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The Pope Rebukes Turkey—and Should Challenge America and Israel
Post Date: 2015-04-21 07:09:30 by Ada
The pontiff recognizes the Armenian genocide of a century ago, but can he do more about today's wars and injustices? Last week Pope Francis described the slaughter of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as “genocide,” joining France and 20 other countries in adopting that designation. The massacres and forced relocations of Armenian civilians began 100 years ago and concluded with the end of the First World War in 1918. Even Turkey’s German military advisers were appalled by what they were witnessing. Turkish historians have tended to argue that the deaths were consequences of the war itself, in which Imperial Russian armies overran predominantly Armenian regions in Eastern ...

Post Date: 2015-04-17 07:34:03 by Ada
I often find myself fascinated by how mainstream Christians are so enamored with the military I often find myself fascinated by how mainstream Christians are so enamored with the military. Every Veterans Day they proudly display their uniformed converts in church and pray for our soldiers overseas, in their battle against Islamic extremists. They have a habit of adorning their place of worship with American flags, preaching the supposed pro-government virtues of Romans 13, and supporting just about any war that involves the Middle East regardless of the morality of these conflicts. I don’t want to lump all Christians together, but this is just my observation. It’s kind of ...

Falling On Deaf Ears
Post Date: 2015-04-16 23:10:55 by X-15
We're all told that we should love equality, yet it's clear some love it more than others. That’s an obvious fact for most observers, but the real question is then: who are the real egalitarians? Could it be those who view all men as one and the same, all just individuals living here on God’s green earth, all created by the maker in his own image? If we’re all endowed with a soul at birth, shouldn’t we strive for equality in life? This is the question that might be guiding the Southern Baptist Convention’s new thinking on race. The SBC, as I previously noted, is now working for something called “race reconciliation” and The Atlantic just ...

Police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Med voyage
Post Date: 2015-04-16 17:32:32 by BTP Holdings
Police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Med voyage Associated Press 1 hour ago ROME (AP) — Italy's migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident. Related Stories 1. EU faces fury after new migrant shipwreck tragedy AFP 2. Migrants 'throw fellow passengers overboard' in religious row AFP 3. At least nine dead after migrant boat sinks off Libya AFP 4. 400 migrants die in shipwreck off Libya, survivors say Reuters 5. More Than 40 Feared Dead In ...

I recant by Chuck Baldwin
Post Date: 2015-04-07 00:52:30 by christine
I RECANT. I'm using this Facebook post to make a couple of personal confessions. In one way or another, we are all victims of our past. I was schooled in certain persuasions that have taken 3/4 of a lifetime to overcome. But when I made a conscious decision to pursue and follow truth--no matter where it led me--many years ago, my mind and heart have been liberated with the illumination of truth time and time again. I personally believe that only people who, in their hearts, are sincerely open to truth will ever find it. I will not make these issues a test of fellowship with those who disagree with me (although, I'm sure many of them will). I, myself, believed differently for all ...

Christians ‘Must Be Made’ to Bow
Post Date: 2015-04-06 06:02:07 by Ada
This column by Frank Bruni in The New York Times is lighting up a lot of us this morning, judging by my e-mail. It captures the spirit animating the LGBT movement and its allies. That the most powerful newspaper in America would feel comfortable publishing this is a signal. This is not a war we have chosen, but make no mistake, it is a war. Here are the relevant excerpts: And homosexuality and Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere. That many Christians regard them as incompatible is understandable, an example not so much of hatred’s pull as of tradition’s sway. Beliefs ossified over centuries aren’t easily shaken. But in the end, the ...

I don't Believe in Religious Freedom
Post Date: 2015-04-03 08:47:23 by Ada
I don’t believe in religious freedom. Freedom should have nothing to do with one’s religious beliefs or lack thereof. The reason we intuitively have a concept like freedom is because we are individuals. We have different worldviews. We disagree about what we prefer and what we don’t like. We have different opinions. One person likes Coke. Another person likes Pepsi. In a free society, you buy what you want. In an authoritarian society, you get what someone else wants you to have. In a free society, you can discriminate (choose) between the two. In an authoritarian society, the discrimination (choice) is decided by someone else. In fact, in a free society, you can buy both, ...

Post Date: 2015-04-03 08:15:25 by Ada
Should We Obey Authority … No Matter What? The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is coordinating with Christian ministers nationwide so that –if the government imposes MARTIAL LAW – the ministers will urge their flocks to OBEY the government. A number of Christian leaders say that Christians must obey the government … no matter what. For example, Robert Deffinbaugh – pastor at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas – says: Whether the government be totalitarian or democratic, the Christian’s obligation to submit to it is the same. This is not an unrealistic or abstract concept. After all, most churches in Nazi- era Germany supported the ...

Indiana and the Constitution
Post Date: 2015-04-02 08:10:31 by Ada
The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2015 is constitutionally infirm and legally troublesome. The circuitous constitutional route that brought about this statute began in 1990 when the Supreme Court ruled that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment may not be used as a defense to violating the general laws of the land. In Employment Division v. Smith, a small group of Native Americans who had been fired from their jobs because drug tests revealed their use of peyote made applications for unemployment compensation, which the State of Oregon denied. They appealed and claimed that their use of peyote, a hallucinogenic drug, could not be the basis for firing them from ...

Jesus Died in a Police State
Post Date: 2015-04-01 06:08:01 by Ada
“If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.”―Lenny Bruce If you buy into the version of Christianity Lite peddled by evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham, who recently advised Americans to do as the Bible says and “submit to your leaders and those in authority,” then staying alive in the American police state depends largely on your ability to comply, submit, obey orders, respect authority and generally do whatever a cop tells you to do. If, however, you’re one of those who prefers to model yourself after Jesus Christ himself—a radical ...

Ben Carson on Religious Restoration: Defending Law Is 'Absolutely Vital'
Post Date: 2015-03-31 17:53:51 by BTP Holdings
Ben Carson on Religious Restoration: Defending Law Is 'Absolutely Vital' Monday, 30 Mar 2015 06:34 PM By Greg Richter Almost a month after he told radio host Sean Hannity he was going to stop talking about gay issues, Dr. Ben Carson is weighing in on the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which critics say allows for discrimination against homosexuals. Carson, who is expected to seek the Republican presidential nomination, told Breitbart News that it is "absolutely vital" for Americans to stand up for the law, recently signed by Republican Gov. Mike Pence, another potential 2016 White House contender. "It is absolutely vital that we do all we can to ...

Stand Up for Indiana
Post Date: 2015-03-31 07:13:01 by Ada
In what has been called the “Catholic moment” in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to “live the faith” and “set an example” for others. Public lives were to reflect moral beliefs. Christians were to avoid those “living in sin.” Christians who operated motels and hotels did not rent rooms to unmarried couples. Fast forward to 21st-century America. Indiana just enacted a law, as have 19 other states, to protect the rights of religious people to practice their beliefs in how they live their lives and conduct their businesses. And the reaction? Nearly hysterical. The head of the NCAA, the founder of Apple, ...

Joseph Judson Taylor: Baptist Pacifist
Post Date: 2015-03-18 23:01:34 by Katniss
Joseph Judson Taylor: Baptist Pacifist By Laurence M. Vance March 18, 2015 Since the beginning of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, two words that have rarely been seen together are “Baptist” and “pacifist.” We have instead been subject to things like high-profile Baptist leader Jerry Falwell writing a defense of the Iraq war titled “God Is Pro-War,” Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, writing to President Bush that his “policies concerning the ongoing international terrorist campaign against America” were “both right and just,” and the Southern Baptist Convention ...

Post Date: 2015-03-17 10:15:48 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

The Ultimate in Patriotic Blasphemy
Post Date: 2015-03-16 21:08:57 by Katniss
The Ultimate in Patriotic Blasphemy By Laurence M. Vance March 10, 2015 If you attend church, especially on the Sunday before a national military appreciation day (Memorial Day, July Fourth, & Veterans Day), you have probably seen the blasphemous Christian cross and American flag or Christian flag and American flag lapel pins that some men wear to church on their suit coat. Although I have never seen one of these “God and country” Christians wear one of these pins anywhere else, I suppose that some men do wear one on other occasions when they wear a suit coat. I have never come across a Bible and American flag lapel pin, although such a thing may exist. What I did discover ...

Enjoy the Decline and Fall of American Statism!
Post Date: 2015-03-13 08:10:03 by Ada
The headlines at Drudge are an excellent barometer of what’s up with government and culture. Glancing over cops being killed by the other side of law enforcement (the people), Hillary’s new Whitewater files (this time electronic), Army and Secret Service partying, drug use, and sex rings, the predictable result of partial “legalization” of pot (neighborhood informers), we find a report that, “Confidence in government is lower than ever!” Whaaa? The poll, taken in 2014, looked at consumer and investor faith in the “product”, i.e. the president, judiciary, legislative as well as mainstream media, banks, big business, organized labor, organized ...

Who Killed Jesus Christ?
Post Date: 2015-03-11 07:53:55 by Ada
It’s a fitting question during this season of Lent, and its answer damns the Satanic State: …the Gospels emphasize that only government had the requisite force and legal authority to…murder [our Lord]. The religious establishment, much as they hate Christ and crave His death, is impotent: it takes the State to torture and impale an innocent Man. And as it does so, its utterly demonic, hellishly brutal nature is highlighted for anyone with eyes to see. Pilate admits that Jesus is entirely innocent—yet he condemns Him to flogging. The kangaroo trial, the ridicule and degradation, the unconscionable cruelty of forcing the condemned to carry his own cross: these reveal ...

Chinese official urges Dalai Lama to "forsake evil ways"
Post Date: 2015-03-11 04:19:56 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) -- A senior Chinese religious official on Wednesday urged the Dalai Lama to "forsake his evil ways and return to the good," stressing that Tibet will not descend into chaos. "We hope the Dalai Lama can abandon his separatist stance and his deceptive 'middle way' approach," said Zhu Weiqun, head of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body. The core contents of the "middle way" approach, proposed by the political exile in the 1980s, are "Greater Tibet" and "high-level ...

Waco - A Lesson in History
Post Date: 2015-03-04 16:01:21 by opf
Waco - A Lesson in History Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 4, 2015 Looking Back at Waco On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), raided the Branch Davidians Church, just outside of Waco, Texas. After a firefight lasting about 2 1/2 hours in which the Davidians continue, through 911, tried to have the firing cease, the BATF finally withdrew, with their tail between their legs. The body count was four dead agents and four dead Davidians (a fifth died within a few days). BATF had far more injuries than the Davidians, and they did not accomplish their mission. Disgraced because of the failure of the ill-conceived plan for the raid, the big brother, the FBI, ...

Netanyahu speaking @ the Borscht Belt!!!!
Post Date: 2015-03-03 11:16:45 by Jethro Tull
Stiffies on both sides of the!

No one can break through the 5th Veil you're all 4 veil bound
Post Date: 2015-02-25 11:16:04 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

The Secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)
Post Date: 2015-02-24 09:48:02 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary) from DoUseeWhatEyec on Vimeo.

The Men Behind the Curtain
Post Date: 2015-02-21 23:33:41 by Katniss
The Men Behind the Curtain - Freedom Outpost "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Mayer Rothschild. For most people, facing the truth is a hard thing to do. It is so much easier to simply ignore the obvious than it is to make the necessary, hard decisions that are required once we know the truth. Facing the truth takes courage. Dealing with the truth demands courage. But ignoring harsh reality is cowardly. As I often say, "Silence isn't golden, it's yellow." As any "therapist" will tell you, the first step to healing is admitting the truth about your condition. An alcoholic will never seek treatment until he ...

Feminists Mute on Muslim Rape Epidemic Sweeping Europe
Post Date: 2015-02-20 14:22:12 by X-15
After years of screaming bloody murder about a rape epidemic on college campuses in the United States that didn’t exist, feminists remain mute on the real rape epidemic sweeping Europe – that being perpetrated primarily by Muslim men. Feminist groups have campaigned tirelessly to draw attention to their claim that one in five women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault. This figure was completely debunked by a December 2014 U.S. Department of Justice report which found that non-students are 25% more likely to be victims of sexual assault than students. In fact, the actual rate of female college students becoming sexual assault victims is 6.1 per 1,000 students, ...

"You Are Mine" (Beautiful religious song for Ash Wednesday)
Post Date: 2015-02-18 13:01:15 by Artisan
Beautiful song to begin Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season. "...dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Ten things to remember for Lent [Excerpts:] 4. It's a time to work on discipline. The 40 days of Lent are also a good, set time to work on personal discipline in general. Instead of giving something up, it can be doing something positive. 'I'm going to exercise more. I'm going to pray more. I'm going to be nicer to my family, friends and coworkers.' 5. It's about dying to yourself. The more serious side of Lenten discipline is that it's about more than ...

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