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Jesus, My Attorney
Post Date: 2013-10-01 15:46:28 by Lod
After living a "decent" life, my time on earth came to an end. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what I thought to be a court house. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the defense table. As I looked around I saw the "prosecutor." He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen. I sat down and looked to my left and there sat my lawyer, a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed familiar to me. The corner door flew open and there appeared the judge in full flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as he moved ...

Average Girl Becomes the White Widow
Post Date: 2013-09-29 10:29:31 by Lod

Vatican Official Opens Door to New Debate Over Celibacy for Priests
Post Date: 2013-09-12 21:48:46 by BTP Holdings
Vatican Official Opens Door to New Debate Over Celibacy for Priests Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 12:03 PM By Courtney Coren Ecclesiastical celibacy is not church dogma but a matter of tradition and open for discussion, says Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. His comments in the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal have set off speculation that the Catholic Church under Pope Francis is ready to tackle the issue of whether priests should be allowed to marry head on, even though it has been a matter of continuing debate for years. "It is not a church dogma and it can be discussed because it is a church tradition," Parolin, the Vatican's second in command, said in his interview ...

Luke 22:36 "Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag,............
Post Date: 2013-08-28 09:23:54 by Itistoolate
Luke 22:36 (NKJV) - JESUS TALKING 36 "Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."

Standing on the Promises - Alan Jackson
Post Date: 2013-08-12 18:51:07 by Lod

Tenn. judge changes infant's name from 'Messiah'
Post Date: 2013-08-11 21:27:16 by Buzzard
A judge in Tennessee changed a 7-month-old boy's name to Martin from Messiah, saying the religious name was earned by one person and "that one person is Jesus Christ." Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew ordered the name change last week, according to WBIR-TV. The boy's parents were in court because they could not agree on the child's last name, but when the judge heard the boy's first name, she ordered it changed, too. "It could put him at odds with a lot of people and at this point he has had no choice in what his name is," Ballew said. It was the first time she ordered a first name change, the judge said. Messiah was No. 4 among the ...

The bird that feels the shaking branch still sings
Post Date: 2013-08-10 12:33:58 by James Deffenbach
Be with God as the bird that feels the shaking branch, but continues to sing, because he knows he has wings.

Los Angeles’ Mexican Archbishop Is a New Spokes-priest for Amnesty
Post Date: 2013-08-05 14:31:04 by Big Meanie
The list of forces against American sovereignty and citizenship is long and powerful. One of the founding members of the open-borders gaggle is the Catholic church, which wants to import more customers for what it’s selling, to replace the falling attendance among American Catholics. The church even discourages assimilation to keep foreigners dependent on its welcoming pews, as its demographics become more Hispanic and less English-speaking American. One measure: Hispanics account for more than 70 percent of the growth in the US Catholic population since 1960. The immigration issue is not only about church concerns of activity and relevance, it also has big money implications. ...

Christian Zionism: The New Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace
Post Date: 2013-08-03 20:11:55 by Jethro Tull
Christian Zionism: The New Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace Revd Dr Stephen Sizer Thursday, 01 August 2013 08:00 At least one in four American Christians surveyed recently by Christianity Today magazine said that they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel. This view is known as Christian Zionism. The Pew Research Center put the figure at 63 per cent among white evangelicals. Christian Zionism is pervasive within mainline American evangelical, charismatic and independent denominations including the Assemblies of God, Pentecostals and Southern Baptists, as well as many of the independent mega-churches. It is less ...

World leaders should unite to end anti-Christian persecution, Vladimir Putin says
Post Date: 2013-08-02 00:55:54 by X-15
MOSCOW, August 1, 2013 ( – Vladimir Putin has urged the world’s political leaders to stop the violent persecutions against Christians that have erupted in many Middle Eastern countries. Speaking at a meeting with Orthodox Christian leaders in Moscow last week, the Russian President said he noted “with alarm” that “in many of the world’s regions, especially in the Middle East and in North Africa inter-confessional tensions are mounting, and the rights of religious minorities are infringed, including Christians and Orthodox Christians.” “This pressing problem should be a subject of close attention for the entire international ...

Pope Signals Openness to Gay Priests
Post Date: 2013-07-29 13:54:43 by scrapper2
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE— Pope Francis opened the door on Sunday to greater acceptance of gay priests inside the ranks of Roman Catholicism as he returned to the Vatican from his maiden trip overseas. Fielding questions from reporters during the first news conference of his young papacy, the pontiff broached the delicate question of how he would respond to learning that a cleric in his ranks was gay, though not sexually active. For decades, the Vatican has regarded homosexuality as a "disorder," and Pope Francis' predecessor Pope Benedict XVI formally barred men with what the Vatican deemed "deep-seated" homosexuality from entering the priesthood. "Who am I ...

‘Be Ten Times What You Can Be’: Beck Puts His Money Where His Mouth is in Impassioned ‘Christians United for Israel’ Speech
Post Date: 2013-07-26 02:17:21 by X-15
Glenn Beck gave the keynote address at Christians United for Israel's Washington Summit Tuesday night, concluding a day that featured speakers from Congresswoman Michele Bachmann to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Miracles do happen, Pastor Hagee got me to come back to Washington, D.C.," Beck began with a laugh. "I'm proud to be here. I'm humbled to be here. I usually take about five minutes to write a speech. This one has been weighing on me for quite some time, and I have prayed a great deal on what to say." Beck spoke about the turmoil in the Middle East, how America's founding is tied to Israel, and backed up his vocal support for the ...

Ivy League Prof Calls God a 'White Racist' for Zimmerman Verdict
Post Date: 2013-07-18 22:13:38 by SilverFox
U. Penn Religious Studies prof. Anthea Butler is the embodiment of modern academia. Writing on her blog what she thinks of the Zimmerman “not guilty” verdict, she ripped the Almighty for the cosmic injustice: God ain’t good all of the time. In fact, sometimes, God is not for us. As a black woman in a nation that has taken too many pains to remind me that I am not a white man, and am not capable of taking care of my reproductive rights, or my voting rights, I know that this American god ain’t my god. As a matter of fact, I think he’s a white racist god with a problem. More importantly, he is carrying a gun and stalking young black men. When George Zimmerman told ...

Political Correctness Is Cultural Marxism
Post Date: 2013-07-14 17:34:38 by X-15
The excellent AT article "Conservatives Pushing Back" by Bruce Walker explored what we conservative thinkers (We are, after all, American Thinkers) have known for quite some time: political correctness (PC) is to culture what Marxism is to economics. To recognize that fact arms us with what we need in order to push back. As Walker says (emphasis added), "[t]hese marketplace ballots are the key not only to the survival of a non-totalitarian America, but also to the final defeat of those whose minds and wills are chained with hard, cold manacles of leftism." Walker's article is (pardon the pun) right on the money. So, in an effort to further understand PC, ...

Religious fundamentalism could soon be treated as mental illness
Post Date: 2013-07-07 13:22:09 by farmfriend
Religious fundamentalism could soon be treated as mental illness By JohnThomas Didymus Kathleen Taylor, a neurologist at Oxford University, said that recent developments suggest that we will soon be able to treat religious fundamentalism and other forms of ideological beliefs potentially harmful to society as a form of mental illness. She made the assertion during a talk at the Hay Literary Festival in Wales on Wednesday. She said that radicalizing ideologies may soon be viewed not as being of personal choice or free will but as a category of mental disorder. She said new developments in neuroscience could make it possible to consider extremists as people with mental illness rather than ...

Why Is The U.S. Arming Rebels That Eat Human Hearts And Massacre Entire Christian Villages?
Post Date: 2013-07-01 07:23:49 by Ada
Why would Barack Obama want to help al-Qaeda take over Syria? Why in the world would he want to spend hard-earned U.S. tax dollars to arm jihadist rebels that eat human hearts and massacre entire Christian villages? We have always been told that al-Qaeda is our greatest enemy in the “war on terror”. So now why are we arming them? None of this makes any sense, and the American people are certainly not behind it. In fact, polls have shown that up to 70 percent of the population is against arming the Syrian rebels. What was the whole point of spending more than a trillion dollars on the “war on terror” if we are actually going to start helping al-Qaeda now? Even Russian ...

Huffington Post mocks Jesus Christ with disgusting picture
Post Date: 2013-06-22 15:13:30 by BTP Holdings
The extremist Huffington Post has attacked and mocked our work on the radio for years. It’s reassuring to know that we share the company of Jesus Christ. As Kyle Rogers first pointed out, they are running the headline “Dog Butt Looks Like Jesus Christ.” A close-up picture of a dog’s anus appears under the headline. Huffington Post then calls on it’s readers to post feedback on whether they think the picture looks like Jesus Christ. Currently there are nearly 400 comments and many are diatribes mocking Christianity. Do you think the Huffington Post would ever mock Muhammad or any other religious figure like this? Jesus is always with us. He’s on our toast. ...

Descendant of Charles Darwin becomes a Catholic apologist
Post Date: 2013-06-21 00:35:06 by X-15
A direct descendant of Charles Darwin has become a Catholic apologist. Laura Keynes, a great-great-great-granddaughter of the English naturalist, has joined Catholic Voices, the project set up to speak up for the Church in the media She writes in this week’s Catholic Herald about how she returned to her childhood Catholic faith after a period of agnosticism. The daughter of an atheist father and a mother who had converted to Catholicism but later became a Buddhist, she was baptised Catholic. But she says she drifted into agnosticism in her teens and “away from any contact with the Church”. When she began studying for a doctorate in philosophy at Oxford she started to ...

Argentina’s Jewish community celebrate Pope Francis
Post Date: 2013-06-17 15:24:50 by scrapper2
Tucked into an alcove of Argentina’s National Cathedral, right beside an icon of the Virgin of Luján, is a wall of yellowed documents written in delicate Hebrew. The pages were rescued from the death camps of Auschwitz, the ruins of Berlin’s synagogue and the remains of this city’s Jewish community center. The world’s Catholics and Jews have been moving toward reconciliation since the Second Vatican Council. But perhaps nowhere are the two faiths tighter than in Argentina, where many in the Jewish community are celebrating the recent election of their long-time advocate and friend, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as Pope Francis. “This was a great event for ...

U.S. Immigration Officials to Candidate Citizen: ‘Your Agnosticism Is a Big Problem’
Post Date: 2013-06-16 15:00:54 by PSUSA2
Margaret Doughty, 64, hails from the U.K., but she’s lived in the United States for more than 30 years. Doughty is a well-known consultant on literacy projects who, from Baton Rouge to Oklahoma City, has led countless people on the path to proficiency in English. Many of those people are immigrants and recent citizens. Her clients have included the city of Los Angeles and the U.S. Department of Education. When Doughty recently decided to acquire U.S. citizenship herself, she had no reason to think it would be a hard slog. “I have worked hard to fight for the rights of others, and change laws and systems to do a small part in building a better nation. That sounds like ...

CAUGHT ON TAPE: IRS Tells Conservative Group – You Have to Keep Your Beliefs to Yourself (Audio)
Post Date: 2013-06-13 11:21:23 by farmfriend
CAUGHT ON TAPE: IRS Tells Conservative Group – You Have to Keep Your Beliefs to Yourself (Audio) Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 10, 2013, 8:07 PM The IRS told a conservative group legally applying for tax-exempt status to keep your beliefs to yourself –“You cannot force your religion or beliefs on somebody else’ The conservative group had to wait two and a half years for their tax-exempt status. Life News reported: The IRS scandal is deepening as a new tape has been released today showing a disturbing phone call the Internal Revenue Service placed to a non-profit organization. Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life legal group, made the audio available today of ...

Post Date: 2013-06-06 18:17:19 by Ada
The article below is reprinted from CounterPunch, January 12, 2011. Since the article was first published, Washington has added the slaughter of Libyans, Yemeni, and Syrians along with that of wolves to its accomplishments. An addendum describes the wicked new “sport” of “canned hunting.” Hribal’s “Fear of the Animal Planet” A Brief for Animals by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Jason Hribal in a book just off the CounterPunch/AK press, Fear of the Animal Planet: The Hidden History of Animal Resistance, regales the reader with tales of animal rebellion and escape from captivity. In Hribal’s account, when big cats, elephants, and orcas injure or kill their ...

pope says "You're a thief!!!" if you don't clean your plate (my title)
Post Date: 2013-06-05 14:13:12 by PSUSA2
Wasting food is like stealing from poor, pope says VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis denounced on Wednesday what he called a "culture of waste" in an increasingly consumerist world and said throwing away good food was like stealing from poor people. "Our grandparents used to make a point of not throwing away leftover food. Consumerism has made us accustomed to wasting food daily and we are unable to see its real value," Francis said at his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square. "Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry," he said. Since taking office in March, Pope Francis has said he wants the ...

Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons
Post Date: 2013-05-31 12:48:08 by Jethro Tull
Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons152a.ra1-pw-sharealone__16 .ra1-pw-icon,a.ra1-pw-sharealone-brd__16 .ra1-pw-icon{width:16px;height:16px;margin:0!important;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat}.ra1-pw-icon-post{background-position:0 -1088px!important}TweetBy Leonardo Blair , CP ReporterMay 28, 2013|4:19 pm(Photo: Screen Grab via Youtube/caballeroperegrino)The Catholic Church's top exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth.The Catholic Church's top exorcist, who claims to have sent 160,000 demons back to hell, says he wants Pope Francis to allow all priests to start performing the ritual ...

Guantanamo guard converts to Islam, demands release of detainees
Post Date: 2013-05-31 06:02:51 by Ada
Terry Holdbrooks was deployed to the Guantanamo Bay detention center to guard detainees. The Phoenix, Ariz., resident has become a devout Muslim and an unlikely advocate for the prisoners’ rights. Terry Holdbrooks converted to Islam in December 2003 after speaking with the prisoners he was guarding at Guantanamo Bay. TERRY HOLDBROOKS Terry Holdbrooks self-published a book about his conversion to Islam and about the atrocities he witnessed as a guard at Guantanamo. Death threats are just another part of life for Terry Holdbrooks Jr. The ex-U.S. Army employee converted to Islam in 2003, inspired by the faith of the Guantanamo detainees he was charged with watching. Since then, he ...

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