Damian Wilsonis a UK journalist, ex-Fleet Street editor, financial industry consultant and political communications special advisor in the UK and EU. The graphic footage, filmed by body cameras worn by the elite troops and broadcast on national television, must lead to the soldiers being tried for murder. Australians always look forward to celebrating Anzac Day, but this year it will be different because a pall of shame has fallen over our armed forces thanks to a jaw-dropping TV expose aired this week that showed elite Aussie soldiers murdering Afghan civilians in cold blood when they were supposed to be protecting them from the Taliban. Read more Afghan peace deal shows cracks after ...

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