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Don’t Bother Waiting for Obama to Cry about What This Muslim Did to an Israeli Christian
Post Date: 2016-02-29 19:56:54 by BTP Holdings
Don’t Bother Waiting for Obama to Cry about What This Muslim Did to an Israeli Christian President Obama stood before the nation, fighting back tears, and calling for increased gun control in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shootings committed by a radicalized Muslim couple. Will Obama have anything to say about this recent Muslim attack in an Ohio restaurant? Police have shot and killed a man who allegedly attacked patrons of a Columbus, Ohio, restaurant Thursday night, wounding several people. One of the victims is in critical condition, according to reports. The suspected attacker is a Somali national named Mohammad Barry, CBS reports. There are also reports that Barry was ...

What This Sheriff Added To His Patrol Cars Is REALLY Angering Liberals!!!
Post Date: 2016-02-28 20:16:02 by BTP Holdings
What This Sheriff Added To His Patrol Cars Is REALLY Angering Liberals!!! A Sheriff in Virginia is really making liberals’ heads implode with anger over what he’s placing on his patrol cars!! Watch below: Here’s more on the story from CBN News: The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions. Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs posed for a photo on the York County’s Facebook page showing the new decal on a sheriff’s vehicle. In the post, Diggs says his goal is not to offend anyone, but rather to honor God. He said ...

"Obama Is Your Last President" Says Russian President
Post Date: 2016-02-27 18:32:55 by BTP Holdings
Our Own Government And Secret Church Leaders Are Engaged In A Massive Cover-Up… Little do you know that Obama and the leaders of our church have a secret sinister pact… To hide from the public the most terrible warning encrypted inside our Holy Bible, The only prophecy that has remained obscured under thick veils to this day. Because according to the final chapters of the Bible - Obama will not finish his second term... He is the 44th and last President of the US. And our country and every American citizen are about to face their greatest bedevilment… From an enemy fiercer and more powerful than ISIS, al Qaeda, North Korea and Iran combined. Right now, only a handful ...

1 2 3
Post Date: 2016-02-27 11:48:39 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Three Dimensions of Belief - Part 1 of 2 Three Dimensions of Belief - Part 1 of 2 from Brian on Vimeo. Three Dimensions of Belief - Part 2 of 2 Three Dimensions of Belief - Part 2 of 2 from Brian on Vimeo.

Kerry Having ‘Additional Evaluation’ Done to Decide if Slaughter of Mideast Christians is Genocide
Post Date: 2016-02-25 09:04:32 by Ada
( - Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of State and Foreign Assistance today that he is having an “additional evaluation” done to help him determine whether the systematic murder of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East —at the hands of the Islamic State and others—should be declared “genocide.” “I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed forward from there,” Kerry said. Kerry was responding to a question put to him by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R.-Neb.), who is the sponsor of a resolution that would declare on ...

Is Pope Francis the Antichrist?
Post Date: 2016-02-23 18:18:22 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Is Pope Francis the Antichrist? By Michael Hoffman The “who am I to judge?” pontiff issues a judgment on Donald Trump:  “Not a Christian”We’ve got a history lesson for “His Holiness” —  Christianity from Britain to Italy was repeatedly saved and preserved through victories in border wars and by erecting walls and forts.  Mr. Trump is right about illegal immigration: we need a wall to defend our land.  If the pontiff is going to start issuing certificates of excommunication he ought to begin by cleaning his own papal house: I. Starting with the bishops and ...

Should Adultery and Fornication Be Criminal Offenses?
Post Date: 2016-02-23 08:32:00 by Ada
Like most Islamic states, some states in America use criminal penalties to police the morality of their citizens. A recent attempt in Virginia to decriminalize adultery by reducing it from a criminal issue to a civil one has failed. According to the Code of Virginia, Title 18.2, “Crimes and Offenses Generally,” Chapter 8, “Crimes Involving Morals And Decency,” §18.2-365, “Adultery defined; penalty”: Any person, being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any person not his or her spouse shall be guilty of adultery, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor. A Class 4 misdemeanor is the lowest-level criminal offense in Virginia, and has a ...

Who is the pope to judge?
Post Date: 2016-02-19 23:25:46 by titorite
So I was reading the other day and I read that the pope francis was condemning Trump as a non Christian. and even though I don't like trumps attitudes or politics or character .....He claims Christianity... so he is. And that's that. It is not on us to judge. That is on the one... and the pope is not the one. For me I don't believe their is any such thing as a false Christian. As a Christian the first thing to admit to is being a failure. A fuck up. A sight fallen short from the glory and order of god... Hence the intrinsic need for a savior. Now some folks may carry on better than other...truth be told my worst fear is being luke warm. I think too many are luke warm and It ...

Post Date: 2016-02-18 13:38:25 by Ada
– “Pope Will Wish I Was President If ISIS Attacks Vatican” (VIDEO) WOW! Pope Francis said Donald Trump was not “Christian” for wanting to build a wall on the US border… Trump responded. Pope Francis said Trump was not Christian for building walls and not bridges. pope trump response Trump got the news before his rally today in South Carolina. Today Trump responded — “The pope will wish he was president if ISIS attacks the Vatican.” From Trump’s rally this morning in South Carolina: Here is Donald Trump’s Full response to the Pope. trump response to pope DONALD J. TRUMP RESPONSE TO THE POPE If and when the Vatican is ...

Antonin Scalia, Christian
Post Date: 2016-02-17 08:13:00 by Ada
What a terrific comment from reader William Dalton: More on the topic of profound Christianity of Antonin Scalia. It really was remarkable for a man of such prominence in secular America today. A friend of mine preached at the funeral of Justice Lewis Powell in Richmond in 1998. In attendance were all the members of the Supreme Court, as well as many other dignitaries. Today he posted a letter he received after conducting that service. It was from Justice Scalia. This is it: Supreme Court of the United States Washington, D. C. 20543 CHAMBERS OF JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA September 1, 1998 Dr. James C. Goodloe Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church 1627 Monument Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23220 ...

The Importance of Sobran
Post Date: 2016-02-16 08:23:25 by Ada
Book review of Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society, a selection of Joseph Sobran’s writing edited by Fran Griffin and Tom Bethell. This book, a posthumous sampling of Joseph Sobran’s writing, was assembled by close friends and associates Fran Griffin and Tom Bethell and is a must-read for all the readers of Lew Rockwell’s fine website. To my mind, Sobran ranks along with Russell Kirk (I had the privilege of knowing them both fairly well) as one of the most important truly conservative (in every way) writers of the last century. Joe Sobran had a Renaissance mind along with a moral sense, a genial wit, and a seemingly effortless flow of felicitous ...

Pope celebrates indigenous in Chiapas as Catholics dwindle
Post Date: 2016-02-16 05:36:08 by NeoconsNailed
(This is a great further dynamiting of the notion that all invaders from Latin America are good Catholics ready to hop into a pew and start singing On Eagles Wings. Stastically, many drop whatever religion they had on moving to this great Babylonish travesty of nationhood, and lots were never Christian. It's good to see church is mostly a female affair for these heathens too -- they'll fit right in! NN :-) SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico (AP) -- Pope Francis is celebrating Mexico's Indians on Monday with a visit to heavily indigenous Chiapas state, where he will preside over a Mass in three native languages thanks to a new Vatican decree approving their use in liturgy. ...

God and Zionist Politics in Post-Christian America
Post Date: 2016-02-11 16:38:36 by Ada
Has America Become the Second Jewish State? Love has its place, as does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge. —-Meir Kahane Recently a lawsuit seeking to have the words “In God We Trust” removed from US currency was filed in a federal court in Ohio. The suit was brought on behalf of 49 plaintiffs, only some of whom are named, with the rest listed anonymously. Referring to God using the designation “G-d,” the 112-page complaint–which can be accessed here–was filed by attorney Michael Newdow, who as you might guess is Jewish (or was born, at any rate, into a “nominally Jewish family,” as ...

Stolen Lives, Protected Criminals: The Wrongful Imprisonment of Christopher Tapp
Post Date: 2016-02-06 12:06:45 by Ada
There are abundant reasons to be grateful that we do not live under the Old Testament “lex talonis” legal covenant, and one compelling reason to lament that this is so: Under the system of justice described in the Book of Deuteronomy, a lying police officer and corrupt prosecutor who falsely convicted an innocent man would be required to suffer the punishment intended for their victim. Under that legal principle, former Idaho Falls Police Detective Jared Fuhriman and former Bonneville County District Attorney Kip Manwaring would be serving a sentence of 30 years to life for the wrongful murder conviction of Christopher Conley Tapp. Angie Dodge was murdered in her Idaho Falls ...

Vatican Announces Today Pope Francis Will Attend 500th Anniv Of Protestant Reformation Ceremony
Post Date: 2016-02-05 11:02:56 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Vatican Announces Today Pope Francis Will Attend 500th Anniv Of Protestant Reformation Ceremony Pope Francis will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by attending an ecumenical service in Sweden as a guest of the Lutheran church, the Vatican said Monday. In a gesture that would even recently have been unthinkable for a Catholic pontiff, Francis will visit the Swedish city of Lund on October 31 for a commemoration jointly organised by his own inter-faith agency and the Lutheran World Federation. by Geoffrey Grider January 25, 2016 500 years after the Protestant Reformation, Pope Francis knocks on Lutherans’ door looking for converts“And I heard another voice ...

Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift
Post Date: 2016-02-05 08:42:37 by Ada
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, is to meet his Roman Catholic counterpart, Pope Francis, during a historic visit to Latin America. The groundbreaking meeting is to happen in mid-February in Cuba. The meeting between heads the two major Christian churches would be an unprecedented move to mend a millennium-long rift between the Western and Eastern branches of the religion, which started with the Great Schism of 1054. Persecution of Christians in the modern world is the main issue for the two leaders to discuss, the Russian Orthodox Church said. Christians are among the minorities suffering at the hands of groups adhering to radical Islamist ideology in places ...

It's Midnight, America, Do You Know Your Kids are Dying?
Post Date: 2016-02-03 08:20:52 by Ada
I was asked this morning if I watched the Iowa Caucus, whatever dog-and-pony show that was in our political process. I replied, no, because I have not had a television for over twenty years. I evicted it for non-payment of reality and worth. I haven’t missed it. People say, “How do you know what’s going on??!!” Easy. I say, well, I’m guessing we’re at war somewhere, there’s been some natural disaster someplace else, some horrific crime in some state, politicians in some scandal, and products advertised you can easily make yourself. Am I right. “Uh… well…yeah…”, they reply. In the time they’ve watched two television shows, ...

Christian Couple Fined & “Reeducated” Because They Refused to Do This on Their Farm
Post Date: 2016-02-01 04:38:03 by BTP Holdings
Christian Couple Fined & “Reeducated” Because They Refused to Do This on Their Farm Suppose you and your wife own a farm… You also practice a strong Christian faith. You believe marriage is between a man and a woman. You hold nothing against gay people, but you feel the sanctity of marriage is worthy of preserving. After all, you dedicated your way of life to it. So when you’re approached to hold a gay wedding on your farm, you say “no”, here’s how the liberal courts will attempt to punish and re-educate you about your faith: A court has ruled against a husband and wife who own a farm in central New York, upholding a $13,000 fine that was ...

The Video These High Schoolers Made about Prayer Is Upsetting Millions
Post Date: 2016-01-24 20:14:12 by BTP Holdings
The Video These High Schoolers Made about Prayer Is Upsetting Millions There’s a war going on right now, a war between a worldly and ungodly secularists and God-fearing Christians. Nowhere is that war more obvious than in overt prayer shaming by liberals and nowhere is this more obvious than in our nation’s public schools and public places. This is exactly why a group of Catholic High School students wanted to make a video defending their first amendment rights to practice the freedom of religion. In this video they call for an end to the injustice and ask people not to shame anyone any longer for prayer. Check out this heart-warming video millions of prayer hating liberals ...

Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up
Post Date: 2016-01-24 19:47:08 by BTP Holdings
Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up To hide form the public the most terrible warning hidden in the last chapters in the Holy Bible This ancient prophecy is coded within the visions of 4 men Chosen to give a very precise and terrifying warning of things to come in the end times... One single event so devastating it could wipe out 293 million Americans An event that will happen before the 1st of January 2017... And you are about to discover the chilling evidence of the prophecy coming true Step by step... But first you need to know just who I am for making such shocking statements...My name is Nathan Shepard I have been a fervent Christian ever since I was a ...

ISIS Cuts Fighters' Pay By 50%, Cites "Exceptional Circumstances"
Post Date: 2016-01-20 18:12:38 by Horse
According to a translation of a document posted by Middle East Forum research fellow Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Islamic State just cut its fighters’ pay in half citing “exceptional circumstances.” The original document and full translation is below. Islamic State Bayt Mal al-Muslimeen Wilayat al-Raqqa Decision no.: n/a Month of Safr 1437 AH [c. November-December 2015] In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful God Almighty has said: "Go forth, lightly or heavily armed. And wage jihad with your wealth and souls in the path of God. That is best for you if you know" (al-Tawba 41) [Qur'an 9:41]. And on the authority of Anas (may God be pleased with ...

Trump: Christianity 'under siege'
Post Date: 2016-01-18 15:28:14 by Ada
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump touted his faith at Liberty University on Monday, telling the conservative college that Christians have to ban together because their religion "is under siege." "We're going to protect Christianity," he said. "If you look at what's going on throughout the world...Christianity is under siege." Trump pointed to targeting of Christians by terrorist groups in Syria and urged Christians to work together to use their "power" within the United States to enact change. He added that "I'm a Protestant. I'm very proud of it, Presbyterian to be exact. ...[but] bad things are happening, very bad ...

Pope to Catholics: Oh My God, Please Stop Having So Many Kids
Post Date: 2016-01-16 08:35:07 by NeoconsNailed
Cool Pope (real name) just came back from visiting the largest Catholic nation in Asia and he's got some thoughts he needs to let out, namely the fact that maybe catholics have a "moral responsibility" not to have as many kids as they're having. Of course Cool Pope doesn't say that Catholics should use contraception, but according to USA Today he says there are lots of ways that his flock can practice "responsible parenting" that doesn't involve the outside world invading their families nor produces so many children that parents have a hard time taking care of them. From USA Today: His comments on the subject of birth control, made aboard the papal jet ...

Militant Christians Cannot Be True Disciples of the Prince of Peace
Post Date: 2016-01-07 08:49:12 by Ada
In an earlier piece I briefly sketched the history of evangelical militarism in America. In this article I’d like to touch on one obvious fact that so many of my evangelical brethren seem to overlook: Those who persistently agitate and call for war cannot be true followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace for a very good reason: Both by his teachings and personal example Jesus opposed war and physical violence. It is for this reason that militarists cannot be his genuine disciples. To be a warmonger while at the same time claiming to be a devotee of the Prince of Peace is a logical contradiction. Again and again – by words as well as by example – Jesus ...

Justice Scalia in Louisiana
Post Date: 2016-01-04 06:37:31 by Ada
I drove down to Metairie, in the New Orleans suburbs, with Ryan Booth today to hear Justice Antonin Scalia talk about religious liberty. It turned out to be an unusually great day, not because of Scalia’s speech (which was short, with no Q&A, given that Scalia’s plane had been late, and he had a luncheon to get to), but because of the people I met while we were all waiting for him to show. More on that tomorrow. I want to talk here about what Scalia said. Here’s the Times-Picayune‘s report on the talk. It’s a fair and accurate rendering of what he said. Excerpt: The Constitution’s First Amendment protects the free practice of religion and forbids the ...

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