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Post Date: 2010-11-24 17:20:07 by Itistoolate
THE FIRST THANKSGIVING at PLYMOUTH The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth by Brownscombe "Our harvest being gotten in , our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice togehter." Edward Winslow In early autumn of 1621, the 53 surviving Pilgrims celebrated their successful harvest, as was the English custom. During this time, "many of the Indians coming... amongst the rest their great king Massasoit, with some ninety men." That 1621 celebration is remembered as the "First Thanksgiving in Plymouth." For more about the "First Thanksgiving," click HERE.( ) Detail from ...

5 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License
Post Date: 2010-11-23 19:43:27 by Itistoolate
   5 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License by Pastor Matt Trewhella Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license from the State in order to marry their future spouse. They do this unquestioningly. They do it because their pastor has told them to go get one, and besides, "everybody else gets one." This pamphlet attempts to answer the question - why should we not get one? 1. The definition of a "license" demands that we not obtain one to marry. Black’s Law Dictionary defines "license" as, "The permission by competent authority to do an act which ...

Texas Priest abuses kid,then tries to have him killed
Post Date: 2010-11-23 18:27:58 by paddlefeet
A cathoholic priest in Texas forces a 16 yr. old to have sex at gun point,threatens him daily for weeks,more sex,then when the boy could not take anymore he went to a councelor.The priest tried to hire an undercover agent to have the boy killed. The pope and his minions are the sickest POS's on the planet,except for the zionist,of course.

'A Large Proportion of Catholic Clerics and Trainee Priests Are Homosexual'
Post Date: 2010-11-22 15:04:25 by Red Jones
'A Large Proportion of Catholic Clerics and Trainee Priests Are Homosexual' David Berger, a gay theologian who has written a book about his experiences as a senior theologian in the Catholic Church, speaks to SPIEGEL about homophobia and the church's shift to the right. SPIEGEL: Mr. Berger, you describe the Catholic Church as a homophobic organization. Why did it take you, a homosexual theologian, so long to resign from your offices in the church? Berger: Because such an exit isn't a question of days. Even as a child I wanted to be a priest, but by the time I had finished high school it was clear to me that I would not be able to live a life of celibacy. SPIEGEL: And you ...

He Is God
Post Date: 2010-11-22 06:41:10 by James Deffenbach
He Is God ~He Is God~ He is the First and Last, The Beginning and the End! He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is, and He always will be ... unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone! He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings Peace! The world can't understand him, The armies can't defeat Him, The schools can't explain Him, and The leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, The Pharisees ...

The "Black Regiment"
Post Date: 2010-11-20 17:02:49 by Itistoolate
The "Black Regiment" The "Black Regiment" was a group of patriot-preachers from virtually every protestant denomination located throughout Colonial America at the time of America's fight for independence who courageously preached the Biblical principles of liberty and independence. The moniker stems from the tendency of these patriot-preachers to wear long, black robes in their pulpits. The inspiration for this directory comes from the scores of people throughout America who have contacted me asking if I knew of "Black Regiment" pastors in their respective cities. This directory is an attempt to help the many hundreds and thousands of Christians across ...

Supreme Court to issue Landmark Decision on the Constitution
Post Date: 2010-11-19 09:19:21 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Supreme Court to issue Landmark Decision on the Constitution William M. Windsor The United States Supreme Court will soon issue a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court will consider three petitions filed by William M. Windsor, a retired Atlanta, Georgia grandfather. "The Questions Presented to The Supreme Court are: 1. Will The Supreme Court declare that the Constitution and its amendments may be voided by the federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia? 2. Should federal judges be stopped from committing illegal and corrupt acts to obstruct justice and inflict bias on litigants? 3. Will The Supreme Court be afraid to disclose the ...

(vid) The arrogance of clergy
Post Date: 2010-11-17 09:05:45 by PSUSA
Freedom go to hell

Build the "Ground Zero Mosque" in the name of Tolerance
Post Date: 2010-11-10 09:43:23 by James Deffenbach
I am perplexed that so many of my friends are against a mosque being built near Ground Zero. I think it should be the goal of every American to be tolerant. The mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance. That is why I also propose, that two gay nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque thereby promoting tolerance within the mosque. We could call the clubs "The Turban Cowboy" and "You Mecca Me So Hot". Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and have an open barbeque with spare ribs as its daily special. Across the street a very daring lingerie store called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" with sexy mannequins in the ...

Cop shoots himself in leg unloading gun
Post Date: 2010-11-09 03:33:58 by sizzlerguy
Valparaiso - A recenty sworn-in Hebron reserve police officer shot himself in the leg Wednesday while unloading his gun before going inside a school to pick up his 5-year old son. Daniel Glickauf, 29, of South Haven, was sworn in as a reserve officer on Monday. On Saturday, he completed the required 40-hour prebasic training with the Hebron Police Department, Chief Steve Sibbrell said. That training, conducted in-house, includes firearms training, Sibbrell said, although reserve officers continue to get further training once they are working with the force. "It's just an unfortunate accident," Sibbrell said, noting Glickauf had surgery on his leg on Wednesday and probably ...

Motivated by gay teen suicides, megachurch leader comes out
Post Date: 2010-11-02 14:48:45 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The recent headlines about gay teen suicides have sparked something rather remarkable: A Georgia megachurch pastor recently outed himself to his congregation. Jim Swilley -- the pastor of the Church in the Now in Conyers, Ga. -- made the shocking revelation that he is gay two weeks ago. But the news only became more widely known when an Atlanta news station, WSB-TV, sat down for an interview with him. Swilley recently divorced the church's onetime associate pastor, Debye, but he had informed her in the early days of their 21-year relationship that he was gay, he told WSB-TV. Nevertheless, he says, they remained a couple, keeping the secret to themselves. But as Swilley explained in ...

Watchman Video
Post Date: 2010-11-01 06:29:32 by noone222
0 Comments Poster Comment:This video isn't for the average atheist but may appeal to numerologists, astrologers, students of Biblical numerology or those seeking answers. I have mentioned this guy in the past and have found some of his discoveries remarkable.

Vatican: Bible doesn’t promise Palestine to Jews
Post Date: 2010-10-24 23:52:31 by Max
Vatican: Bible doesn’t promise Palestine to Jews Posted on October 25, 2010 by rehmat1| Leave a comment The statement issued at the conclusion of the two-week Synod of Bishops conference on Middle East at the Vatican this month – called for the end to the Jewish occupation of Palestine. It also said that the biblical concept of the “Promised Land nor the Chosen People” justify the building of new illegal Jewish settlements nor the occupation of the Holy Land. “We thought carefully about the status of Jerusalem is holy. We are concerned about unilateral initiatives that threaten to change the composition and risk population balance,” the statement said. ...

Is Hizbullah anti-Christians?
Post Date: 2010-10-22 23:45:36 by Max
Is Hizbullah anti-Christians? “Lebanese government cannot ask Hizbullah to disarm. Hizbullah is the defender of Lebanon,” General Michel Suleiman, the Christian President of Lebanon, March 2010. The previous Christian President of Lebanon (1998-2008) General Emile Lahoud had expressed similar views about Hizbullah. Israel Hasbara (propaganda) Committee mafia have long been painting Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance Hizbullah as “anti-Semite” and “anti-Christian” movement. Saudi sectarian mafia calls the Resistance a “Shia” menace in order to keep the Muslim Ummah divided for the benefit of anti-Islam imperialist western powers and Israel. Contrary ...

Our Masters, Not Muslims, Are the Enemy [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-10-22 11:06:50 by ghostdogtxn

Stop the Media Purge!
Post Date: 2010-10-22 10:59:56 by ghostdogtxn

Why are Stars Millions of Light Years Away?
Post Date: 2010-10-21 18:31:00 by PSUSA
by Ken Ham September 2, 2010 Children's Keywords age-of-stars author-ken-ham kids-answers-book1 starlight Featured InBrowse this titleBuy this title Brendon, what a question! Yes, we know from the dates God gives us in the Bible that He did create the whole universe about 6,000 years ago. When we hear the term light-year, we need to realize it is not a measure of time but a measure of distance, telling us how far away something is. Distant stars and galaxies might be millions of light-years away, but that doesn’t mean that it took millions of years for the light to get here, it just means it is really far away! When God created the universe, everything ...

Muslim Sect Sees Struggle Through Christian Lens
Post Date: 2010-10-21 18:23:20 by Ada
NAJRAN, Saudi Arabia — Among the ruins on the edge of this ancient oasis city are deep trenches littered with bones. That, local people say, is all that remains of one of the great atrocities of antiquity, when thousands of Christians were herded into pits here and burned to death by a Jewish tyrant after they refused to renounce their faith. Related Residents of Najran say that the ruins on the edge of their city include deep trenches littered with the bones of thousands of Christians who were burned to death by a Jewish tyrant after they refused to renounce their faith. It is impossible to know whether the periphery bone fragments are related to the massacre or not. The massacre, ...

From the "Creation Museum Taxidermy Hall Of Fame of NC -->AND<--- Antique Tool Museum": 5 Questions An Evolutionist Can Not Answer
Post Date: 2010-10-20 09:55:10 by PSUSA
How Did Nothing Turn Into Something? (Speculation about how "something turned into something else" does not even touch the question.) How Did Life Come From Non-Life? (By the first law of science - a scientific impossibility) How Did Millions of Life Forms Evolve With Absolutely No Evidence of Major Change? (A few anecdotal examples of mutations do not explain the missing transitional forms in millions of generations of thousands of creatures.) How Can A Watch Come Into Existence Without A Watchmaker? (Not to mention DNA - the biological program which is beyond the combined complexity of all the computers on earth!) How Did Thought Come From Non-Thought? (The first thought ...

How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth
Post Date: 2010-10-16 11:18:21 by Red Jones
How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth An increasingly popular bumper sticker reads, "Guns Don't Kill People -- RELIGION Kills People!" In light of recent events I would add religion kills young people: gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender young people. Perhaps not directly, though. And religion is certainly not the only source of anti-gay sentiment in the culture. But it's hard to deny that religious voices denouncing LGBT people contribute to the atmosphere in which violence against LGBT people and bullying of LGBT youth can flourish. The news is filled with the tragedies of teenaged boys who were gay and decided to end their living hell by committing ...

Obituary for Lillian Mae "Lillie" (Maiden) Pressley
Post Date: 2010-10-13 14:04:25 by Prefrontal Vortex
Obituary for Lillian Mae "Lillie" (Maiden) Pressley Madison Lillian Mae "Lillie" (Maiden) Pressley passed on to glory on Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010. Lillie was born in New Orleans, on June 17, 1937, to Calleaner (Miller) and Palmer N. Maiden Sr. in New Orleans, La. The family moved to Madison in 1948, where her father had a position at the Badger Ammunition Plant in Baraboo. She was educated in the Madison Public School System, Madison Area Technical College and UW-Madison. Lillie accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1950, and was baptized by Rev. Joseph Washington, then Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church. She was united in marriage to William A. White Sr. in 1955 ...

The Bloody Bible
Post Date: 2010-10-13 10:56:12 by PSUSA
The greatest atrocities that man has had to endure at the hand of his fellow man have been in the name of GOD. The pages of the Bible are painted red with blood spilled to please this bloodthirsty vampire known as "God." The Bloodthirsty VampireThe Bible reveals an important, yet often overlooked trait of God's nature and that is his thirst for blood. From the beginning of his dealings with man he has shown his preference for spilled blood; he accepted Able's offering of sheep's blood and rejected Cain's offering of grains and plants (Genesis 4:3-5). God has told man that the shedding of blood is required to be forgiven of sins (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). In ...

Israel’s Enemies–Children of a Lesser God
Post Date: 2010-10-10 00:18:59 by Max
Israel’s Enemies–Children of a Lesser God Written and performed by Mark Glenn & the Glenn children What did I ever do to you? Did I ever bring danger to your home, What injustices old or new? What did I ever do or say- That could possibly justify the things You are doing to me this day? Right now they’re only whispers of wonder But tomorrow they’ll rage like the thunder. What did we ever do to you- Are we children of a lesser god Not as shiny and not as new? What did we ever do or say That could possibly justify the things You are doing to us this day? And yet through all this madness you wonder Why our outrage is rising like ...

13 charged over Mass in Saudi hotel
Post Date: 2010-10-07 15:08:12 by Red Jones
13 charged over Mass in Saudi hotel Published Date: 07 October 2010 By Souhail Karam Thirteen Filipinos have been charged with proselytising in Saudi Arabia after being arrested during a private Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in a Riyadh hotel last week, a Saudi newspaper has said. The Filipinos, one of whom is a Catholic priest, were briefly detained for organising the service raided by the Muslim kingdom's ultra-conservative religious police, Arab News said. About 150 expatriates attended the Mass, the newspaper said. They (the 13] were charged with proselytising," it quoted the Philippine Embassy's chargé d'affaires in Riyadh as saying. They were later ...

The Troubling Worldview of the 'Rapture-Ready' Christian [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-10-07 12:31:54 by Original_Intent
When the subject of the "end-times" comes up, many Christians and non-Christians don’t want to talk about it. Some Christians, annoyed with all the competing theories and terminology just say, "What difference does it make? Jesus is coming back and I just need to be ready." Non-Christians just assume that since Christianity isn’t true, then the whole issue doesn’t matter. Well, actually, it does matter. I will submit that the popular doctrines of the Left Behind series pose very real threats not only to Christianity, but also to the wider culture. Probably most conservative Protestants (though not all of us) believe that humanity is certainly in the final ...

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