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Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment
Post Date: 2017-04-10 15:12:34 by Ada
Exclusive: President Trump earned neocon applause for his hasty decision to attack Syria and kill about a dozen Syrians, but his rash act has all the earmarks of a “wag the dog” moment, reports Robert Parry. Just two days after news broke of an alleged poison-gas attack in northern Syria, President Trump brushed aside advice from some U.S. intelligence analysts doubting the Syrian regime’s guilt and launched a lethal retaliatory missile strike against a Syrian airfield. The guided-missile destroyer USS Porter conducts strike operations while in the Mediterranean Sea, April 7, 2017. (Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Ford Williams) Trump immediately won plaudits from ...

US Intel Chiefs Urge Trump to Assassinate Kim, Other North Korea Leaders
Post Date: 2017-04-10 08:44:22 by Ada
As Trump Seeks 'Options,' Military and Spies Are All Pushing Escalations Ongoing reports about President Trump seeking “options” for handling North Korea suggest that, with the administration having already declared diplomacy a “failure,” all options amount to some massive US escalation on the Korean Peninsula. On Friday, reports were emerging that one of the big “options” being advanced was for the United States to start deploying nuclear weapons into South Korea, a move which would both confront North Korea, and doubtless be seen as a massive provocation by nearby China. But there’s always an escalation beyond every escalation, and US ...

Fake News Reports Claim Assad Used White Phosphorous and Napalm
Post Date: 2017-04-10 08:39:43 by Stephen Lendman
Fake News Reports Claim Assad Used White Phosphorous and Napalm by Stephen Lendman Trump’s Friday aggression on Syria was likely prelude for more to come - based on fabricated pretexts. Phony accusations are easy to make and stick when media scoundrels report them like Pentagon press releases. Trump’s approval rating rose from 36 - 41% after Friday’s attack. Most Americans likely believe fake news fed them, ignoring what’s most obvious. Why would Assad attack his own people he’s been defending for over six years? Why would he shoot himself in the foot? Why would he give Washington a pretext to intervene against him? Why would he destroy his legitimacy? Why ...

US Demands Russia End Support for Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-10 08:31:23 by Stephen Lendman
US Demands Russia End Support for Syria by Stephen Lendman Feature NYT, WaPo, WSJ, and other major media reports struck a common theme on the eve of Secretary of State Tillerson’s trip to Moscow. NYT: “Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is taking a hard line against Russia on the eve of his first diplomatic trip to Moscow, calling the country ‘incompetent’ for allowing Syria to hold on to chemical weapons and accusing Russia of trying to influence elections in Europe using the same methods it employed in the United States.” WaPo: “Officials in the Trump administration on Sunday demanded that Russia stop supporting the Syrian government or face a further ...

Assad Responds to Demands He Must Go
Post Date: 2017-04-10 07:53:11 by Stephen Lendman
Assad’s Response to Demands He Must Go by Stephen Lendman In June 2014, he was overwhelmingly reelected Syria’s president - through a democratic process international observers called open, free and fair. Syrians want no one else leading them. They alone have the right to decide, not foreign powers. He’s their legitimate president. Given his popularity, he could serve as long as he wishes. On numerous occasions, he said he’ll step aside if Syrians want another leader. Following the April 4 Kahn Sheikhoun CW attack, falsely blamed on Syria’s military, Secretary of State Tillerson said there’s “no role for (Assad) to govern the Syrian people.” US ...

Trump Vows More Pressure, Sanctions and War on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-09 07:52:02 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Vows More Pressure, Sanctions and War on Syria by Stephen Lendman America has been at war with Syria since launched by Obama in March 2011 - using ISIS, al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) and other terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers. Trump earlier said he “inherited a mess.” His actions so far made a deplorable situation worse - in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere abroad, along with domestic governance serving privileged interests exclusively. He’s a war criminal, a domestic and international law-breaker, a national disgrace, a threat to world peace, stability and security. Will nuclear war be waged on his watch? The unthinkable could become nightmarishly real, ...

Trump Wants Assad Ousted
Post Date: 2017-04-09 07:42:58 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Wants Assad Ousted by Stephen Lendman Replacing him with a pro-Western puppet is what escalating US aggression in northern Syria and attacking its Shayrat airbase is all about. It’s also about destroying the Syrian Arab Republic, balkanizing it, looting its resources, exploiting its people, and creating longterm war-related violence, instability and chaos, a pretext for America’s regional presence. Will Trump order shock-and-awe terror-bombing of Damascus, repeating an Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya scenario? Obama bears full responsibility for destroying Aleppo, Syria’s commercial hub. Is Damascus next? On CNN’s State of the Union airing Sunday, neocon US UN envoy ...

WaPo Urges Aggression and Regime Change in Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-09 07:32:11 by Stephen Lendman
WaPo Urges Aggression and Regime Change in Syria by Stephen Lendman The neocon Washington Post is a virtual CIA house organ. Its reporting and opinions reflect Langley’s diabolical agenda. Extremist Robert Kagan co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) - now called the Foreign Policy Institute (FPI), its sinister agenda unchanged, promoting endless wars of aggression for unchallenged US global dominance. In a WaPo opinion piece, he called for more aggression on Syria as part of US “military strategy to rebalance the situation in (the country) in America’s favor.” He urged establishing a no-fly zone, grounding Syria’s air force, arming ...

Neocons McCain and Graham Urge Escalated Aggression on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-09 07:15:18 by Stephen Lendman
Neocons McCain and Graham Urge Escalated Aggression on Syria by Stephen Lendman McCain, Graham and numerous other bipartisan neocons infest Washington - deploring peace and stability, supporting endless US wars of aggression. Ahead of Trump’s Friday attack on Syria’s Shayrat airbase, they issued a joint statement, calling for a US-led “international coalition to ground Assad’s air force” militarily. They deplorably urged escalating war to resolve it, claiming “(t)his is a test of the (Trump) administration, but also for our entire country.” “Assad is trying to see what he can get away with. The rest of the region and the world is also watching to ...

Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’
Post Date: 2017-04-08 19:06:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Donald Trump carried out Syria missile strike ‘after being convinced by daughter Ivanka’DONALD Trump’s decision to rain down 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian air base was sparked by his daughter Ivanka’s “heartbroken” response to Assad’s chemical attack, insiders have claimed.Trump has long opposed military intervention in Syria – both as a private citizen when he criticised Obama’s intervention in the region, and as President.But the Republican firebrand is believed to have made his dramatic U-turn after being convinced by his daughter Ivanka’s impassioned response to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons on Tuesday.A source close ...

Interesting Hypothesis: An Anomalous Attack: Did Trump Just Expose the Deep State with an Ineffective Strike Against Syria?
Post Date: 2017-04-08 17:15:00 by christine
There are numerous anomalies concerning the US Tomahawk cruise missile strike on a Syrian airbase outside of Homs yesterday — as there are serious questions not being asked by the mainstream media about the chemical weapons attack in Idlib that, the US says, provoked the missile strike. The chemical weapons attack has been shown from several angles to be a false flag operation, only the most recent in a series of such war-crimes perpetrated by the CIA-backed terrorist groups operating as mercenaries – not radical Islamists – in Syria and Iraq. Only a gullible and strategically-illiterate US public could buy the story that Assad would carry out such attacks on his own people, ...

Lying Presstitute Brian Williams Makes Us All Want to Puke as He Praises US Air Strikes in Syria as “Beautiful”
Post Date: 2017-04-08 17:03:05 by Bill D Berger
Well if this doesn’t just make you want to blow chunks, not sure what will. It’s that time again, time for all the little media puppets (mainstream and alternative) to get in line and alternately cheerlead and apologize for the next big war. Below we have complete lying tool for the military industrial complex Brian Williams, still at his job as chief presstitute over at MSNBC despite totally lying about being under sniper fire in Iraq, calling Trump’s air strikes in Syria “beautiful” and citing Leonard Cohen lyrics… (Cohen is likely rolling in grave, too.) Skip to about 1:15 if you want to spare yourself from this war cheerleader BS as much as possible and ...

Is North Korea Trump's Next Target?
Post Date: 2017-04-08 09:19:33 by Stephen Lendman
Is North Korea Trump’s Next Target? by Stephen Lendman Since US war on North Korea ended with an uneasy 1953 armistice, Washington used the country for fear-mongering, rather than launching more aggression to topple its government. Does Trump intend changing longstanding policy - falsely calling Pyongyang a threat to US national security? It’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs are for defense, not offense, justifiably fearing US war, hoping its powerful weapons will deter it. Truman’s aggression turned much of the country to rubble, killing millions, mostly civilians. Pyongyang and Beijing want no repeat. Their leaders and top officials are pragmatic, not reckless ...

Tulsi v. Hillary on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-08 09:05:06 by Stephen Lendman
Tulsi v. Hillary on Syria by Stephen Lendman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Hawaii’s most popular politician - an anti-neocon, polar opposite most other congressional members supporting endless wars. She’s fundamentally against US aggression on Syria or any other country for regime change or any other reason. Hillary partnered in husband Bill’s high crimes, supported criminality as a US senator, orchestrated it as secretary of state. “What do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life,” she once blustered. Post-9/11, she supported America’s war OF terror on humanity. She endorses nuclear weapons use, calling them peacekeeping deterrents. As a 2008 ...

US Imperial Wars Waged for Regime Change
Post Date: 2017-04-08 08:52:29 by Stephen Lendman
US Imperial Wars Waged for Regime Change by Stephen America’s New World Order calls for establishing dominion over planet earth, its ruling authorities, resources and populations - by color revolutions or preemptive wars, assuring all nations are subservient to US interests. Syria is in the eye of the storm. Hours ahead of Trump’s aggression, Secretary of State Tillerson said there’s “no role for (Assad) to govern the Syrian people.” America intends “work(ing) collectively with our partners around the world through a political process that would lead to Assad leaving…(S)teps are underway,” he added with no further elaboration. Following ...

The NYT Supports Escalated War and Regime Change in Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-08 08:21:36 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT Supports Escalated War and Regime Change in Syria by Stephen Lendman Trump’s Friday aggression was likely prelude to escalated war, a high-risk strategy. Confrontation with Russia could follow. The Times tried justifying the unjustifiable, using weasel arguments, not explaining Security Council members alone may authorize an attack on one nation by another - only in self-defense, never preemptively for any reason. Asking if Trump had legal authority to attack Syria, The Times said “(t)he answer is murky… (P)residents of both parties (waged war) without (congressional or Security Council) authorization,” adding: “(E)xecutive branch lawyers have argued ...

The Spoils of War: Trump Lavished With Media and Bipartisan Praise For Bombing Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-08 07:32:17 by Ada
IN EVERY TYPE of government, nothing unites people behind the leader more quickly, reflexively or reliably than war. Donald Trump now sees how true that is, as the same establishment leaders in U.S. politics and media who have spent months denouncing him as a mentally unstable and inept authoritarian and unprecedented threat to democracy are standing and applauding him as he launches bombs at Syrian government targets. Trump, on Thursday night, ordered an attack that the Pentagon said included the launching of 59 Tomahawk missiles which “targeted aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, and radars.” ...

Donald Trump warned he is 'one step away from military clashes with Russia' after Syria blitz
Post Date: 2017-04-08 07:21:43 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Donald Trump warned by Russia he is 'one step away from military clashes with Russia after Syria blitzVladimir Putin and Donald Trump were last night urged to hold emergency talks as growing tensions in the Middle East ­threatened to explode into war.The Russian president sent the missile warship Admiral Grigorovich to Syria after the US leader yesterday unleashed 59 ­Tomahawk cruise missiles on the airfield from where Bashar al-Assad launched a sarin gas attack on his own people.A British nuclear submarine is patrolling the Mediterranean and Nato forces were on high alert throughout the region.As the region teetered on the brink, world leaders, including Theresa May, backed the ...

The Trump Administration Goes Neocon-Crazy
Post Date: 2017-04-07 17:00:39 by Ada
Oh boy, that did not take long. As I wrote in February, the Neocons and the US deep state have completely neutered Trump. Just look at these two headlines from RT (and read the articles): ‘It crossed a lot of lines’: Trump on alleged chemical gas attack in Syria ‘We are compelled to take own action’ if UN fails in Syria – US envoy Frankly, I feel like saying “QED – I rest my case” and stop writing here. But I won’t – this is too serious. First, let’s set the context. The Syrians gave up their chemical weapons three years ago (courtesy of Russia). The Syrians have also pretty much defeated the Anglo-Zionist-Wahabi aggression against ...

Neocons Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Marco Rubio Quickly Praise Donald Trump for Bombing Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-07 13:24:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Republican Senator hawks quickly praised President Donald Trump for ordering a strike in Syria last night in retaliation for the chemical weapons attack ordered by dictator Bashar al-Assad. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator John McCain, two of the biggest critics of President Barack Obama’s failure to act in Syria, issued a joint statement in favor of Trump’s decision. “Unlike the previous administration, President Trump confronted a pivotal moment in Syria and took action,” they said. “For that, he deserves the support of the American people.” McCain and Graham urged Trump to consider further action, calling for a strategy to take out Assad’s Air Force, ...

Israel Supports Trump's Aggression
Post Date: 2017-04-07 13:14:09 by Stephen Lendman
Israel Supports Trump’s Aggression by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US and Israeli plans call for regime change in Syria and Iran, naked aggression their strategy of choice. On Friday, unaccountable war criminal Netanyahu praised Trump’s aggression, saying “(i)n both word and action, (he) sent a strong and clear message (that) the use and spread of chemical weapons will not be tolerated.” “Israel fully supports President Trump’s decision and hopes that this message of resolve in the face of the Assad regime’s horrific actions will resonate not only in Damascus, but in Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere.” Ultranationalist Defense Minister Avigdor ...

US missile strikes: Russia announces plan to bolster Syrian air defences and derides Trump over 'extremely low' effectiveness of bombing
Post Date: 2017-04-07 10:44:44 by Ada
Moscow accuses Washington of planning attack on airbase 'long before' a suspected chemical attack that American officials say triggered the action Russia plans to increase air defences in Syria after a US missile strike on a government-controlled airfield, warning the military action had made the risk of conflict “significantly higher”. The Russian Defence Ministry said it would be beefing up the Syrian army's ability to shoot down enemy warplanes in the wake of strike. “To cover the most sensitive objects in Syria’s infrastructure a set of measures will be soon implemented to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the air defence systems of the ...

Cheerleading US Aggression
Post Date: 2017-04-07 08:14:26 by Stephen Lendman
Cheerleading US Aggression by Stephen Lendman Journalism is the first casualty of wars, propaganda substituting for truth-telling. Whenever America goes to war or plans one, media scoundrels march in lockstep - cheerleading aggression, ongoing or coming. A culture of deceit persists, wars glorified in the name of peace. Propaganda wars precede hot ones, one nation after another targeted for regime change, rule of law principles ignored, accountability lacking for the highest of high crimes. A New York Times report read like a Pentagon press release, saying Trump ordered “missile strike(s) in Syria in response to the Syrian government’s chemical weapons attack this ...

Premeditated US Aggression on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-07 07:59:03 by Stephen Lendman
Premeditated US Aggression on Syria by Stephen Lendman Putin called Trump’s overnight attack on Syria “aggression against a sovereign country, violating the norms of international law,” according to his spokesman Dmitry Peskov, adding: “(I)t is unequivocal that (Friday’s aggression was) launched…in the interests of Daesh, al-Nusra Front and other terrorists.” Sergey Lavrov called Trump’s action “an act of aggression under a completely far-fetched pretext,” adding: “This is reminiscent of the situation in 2003, when the US and the UK, along with some of their allies, invaded Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and in ...

Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Trump Launches Naked Aggression on Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-07 07:45:01 by Stephen Lendman
Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Trump Launches Naked Aggression on Syria by Stephen Lendman April 7, 2017, a date which will live in infamy - the Syrian Arab Republic was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval forces of the American empire - with attribution to Franklin Roosevelt’s congressional address following Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Based on a false flag CW attack, wrongfully blamed on Syria’s military, Trump launched naked aggression on the country - a despicable act, a heinous war crime, unjustified and lawless, likely more aggression to follow. The buck stops with him on all issues of war and peace - not Congress, the courts or Pentagon. ...

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