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Attorney Sanctioned for Suit Against Jews for Jesus Appeals Yet Again
Post Date: 2011-06-27 01:20:32 by bush_is_a_moonie
West Palm Beach, FL – After having multiple counts repeatedly dismissed in a lawsuit filed against Jews for Jesus, state circuit Judge Edward Fine sanctioned attorney Barry Silver and ordered him to pay $52,827.90 in attorney’s fees and costs. Silver continues to litigate the case and has now filed an appeal to the state appellate court. Liberty Counsel represents Jews for Jesus in the case of Rapp v. Jews for Jesus. This week Liberty Counsel filed its brief, arguing that the appellate court should uphold the monetary sanctions against Silver. One year after the publication of a Jews for Jesus newsletter in which Edith Rapp’s stepson, Bruce Rapp, stated that Mrs. Rapp ...

Pastors to Host Readings From The Qur'an at Churches Across The Country To Display Respect and Combat Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Post Date: 2011-06-25 21:53:27 by bush_is_a_moonie
For Immediate Release Contact: Ari Geller or Samantha Friedman, Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications, 202-265-3000, or The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. along with 50 churches in 26 states have already joined the effort Faith Shared – June 26, 2011 Washington, D.C. – Christian clergy at churches across the country will host readings from the Qur’an and other sacred religious texts as they welcome their Muslim and Jewish colleagues on Sunday, June 26, 2011 for Faith Shared: Uniting in Prayer and Understanding. Faith Shared is a project of Interfaith Alliance and Human Rights First, which seeks to send a message both ...

May Was Cold In The US
Post Date: 2011-06-24 01:35:05 by Original_Intent
May Was Cold In The US Posted on June 23, 2011 by stevengoddard Our friends have been blaming the severe weather in May on warm air from global warming. This is a brilliant theory, except that it was the 25th coldest May on record in the US. Unfortunately, many climate experts lack access to the Internet and can’t look these things up themselves. The UN has a fund to provide computers for underprivileged climate experts.

Mormons’ image campaign -- Ads coincide with church’s greater visibility in 2012 race
Post Date: 2011-06-20 20:00:39 by Ferret
A Times Square billboard in New York is part of a Mormon ad campaign to counter negative attitudes toward the faith. (Peter Foley for The Boston Globe) SALT LAKE CITY — In the fall of 2008, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints convened focus groups across the country as part of a major market-research study to learn more about anti-Mormon sentiment in America. The researchers found that the most common negative associations with Mormonism included being “pushy,’’ “cultish,’’ “secretive,’’ “controlling,’’ “sexist,’’ “antigay,’’ and “polygamist.’’ There was scant ...

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’
Post Date: 2011-06-17 18:09:17 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’ ( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.” In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an ...

Nigeria's pastors into big bucks
Post Date: 2011-06-15 06:06:09 by Tatarewicz
Nigeria's pastors run multi-million dollar businesses which rival that of oil tycoons, a Nigerian blogger who has researched the issue has told the BBC. Mfonobong Nsehe, who blogs for Forbes business magazine, says pastors own businesses from hotels to fast-food chains. "Preaching is big business. It's almost as profitable as the oil business," he said. The joint wealth of five pastors was at least $200m (£121m), he said. Evangelical churches have grown in Nigeria in recent years, with tens of thousands of people flocking to their services. Mr Nsehe said the richest pastor, Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, was worth about $150m. ...

Behind the Georgia Guidestones (The Origins of Elite Progressivism)
Post Date: 2011-06-15 03:07:19 by Coral Snake
Behind the Georgia Guidestones (The Origins of Elite Progressivism) By Coral Snake Part 2 of a five part article: In the first part of this article we looked at the commandments of the Georgia Guidestones themselves and their shocking portents for our future. In this part we go back in time to the early 1880s. Most movie addicts would see this time as a time of saloons, gunfights, Faro banks, poker tables, cowboys and Native Americans. However in a more real world it was also the time that the murderous and totalitarian philosophy behind the Georgia Guidestones, Elite Progressivism was hatched. Actually the modern version of Elite Progressivism had its roots in the model of Socialism ...

Did Edgar Cayce speak about 2012? Kevin Todeschi answers your questions
Post Date: 2011-06-14 22:10:45 by angK
10 Comments" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"> Poster Comment:This is good news for those of us who missed the Rapture.

Church opposes Philippines family planning
Post Date: 2011-06-11 00:44:03 by Tatarewicz
The Philippine government is debating a reproductive health bill, but the Catholic church adamantly oppose the idea. At the Dr Jose Fabella Memorial hospital 300 proud mothers lie three to a bed, cradling their newborns. With up to 100 babies born every 24 hours here, this is one of the busiest maternity wards in the world. "Sometimes, during high season, 13 to 16 babies are in the delivery room at the same time," Arlene Matanguihan, a resident doctor, says. "It's chaotic but an organised chaos. We can still manage – no baby drops out on the floor." The doctors and staff may be proud of their work, but the Philippines' birth rate is another matter. With a ... Your #1 source for the truth
Post Date: 2011-06-09 00:51:29 by wudidiz
Updated: September 26th, 2010 Email About This Website First and foremost, this website is not a hoax or a joke. Now, moving on.... The information on this website is, in fact, not "crap," "nonsense," or "conspiracy theories." Attempting to hold onto your existing worldview would not be a wise decision. So, either accept the truth now or continue to suffocate in ignorance and mental slavery. In order to grasp the truth, you must use your free will and freedom of thought. Do not let your mind get trapped within the religious or scientific paradigms. Religion and science are simply forms of control that were created by the ruling elite long before you were ...

cliff high webbot dude: Pissing off the Pindar
Post Date: 2011-06-07 19:58:08 by gengis gandhi
Pissin off the Pindar.. Well, i have apparently done a bad thing. A number of people have sent along links to some YouTube vdo's in which i am specifically mentioned and threatened. The fellow, who shall remain nameless...just due to the glamour of it all (majic and how it works), is really irritated with me. This fellow was a doctor until his colleagues in medicine (read shills for the big pharma industry here) decided that he was killing or maiming his patients too frequently and giving them all a bad name, so they decertified him (look it up...all in the public record). That is, they removed his license to practice medicine (read shill for big pharma here) in their state ...

Texas Governor Rick Perry to host prayer summit that calls upon Jesus to solve America’s problems
Post Date: 2011-06-06 23:47:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Texas Governor Rick Perry to host prayer summit that calls upon Jesus to solve America’s problems Texas Governor Rick Perry has proclaimed August 6 as a "Day of Prayer and Fasting for our Nation to seek God's guidance" and has invited governors from across the nation to join his Christian prayer summit at Reliant Stadium in Houston. "Given the trials that beset our nation and world, from the global economic downturn to natural disasters, the lingering danger of terrorism and continued debasement of our culture, I believe it is time to convene the leaders from each of our United States in a day of prayer and fasting, like that described in the book of Joel," ...

In God's Time
Post Date: 2011-06-05 23:49:30 by Armadillo
Poster Comment:This song really speaks to me.

Wild Video: Woman Feeds Great White Shark by Hand
Post Date: 2011-06-05 01:40:14 by Flintlock
Clearly, the shark in this video is much more interested in the fish handouts than it is in the hand doing the handing. "It seems we are not a preferable food item," Papastamatiou said. "When you look at [great white] attack statistics the actual number of victims who are eaten or consumed is very low. Normally, it's a case of the victim being bitten and then left alone." Some researchers have speculated that humans may be too bony for sharks to easily digest. According to George Burgess at the Florida Program for Shark Research, there have been 182 nonfatal and 65 fatal unprovoked great white shark attacks worldwide in all of recorded history. [Read: Can Goldfish ...

Ted Pike - Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance (Video)
Post Date: 2011-06-04 20:33:51 by christine

Sunday morning Orthodox church service music
Post Date: 2011-06-04 12:23:18 by X-15

Preacher Who Got Date of Apocalypse Wrong Tries Again, Says He Was Off by Five Months
Post Date: 2011-05-24 04:37:07 by wudidiz
Preacher Who Got Date of Apocalypse Wrong Tries Again, Says He Was Off by Five Months Published May 23, 2011 | Associated Press APMarch 23, 2011: Harold Camping speaks during a taping of his show "Open Forum" in Oakland, Calif. Camping says his prophecy that the world would end was off by five months because Judgment Day actually will come on Oct. 21. OAKLAND, Calif. -- As crestfallen followers of a California preacher who foresaw the world's end strained to find meaning in their lives, Harold Camping revised his apocalyptic prophecy Monday, saying he was off by five months because the Earth actually will be obliterated on Oct. 21. Camping, who predicted that 200 million ...

Anyone been tuned in to what the Rapture Nitwits are doing now?
Post Date: 2011-05-23 15:30:55 by Eric Stratton
Anyone been paying attention to what Family Radio has done since they shit their pants in the credibility department? They've taken their countdown off the front page of the website. Are they still broadcasting anyone know? If so, what are they saying? Just curious, no biggie.

Michael Cremo on Forbidden Archeology, Our Billion-Year-Old Human History and the Spiritual Satisfaction of the Vedas
Post Date: 2011-05-23 06:39:49 by Ada
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Michael Cremo. Introduction: Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists and a research associate in history and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient histories of India known as the Vedas. ...

Post Date: 2011-05-22 11:21:24 by christine

Tomorrow, The End For Planet Earth?
Post Date: 2011-05-20 22:08:21 by christine
Judeo-Christians were Zionists Before Israel was a State Harold Camping is the latest in a long line of Pastors who have made themselves prosperous and famous by predicting the end of the world. He says, based on his own numerology studies, that God will commence the physical destruction of Earth on May 21, 2011, at about 6:00 PM, brought on, as I understand it, by world wide earthquakes. He has a well-funded national campaign to sell this idea. Camping is not an ignorant nor insignificant person, being founder and de facto owner of The Family Radio Network. According to research done by the UK Independent, the 89-year old Camping has built a tax-free "religious broadcasting ...

Seattle Atheists collect for "Rapture Relief Fund'
Post Date: 2011-05-18 00:19:26 by CadetD
A fringe Christian group has been busy lately warning the world about the coming Rapture, which it claims will be here on May 21. California-based Family Radio is spearheading the cause and has purchased billboards around the country asking commuters to mark May 21 on their calendars. They say that's the day when Jesus will return and true Christians will be spirited off to heaven, leaving the rest of the population to suffer through the last five months of their lives until God destroys the Earth on October 21. If the prognosticators are right, then some of us are in big trouble. With that thought in mind, a local group called Seattle Atheists is now taking donations for a ...

Heaven is a 'fairy story' says Stephen Hawking [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-05-16 22:19:39 by Flintlock
Heaven is a 'fairy story' says Stephen Hawking Physicist Stephen Hawking has dismissed religion once again as he deemed heaven a "fairy story" aimed at appeasing those afraid of death. The author of 1988 international best-seller "A Brief History of Time" said in an interview with The Guardian that his views were partly influenced by his battle with motor neuron disease. "I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first," he told the newspaper in an interview published on Monday. "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop ...

IMF Chief's Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati
Post Date: 2011-05-15 15:20:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
IMF Chief's Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati May 15, 2011  Dominique Strauss-Khan, the Jewish-born Head of the IMF, has torpedoed his career by sexually assaulting a chambermaid at his NYC Hotel Saturday. As the article below, "Our Leaders are Sex Addicts" (Feb 2008) explains, this behavior is typical of the satanic Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish cult that spawned the Illuminati. The article relates how the prominent Jewish leader Rabbi Stephen Wise was also a sexual profligate. The Illuminati-controlled mass media have spread these values to society as a whole.     by Henry Makow Ph.DThe world is set to drop into the ...

Jonathan Williams Legions of Satan (1781)
Post Date: 2011-05-13 20:21:55 by Itistoolate
Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan (1781) that General Cornwallis revealed to General Washingtonduring the signing of the Article of Capitulation signed by Cornwallis at Yorktown that,"A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom,but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction,"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religionand in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for Divine World Government.That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire.All ...

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