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Iraq PM Orders Immediate Execution of Hundreds of ‘Terrorists’
Post Date: 2018-06-30 07:23:29 by Ada
Says mass killing will be 'fair punishment' after ISIS killed eight hostages Citing the need for revenge after eight hostages were found executed by ISIS north of Baghdad, Iraqi PM Hayder Abadi called for the immediate execution of all convicted terrorists in Iraqi custody. This is believed to be 212 detainees. Iraqi Justice Ministry photo said to show detainees awaiting execution While Abadi initially said this was important to avenge the eight hostages, he also presented it as “fair punishment” for the detainees, and would be a further completion of the “purge” against ISIS-linked forces in Iraq. 212 to be executed assumes only those already sentenced to ...

Food For Thought - George Orwell
Post Date: 2018-06-28 23:55:37 by Horse
"War is a way of shattering to pieces materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and too intelligent." -- George Orwell

Charles Krauthammer Was Invaluable in Getting NATO to Adopt War Crimes as War Strategy in 1999 Bombing of Yugoslavia
Post Date: 2018-06-27 06:33:46 by Ada
And now he's dead. He'll never be able to call for more and larger civilian massacres again Used his perch at the supposedly highly respectable Washington Post to call for NATO to kill more civilians During the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which purposefully targeted civilian infrastructure and purposefully killed 2,000 civilians Charles Krauthammer was an early advocate and promoter of killing civilians: Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer (4/8/99) criticized the “excruciating selectivity” of NATO’s bombing raids and applauded the fact that “finally they are hitting targets–power plants, fuel depots, bridges, airports, television ...

Russian-Syrian Offensive on Southern Rebels Kicks Off. Russian Air Force in Action After 1 Year Pause
Post Date: 2018-06-25 09:01:19 by Ada
The truce in the south held for a year as the Syrian army was busy elsewhere, but Al-Qaeda still has a presence there and as the Syrians turn to eliminate it the Russians are right behind (above) them Russia bombed rebel-held parts of southern Syria late Saturday for the first time since brokering a ceasefire there nearly a year ago, a monitor group said, as allied government troops prepared a ground assault. Southern Syria is a strategic prize for local and global players involved in the country's convoluted seven-year war. After securing the capital Damascus, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appears keen to recapture the southern provinces of Daraa and Sweida, still mostly held ...

US tells rebels not to count on its help as Syrian army advances into country’s southwest – report
Post Date: 2018-06-24 10:02:36 by Ada
The US military has reportedly warned the rebels it backs in Syria that it will not help them thwart a large-scale offensive of the Syrian Army, which is rapidly gaining ground in the southwest of the country. In a letter to the commanders of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a loose umbrella group of armed rebels, Washington wrote that they should not base their decisions "on the assumption or expectation of a military intervention by us.” The message, which was reported by Reuters on Sunday, calls on the group to decide for themselves on their response to the rapidly-advancing Syrian forces that continue their assault eyeing to reclaim the swathes of land along the border with ...

Syrian government forces besiege US base in al-Tanf
Post Date: 2018-06-22 19:03:11 by Ada
This video grab shows a Syrian soldier patrolling an area in the Badiya region after it was liberated during an offensive, June 20, 2018. (Photo via SANA) Syrian government forces have reportedly encircled a US military base at the al-Tanf border crossing with Jordan, after recapturing large parts of the Badyia region from Daesh. As part of an anti-terror operation that was launched from the Hamimeh region in southern Aleppo and the second and third oil pumping stations in Badiya a few days ago, Syrian forces and allied popular fighters liberated an area that ran 45 kilometers wide and 60 kilometers deep towards the border with Iraq. The area includes the city of Abu Kamal and US base of ...

Bombs Away! US Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes?
Post Date: 2018-06-21 20:31:35 by hondo68
President Trump is dropping bombs at a record pace. Even though the US is technically not at war, in the first year of the Trump Administration some 44,000 bombs were dropped overseas. In the entire eight years of the Bush Administration 70,000 bombs were dropped and under eight years of "Peace President" Obama 100,000 were dropped. Trump looks to break the record. With so much attention paid to children being taken from their parents, why no attention to how many kids overseas are permanently taken from their parents by US bombs? Tune in to today's Liberty Report:

The Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood
Post Date: 2018-06-21 17:09:15 by Ada
The media nowadays are busy congratulating themselves for their vigorous criticism of Donald Trump. To exploit that surge of sanctimony, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out The Post, a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon administration. Critics raved over the film, which the New York Post enthusiastically labeled “journalism porn of the highest order.” Boston Public Radio station WBUR called it the “most fun you’ll ever have at a civics lesson.” Spielberg, touting his movie, claimed that “the free press is a crusader for truth,” But the media hoopla around The Post is akin to geezers boasting of having shown moments of courage ...

Post Date: 2018-06-19 04:35:34 by Tatarewicz
Syrpers... DAYR EL-ZOR: A large number of towns and villages were liberated the day before yesterday by the Syrian Army from ISIS residual elements. It was the result of a swift and sudden attack aimed at areas southwest of Al-Mayaadeen in which a confirmed 61 rodents were either killed or wounded. The numbers are based on an actual on-site assessment since the terrorists had no ability to remove their casualties. Many of the wounded were taken prisoner and interrogated. All will be tried before a military court. An area of 2000 square kilometers was completely deloused on the road between Al-Ward Field, Al-Mu’ayzila, Tammaah, and Faydhat Ibn Muwaynis along a 40 km axis. As I write, ...

Palestinian teen shot by Israeli soldier: 'My leg is gone'
Post Date: 2018-06-16 08:01:41 by Tatarewicz
PMF... More than half of 15,000 total injuries in Gaza demos since March 30 are from explosive bullets, leading to amputation. Abdullah al-Anqar was shot at with an explosive bullet by Israeli soldier last month, resulting in the amputation of his left leg [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera] More than one month later, sadness and anger still grip Rania al-Anqar's heart every time she thinks about her son Abdullah, whose leg was amputated after he was shot by an Israeli soldier. The 13-year-old had made his way to an area east of Gaza City, near the Israeli fence and close to his home in the al-Shujayea neighbourhood, on a quiet Thursday morning in early May. "I took my slingshot with ...

Infinite War
Post Date: 2018-06-13 06:58:39 by Ada
The Gravy Train Rolls On “The United States of Amnesia.” That’s what Gore Vidal once called us. We remember what we find it convenient to remember and forget everything else. That forgetfulness especially applies to the history of others. How could their past, way back when, have any meaning for us today? Well, it just might. Take the European conflagration of 1914-1918, for example. You may not have noticed. There’s no reason why you should have, fixated as we all are on the daily torrent of presidential tweets and the flood of mindless rejoinders they elicit. But let me note for the record that the centenary of the conflict once known as The Great War is well ...

When, Where, and How Will the Empire Strike Back?
Post Date: 2018-06-11 13:01:34 by Ada
In any analysis of contemporary international politics it pays to be cautiously pessimistic. As the default mode one can generally expect that any way in which things can go wrong to threaten the peace and security of the planet, they will. Anticipation of improvement is a chump’s bet. That’s why the analyst’s gut instinct rebels at any indication that things overall may be moving in a positive direction, however haltingly or indirectly. But consider: Click for Full Text!

Syria's Upcoming Offensive to Israel Contact Line May Be the Best Show of the War
Post Date: 2018-06-11 09:00:17 by Ada
It seems Syria is gathering all its best and heaviest (most mechanized) units for the offensive in the south west. Could Russian and Syrian staff officers be preparing a classical Soviet "Deep Operation" offensive to overwhelm and break up the enemy at lightning speed (see Uranus, Bagration, Vistula-Oder, and August Storm)? Al-Masdar News: The Syrian military is preparing to launch their largest offensive of the war next week, as they finalize their plans to kickoff this imperative operation in the provinces of Dara’a and Al-Quneitra. According to a military source in Damascus, the government offensivewill be led by two major forces in the Syrian Arab Army: the Tiger ...

30 phone calls to 9-1-1 that Sheriff Joseph Lombardo doesn’t want you to hear from the night of 1 October
Post Date: 2018-06-11 03:55:45 by Horse
Intellihub editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas tediously went through 518 different 9-1-1 calls from the night of the 1 October massacre in which the online sleuth located a cornucopia of information which further paints a picture of how Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Joseph Lombardo lied to the general public about events which occurred on the night of the shooting. However, it’s also important to point out that the sheriff did not lie by choice but rather lied due to the fact that the Department of Homeland Security deemed the terror attack a ‘matter of national security’ just one day after the shooting which is why FBI Special Agent Aaron Rouse was ...

Post Date: 2018-06-05 08:06:33 by Tatarewicz
Syrpers... Read this article right away: Buffoon American WOG and permanent delegate to the U.N. brandishes more faked photos taken by the now-disgraced “White Helmets” at the U.N.S.C. The British delegate to her left scowls as he pretends to be offended by the staged scenes. Oh, yawn! (Don’t forget to read the link at the beginning) If our friends at Syrianews are right, the White Helmets, in perfect coordination with both MI6 and CIA, will stage a new atrocity in order to frame the Syrian government. We expect Ivanka Trump, the know-nothing daughter of America’s chief meat head, to charge down the hallowed ...

Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child-Molesters
Post Date: 2018-05-31 14:27:40 by X-15
Donald Trump was hailed by the media last August when he announced he was sending more U.S. troops to fight in Afghanistan. A Washington Post editorial praised his “principled realism” and saluted “a rare but welcome story of self-correction” (since Trump had portrayed Afghanistan as a lost cause when he was a presidential candidate). A New York Daily News op-ed praised the president because “Trump said ‘win’ and ‘victory’ more times in 15 minutes than President Barack Obama did in eight years.” CNN cheered that expanding the Afghan war allowed Trump to “stake out a more conventional presidential posture.” Trump assured the ...

Memorialize That
Post Date: 2018-05-31 08:34:18 by Ada
War for the USA these days is a weird, inconclusive enterprise. Our objectives are poorly discerned, hardly even articulated anymore, just a pattern of going through the motions as destructively as possible with no end in sight. How many Americans can state what our mission in Afghanistan is after seventeen years of blundering around its bare mountains and valleys? What exactly has been the point of our exercises in Syria? To get rid of Bashar al-Assad, the wonks might say. Really? And replace him with what? With the ragtag ISIS maniacs we’ve been shoveling arms and money to? What goes on in the Baghdad Green Zone these days with Operation Inherent Resolve still underway? How come ...

‘We were close to direct conflict between Russia & US inside Syria’ – Bashar Assad
Post Date: 2018-05-31 06:45:56 by Tatarewicz
RT Exclusive Syrian President Bashar Assad says Moscow deterred the West from launching a devastating country-wide air strike last month, and believes that Damascus has nearly won the seven-year war, despite continued US “interference.” “With every move forward for the Syrian Army, and for the political process, and for the whole situation, our enemies and our opponents, mainly the West led by the United States and their puppets in Europe and in our region, they try to make it farther – either by supporting more terrorism, bringing more terrorists to Syria, or by hindering the political process,” Assad told RT correspondent Murad Gazdiev, during a sit-down ...

Captured Ukrainian Soldiers Say Offensive Planned for World Cup
Post Date: 2018-05-29 10:06:06 by Tatarewicz
FRN... Ukrainian soldiers captured by the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said in statements on Wednesday that Kiev might launch an offensive against Donbass during the upcoming 2018 World Cup held in Russia. According to reports, two captured Ukrainian soldiers, Vasily Zhimilinsky and Vitaly Chmil explained the circumstances in which they were captured and answered questions from reporters. The two soldiers confirmed that they were not pressured by the Donetsk side. “We were told that an offensive would begin either on the eve of the presidential election in Russia, when the snow melted and the earth dried up, or during the World Cup.” The captured soldiers even revealed ...

Ray McGovern on How To Honor Memorial Day
Post Date: 2018-05-28 08:32:14 by Ada
Memorial Day should be a time of sober reflection on war’s horrible costs, not a moment to glorify war. But many politicians and pundits can·t resist the opportunity, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explains in this updated commentary from 2015. How best to show respect for the U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families on Memorial Day? Simple: Avoid euphemisms like “the fallen” and expose the lies about what a great idea it was to start those wars in the first place and then to “surge” tens of thousands of more troops into those fools’ errands. First, let’s be clear on at least this much: the 4,500 US troops killed in Iraq ...

Post Date: 2018-05-26 15:00:36 by boonie rat
MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Day is their day, isn't it? It is supposed to be the day a grateful nation pauses to quietly thank the more than one million men and women who have died in military service to their country since the Revolutionary War. Or is it the day the beach resorts kick into high gear for the summer season, the day the strand is covered by fish-belly white people basting themselves in coconut oil, the day the off-season rates end and the weekend you can't get in a seaside seafood restaurant with anything less than a one hour wait. Or is is one of the biggest shopping center sales days of the year, a day when hunting for a parking space is the prime sport for the ...

Credible Report Alleges US Relocates ISIS from Syria and Iraq into Russia via Afghanistan
Post Date: 2018-05-26 13:39:25 by Ada
Katehon, a think-tank dedicated to the protection of nations’ sovereignty against invasions and coups from abroad, headlined, on May 15th, “Special Services Agent: Attack on Russia Is Being Prepared”, and reported that [with editorial clarifications and links supplied by me in brackets]: According to Russian and Chinese law enforcement agencies, militants fleeing by sea from Syria and Iraq follow a route from the Qasim port in the Pakistani city of Karachi to Peshawar, and are then distributed along the Nangarhar province in the east of the country. … Since late 2017 the leaders of the Islamic State managed to transfer from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan an additional ...

Iranian electronic warfare facility blown up south of Damascus, second explosion in 4 days
Post Date: 2018-05-22 07:23:01 by Tatarewicz
DEBKA Weekly Iranian electronic warfare facility blown up south of Damascus, second explosion in 4 days May 21, 2018 @ 7:21 Explosion, Iranian base, Syria Powerful explosions were reported early Monday, May 21, in the Naijah area south of Damascus. A Syrian military academy situated there serves as an Iranian/HIzballah intelligence war room and an Iranian electronic warfare facility. The explosions were reported by Sky News in Arabic with no official confirmation or indication of what caused them. If confirmed, this would appear to be the second pinpointed attack in four days on an Iranian military target in Syria. On May 18, fuel, arms and ammunition depots at a Syrian air base near ...

Post Date: 2018-05-19 07:54:14 by Tatarewicz
SyrPers... According to Gen. Mayhoob, chief spokesman for the Syrian MoD, 65 cities, towns and villages have just been liberated from the stench of Zionist-Saudi-NATO-sponsored terrorism. A total of about 1200 square kilometers have been retaken by the government in one of the most impressive accomplishments of the Syrian Arab Army since this foreign-inspired war began in 2011. The surrenders have been massive and so has the cost of gassing up all those green buses to expel the rodents and their miserable families to either Jaraablus or Idlib Governorate. After turning over all their heavy and medium weapons to the army, they left the region they had infested for far too long. Tanks, APCs, ...

Post Date: 2018-05-16 10:08:48 by Tatarewicz
SyrPer...; We have all been sickened by the somewhat lackluster way Syria has reacted to past violations of its airspace by the Zionist Apartheid State. We have heard, ad nauseam, the repeated promises to retaliate “at the time and place we choose”. Well, this time it was quite different. I waited a few days to let the dust settle so I could get a more detailed image of what happened exactly. My source in Damascus, Monzer, sent me some information he was able to glean from his contacts. The Zionist statements appear to be just a lot of hooey right now. As usual, they don’t provide accurate information about their losses and they don’t permit coverage of funerals of ...

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