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Military Now Saying Be Two Weeks Ready For A Disaster, Not Three Days
Post Date: 2023-09-14 10:39:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:We will need more than 2 weeks. We will need gardens.

RFK Jr. Exposes the Rule Change Dems Just Used to Rig the Primaries
Post Date: 2023-09-14 10:21:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:DNC hates Democrat voters.

Dove partners with BLM activist accused of wrongly getting white student expelled to promote fat liberation
Post Date: 2023-09-14 09:55:50 by Horse
Beauty giant Dove has partnered with a Black Lives Matter activist to promote “fat liberation,” after she was accused of wrongfully getting a white student expelled from her university over a “misheard” remark. Zyanha Bryant, a community organizer and student activist studying at the University of Virginia, made the announcement she was a “Dove ambassador” on her Instagram page at the end of August, as she spoke about her goal of ending the stigma of being overweight. “My belief is that we should be centering the voices and the experiences of the most marginalized people and communities at all times,” Bryant, 22, said in a video. “So when I ...

FLASHBACK 2019 - Biden Inc.
Post Date: 2023-09-14 09:43:15 by Horse
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one. In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present. After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on ...

Trump Goes On Off-Script Rant About Indictments, Biden's Mental Capacity At South Dakota Rally
Post Date: 2023-09-14 04:16:40 by BTP Holdings
(There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud or cheating in the 2020 election.) At his rally in Rapid City, South Dakota, former President Trump broke from his teleprompter and railed against his indictments, President Biden, the media, and more.

SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results
Post Date: 2023-09-13 20:26:57 by Horse
Overnight, a GP reader provided a contract with KNOWiNK in Oregon. The reader pointed out that the contract includes a clause that mandates that the system “shall allow the County Elections Staff to override results, if necessary”. The below snapshot is from page 143 of the Oregon contract with KNOWiNK included below: < Below is the entire contract:

U.S. Court of Appeals to Hear Kari Lakes Appeal on Use of Electronic Voting Machines After 2022 Machine Sabotage
Post Date: 2023-09-13 20:12:37 by Horse
Mark Finchem and Kari Lake’s lawsuit to prohibit the use of unsecured “black box” voting machines is being heard in the US Ninth District Court of Appeals this morning. The hearing is scheduled to begin shortly in the order of the docket. The lawsuit, which was rejected by a corrupt Obama Judge before the 2022 election, will be reconsidered after election day in Arizona, where 59% of machines failed Republican voters. In May, The Gateway Pundit reported on explosive findings by Kari Lake’s legal team, including that Maricopa County employees engaged in the secret and illegal reconfiguration and testing of voting machines and printers after they were certified and ...

The Mills of the Gods
Post Date: 2023-09-13 10:37:22 by Ada
“We didn’t love freedom enough.” — Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Do you think that more than half of the US public may be getting a little irked with “Joe Biden’s” lawfare elf, AG Merrick Garland, as he rolls one innocent J-6 protester after another into decades of hard-time for strolling through the US Capitol building — while the special counsels assigned to only a few of the Biden family crimes play hide- the-salami with due process? For all their cheap talk about “our democracy,” it’s a little scary to see what Democratic Party lawyers actually think of the legal system that is supposed to allow a society based on liberty to function ...

McCarthy Announces He Has Greenlit A Probe To Examine The Possibility Of Investigating Preliminary Meetings Into Whether Or Not They Should Begin To Consider The Future Likelihood Of Hypothetical Impeachment Hearings Sometime Later Down The Road
Post Date: 2023-09-13 09:45:34 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In what might be a stunning possibility of a development, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy finally announced he has greenlit a probe to determine whether or not there may be, at some point, the potential to investigate the possibility of considering having hypothetical meetings to maybe discuss having further discussions about perhaps thinking about launching impeachment proceedings against an alleged individual who may or may not be President Joe Biden at an undetermined date at some point in the future. "I can confirm that it is a solid possibility," McCarthy said when making the announcement. "There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we might do ...

Rural populations surpassed urban ones for the first time in 30 years
Post Date: 2023-09-13 09:40:08 by Ada
Á la the Jeopardy! game show, here’s “Public Infestations” for $200: These resilient pests swarm, devour and destroy, then move on to a new locale. Oh, you said “What are locusts?” I’m sorry, the correct answer was “What are Democrats?” Yesterday, Bloomberg published a report highlighting new details (and therefore additional fallout), of the years-long drastic population shifts from blue hellscapes to red havens; from the article: Rural America is booming, but the population growth that’s boosting local economies is also putting a strain on everything from schools to housing and roads. The influx — which started during the ...

Post Date: 2023-09-13 08:37:13 by Horse
Reporter Owen Shroyer Sentenced to 60 DAYS IN PRISON for Speech Crimes! DOJ Says Shroyer Helped Create January 6 Through his Speech! BREAKING: Infowars reporter and War Room host Owen Shroyer was sentenced to 60 DAYS IN PRISON – Owen stood outside the Capitol and warned Trump supporters not to go inside the US Capitol. Owen also frequently spoke out against the stolen 2020 election. DOJ prosecutors sought prison time against Owen for this speech crime! For this he was sentenced to 60 DAYS IN PRISON!

Infowars Host Gets 60 Days Prison for Exercising Free Speech Supporting J6 Protesters
Post Date: 2023-09-13 08:27:05 by BTP Holdings
Infowars Host Gets 60 Days Prison for Exercising Free Speech Supporting J6 Protesters 'The Biden regime is making it clear: 'Challenge us in any way and we will throw you in prison' ... ' Posted by Mark Pellin September 12, 2023 (Mark Pellin, Headline USA) U.S. District Judge Tim Kelly continued his reign of terror in sentencing J6 patriots when he slapped an Infowars host to 60 days in jail for exercising his First Amendment rights. Despite not entering the Capitol when a largely peaceful protest devolved into a short-lived riot, Kelly on Tuesday sentenced Owen Shroyer to two months in jail for addressing the crowd of protestors outside the Capitol. Shroyer was not ...

Biden DHS Gives Anti-Terrorism Grant to LGBTQ Group That Targets Kids
Post Date: 2023-09-13 08:22:45 by Horse
The Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gave a $530,000 anti-terrorism grant to a far-left LGBTQ group that targets schoolchildren as young as six with gender ideology. The grant was part of the DHS’ Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program, which aims to provide “funding for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, nonprofits… and institutions of higher education with funds to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.” Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) describes itself on its website as an organization that “supports and empowers LGBTQ youth ages ...

More baby boomers are falling into HOMELESSNESS
Post Date: 2023-09-13 08:14:12 by Horse
thanks to death of spouse, expensive medical emergency or soaring rents - and many are too frail to climb bunk beds in shelters Baby boomers are finding themselves homeless in ever-increasing numbers, according to a new report, with rising rent prices and soaring medical bills forcing seniors from their homes and onto the streets. Analysts at the Department of Housing and Urban Development told The Wall Street Journal the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population is people aged over 65. For the first time this year, the agency will reveal the number people of over 65 in their annual count of the homeless, which is released in late December. Hot spots for senior homelessness ...

Burbank Mayor Spanked In Public By Dragqueen - Social Engineers Normalizing Public Kink Displays
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:52:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:I would pay to see American Drag Queens try that on the mayor of Vladivostok!!

DANGEROUS Levels Of CARCINOGENIC TOXINS Detected In East Palestine, Ohio Soil: Report
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:35:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:The Dioxin levels at East Palestine Ohio are same as Times Beach Mo. The latter was evacuated but not the former. Biden has not signed an emergency declaration.

Elderly couple gets eviction notice after making payments on a home for 2 decades;
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:28:06 by Horse
they say their son transferred ownership without telling them The plight of Ismael and Angelita Ramirez was spread by videos on TikTok after they got the eviction notice in April for their house in Fresno. "Every month, we were paying $700 a month," said Ismael Ramirez in Spanish to KMPH-TV. He said that they purchased the home in 2003 but that their son assured them they didn't need to be on the title and that he would take care of it. "He told us, they told him, it wasn't necessary. And well, since we don't know English, that's where they lied to us," the dad continued. After being served the notice, they discovered that the son had transferred ...

JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:21:41 by Ada
On Saturday, the New York Times surprised many people, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. among them, with a lengthy article questioning the “single bullet theory” in the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The man who got the Times’ attention is Paul Landis, a long-retired Secret Service agent who stood on the running board of Kennedy’s car that fateful day. What is odd about that attention is how little new information Landis adds to the conversation. As Landis claims in the forthcoming book, The Final Witness, he originally misremembered where he first saw the pristine “magic bullet,” the cornerstone of the Warren Commission’s lone gunmen ...

Air Force to fall nearly 150 pilots short of annual training goal
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:08:36 by Horse
The Air Force will fall short of its fiscal 2023 pilot training goal by about 120 airmen, missing its annual target of around 1,500 new aviators for the eighth consecutive year, the service confirmed Sept. 8. A slew of maintenance woes, staffing issues and other unexpected setbacks led the Air Force to pin wings on around 1,350 airmen rather than its aspirational goal of 1,470. The shortfall makes it more difficult for the service to fill a pilot shortage of around 2,000 people that has persisted for years. “We’re going to try to make sure we are still flying because that’s what we do as an Air Force,” Maj. Gen. Clark Quinn, the two-star general in charge of pilot ...

VA Dem candidate forgets how internet works, upset by leaks of performing sex acts in live videos for money
Post Date: 2023-09-12 09:04:46 by Horse
Suddenly Susanna Gibson, a Democrat candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, is getting shy and claiming she is the victim of a sex crime after screenshots of her extracurricular activities went public. Gibson and her husband often participated in live videos posted on a pornographic website “and asked viewers to pay them money in return for carrying out specific sex acts” reports the Associated Press (AP). “It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me,” said Gibson, who is running in a high-stakes legislative contest in a district just outside of Richmond, Virginia. “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re ...

As if nothing was planned! CDC set to purchase 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines; Pre-ordered in June
Post Date: 2023-09-11 11:55:40 by Horse
predicting a surge in September; COVID-19 tests too The CDC is set to purchase 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines worth over $1.8 billion. CDC set to purchase 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for September 2023 According to the document below, the order was preemptively organized in June predicting a “surge” in September. The new vaxx doses were pre-ordered in June predicting a surge in September Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.

Rob Reiner: Democracy Can Only Survive if Trump Is Convicted and No Third-Party Candidates Allowed
Post Date: 2023-09-11 11:50:09 by Horse
In one of his most ironic proclamations to date, Rob Reiner declared that “democracy” can only survive if former President Donald Trump is imprisoned and all third-party candidates are prohibited from running. Rob Reiner — who is one of Hollywood’s biggest cheerleaders for Joe Biden — made his absurd statement in a recent post to X, formerly known as Twitter. Some prominent commentators have noted that Reiner’s call to prohibit all opposition candidates is fundamentally anti-democratic and would only serve to benefit Biden. Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Reiner’s statement shows how Democrats define “democracy” — by ...

Childcare Now Costs $1,031 More Than Public College Tuition, On Average, In The United States
Post Date: 2023-09-11 01:09:33 by Horse
The next time someone asks whether or not you think Joe Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" is working, you can share with them a new research report showing that childcare is becoming more expensive than in-state college tuition in 28 out of 50 states. In fact, on average in the United States, childcare now costs $1,031 more than public college tuition, according to a new report from NetCredit. The report "researched the average annual fees paid for public and private college tuition and the average cost of childcare in each U.S. state" and then "calculated the difference in yearly fees paid for childcare and in-state college tuition". As part of their ...

IT'S HERE... "I'm Predicting The Biggest Crash, 2023!!!" | Robert Kiyosaki's WARNING
Post Date: 2023-09-10 21:57:46 by Horse

Who's Better At Generating Innovative Ideas, ChatGPT Or MBA Students?
Post Date: 2023-09-10 21:25:32 by Horse
Professors at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania put that question to the test. ChatGPT easily won. Poster Comment:Creativity is grounded out of students by the educrats.

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