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US War on Humanity
Post Date: 2017-03-05 13:49:54 by Stephen Lendman
US War on Humanity by Stephen Lendman Endless US wars rage in multiple theaters, Trump continuing Bush/Cheney/Obama aggression against sovereign independent countries posing no threat to America or any other country. Civilians are harmed most in all wars. America and Israel consider them legitimate targets, massacring them mercilessly, accountability not forthcoming. The Pentagon admitted to killing 220 civilians in Iraq and Syria since bombings began in 2014 - a flagrant insult to many thousands indiscriminately massacred by US warplanes in both countries. A CENTCOM statement lied, saying “(a)lthough the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner ...

Trump Increasing US Aggression
Post Date: 2017-03-05 08:52:32 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Increasing US Aggression by Stephen Lendman World conditions remain perilously unsafe under Trump. Hope for something better vanished in the early days of his administration. Major media reports are always suspect. It remains to be seen if two discussed below prove true. On Friday, ABC News said “(t)he Pentagon has quietly ordered new commando deployments to the Middle East and North Africa amid an unprecedented series of American airstrikes in Yemen,” according to unnamed counterintelligence officials. Claims about combating ISIS and al-Qaeda are fabricated. Both terrorist groups and others are US creations, used as imperial foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq, Libya and ...

Deputy NATO Commander Threatens War on Russia
Post Date: 2017-03-04 13:05:19 by Stephen Lendman
Deputy NATO Commander Threatens War on Russia by Stephen Lendman Neocons infest Europe like Washington, eager for wars, deploring peace and stability, threatening humanity with their militancy. Appearing on state-owned, operated and controlled BBC, deputy NATO commander General Adrian Bradshaw urged “a grand strategy” to counter a nonexistent Russian threat, including so- called “hybrid war.” NATO Article 4 calls for members to “consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any” is threatened. Article 5 considers an armed attack (real or otherwise) against one or more members, an ...

Does Trump Want War or Peace in Syria?
Post Date: 2017-03-04 08:31:52 by Stephen Lendman
Does Trump Want War or Peace in Syria? by Stephen Lendman Syria is Obama’s war. It’s now Trump’s. His actions belie his rhetoric so far. Campaigning last October, he said “I don’t like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS and Iran is killing ISIS.” A good thing. Last month, he said he’ll establish “safe zones” and have Gulf states pay for them. Syria justifiably rejects the idea. So does Russia without Assad’s authorization. Last month, he said a role for America to defeat terrorism in Syria is only possible with his government’s approval, as part of rapprochement with Russia, adding: “We are here. ...

Good, Bad and Mixed News on Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-03 08:03:25 by Stephen Lendman
Good, Bad and Mixed News on Syria by Stephen Lendman First the good. Syria’s military said the historically important, strategically located city of Palmyra and surrounding areas were liberated, ISIS terrorists routed after weeks of fighting. According to Russia’s General Staff, Main Operations Department head Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, “(t)he city has been fully liberated by now, and the government troops have captured commanding heights north and south of Palmyra and continue advancing in the eastern direction.” No Russian airstrikes targeted areas with historical monuments vital to the city’s heritage, Rudskoi added. Now the mixed good and bad news. Geneva IV ...

US Terror-Bombs Yemen
Post Date: 2017-03-03 07:33:10 by Stephen Lendman
US Terror-Bombs Yemen by Stephen Lendman Drone terror-bombings began under Bush/Cheney, continued under Obama, now under Trump, Saudi Arabia involved as a convenient US proxy. On January 29, a deadly US special forces raid on a Yemeni village massacred at least two dozen civilians, achieving nothing but deaths and destruction. Days later, Trump press secretary Sean Spicer lied, claiming “(w)e gathered an unbelievable amount of intelligence that will prevent the potential deaths or attacks on American soil.” Not according to unnamed US officials, likely Obama holdovers, telling NBC News the mission gained no “actionable intelligence” - nothing not already known. ...

Phony Accusations of Russia Bombing US-Supported Fighters in Syria
Post Date: 2017-03-02 08:20:53 by Stephen Lendman
Phony Accusations of Russia Bombing US-Supported Fighters in Syria by Stephen Lendman Commander of US forces operating illegally in Syria and Iraq, General Steven Townsend, falsely accused Russia of bombing US-backed (moderate) terrorists and Kurdish YPG fighters near Turkey’s border. Moscow’s Defense Ministry categorically denied its warplanes or Syria’s stuck areas claimed by Townsend, saying: “To avoid any incidents, the US representative has provided exact coordinates of the US-backed opposition forces in the region to a Russian officer.” “Not a single airstrike on the regions specified by the US side was conducted by Russian or Syrian air ...

Povocative Deployment of US THAAD Missiles in South Korea
Post Date: 2017-03-01 12:29:59 by Stephen Lendman
Provocative Deployment of US THAAD Missiles in South Korea by Stephen Lendman Washington intends deploying so-called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile systems in South Korea. They’re designed to intercept and down short, medium and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase. Instead of warheads, they rely on impact kinetic energy to destroy incoming missiles. Claiming they won’t detonate ones with nuclear weapons is highly doubtful. A similar navy program is called the sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System. Aegis ashore is land-based. South Koreans oppose THAADs, fearful of potential hazardous radiation and areas ...

Liberating Palmyra
Post Date: 2017-03-01 12:21:26 by Stephen Lendman
Liberating Palmyra by Stephen Lendman The ancient Syrian city is a UNESCO World Heritage site, seized by US-supported ISIS terrorists in May 2015. It was liberated last March, retaken by thousands of ISIS fighters in December. Government forces are close to freeing the city again, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), saying its military “establish(ed) control over the Palmyra Triangle area in Homs province… on the western outskirts of Palmyra city after” routing ISIS fighters. Government and allied forces “established full control over Hayal Mountain and all the hills overlooking al-Qossour area in Tadmur (Palmyra) city.” A palace complex to the ...

Russia and China Veto Anti-Syria SC Resolution
Post Date: 2017-03-01 07:54:51 by Stephen Lendman
Russia and China Veto Anti-Syria SC Resolution by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday, Russia and China vetoed a draft US, UK, French Security Council resolution, proposing sanctions on 11 Syrian military commanders, along with banning the supply of helicopters to its government - based on fabricated charges of its use of chemical weapons. Countries supporting the resolution included America, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Senegal, Sweden, Ukraine and Uruguay. Besides Russia and China, Bolivia opposed it. Egypt, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan abstained. Putin called the move “totally inappropriate,” adding “(i)t does help (and) would not help the negotiation process. It would only hurt ...

Washington AWOL from Syria Peace Talks
Post Date: 2017-03-01 07:40:00 by Stephen Lendman
Washington AWOL from Syria Peace Talks by Stephen Lendman Without US involvement and commitment for conflict resolution, endless war will continue - regime change remaining US policy unless proved otherwise, thus far not apparent. On February 23, Geneva IV peace talks began, no meaningful progress achieve so far. Chances for agreement on conflict resolution look slim at best, impossible at worst. After days of discussions, Syrian and opposition representatives haven’t met. Major issues haven’t been addressed. War continues against ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorists not involved in Geneva. On Tuesday, Virginia state Senator Richard Black accused Turkey of using terrorist ...

Trump Continues to Claim Success in Yemen Raid
Post Date: 2017-03-01 05:55:46 by Ada
Touts 'Eternal Legacy' of Soldier Slain in Disastrous Raid Launched in his first week in office, the SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen was something the Trump Administration quickly embraced as a massive success, and in the month that followed has faced repeated comments from officials conceding that virtually everything that could have gone wrong did. Speaking in his first address to Congress, however, President Trump was quick to insist that it was a “highly successful raid,” emphasizing the death of soldier Ryan Owens as having “secured our nation” with the raid, and secured his legacy “into eternity.” There is a knee-jerk sense among officials that ...

Officials Admit No Significant Intelligence Came of Yemen SEAL Raid
Post Date: 2017-02-28 15:40:40 by Ada
January Raid Killed Dozens of Civilians, Destroyed Most of a Village Launched shortly after the inauguration, SEAL Team 6’s raid against the Yemeni village of Yakla was immediately labeled a success by officials, and even after growing evidence of a large civilian death toll and most of the village being destroyed in chaos, officials long insisted it would be judged a success when the intelligence gathered was analyzed. In early media reports, the intelligence cache was said to be huge, and even after an embarrassing fake video release by the Pentagon they claimed to have high hopes. Today, however, officials are conceding that they didn’t end up with any significant ...

Congressional Hawks Want More Defense Spending Than Trump Seeks
Post Date: 2017-02-28 13:16:54 by Stephen Lendman
Congressional Hawks Want More Defense Spending Than Trump Seeks by Stephen Lendman House Armed Services Committee chairman Mac Thornberry (R. TX), his Senate counterpart John McCain (R. AZ), and likely most other congressional hawks want more defense spending than Trump proposed - his sought increase more than 80% of what Russia spent last year, reported by RT. He wants already bloated spending for militarism increased by $54 billion to $603 billion. Thornberry and McCain proposed a $640 billion base budget - not counting hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually in areas related to defense, huge intelligence black budgets, and frequent appropriated add-ons for US imperial wars. ...

Mass Slaughter and Destruction in Mosul
Post Date: 2017-02-28 08:38:15 by Stephen Lendman
Mass Slaughter and Destruction in Mosul by Stephen Lendman Iraq was Bush/Cheney’s war, following what began under Jimmy Carter. Obama continued it. Trump owns it. Decades of US genocidal war on the cradle of civilization continues on his watch - on the phony pretext of combating ISIS, America’s creation used as imperial foot soldiers. US-led so-called “coalition” terror-bombing is massacring civilians, the true casualty count unknown. The horror continues for about 800,000 trapped residents. US-installed Iraqi puppet prime minister Haider al-Abadi directed his country’s warplanes to join in terror-bombing the city, saying: “The order to the air force was ...

Trump's Wartime Budget
Post Date: 2017-02-28 08:23:04 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Wartime Budget by Stephen Lendman Information on Trump’s budget was leaked ahead of his Tuesday night address to Congress. It shows he’s a wartime president like his predecessors, an imperial interventionist, a big spender, mostly on the wrong things - at the expense of too many of the right ones. He wants another $54 billion added to already bloated military spending at a time America’s only enemies are invented ones. No others exist despite propaganda claiming otherwise. His priorities are counterproductive and destructive, wanting increased militarism when humanity begs for ending it. He intends offsetting more for weapons and warmaking by big cuts in ...

Pentagon Plan to Defeat ISIS?
Post Date: 2017-02-28 08:07:13 by Stephen Lendman
Pentagon Plan to Defeat ISIS? by Stephen Lendman America created and supports ISIS. So do NATO, Israel and other regional rogue states. It’s heavy weapons and other material support don’t materialize out of thin air. They come from foreign backers, including by US airdrops. Trump’s stated intention to defeat ISIS so far is just political bluster. In 2014, Obama promised the same thing, saying “America will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat.” “Our objective is clear. We will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy.” He lied. Support for ISIS and other terrorist ...

Three probes opened into raid that killed SEAL
Post Date: 2017-02-28 07:50:34 by Ada
WASHINGTON — The military is conducting at least three reviews of the raid in Yemen last month that resulted in the first death of a U.S. service member in the Trump administration, according to the White House and Pentagon. Chief Special Warfare officer William "Ryan" Owens died in the commando raid in Yemen that targeted the al-Qaeda terrorist network. His father on Sunday called on the White House for a probe into his son's death. The operation also resulted in several civilian casualties, including an 8-year-old girl, and the crash landing and destruction of a $90 million warplane. Owens’ death, the civilian casualties from the raid and the loss of the ...

Trying to Heal a Sick World No Easy Task
Post Date: 2017-02-27 13:53:54 by Stephen Lendman
Trying to Heal a Sick World No Easy Task by Stephen Lendman US ruthlessness makes it more like mission impossible, yet what’s more vital to achieve. I and my doctors are in the same line of work - their job helping sick patients heal and be well again to live normal, productive lives. My job is helping to heal a sick world. They have lots of success stories. I have none. Failure doesn’t deter me. I’m determined to try harder. We’re all united in a struggle for survival. Bipartisan neocon lunatics infesting Washington intend letting nothing stand in their way for unchallenged global dominance. Trump is part of the problem, not the solution. The fullness of time will ...

Pentagon Seeks to Expand US Involvement in Somalia Fight
Post Date: 2017-02-27 08:22:16 by Ada
Recommendations Include More Leeway to Launch Airstrikes President Trump’s recommendations from the Pentagon are starting to trickle in, and they seem to everywhere involve more escalations of US involvement and increased flexibility for the Pentagon to order airstrikes in various countries to target “apparent threats.” And while it’s not as high profile as recommendations expected later this week in places like Syria, that’s the case for Somalia as well, where the Pentagon is seeking increased aid for the Somali Army, moving US special forces closer to the front lines, and loosening up restrictions on airstrikes. AFRICOM chief Gen. Thomas Waldhauser described ...

Hollywood Honors Terrorism
Post Date: 2017-02-27 06:20:56 by Stephen Lendman
Hollywood Honors Terrorism by Stephen Lendman Hollywood Academy Awards are all about film promotion for profits, unrelated to the industry’s best, way too little of it around. They also reflect longstanding Tinseltown ties to Washington. Scripts feature pro-Western propaganda. Studio bosses are well compensated for colluding in glorifying America’s wars and demonizing its enemies - including “Islamic terrorists” and Russia. Washington has final say on content and characters in propaganda films. It wants its agenda promoted, most people none the wiser. History is reinvented. The state-sponsored 9/11 event is exploited. Rogue CIA agents are portrayed as heroes. ...

Saturday Homs, Syria Terrorist Attack
Post Date: 2017-02-26 09:07:07 by Stephen Lendman
Saturday Homs, Syria Terrorist Attack by Stephen Lendman On Saturday, multiple suicide bombings killed dozens, injured many others in Homs, Syria during peace talks in Geneva with anti-government terrorist groups. Al-Nusra claimed responsibility, along with ISIS excluded from talks. Head of Syria’s delegation in Geneva Bashar al-Jaafari said any Geneva participant failing to condemn Saturday’s attacks will be considered “accomplice(s) of terrorism, and we will deal with them accordingly.” “(W)hat happened (was) a terrorist message…cast(ing) a shadow over Geneva…(not) just a military terrorist act, but also a political” one.” “(T)his is ...

These American anti-Semites deserve to live in infamy forever
Post Date: 2017-02-25 22:21:10 by Dakmar
To the editor: Law professor James Q. Whitman’s article, while technically correct about the Nazis copying racist laws at the time in the U.S., misses the real point: Why did intelligent persons in power profess such ideas and codify them into despicable laws that classified races into sub-standard positions? (“When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes,” Opinion, Feb. 22) We must look to the trend setters of the day, including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, who professed a deep hatred of Jews and non-whites and supported their beliefs with the “science” of eugenics. Hitler was greatly influenced by Lindbergh, Ford and ...

Russia to Veto New SC Sanctions on Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-25 08:25:55 by Stephen Lendman
Russia to Veto New SC Sanctions on Syria by Stephen Lendman Russia intends vetoing a draft US, UK, French Security Council resolution, imposing new sanctions on Syria - based on fabricated accusations of chemical weapons use. No credible evidence proves Syria used toxic agents at any time throughout years of conflict. Plenty indicates use by US-supported terrorists. They’ve used sarin and other toxic agents against civilians numerous times, trained in their use in Turkey and Jordan, supplied these weapons by Pentagon military contractors, Saudi Arabia and perhaps other regional countries - Syria wrongfully blamed for their criminal acts. Russian Foreign Ministry’s director of ...

Trump’s Terrorism Fearmongering vs. The Facts
Post Date: 2017-02-25 06:10:41 by Ada
This article appeared in the New York Daily News on February 22, 2017. When President Trump rails against the news media and decries reports as “fake news,” he is beating a dead horse. American trust in the news media is already at a historic low point, with a September 2016 Gallup poll finding that just 32% of the public (and just 14% of Republicans) have a “fair amount” or a “great deal” of trust in the mass media. What’s more disturbing is how loose with the facts Trump has been when it comes to talking about terrorism. In recent weeks, as his immigration, refugee, and travel ban foundered in the courts, Trump turned to Twitter to proclaim that ...

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