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US Deploys Two More Aircraft Carriers Toward Korean Peninsula: Yonhap
Post Date: 2017-04-17 16:52:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
According to a report by South Korea's primary news outlet, Yonhap, the Pentagon has directed a total of three US aircraft carriers toward the Korean Peninsula, citing a South Korean government source. Yonhap reports that in addition to the CVN-70 Carl Vinson, which is expected to arrive off the South Korean coast on April 25, the CVN-76 Ronald Reagan - currently in home port in Yokosuka, Japan - and the CVN-68 Nimitz carrier group - currently undergoing final pre-deployment assessment, Composite Training Unit Exercise off Oregon - will enter the Sea of Japan next week.  According to the senior government official. the US and South Korea are discussing joint drills, which will ...

Why Did the US Test an Outdated Bomb in Mountains of Afghanistan?
Post Date: 2017-04-17 08:31:16 by Ada
The U.S. Military, apparently eager to test a huge out-dated bomb – anacronym “MOAB” for “Mother Of All Bombs” – dropped one for the first time in the sparsely populated mountains of Afghanistan this week. The goal was apparently to fulfill Trump’s earlier campaign promise to ~”Bomb the hell out of ISIS.” Unfortunately ISIS probably didn’t notice – or it’s members – spread out all over Asia, Africa, the Mid-East, Europe, and apparently the U.S. – were likely all shaking their heads and laughing. Why? Because, if ISIS really exists as a coherent entity, clearly the MOAB is exactly the wrong way to deal with the MOADE ...

Trump's Rage for Warmaking
Post Date: 2017-04-17 07:52:47 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Rage for Warmaking by Stephen Lendman America is more recklessly belligerent than any other nation in history - at war at home and abroad perpetually from inception. A culture of violence like no other persists. The nation is permanently at war, rejects peace, risks possible nuclear denouement if the madness doesn’t stop. Trump is America’s latest warrior president, perhaps intending to outdo his predecessors, escalating Bush/Cheney/Obama wars, threatening North Korea and Iran. Are Russia and China next? Is unthinkable nuclear war likely? On Easter Sunday, he tweeted “(o)ur military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we ...

Pence Visits North Korea Border, `Heartened' by China Moves
Post Date: 2017-04-17 04:28:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence encouraged China to take action against North Korea while he met with troops a day after Kim Jong Un’s regime defied the Trump administration with a ballistic missile test.On a visit to the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea, Pence said he was “heartened” by early signs from China and hoped its leaders would “use the extraordinary levers they have” to prod Kim into giving up his nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. He repeated President Donald Trump’s warning that the U.S. would act without China if necessary.“Either China will deal with this problem or the United States and its allies will,” Pence ...

US has "longstanding tradition" of aggression under invented pretexts - Russian MoD
Post Date: 2017-04-16 21:08:36 by Ada
The official spokesman of Russia’s Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, has commented on media reports alleging that the US intercepted conversations within the Syrian military on preparations for a chemical attack in Khan Shaeyhun. “According to a longstanding tradition, the Pentagon always covers every violation of international law and especially any armed aggression by the US against sovereign countries with the presence of some kind of ‘indisputable’ evidence of atrocities. The more invented this pseudo-evidence is, the more ‘secret’ it is,” Konashenkov remarked. Konashenkov added that if US intelligence continues to hide its alleged evidence of ...

China, Russia send ships after U.S. aircraft carrier
Post Date: 2017-04-16 20:23:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
China and Russia have dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels from their navies to chase the USS Carl Vinson nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is heading toward waters near the Korean Peninsula, multiple sources of the Japanese government revealed to The Yomiuri Shimbun.It appears that both countries aim to probe the movements of the United States, which is showing a stance of not excluding military action against North Korea. The Self-Defense Forces are strengthening warning and surveillance activities in the waters and airspace around the area, according to the sources.The aircraft carrier strike group, composed of the Carl Vinson at its core with guided-missile destroyers and ...

Hawaii panel asks state to prepare for North Korea attack
Post Date: 2017-04-16 20:19:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii lawmakers want state officials to update plans for coping with a nuclear attack as North Korea develops nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that can reach the islands. The state House Public Safety Committee unanimously passed a resolution Thursday. Committee Vice Chairman Matt LoPresti says he's not trying to spread fear. But he wants the public to know the government is taking steps to protect them in the worst case scenario. He's aiming to get state funding to re-equip Cold War-era fallout shelters. The resolution that moved forward Thursday said that in 1981, Oahu had hundreds of fallout shelters -- "many stocked with medical kits, food, and ...

Trump Considering Preemptive Strikes on North Korea's Nuclear Sites
Post Date: 2017-04-16 08:19:05 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Considering Preemptive Strikes on North Korea’s Nuclear Sites by Stephen Lendman US imperial madness risks catastrophic nuclear war. Its reckless agenda makes the unthinkable possible. The late Gabriel Kolko said “(t)he way America’s leaders are running the nation’s foreign policy is not creating peace or security at home or stability abroad” - just the reverse. America is the most reckless, ruthless nation in world history. The late Chalmers Johnson explained its “empire abroad requires resources and commitments that will inevitably undercut (the republic and) produce a military dictatorship or its civilian equivalent.” “The founders of ...

Korean Peninsula Brinksmanship
Post Date: 2017-04-16 08:09:51 by Stephen Lendman
Korean Peninsula Brinksmanship by Stephen Lendman For a day at least, Washington and Pyongyang stepped back from the brink. The DPRK refrained from conducting an expected sixth nuclear test, likely postponed, not cancelled. Trump showed restraint by not belligerently reining on North Korea’s Day of the Sun commemorative parade, honoring its founder Kim Il-sung’s 105th birthday. All quiet on the eastern front held on Saturday, fireworks perhaps coming later at a time of Trump’s choosing. Potentially devastating Korean peninsula war threatens the entire region, catastrophic if nuclear confrontation erupts. The weekend wasn’t entirely calm. Early Sunday, the DPRK ...

CHINA: Worlds Biggest Gold Producer, Refiner, Consumer, Importer - V, Guerrilla Economist
Post Date: 2017-04-15 18:14:26 by christine
Poster Comment: Listen to first 15 mins. We're in a world of hurt if V (and many, many others) is correct. More and more are agreeing that Trump is a Deceiver. V says that we have all the hallmarks of a hijacked administration.

Chinese Media Almost Sets Off Military Action With Erroneous North Korea Headline
Post Date: 2017-04-15 13:17:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As expected - and feared - during the annual "Day of the Sun" celebration parade (celebrating the birth of the nation's founder), Bloomberg blasted a headline that Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that North Korea has fired a projectile. NORTH KOREA FIRES PROJECTILE, MEDIA SAYS: XINHUA On its website, Bloomberg immediately picked up the story, and ran with "North Korea Fires Projectile Media, Says Xinhua" (at a url which still reads: "") However, it appears that the headline scanning algos made a collosal error, and that Xinhua interpreted events quite ...

Pence Heading to Seoul, Possible US Aggression on Hold
Post Date: 2017-04-15 08:37:56 by Stephen Lendman
Pence Heading to Seoul, Possible US Aggression on Hold by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence heads to Seoul, part of a 10-day Asia trip to include Japan, Indonesia and Australia visits. A White House statement said he’ll “arrive in Seoul…on April 16,” return home on April 25. Trump launching aggression on North Korea risking nuclear war while his vice-president is in East Asia seems unlikely. For now, he’ll most likely continue tough talk, saber rattle off North Korea’s coastline, pressure China and impose more sanctions. What comes later remains to be seen. An unnamed White House foreign policy advisor said Pence will meet with South ...

Trilateral Russia, Syria, Iran Meeting
Post Date: 2017-04-15 08:14:29 by Stephen Lendman
Trilateral Russia, Syria, Iran Meeting by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, Foreign Ministers Sergey Lavrov (Russia), Walid al-Muallem (Syria) and Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran) met in Moscow in the wake of Trump’s April 7 aggression, striking Syria’s Shayrat airbase. In a joint press conference, they called his action a flagrant international law violation. Lavrov said “(w)e have reiterated our position and were united in stating that the attack was an act of aggression, which blatantly violated the principles of international law and the UN Charter.” “We call on the US and its allies to respect Syria’s sovereignty and refrain from actions similar to what ...

The NYT Blames Syria for US War Crimes
Post Date: 2017-04-15 08:02:23 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT Blames Syria for US War Crimes by Stephen Lendman In March 2011, Syria was invaded, a US regime change plot, using ISIS and other terrorists to do Washington’s dirty work, since 2014 supported by Pentagon terror-bombing. Not according to The NYT’s version of events, reinventing history to serve its imperial-supportive agenda. The Times claims so-called “documents” show photos of “more than 6,000 dead at the hands of the state, many of them tortured,” adding: “Records of crimes are now so graphic, so immediate, so overwhelming…documentation…has brought little justice. The people behind the violence remain free” - falsely accusing ...

Neocon John Bolton Urges Ending North Korea
Post Date: 2017-04-15 07:32:09 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon John Bolton Urges Ending North Korea by Stephen Lendman Bolton is part of Washington’s lunatic fringe. Trump considered him for National Security Advisor after sacking Michael Flynn, choosing hawkish General HR McMaster instead. At the time, he praised Bolton, saying he’d find an eventual position for him, adding “(w)e had some really good meetings…Knows a lot. He had a good number of ideas that I must tell you I agree very much with. So we’ll be talking with (him) in a different capacity.” Interviewed Thursday on Breitbart News Daily, he lied accusing Syria of using CWs, calling the April 4 Kahn Sheikhoun incident state-sponsored ...

Russian lawmaker: US bigger threat than N. Korea
Post Date: 2017-04-14 21:01:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
 PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- The Latest on tensions on the Korean Peninsula (all times local):8:40 p.m.A senior Russian lawmaker says the U.S. is a greater threat to global peace than North Korea.Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the upper house of Russian parliament, said Friday "the most alarming thing about the current U.S. administration is that you can't be sure if it is bluffing or really going to implement its threats."He says "America objectively poses a greater threat to peace than North Korea," adding that "the entire world is scared and left guessing if it strikes or not."Kosachev says there is a ...

Wikileaks: ‘Those Tunnels The U.S Is Bombing In Afghanistan? They Were Built By The CIA’
Post Date: 2017-04-14 19:33:43 by Ada
"Part of a C.I.A.-financed complex built for the mujahedeen..." Wikileaks pointed out Thursday night that the tunnel network America just dropped the “mother of all bombs” on in Afghanistan was “built by the CIA.” Whoops. As the New York Times reported in 2005: The first time bin Laden had seen the Tora Bora caves, he had been a young mujahedeen fighter and a recent university graduate with a degree in civil engineering. It had been some 20 years before, during Washington’s first Afghan war, the decade-long, C.I.A.-financed jihad of the 1980’s against the Soviet occupation. Rising to more than 13,000 feet, 35 miles southwest of the provincial ...

US deploys F-35s to Putin's doorstep amid Russia tension
Post Date: 2017-04-14 17:31:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Air Force is set to deploy its high-tech, fifth-generation F-35A fighter jets to Europe this weekend as part of an effort to assure U.S. allies there who are worried about Russian aggression, the Pentagon announced Friday.Aside from the Russian situation, the deployment is also a chance for the United States to show off the capabilities of the F-35, which has been the most expensive procurement program in Pentagon history.Allies such as Great Britain are buying the aircraft and could be regularly operating in Europe early in the next decade.The Pentagon called the deployment an "important milestone.""This training deployment signifies an important milestone and natural ...

Air China Suspends Flights From Beijing to PyongYang
Post Date: 2017-04-14 14:46:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Air China Suspends Flights From Beijing to PyongYang Cristina Laila Apr 14th, 2017 1:06 pm Leave a Comment Air China has suspended flights from Beijing to PyongYang starting Monday morning. A representative for Air China said that the flights were suspended because of weak sales and future flights will be scheduled based on passenger demand. Reuters reports: China’s national airline, Air China, has canceled some flights to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, due to poor demand but it has not suspended all flights there, it said on Friday, denying a report by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV. CCTV had reported that all flights run by the airline between the two cities were to be ...

North Korean Army Officials Arrested After Calling Kim Jong-un ‘Mentally ill’ And A ‘Kindergartener’
Post Date: 2017-04-14 12:35:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
North Korean Army Officials Arrested After Calling Kim Jong-un ‘Mentally ill’ And A ‘Kindergartener’ Joshua Caplan Apr 14th, 2017 10:29 am Leave a Comment As tensions continue to flare between the U.S. and North Korea, it has been reported by Chosun, a South Korean newspaper, that army officials were recently arrested for ripping Kim Jong-un. Chosun reports via Google Translate: It is reported that North Korean people’s army officers slandered the chairman of Kim Jong-un as a mental illness or a kindergarten, and the parties and their families were arrested and investigated. According to a report by the US Free Asia Radio (RFA) on March 13, North Korean ...

If You're Wondering Why Trump Can Just Bomb Countries; Ask Obama, Bush, & Clinton
Post Date: 2017-04-14 10:55:20 by christine
If you read closely between the warped headlines of the establishment media, you will eventually find the truth about Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian government: it was illegal. Yet most mainstream media outlets clearly supported the strike. Many U.S. allies also supported the strike, including so-called peaceful countries such as New Zealand, which stated the strikes were a “proportional response to a specific incident – the chemical weapons atrocity.” New Zealand also said they would consider sending troops to Syria if the American government requested them. Why isn’t the legality of Trump’s reckless move even on the table for discussion? Is it ...

"CRAZY and DANGEROUS" - Did NBC News Put the World at Risk on Thursday Night?
Post Date: 2017-04-14 10:12:05 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It was a Thursday night report guaranteed to shake up D.C.: the U.S. is ready to launch a missile strike on North Korea if they test a nuclear weapon this weekend. The problem? Pentagon officials called the report “wildly wrong” and “crazy.” NBC News reported on Thursday that the U.S. “has positioned two destroyers capable of shooting Tomahawk cruise missiles” at North Korea, should the rogue nation go forward with its sixth nuclear test this weekend. As NBC News‘ William Arkin, Cynthia McFadden, and Kenzi Abou-Sabe noted, North Korea has said in recent days it is ready to go to war with the U.S. if the U.S. steps up its military engagement with the north. ...

China to US: NO military force in North Korea
Post Date: 2017-04-14 08:52:15 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
China has said ‘Military force cannot resolve the issue’ in North Korea in an apparent message to the United States as Donald Trump has put Kim Jong-Un on notice.(Washington, DC) Military force cannot resolve tension over North Korea, China said on Thursday, while an influential Chinese newspaper urged the North to halt its nuclear programme in exchange for Chinese protection.With a U.S. aircraft carrier group steaming to the area and tension rising, South Korea said it believed the United States would consult it before any pre-emptive strike against the North. "Military force cannot resolve the issue," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters in Beijing. ...

US Military Madness
Post Date: 2017-04-14 08:20:33 by Stephen Lendman
US Military Madness by Stephen Lendman WW I French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau was right, saying: “War is too important to be left to the generals.” Trump delegated warmaking to neocon hawkish generals, favoring belligerence over diplomacy - heading toward escalated war on Syria along with possibly striking North Korea preemptively. Trump’s geopolitical agenda risks confrontation with multiple countries. It risks nuclear war in Europe and East Asia. Russia warned it’ll down US warplanes and missiles if its personnel in Syria are endangered. US policymakers and Pentagon officials know it. So far, they’ve restrained their actions to avoid confrontation ...

Preemptive US Strike on North Korea Imminent?
Post Date: 2017-04-14 08:11:10 by Stephen Lendman
Preemptive US Strike on North Korea Imminent? by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, NBC News said the Trump administration “is prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced (it’s) about to follow through with (another) nuclear weapons test, (according to) multiple senior US intelligence officials…” Pyongyang’s sixth nuclear weapons test could come Saturday - commemorating Kim Il-sung’s 105th birthday, the nation’s founder. The USS Vinson aircraft carrier strike group is positioned off North Korea’s coast, able to launch cruise missile and aerial attacks. Guam-based US heavy ...

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