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GOP takes control of Long Island with Ed Romaines landslide victory in Suffolk County executive race
Post Date: 2023-11-08 08:44:42 by Horse
Republicans painted Long Island completely red Tuesday night with the party’s candidate Ed Romaine winning a landslide victory against Democrat David Calone to become Suffolk County executive. The GOP now occupies all the countywide seats in Nassau and Suffolk Counties — both county executive seats, the district attorney and comptroller’s offices, as well as all four congressional seats. Romaine sailed to victory with 56% of the vote, beating Calone by more than 26,000 votes. “This is a political earthquake,” said former US Sen. Al D’Amato. Longtime analysts of Long Island politics said they could recall only one brief period in the last 60 years when the ...

Republican David Owen Leads Online Porn Star Susanna Gibson
Post Date: 2023-11-08 08:17:22 by Horse
in Tight Race for Virginia House of Delegates Seat

30,000 Pounds Of Tyson "Fun Nuggets" Hit With Recall Over Metal Shards
Post Date: 2023-11-07 21:38:55 by Horse
"A limited number of consumers have reported they found small, pliable metal pieces..."

LIVE BLOG: 2023 central Indiana election results
Post Date: 2023-11-07 20:41:01 by Dakmar
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett (D)* 59% 65,623 Jefferson Scott Shreve (R) 41% 45,450 Poster Comment:Shit, this fucking city is doomed to third world status. Hogshitt is the worst mayor we've ever had.

The FBI has just unleashed a sinister new recruitment tactic that should scare every American…
Post Date: 2023-11-07 09:40:50 by Ada
If you think the FBI has a bias against conservatives, hold onto your hats. With their latest recruitment drive at LGBTQ pride events, it seems they’re ready to escalate their efforts. This latest move could amplify their targeting of Trump supporters, intensifying scrutiny and suspicion and placing a huge bullseye on every MAGA lover’s back. The agency, already facing allegations of orchestrating traps for right-wing individuals in incidents like the January 6 debacle and the Whitmer kidnapping plot, appears to be reinforcing their ranks with additional”left-wing enforcers.” The concern is that this could mark a significant step up in the federal surveillance and ...

Gov’t Informant Who Spied on Fast-and-Furious Reporter Turns up Dead
Post Date: 2023-11-07 09:33:57 by Ada
'White worked as an undercover informant for the Department of Justice and as a contractor operating out of the Baltimore Field Office under a group supervised by Rod Rosenstein...' (Ken Silva, Headline USA) An undercover informant who admitted to spying on CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson died before he could provide more information about the U.S. government’s nefarious activities for her lawsuit over the matter. Attkisson—who had her computers hacked by federal agents in retaliation for her numerous stories about the Obama-era Operation Fast and Furious scandal—revealed the death of the informant, Ryan White, on Monday. Attkisson sued White and numerous other ...

Does Any Member of the US Government Represent Americans?
Post Date: 2023-11-06 07:44:29 by Ada
US Representative Matt Gaetz has courage and principles, for the most part good ones. It was Gaetz who had the courage and leadership ability to get rid of Rino McCarthy as Speaker of the House. It is Gaetz who understands that hardly any member of Congress in either party represents Americans. Instead, they represent the military/security complex’s power and profits, the profits of the pharmaceutical companies, the profits of agri-business (ethanol for example), the profits of Wall Street, the profits of energy, timber, and mining, and so forth. And especially, the US Congress represents the artificial state of Israel and all of Israel’s agendas. Indeed, Matt Gaetz himself ...

Zillennial Marriages Sound Quite Complicated and Difficult
Post Date: 2023-11-05 00:21:56 by Horse

Berkshire Cash Pile Hits All-Time High $157 Billion, As Buffett Sells A Record $38BN In Stock In Past Year
Post Date: 2023-11-04 23:23:37 by Horse
“Cash deployment is definitely slowing. Ultimately Berkshire’s going to start feeling some pressure to put cash to work."

Gavin Newsom embarrassed as his presidential chances came crashing to a halt with this display
Post Date: 2023-11-04 20:55:46 by BTP Holdings
Gavin Newsom embarrassed as his presidential chances came crashing to a halt with this display November 2, 2023 Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, Democrats are wary of running Joe Biden again in 2024. California Governor Gavin Newsom has blatantly positioned himself as a pinch hitter for Biden. But Newsom was embarrassed as his presidential chances came crashing to a halt with this display. California Governor Gavin Newsom has desperately attempted to raise his profile nationally even though he has horribly managed his own state. Newsom picked a fight with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis while hundreds of thousands of ...

Target CEO Warns: Consumers Are "Tightening Up Their Spending," Buying Few Groceries And Toys
Post Date: 2023-11-03 17:22:25 by Horse
"They're purchasing fewer items, even within the food and beverage sector." Poster Comment:Prepare for hard landing.

Jeff Bezos Exits Left-Wing Seattle For New Home In 'Low Tax' Miami
Post Date: 2023-11-03 17:19:37 by Horse
"For all that, I'm planning to return to Miami, leaving the Pacific Northwest." Poster Comment:Big budget deficits ahead for Washington, surpluses for Florida.

U.S. Coast Guard Reduces Active Cutter Fleet Due to Personnel Shortage
Post Date: 2023-11-03 10:45:56 by Horse
The U.S Coast Guard is adapting to a workforce shortage by making operational adjustments, aiming to preserve its capacity to fulfill critical missions. The agency has 10 percent fewer enlisted personnel than needed, and it has acknowledged that it cannot continue to operate as before with fewer people. Rather than attempt to run all its vessels shorthanded, it will be idling some of its cutters and transferring crew to fully man the remaining active vessels. “We cannot do the same with less. Conducting our missions is often inherently dangerous, and doing so without enough crew puts our members and the American public at increased risk,” said Adm. Linda Fagan, U.S. Coast Guard ...

Poll: 24 Percent of Americans Say They Know Someone Who Died From the COVID Jab
Post Date: 2023-11-03 10:33:26 by Horse
Nearly a quarter of Americans say that they know someone who died from COVID-19 injection side effects, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Thursday. More men (51 percent) than women (44 percent) said someone they know personally died from side effects of the COVID shots. Political affiliation did not play a major role in the answers. A full 25 percent of Republicans said they knew someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 vax, compared to 24 percent of Democrats and unaffiliated voters who said they personally knew someone who died from COVID-19 jab side effects.

Black women have a higher murder perpetration rate than both white men and Asian men.
Post Date: 2023-11-03 10:20:47 by Ada
The US is the only nation in the world in which females from one major demographic group have a higher murder rate than males from another major demographic group. Click for Full Text!

Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie
Post Date: 2023-11-03 06:30:36 by Horse
in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence Democrats were up to their old tricks again on Monday. The Democrat Party’s radical far-left attorneys in Colorado delivered their opening statement to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state. During their opening remarks, the Trump-hating attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million supporters on January 6, 2021. They insist President Trump started a violent riot. But they refused to play video of his statement calling on his supporters to peacefully march to the US Capitol. But that’s not all. The prosecuting attorneys also lied about their ...

GROSS! Virginia Democrat Candidate Records Herself Peeing in Public
Post Date: 2023-11-03 06:21:37 by Horse
and Posts It Online (VIDEO) Poster Comment:probably make a better President than either Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton.

Japan's Doomed Premier Plans To "Fight" Inflation And Boost His Record Low Rating With $110BN In Stimmies And Cash Handouts
Post Date: 2023-11-03 01:21:21 by Horse
Taking the very first page out of that manual for morons known as MMT, this imbecile plans to fight inflation with... more inflation. Poster Comment:The US, the UK, the EU and Japan headed to disaster.

California's Budget Crisis: Tax Revenue Outlook Slashed After Stock Market Slump Dents State Revenues
Post Date: 2023-11-02 01:45:05 by Horse
California is in a bit of a pickle after tax revenues for October vastly underperformed estimates, Bloomberg reports. As of Oct. 25, just $18 billion had been collected for the month - significantly lower than the $42 billion that had been projected, according to an update by the state's Department of Finance late Friday. The shortfall is being attributed to the recent stock market slump and slowing wage growth, as the state's collections are highly dependent on capital gains and personal income tax revenue. Nearly half of California's tax collections come from residents in the top 1% of income earnings, Bloomberg further notes. It’s unclear how the budget outlook will ...

Estee Slaughter: Beauty Giant Implodes To 6 Year Low As Consumers Hit Brick Wall
Post Date: 2023-11-01 17:37:27 by Horse
Every day brings another spectacular consumer blow-up. How long until markets admit what is obvious - consumers are tapped out? Poster Comment:If pretty girls can't afford makeup, the economy is in the toilet for the men.

The Party's Over: Atlanta Fed Slashes Q4 GDP Estimate From 2.3% To 1.2%
Post Date: 2023-11-01 17:34:57 by Horse
Next stop: recession, rate cuts, more stimmies, and so on. Poster Comment:SEE CHART. $3 trillion deficit. GDP down. Real inflation rate is several times that GDP Growth so the economy is contracting.

Trucker perfectly dismantles electric vehicle narrative in 2 minutes:
Post Date: 2023-11-01 12:29:20 by Horse
'You would need to pack 50,000 pounds of batteries!' A truck driver in a viral video explained that poor infrastructure and inefficient, heavy electric batteries make it nearly impossible to switch semi-trucks and other large vehicles to fully electric. Chace Barber, trucker and founder of Edison Motors, appeared in a widely circulated video during an event showcasing his company's hybrid truck model. Barber has advocated for a push toward hybrid semi-trucks, as opposed to fully electric, which he said are a bad idea, the Independent Journal Review reported.

Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain
Post Date: 2023-11-01 12:20:59 by Horse
shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr Anthony Fauci's leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a 'SARS-like' virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018. The WIV1-coronavirus was shipped from the Wuhan lab the FBI believes caused the Covid pandemic and was tested on bats acquired from a 'roadside' Maryland zoo. The research - revealed this week by a campaign group - determined the novel virus ...

Halloween Candy Prices Spike 13%, More Than Double Inflation Of Other Groceries
Post Date: 2023-11-01 11:46:34 by Horse
Halloween candy prices saw double-digit inflation for the second year in a row, spiking a whopping 13% since October last year.

Congressional report announces end of IRS' 'field visits to harass' taxpayers
Post Date: 2023-10-31 22:20:33 by BTP Holdings
Congressional report announces end of IRS' 'field visits to harass' taxpayers October 28, 2023 by World Net Daily This story was originally published by the WND News Center. A new report from the GOP-majority House is delivering good news to Americans: The IRS no longer will be using "unannounced field visits to harass, intimidate, and target taxpayers." It's an Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government in the U.S. House that has released "Fighting the Weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service: The end of abusive unannounced field visits." The report reveals ...

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