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Atheist Richard Dawkins is banned from US radio station over 'hurtful' comments about Muslims, but he responds: 'Why is it fine to criticize Christianity but not Islam?'
Post Date: 2017-07-25 21:04:41 by Ada
British scientist had been due to talk at California event about his new book The event was cancelled by radio station KPFA, which cited 'hurtful' remarks about Islam In 2013 Dawkins branded Islam 'the greatest force for evil in the world' in tweet The writer has hit back, claiming Islam gets a 'free pass' from criticizm Richard Dawkins, a renowned atheist, had been due to speak at an event hosted by Berkeley-based station KPFA A row over free speech has broken out between scientist Richard Dawkins and a California radio station after a planned speech was cancelled. The British biologist, a renowned atheist, had been due to speak at an event hosted by ...

Moral Corrosion of Drone Warfare
Post Date: 2017-07-17 07:00:18 by Ada
Required by court order to appear before a judge in Syracuse, New York, on July 12, some out-of-towners had already arrived there when the court granted the prosecution’s last-minute request for more time to prepare its case against us, the Jerry Berrigan Brigade, for our nonviolent witness against drone warfare on Jan. 28, 2016. A trial date is likely to be set in a month or two, or perhaps three (so much for our Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial). Back in January 2016, we stood behind 30 larger-than-life-sized wooden silhouettes of Syracuse peacemaker Jerry Berrigan, who died at age 95 on July 26, 2015. A widely loved and respected educator, Jerry – like his brothers ...

Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words
Post Date: 2017-07-12 01:09:00 by X-15

In controversial ceremony, 3 women pledge lifelong virginity and become ‘brides of Christ’
Post Date: 2017-07-11 17:28:22 by Ada
On a Sunday in late June, standing before the altar in a Catholic church and cloaked in wedding finery, three Michigan women pledged — in the words of Catholic canon law — to be “mystically betrothed to Christ.” Unlike nuns who take a vow of virginity before joining religious orders and then eschew the routines of normal life, Laurie Malashanko, Theresa Jordan and Karen Ervin, will continue working independently but will be dedicated to serving the Catholic Church as “brides of Christ.” The practice of consecrating virgins dates to the earliest days of the Catholic Church but died out in the early 12th century when convents, then considered to be safer ...

The Saudis Are Bombing Their Own People And Nobody’s Talking About it
Post Date: 2017-07-10 09:36:09 by Ada
Qatif (GPA) – For the past 60 days, the Saudis have imposed a devastating siege on the Shiite town of Awamiya. And of course, mainstream western media remains silent. These photos aren’t from Yemen, they’re from the Saudi Arabian eastern town of Awamiya. Where Saudi forces are waging war against an oppressed shia minority. Saudi Arabia adheres to the extreme fundamentalist and intolerant sect of Wahhabism. Making it the country’s religious majority. This ideology is also enforced through state tactics. Which make it illegal to publicly carry out any religious practice or teaching that conflicts with Wahhabism. Even other Muslims (especially Shiites) are considered ...

The Silk Roads of Faith
Post Date: 2017-07-10 09:00:38 by Ada
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World, by Peter Frankopan. Frankopan begins his journey not with trade in goods but trade in faith. Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity (of more than one flavor), and eventually Islam (of more than one flavor) all come into play in this journey, and not always in a peaceful way. As early as the third century B.C, Buddhist principles could be found as far to the east as Syria, with a Jewish sect in Alexandria, Egypt known as Therapeutai bearing unmistakable similarities to Buddhism. In central Asia, forty Buddhist monasteries ringed Kabul. Noted a visitor: “The pavement was made of onyx, the walls of ...

Canada awards Obama-released Gitmo terrorist $10.5M
Post Date: 2017-07-08 10:25:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A Canadian Christian educator and pro-family activist asserts that it is insane that Canada's Leftist government has awarded $10.5 million to an Islamic terrorist who murdered a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan.   Omar Khadr admitted to tossing a grenade that killed Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer and partially blinded another soldier during a firefight in Afghanistan in July 2002.Khadr was held at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, but former President Barack Obama decided to release him to Canada, where he had citizenship.“This is the insanity of the Left, where they somehow love the terrorists,” the head of CCC insisted. “They love their death ...

Post Date: 2017-07-06 13:22:26 by Ada
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of the Communist Party if you do works for the communist party lest any man should boast. Stalingrad: The City That Defeated the Third Reich, by Jochen Hellbeck. Before continuing with other aspects of this battle I will take a diversion: a look at the language of salvation through the Communist Party; salvation that differed totally from that offered by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Revolution was a catastrophic event for the Church. I only offer superficial (i.e. Wikipedia) background. The final decades of tsarist rule saw an upswing in those who sought a return to the Church and the Christian ...

Is America Still a Nation?
Post Date: 2017-07-05 08:00:39 by Ada
In the first line of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson speaks of “one people.” The Constitution, agreed upon by the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1789, begins, “We the people…” And who were these “people”? In Federalist No. 2, John Jay writes of them as “one united people … descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs…” If such are the elements of nationhood and peoplehood, can we still speak of Americans as one nation and one people? We no longer have the ...

Pope Francis’ Dark Past As Agent of U.S.-Backed Argentine Military Junta
Post Date: 2017-07-02 18:12:45 by Ada
Murder, torture and “disappearances” were commonplace under the military dictatorship that gripped Argentina in the 1970s. Pope Francis, despite being hailed as a “progressive” figure today, was supportive of the Argentine junta, even aiding in some of the atrocities it carried out. Pope Francis meets ambassadors to the Holy See, at the Vatican, Monday, Jan. 13, 2014. Pope Francis on Monday criticized abortion as evidence of a "throwaway culture" that wastes people as well as food, saying such a mentality is a threat to world peace. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, Pool) Pope Francis (AP/Andrew Medichini) BUENOS AIRES– Among the world’s most prominent ...

Heart of Bible Belt - Oklahoma Campus chapel may be force-scrubbed of Christian objects by out-of-towners
Post Date: 2017-07-02 06:29:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Oklahoma Campus chapel may be of Christian objects Much like Islamic radicals, atheists and secularists want to erase Christianity from the public marketplace. And they are waging their cultural jihad not with bombs – but with lawsuits. This time the target is a college in – where else? – the Bible Belt.East Central University said they will remove crosses, Bibles and other religious symbols from a campus chapel to appease a bunch of out-of-town agitators.It's unclear when the Oklahoma school will commence with the Christian cleansing of the Kathryn P. Boswell Memorial Chapel. The chapel opened in 1957."We will continue to use the building as we always have, for all ...

My Brother, My Enemy
Post Date: 2017-06-30 13:27:16 by Ada
Brothers are supposed to be allies; they are supposed to be friends. This is true for spiritual brothers as well as for biological brothers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes, brothers become enemies. Think about it: in our War for Independence, brother fought against brother. How many Christians sided with the British Crown and raised arm and bayonet against their brothers in Christ who stood for American liberty and independence? How many Christians were among the British troops who participated in the Boston Massacre? How many Christians were among the British troops who participated in the raid on Lexington and Concord? How many Christians were among ...

American Speaker Arrested in Canada for Smuggling “Hate Speech” on His iPad
Post Date: 2017-06-29 06:23:05 by Horse
Wild Bill for America, also known as William Finlay, a popular author and speaker, was arrested today, June 24, 2017, at a Canadian airport for “smuggling hate speech” on his iPad. He was invited to speak at an event at Calgary’s Olympic Plaza called the “Patriotic Unity Mega Festival” coordinated by Cananda’s Worldwide Coaliation Against Islam (WCAI) which also has organizations in Europe and Australia. A special event permit for the event was denied by Calgary’s Department of Canadian Recreation, according to an article by CBC News, “on the basis that your organization, and messages it espouses, are hateful.” But event spokesman, Jeremy ...

For the first time in two decades the White House will not celebrate an Islam on its grounds.
Post Date: 2017-06-24 21:18:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Trump Ends Long Tradition of Celebrating Ramadan in White House Jim Hoft Jun 24th, 2017 6:51 pm Leave a Comment Barack Obama, whose father was Muslim, enjoyed celebrating his Iftar dinner each year. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1493995449995-0'); }); President Trump just ended a longtime White House tradition and skipped the Ramadan celebration this year. For the first time in two decades the White House will not celebrate an Iftar Dinner on its grounds. Allahu Akbar.The Washington Post reported: Ramadan, which falls on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, started on May 27 this year and ends at sundown Saturday. Muslims ...

Law in a Stateless Society
Post Date: 2017-06-15 09:28:52 by Ada
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. . – Frederic Bastiat . A seemingly well-planned and directed campaign against Sharia Law has been taking place in a number of American cities. While the obvious purpose of this effort has been to drum up support for anything anti-Muslim, it does raise some interesting inquiries. In asking “what is Sharia Law, and who would be bound by it?”, much deeper political questions are implicated. An initial question to be asked is “what is law?” A superficial answer is that it is rules set by government that the state will ...

So, Your Daughter Joined the Military
Post Date: 2017-06-13 17:02:41 by Ada
The only thing worse than a Christian young man joining today’s military is a Christian young woman joining today’s military. I recently heard through the grapevine that the daughter of a former student of mine joined the military. Either the Navy or the Air Force, I forget which branch. My guess is that she is about 20 years old. This is horrible. A Christian young woman has no business being in the military. Let me briefly state ten reasons why. > Before I do, let me preface my remarks by saying that many of the reasons why a Christian young woman has no business being in the military are the same reasons why a Christian young man has no business being in the military. ...

Sanders: Direct Attack on Christian Faith
Post Date: 2017-06-13 07:05:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Sanders: Direct Attack on Christian Faith Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) uses a bullhorn to speak to supporters gathered outside a... September 04, 2015 05:10pm EDTJune 12, 2017Will political candidates have to hide their faith now? If Vermont Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders has his way that could be so. Sanders seemed to apply a religious test to White House Deputy Budget Director nominee Russell Vought, lambasting Vought’s Christian beliefs in relation to Islam and declaring that he would oppose Vought on those grounds.The Daily Caller reports that Sen. Bernie Sanders based his criticisms on an article Vought wrote in ...

America refuses to roll over for Islam like Europe
Post Date: 2017-06-08 06:52:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Thursday, June 8, 2017 | Chris Woodward'March Against Sharia' coming (maybe) to a city near youThe bottom line, Gabriel said, is that America refuses to roll over like Europe."We're sending a very strong message to our enemies," she said, "that you better be on your toes because we're coming after you and we're going to resist you."

"Kill them all" says Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins about radical Islamist
Post Date: 2017-06-06 16:26:50 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"Kill them all" says Rep. Clay Higgins about radical Islamist in a social media post that is gaining much attention. The Republican congressman from Louisiana posted Sunday on Facebook that “all of Christendom” is at war with “Islamic horror” and all “radicalized Islamic suspects” should be hunted and killed.Star-Telegram reports that United States Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., posted following a terror attack in London over the weekend that left at least six people dead. Higgins, is reportedly known as the “Cajun John Wayne”. He was elected in a December runoff between two Republicans with 56 percent of the vote and represents ...

ISLAMOPHOBIC? Saudi Arabia Bans Muslim Immigration from Qatar
Post Date: 2017-06-05 07:54:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Four Islamophobic nations – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Bahrain – have banned immigration from Qatar because of security risks. Aljazeera reported: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain say they are severing diplomatic relations with Qatar. The Saudi kingdom said it was cutting ties to its neighbour and has pulled all Qatari troops from the ongoing war in Yemen. The kingdom made the announcement via its state-run Saudi Press Agency early on Monday, saying it was taking the action for what it called the protection of national security. The three Gulf states gave Qatari visitors and residents two weeks to leave their countries. Saudi also closed the border ...

Beyond ‘Blowback’: Islam and Terror
Post Date: 2017-06-05 07:25:43 by Ada
The latest attack in London – the third to hit Britain within seventy-five days – is once again provoking a debate about the relationship between Islam and terrorism. On one side we have those who say Islam is inherently violent, and is incompatible with the basic canons of Western civilization. On the other side, we have liberals who say that this is a libel on an entire religion, and that advocates of religious violence are a distinct minority within the Muslim faith. These two views have distinct policy implications: the former would impose what amounts to a Muslim ban on travel to Western countries, and would furthermore mandate State surveillance of mosques and other ...

'Muslim Mafia' CAIR fully exposed - Fight against jihad now … or later
Post Date: 2017-06-05 07:03:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Out of his patriotic desire to counter militant Islamic groups’ threat to America’s national security, Chris Gaubatz served the United States in an unusual way – he infiltrated the “Muslim Mafia.”“He prayed alongside well-known Muslim Brotherhood figures, including the leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR,” WND reported. “But his objective was not worship … in fact, he was not even a Muslim. Chris Gaubatz grew a beard, went through a ‘conversion’ ceremony at a notorious Northern Virginia mosque and became an intern for CAIR – ultimately gathering first-hand documentation of the group’s subversive aims ...

Post Date: 2017-06-04 07:14:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
LONDON MUSLIM MAYOR SADIQ KHAN Responds on Ramadan Terrorist Attacks — REFUSES TO SAY ISLAM (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Jun 4th, 2017 1:33 am Leave a Comment The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, tweeted his official statement regarding the multiple instances of terrorism this evening at Borough Market, London Bridge, and Vauxhall.  googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1493995449995-0'); }); As TGP reported earlier–THERE WAS A SERIES OF TERRORIST ATTACKS TONIGHT IN LONDON. LONDON BRIDGE — VAUXHALL — AND BOROUGH MARKET The Londoners had to THROW CHAIRS at the Islamists because the UNARMED POLICE RAN AWAY!! Below is how the Mayor of London ...

Justin Trudeau Expected To Ask Pope For Formal Apology Over Residential Schools
Post Date: 2017-05-30 06:41:01 by BTP Holdings
Justin Trudeau Expected To Ask Pope For Formal Apology Over Residential Schools CP  |  By Joanna Smith, The Canadian Press Posted: 05/19/2017 2:24 pm EDT Updated: 05/19/2017 4:37 pm EDT OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to ask Pope Francis for a formal apology for the role of the Catholic Church in the residential school system when the two meet during a private audience later this month. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission included the demand for a papal apology — to survivors, their families and communities — among the 94 recommendations in its report on the dark history and legacy of residential schools. Trudeau, who has promised to act ...

Would Jesus Celebrate Memorial Day?
Post Date: 2017-05-29 09:58:22 by Ada
Memorial Day, as we all know, is not just the official beginning of the summer vacation season. It is a federal holiday that commemorates U.S. soldiers who died in military service for their country. Although it was first observed in honor of Union soldiers who died during the War to Prevent Southern Independence, after World War I, Memorial Day was expanded to include soldiers who died in vain and for a lie in any unnecessary U.S. war. Since the beginning of the senseless and immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Memorial Day has degenerated into a holiday to honor all things military. It ought to be called Military Appreciation Day No. 1. Just like the Fourth of July ought to be called ...

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