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The Doomsday Falafel
Post Date: 2015-09-25 06:17:57 by Ada
Ay, ay, ya, Ben Carson…what are we gonna do with ya? Hopefully, not elect you as President of the United States. Have a look at this kernel of wisdom from good ol’ Ben Carson: “There is such a thing as an American dream and the American way. Anybody is welcome to come to America, but they don’t get to change who we are.” I nearly fell off my chair laughing at this one. So, hey Ben, does this mean everyone here better be eating corn, beans, and squash? Because that’s what everyone here was eating before the people called “Amuuricuns” manifested here. And just who are we anyways, Ben? Hmmm? To me, pretty much a rather growing collection of ...

Pope Francis Gives Illuminati Hand Signs To Start Historic Address Before Congress [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-09-24 17:46:32 by Itistoolate
In an ironic twist. he left out the fact that the Vatican is the world’s richest corporation and has incalculable riches within it’s vaults. “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” Revelation 16:13 (KJV) Pope Francis speaking before Congress this morning did something highly unusual for a “man of God”, he didn’t open up in prayer. He did not invoke God in any way, shape or form. Instead, he jumped right into preaching the Laodicean gospel of social justice. What a phenomenal opportunity to bring Jesus Christ to the spotlight as the entire ...

Old Testament Christians
Post Date: 2015-09-22 09:23:10 by Ada
There is, of course, no such thing as an Old Testament Christian, since the disciples of Jesus Christ were “called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26), well into the first century A.D. But how else are we to describe certain twenty- first century Christian apologists for the U.S. military and its wars of aggression and occupation? Old Testament Christians—usually followed by Christian armchair warriors, Christian Coalition moralists, evangelical warvangelicals Catholic just war theorists, reich-wing Christian nationalists, theocon Values Voters, imperial Christians, pro-lifers for mass murder, Red-State Christian fascists, bloodthirsty Christian conservatives, ...

Francis Arrives Amid Moral Crisis
Post Date: 2015-09-22 07:40:21 by Ada
During the 1950s, the twin pillars of worldwide anti-communism were Dwight Eisenhower’s America and the Roman Catholic Church of Pope Pius XII. During the 1980s, the last decade of the Cold War, Ronald Reagan and the Polish pope, John Paul II, were the pillars of resistance. When Pope Francis arrives in Washington on Tuesday afternoon, the country he enters will be a very different one from Eisenhower’s America or Reagan’s America. And Catholics will be welcoming a new kind of pope. In America 2015, homosexuality, abortion on demand and same-sex marriage—shameful crimes in Ike’s America, mortal sins in the catechism of Pius XII—have become constitutional ...

Pope Francis Calls For A New World Order BEFORE Dollar Collapse
Post Date: 2015-09-21 16:11:11 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Pope is running around the planet making an impassioned call for a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone”. Redsilverj explains what he really means.

Pope urged to read Fidel Castro book of spirituality
Post Date: 2015-09-21 00:47:46 by Tatarewicz
PressTV.... The Cuban revolutionary leader and former president Fidel Castro has given his book on spirituality to Pope Francis during a meeting amid Pope’s visit to the Caribbean country. In an “intimate and familial” encounter at Castro's residence in the Cuban capital Havana, the two exchanged views on various topics, including religion, environment, and world affairs, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said Sunday. During the 40-minute meeting, Castro gave Pope a copy of his book titled Fidel and Religion first published in 1985, containing interviews with a Brazilian priest and writer that lifted the taboo of speaking about religion in Cuba. The Bishop of ...

Pope Francis Doesn't Understand Economics & Capitalism: Judge Napolitano
Post Date: 2015-09-20 11:24:22 by christine

Post Date: 2015-09-20 09:29:52 by Ada
Evidence suggests we live inside a Matrix-style reality Veteran documentary filmmaker Rob Jacobson reveals the latest news about Jeb Bush and how many government-funded scientists spend their entire careers speculating about the univese while hypocritically attacking Christianity. Click for Full Text!

Goin' By The Book
Post Date: 2015-09-19 09:57:06 by Southern Style
GOIN' BY THE BOOKChester LesterYou can see it in the movies and the paper and the TV news Somebody's army is always on the move There's gonna be a battle the lines have been drawn They got guns and tanks and planesThe wells are gone dry and the water is bad and the air is acid rain There's war after war and rumors of war from the East There's a rumblin' in the ground and they're talkin' about the beastGood mothers cry 'cause the rivers run high With the blood of too many sons Some people say peace is on the way But the worst is still to come'Cause the prophets wrote about it And Jesus spoke about it And John got to take a look And he told us what he ...

Obama, Francis, and the White Hut Freak Show
Post Date: 2015-09-18 21:46:09 by Lod

A Solution For The Same-Sex Marriage Problem
Post Date: 2015-09-18 19:48:33 by Ada
Right now, the liberty movement is divided almost in half between those favoring the SCOTUS ruling legalizing same-sex marriage and those opposed (count me in the opposed camp). So, right now, the liberty movement is completely stymied over this issue. The only ones who win in such a case are big-government Orwellians. To be sure, the SCOTUS decision to legalize same-sex “marriage” was the result of decades of relentless propaganda from the national news media, liberal politicians, and college professors throughout America. Think about it: what do Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor know that John Locke, Thomas More, Emer de ...

Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview
Post Date: 2015-09-18 17:13:25 by christine
"Experts from the Vatican themselves admit there is a very close relationship between pedophilia and satanism" While traveling to Rome to cover the Eurozone implosion, met with illuminati researcher Leo Zagami to break down the jesuit takeover of the Vatican, and the underground massive sex cults embedded within.

Kentucky Clerk Jailed – Here’s the Point Everyone Is Missing
Post Date: 2015-09-12 11:55:11 by BTP Holdings
Kentucky Clerk Jailed – Here’s the Point Everyone Is Missing This whole gay marriage thing sure confuses lots of folks. Seems it’s difficult to separate emotions from logic. Faith and facts become blurred. Here’s the thing: The jailing of Kentucky, Rowan County Clerk, Kim Davis illustrates what makes the United States exceptional. Our country’s Founders had the wisdom to form a Perfect Union. They gave us a New Nation built upon a foundation of Faith and a deep understanding of the facts of human nature. Allen West eloquently explains the point everyone is missing:  And so it begins. Sadly, it seems America has truly forgotten the intent of Thomas ...

A One Year Quest of Discovery Ends In A Most Unexpected Way (This is a most interesting read)
Post Date: 2015-09-11 23:17:42 by christine
It was almost exactly one year ago today, on September 12th, 2014, that I wrote for the first time about Shemitah. It was an article entitled, “God Has Chosen An Exact Date For The Dollar Collapse – Harbingers and the Shemitah“. It talked about Jonathan Cahn’s best-selling book, The Harbinger. Cahn was the first person to discover the significance of Shemitah dates in relation to major world events, collapses of empires, and market collapses. I have always been curious about what exactly happened on September 11th, 2001. Clearly what the official story says is not even physically possible and there is a trail of evidence that concludes that the difference between what ...

Jailed clerk's attorney: Marriage licenses for gays are void
Post Date: 2015-09-05 11:09:17 by BTP Holdings
Jailed clerk's attorney: Marriage licenses for gays are void Associated Press By ADAM BEAM 17 hours ago MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — A jailed Kentucky clerk asserted that marriage licenses issued without her authority Friday to gay couples in Rowan County are void and "not worth the paper they are written on" because she didn't authorize them, her attorney said. Kim Davis now wears an orange jumpsuit and "has already been doing Bible studies with herself" in jail, her attorney Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel told reporters after meeting with her behind bars. He said Davis is in very good spirits, and is prepared to stay as long as it takes to uphold her ...

DEMONIZE AS MANY 'SOUTHERNERS' AS THE QUEER LAW WILL ALLOW (INFINITE NUMBER) - Washington Post Compares County Clerk Kim Davis to George Wallace
Post Date: 2015-09-04 22:26:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Before Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis was jailed for sticking to her religious beliefs, Janell Ross of the Washington Post was quick to take sides against her. On September 2 the Post headlined the story as follows: “We Have Reached the George Wallace Stage of the Same-Sex Marriage Fight.” Ross begins this accusation with the same amount of objectivity as her headline: There's a long and not exactly auspicious history in this country of people resisting court orders aimed at defending the civil rights of minority groups. On Tuesday, a Kentucky county clerk named Kim Davis created the basis for the latest chapter. Davis is refusing to issue marriage licenses to anyone ...

Pope Francis has blessed a lesbian author for “spreading authentic human and Christian values.” (Why you have 2 mommies.)
Post Date: 2015-08-28 15:06:03 by Horse
In his message to writer Francesca Pardi, who authored “Why Do You Have Two Mommies,” the pope also wished her and her partner “ever more fruitful work in the service of young generations.” Pardi, who’s not even Catholic, sent Francis copies of her books after she came under fire from Christian groups. “My books present different types of families without setting any of them up as a model,” Pardi told AFP, praising the pope for showing “respect and dignity” towards her, her wife and their four children. “It was not important for me that it was the pope who said it, I am not a Catholic.” “But it is important to see that we are ...

Jesus was married? Brainiacs back ancient manuscript
Post Date: 2015-08-27 14:23:31 by Horse
A mysterious ancient manuscript called the Gospel of Jesus’ wife, which suggests Christ could have been married, might possibly be authentic according to a new research. A team of scientists from Columbia University tested the ink used to write the manuscript to refute last year’s claims by German scientist Christian Askeland that the artifact was a fake. READ MORE: Jesus & Mary Magdalene were 'married with children,' ancient manuscript claims Askeland, a research associate with the Institute for Septuagint and Biblical Research in Wuppertal, Germany, said he found that another ancient manuscript with abstracts from the Gospel of John was a forgery, as radiocarbon ...

5 Dirty Secrets of the Catholic Church
Post Date: 2015-08-26 00:25:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
5 Dirty Secrets of the Catholic Church. The Catholic church is suffering from scandal after scandal and a lot of their dirty secrets have been revealed recently, This is NOT a video about the Illuminati, this is a video about Catholicism, the Catholic church and the scandals and dirty secrets surrounding them. 5. Nazi Gold In 2000, a group of Holocaust survivors filed a lawsuit against the Vatican, alleging that The Catholic Church had funneled Nazi Gold to South America in an effort to help Nazi War Criminals avoid punishment. These allegations are based off a 1947 report written by Emerson Bigelow, a US Treasury. He alleges the Vatican briefly stored Nazi Gold before it was sent to ...

Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on Gay Rights at Iowa State Fair
Post Date: 2015-08-22 11:32:14 by BTP Holdings
Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on Gay Rights at Iowa State Fair By JOSH HASKELL and JESSICA HOPPER 14 hours ago Good Morning America While Sen. Ted Cruz was grilling pork chops at the Iowa State Fair today, actress Ellen Page, wearing a hat and sunglasses, snuck her way up to the grill and asked the GOP presidential candidate about "the persecution of gays in the workplace and LGBT rights." ABC News caught the exchange. "What about the question about LGBT people being fired for being gay-trans?" Page asked. "Well, what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith," Cruz ...

Post Date: 2015-08-21 17:37:04 by Ada
"There's an assault on anything having to do with Christianity," he said It’s easier for Muslim immigrants to enter the U.S. than Christians fleeing ISIS, Donald Trump pointed out. “There’s a real assault on Christianity when you look at what’s going on in Syria and ISIS,” the presidential candidate said on the Yellowhammer Radio program Friday. “Do you know that if you’re a Christian from Syria, you cannot get into the United States? If you’re a Muslim from Syria, it’s one of the easiest places to get into the United States from.” But this lack of respect isn’t limited to just Syrian Christians, Trump stated. ...

SAFER IN IRAQ THAN IN THE USA - Final Thoughts the Slaughter of 4 Marines by Another "Mohammad"
Post Date: 2015-08-13 13:06:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Jul 18, 2015 Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the Red, White and Blue and it's about time we bring it to them. Full force. Let's show them what the U.S. of A looks like up close and personal. Show 'em what a B1 bomber looks like flying overhead. Show 'em what they're messing with. Put the fear of OUR God in their desert. Because clearly our lack of strategy isn't working.. Poster Comment:===================================== "Safer in Iraq than in this country."

You won't believe the flagrant criminality of Scientology -- or the impunity
Post Date: 2015-08-12 09:31:39 by NeoconsNailed
Scientology’s Worst Abuses Against a Journalist Revealed by Jim Lippard Paulette Cooper was harassed, tricked, sued, and lied to, but was not destroyed. The Church of Scientology’s “fair game” policy, originally written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1965 and elaborated in a series of policy letters over subsequent years, stated that “suppressive persons”—defined as anyone interfering with the Church's activities—are “fair game” for “any action” taken against them, including being “deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. [Such persons] May be tricked, sued ...

A Black Pastor Shoots Unarmed Man… What He Did Next Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity
Post Date: 2015-08-11 17:18:57 by BTP Holdings
A Black Pastor Shoots Unarmed Man… What He Did Next Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity Ever since the shootings in Charleston South Carolina racial tensions have been high. Mainly because the media continues to fan the flames. However what people seem to ignore is blacks are in more danger from attacks by other blacks. In this story a black pastor by the name of Benny Holmes managed to protect himself, church property, and even the soul of the would be thief who broke into his church to rob them blind. The thief, Lee Marvin Blue Jr is black and robbed the pastor. In fear for his life Pastor Holmes shot the criminal, which he should have done. The most surprising thing is what ...

Spirituality may be tied to easier cancer course
Post Date: 2015-08-10 23:06:55 by Horse
Cancer patients who report more religiousness or spirituality may also experience fewer physical symptoms of cancer and treatment and more social connection, several new papers suggest. The new analyses reviewed previous studies of spirituality involving more than 44,000 cancer patients altogether. The studies varied in many ways, but religion and spirituality were associated with better health regardless of specific religion or set of spiritual beliefs. Some previous research has found this connection while others have not, said Heather Jim of the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, who led one of the new studies. “Patients should not be pressured into adopting religious or ...

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