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A frustrated Trump questions his administration’s Venezuela strategy
Post Date: 2019-05-09 06:25:48 by noone222
President Trump is questioning his administration’s aggressive strategy in Venezuela following the failure of a U.S.-backed effort to oust President Nicolás Maduro, complaining he was misled about how easy it would be to replace the socialist strongman with a young opposition figure, according to administration officials and White House advisers. The president’s dissatisfaction has crystallized around national security adviser John Bolton and what Trump has groused is an interventionist stance at odds with his view that the United States should stay out of foreign quagmires. Trump has said in recent days that Bolton wants to get him “into a war” — a comment ...

Venezuela - Forensics Of A Clownish Coup
Post Date: 2019-05-04 02:25:50 by hondo68
Tuesdays clownish coup attempt in Venezuela failed. The Trump administration got snookered. It will have to either change its tactic or leave the issue alone. National Security Advisor John Bolton is pressing for a war on Venezuela. While the Pentagon and the countries neighboring Venezuela are against the use of military force, it is Bolton who has President Trump's ear. The planning for a war seems to progress fast. Lucas Tomlinson @LucasFoxNews - 00:18 utc- 3 May 2019 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton just left Pentagon following meeting with acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan in secure conference room known as ‘The Tank’ to ...

Federal Judge Orders That Guy They Arrested for Google Searches and Accused of Terrorism Released
Post Date: 2019-04-27 21:12:05 by Ada
Arresting this guy as a terrorist for Google searches and draft emails he never sent was one of the craziest things I had ever seen. It looked as though they had created some kind of new law on the spot to charge him with planning terrorism based on the theory that maybe he could have been thinking about terrorism, theoretically. Basically, he had searched some terms in Google regarding where politicians live, how much security they have, etc., and had a draft email saying he would like to kill people (unspecific people). He also had a list of names of people he didn’t like. None of that is illegal. It does not in any way amount to a plan to commit terrorism. He had no records of a ...

NATO-Exit: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals
Post Date: 2019-04-10 12:03:29 by Ada
This text prepared in the context of the April 7 2019 Florence International Conference: No War, No NATO will centre on the key relationship between US-NATO military operations directed against targeted countries and the imposition of far-reaching neoliberal economic reforms both before and in the wake of US-NATO military interventions. This article will also address the dangers and consequences of a Third World War as well the nature of advanced weapons systems deployed by the broader US-NATO coalition. Extensive war crimes have been committed by NATO member states. The object of the Florence Venue is NATO-EXIT. The Dismantling of NATO and the closure of US military bases. There is a ...

US to Designate Elite Iranian Force as Terrorist Organization
Post Date: 2019-04-06 23:45:01 by BTP Holdings
US to Designate Elite Iranian Force as Terrorist Organization Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (AFP/Getty Images) Saturday, 06 April 2019 10:03 AM The United States is expected to designate Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps a foreign terrorist organization, three U.S. officials told Reuters, marking the first time Washington has formally labeled another country's military a terrorist group. The decision, which critics warn could open U.S. military and intelligence officials to similar actions by unfriendly governments abroad, is expected to be announced by the U.S. State Department, perhaps as early as Monday, the officials said. It has been rumored for years. ...

Post Date: 2019-03-31 18:53:06 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:Some guy called on land line me a few years back. He told me I was in the National Guard. I told him, "Nope." Then he said, "Then you worked for the National Guard." I said, "Not at all. Where are you getting your information?" When they get your name they think they know everything about you.

REVEALED: US training ISIS militants at Al-Tanf to attack Syrian oil fields
Post Date: 2019-03-27 18:07:39 by Horse
DAMASCUS – According to sources in the Syrian government army, several thousand militants of the Islamic State (outlawed in Russia), who previously surrendered outside the settlement of al-Baguz on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, were transported to the At-Tanf zone through the territories of Iraq and Jordan under the American escort. Those were mostly people from local tribes dwelling in the Syrian and Iraqi territories. Their families and relatives were sent as hostages to Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah province. Most militants were sent to training camps that account for at as many as ten in the American-occupied territory. There are representatives of the group known as ...

Why Would the U.S. Win Any War?
Post Date: 2019-03-25 13:31:57 by Ada
“War serves only the warlords and the graveyards!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan The term “unwinnable war” is a strange and ambiguous notion used most often to describe fake reasoning for not winning a war. This seems absurd to me, and at the same time insincere. Lately, I have heard this term used often in personal correspondence sent to me, and in the published writings of others concerning past wars. Mainly ex-soldiers, politicians, and other purveyors of war use this term in order to shield themselves from the shame of losing. But was the real intent ever to win? After the fact, the unwinnable war theory always seems to surface, as if war should not be fought if ...

Killing for Credibility: A Look Back at the 1999 NATO Air War on Serbia
Post Date: 2019-03-24 08:27:40 by Ada
This month marks the 20th anniversary of Operation Allied Force, NATO’s 78-day air war against Yugoslavia. It was a war waged as much against Serbian civilians – hundreds of whom perished – as it was against Slobodan Miloševi’s forces, and it was a campaign of breathtaking hypocrisy and selective outrage. More than anything, it was a war that by President Bill Clinton’s own admission was fought for the sake of NATO’s credibility. One Man’s Terrorist… Our story begins not in the war-torn Balkans of the 1990s but rather in the howling wilderness of Afghanistan at the end of the 1980s as defeated Soviet invaders withdrew from a decade of ...

Why did Bush go to war in Iraq?
Post Date: 2019-03-21 08:46:11 by Ada
No, it wasn't because of WMDs, democracy or Iraqi oil. The real reason is much more sinister than that. Sixteen years after the United States invaded Iraq and left a trail of destruction and chaos in the country and the region, one aspect of the war remains criminally underexamined: why was it fought in the first place? What did the Bush administration hope to get out of the war? The official, and widely-accepted, story remains that Washington was motivated by Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programme. His nuclear capabilities, especially, were deemed sufficiently alarming to incite the war. As then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, "We do ...

The US Quietly Negotiates ‘Peace with Honor’ in Afghanistan
Post Date: 2019-03-10 08:25:31 by Ada
As the US government turns its back on Afghanistan, count on the paladins of national security quickly forgetting all that occurred there and moving on by It now becomes increasingly clear that the official rationale for initiating the Afghanistan War was bogus from the very outset. (Photo: DVIDSHUB/flickr/cc) A friend of mine, a veteran of America’s 21st-century wars in the Greater Middle East, recently sent along his most recent commentary on Afghanistan. It would be his last, he said. “I’m done writing on how we got here — at this point I’ve said my piece, and I’m tired of being angry.” He’s moving on. I can’t say that I blame him. A ...

Great Song! Favorite Cossack Ballad About Love and War, 'Not For Me - Ne Dlya Menya' (Video)
Post Date: 2019-03-05 11:27:47 by Ada
The most famous Cossack song, sung at dinners, concerts and campfires This article from our archives was first published on RI in June 2018 This article originally appeared on a new site about the Christian renaissance in Russia, called Russian Faith. Their introductory video is at end of this article. There's something dashing and soulful about Russian folk music, especially when it originates with the Cossacks, Russia's warriors of the steppe. This is perhaps the most famous Cossack song, sung at dinners, concerts and campfires. It's a song about a love that is always just out of reach, a strange mix of longing and recklessness. Listen to it. You won't regret it. ...

An Unholy Alliance: Did the US-Backed UAE Fly ISIS Leaders into Yemen’s Killing Fields?
Post Date: 2019-03-05 11:10:43 by Ada
The de facto alliance between the U.S. with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, AQAP, and now allegedly ISIS in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history, ADEN, YEMEN — Ali Abdullah al-Bujairi — a Yemeni politician who served as a senior member on the failed UN-brokered transitional government and as Yemen’s ambassador to Iraq under former president Ali Abdullah Saleh — is accusing the United Arab Emirates of facilitating a transfer of ISIS officials into Yemen. “The UAE has recently transferred an ISIL commander namely Abu Bakr al-Zokhri (with Sudanese nationality) — nom de guerre, Khaibar al-Sumali — from Iraq to Aden in Yemen to ...

Security Expert: US Army Training 1000 ISIL Terrorists in Western Iraq
Post Date: 2019-03-04 16:39:09 by Horse
Iraq's security experts accuse the US Army of training hundreds of ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province after relocating them from Syria to Iraq to prepare them for a new round of insecurity in the country. "Between 700 to 1,000 ISIL militants are being trained by the US troops in al-Anbar province," the Arabic-language al-Maloumeh news website quoted Manager of Badr Organization in Al-Anbar Province Qasi al-Anbari as saying on Sunday. He pointed to the special conditions considered for the ISIL militants, and said that the US troops have specified redlines for third parties to avoid approaching the region. This is while the Arabic-language Arabi Post has recently disclosed ...

Judge allows Abu Ghraib torture claims to go to trial
Post Date: 2019-02-28 09:03:17 by Ada
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — After 10 years of delay, a federal judge has ruled that three former inmates who say they were tortured at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison can go forward with their lawsuit against a military contractor. Arlington-based CACI Premier Technology asked the judge Wednesday to dismiss the lawsuit. The company, which supplied the Army with civilian interrogators, argued that the government's refusal to declassify key facts is making it impossible to defend itself. U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema acknowledged CACI's frustration but said the lawsuit can move forward even though the government says certain facts like the identities of the interrogators are ...

Trump Talks Peace With Taliban - Will Neocons Go Nuts?
Post Date: 2019-02-27 16:16:10 by hondo68
While all eyes are on the Trump/Kim talks in Hanoi, the US Administration is continuing peace talks with Afghanistan's Taliban in Qatar. Will the US withdraw all troops from Afghanistan in exchange for Taliban promises to keep fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda? Tune in to today's Liberty Report:Poster Comment:Will Trump end dubya & Obama's war, or remain loyal to Hillary, Marco Rubio & Bibi?

Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls for Maduro to Suffer Gadaffi's Fate
Post Date: 2019-02-26 10:56:47 by ghostdogtxn

Anyone Buying this Venezuela BS is a Complete Moron
Post Date: 2019-02-26 09:45:10 by ghostdogtxn

Thank God For "Mail" by Capitalist Exploits - Feb 23, 2019 4:07 pm Goldman Sachs, anyone? Imminent Accounting Change Rhymes with 2007-2009 – $3 Trillion Impact... by - Feb 23, 2019 8:09 am FASB is back at it again. Starting for Q1 2019 reporting, companies will be required to
Post Date: 2019-02-24 05:53:30 by Horse
In September 2001, the Bush administration launched the “Global War on Terror.” Though “global” has long since been dropped from the name, as it turns out, they weren’t kidding... When I first set out to map all the places in the world where the United States is still fighting terrorism so many years later, I didn’t think it would be that hard to do. This was before the 2017 incident in Niger in which four American soldiers were killed on a counterterror mission and Americans were given an inkling of how far-reaching the war on terrorism might really be. I imagined a map that would highlight Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria - the places many ...

US Using Choppers to Transport Syrian Gold Stashed by Daesh – Reports
Post Date: 2019-02-17 11:12:11 by Ada
US President Donald Trump baffled the whole world last December by saying that the self-proclaimed caliphate, Daesh, had been defeated in Syria, going on to announce the withdrawal of all American troops from the Arab Republic. Syrian state-run news agency SANA has cited local sources as saying that US forces have used helicopters to transfer large boxes full of the "spoils" of Daesh* terrorists from the al-Dashisha area in Hasaka province's southern countryside. READ MORE: Trump Asks EU Allies to 'Take Back Over 800' Daesh Fighters Captured in Syria The sources claim that the boxes contained huge amounts of gold that the terrorist group had safely stored east of ...

Trump's Vow To Stay In Iraq "To Watch Iran" Has Unleashed A Political Storm In Baghdad
Post Date: 2019-02-09 14:58:24 by Horse
US president Donald Trump’s stated intention to remain in Iraq in order to “be looking a little bit at Iran because Iran is a real problem” has created a political storm in Mesopotamia among local politicians and groups now determined to put an end to the US presence in the country. Many are upset by Trump’s statement, saying that the “US forces are departing from their initial mission to fight terrorism, the reason for which they are allowed to stay in Iraq.” Iraqi President Barham Saleh commented that the US administration did not ask Iraq’s permission for US troops stationed in the country to “watch Iran”. US forces have been deployed in Iraq ...

Afghan Civilians Fear CIA-Backed Death Squads that Can Call In Airstrikes
Post Date: 2019-02-09 11:03:03 by Ada
While the U.S. continues to conduct its mission of nation-building and “democracy promotion” in Afghanistan, bombing the country at unprecedented levels and being associated with de facto death squads on the ground could fuel distrust of Americans. NANGARHAR PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN — Elite CIA-backed special forces in Afghanistan are leaving a trail of carnage in the country. As such units do not operate under the umbrella of the Department of Defense, they have been given near-impunity despite standing accused of war crimes. Last month, the New York Times cited “senior Afghan and international officials” who said that while most strike forces in Afghanistan have ...

Mr President. End This Shameful War Now!
Post Date: 2019-01-26 09:53:46 by Ada
An ancient Hindu prayer says, ‘Lord Shiva, save us from the claw of the tiger, the fang of the cobra, and the vengeance of the Afghan.’ The United States, champion of freedom and self-determination, is now in its 18th year of colonial war in Afghanistan. This miserable, stalemated conflict is America’s longest and most shameful war. So far it has cost over $1 trillion and killed no one knows how many Afghans. This conflict began in 2001 on a lie: namely that Afghanistan was somehow responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the US. These attacks were planned in Europe and the US, not Afghanistan, and apparently conducted (official version) by anti-American Saudi extremists. This ...

What We Don’t Know About U.S. Airstrikes in Somalia and Everywhere Else The war continues and it's costing lives.
Post Date: 2019-01-25 09:18:53 by Ada
|||Brett Critchley/Dreamstime.comBrett Critchley/Dreamstime.comLast weekend, the U.S. military killed what they reported as 52 militants from Somalia's al-Shabab. Taking its current form in 2006, the group started crossing borders for their violence in 2012 after allying themselves with al-Qaida. Their most recent attack took place on January 15 in Kenya––gun- and explosives-wielding men killed 22 people at a hotel. Their most successful was a bomb that killed a staggering 500 people in Mogadishu in October 2017. The U.S. has been in Somalia since 2003, and currently has about 500 troops on the ground. A drone strike killed al-Shabab's leader in 2014; however, Trump has ...

Eisenhower’s Nightmare on Steroids; graduated nuclear escalation v2.0
Post Date: 2019-01-19 15:33:42 by hondo68
President Donald Trump’s plan to escalate efforts in Ballistic Missile Defense (BDM), including the introduction of space-based weapons, should not be viewed in isolation.It comes on top of the Defense Department’s plan to execute an across-the-board modernization of all our nuclear strike forces. It comes on top of the expansion of NATO under three presidents, despite earlier promises (here and here) to the contrary. It comes on top of the unilateral decision by President George W. Bush to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in June 2002, on top of Trump’s threat to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and on top of Trump’s ...

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