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Who's Coming to Syria Peace Talks?
Post Date: 2017-01-19 12:29:33 by Stephen Lendman
Who’s Coming to Syria Peace Talks? by Stephen Lendman On January 23, after Trump succeeds Obama, they’ll begin in Astana, Kazakhstan. Who’s coming remains uncertain until delegations arrive and it’s known which parties are involved. ISIS and al-Nusra are excluded from talks. Key terrorist group Ahrar al-Sham said it’s not coming, while supporting other anti-government forces intending to participate. The UN may serve as mediator like before, accomplishing nothing, abandoning impartiality in support of Western interests. Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari will head his government’s delegation - an experienced no- nonsense negotiator, serving his nation ...

Neocon John McCain's Restoring American Power Madness
Post Date: 2017-01-17 12:30:10 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon John McCain’s Restoring American Power Madness by Stephen Lendman McCain is a member of Washington’s lunatic fringe, wanting unchallenged US dominance achieved by raping and destroying all sovereign independent states - forcefully ousting their governments, replacing them with puppet regimes serving US interests. A Restoring American Power report written in his name calls for greater military spending than already, so US forces can wage new wars beyond ones now raging. “We must…invest in new capabilities,” he blustered. For starters, he proposes spending $54 billion more in next year’s defense budget above what Obama called for. He wants caps ...

Russia Concerned About West Disrupting Ceasefire in Syria
Post Date: 2017-01-17 07:12:32 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Concerned About West Disrupting Ceasefire in Syria by Stephen Lendman At his yearend press conference, Sergey Lavrov urged Western nations to avoid disruptive practices. Obama undermined Russia’s good faith cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution efforts - supporting the terrorist scourge he claimed to oppose. Hopefully Trump intends a constructive approach, working cooperatively with Putin in combating terrorism, both leaders aiming to restore peace and stability to war-torn Syria. If so, it’ll be a true game-changer. If not, it’s back to square one. It’s his call. Hopefully he’ll decide wisely. Other Western countries follow America’s ...

Lying FBI arrests wife of Orlando patsy Omar Mateen
Post Date: 2017-01-16 20:09:15 by Ada
The FBI, which has been caught lying outrageously about last June’s Orlando nightclub shooting, has arrested Noor Salman, the wife of alleged shooter Omar Mateen. Salman was taken into FBI custody in the San Francisco area, and is being arraigned on federal charges in Oakland. In his article “Noor Zahi Salman: Everything You’re Hearing About Me Is a Lie,” Sam Husseini points out that the government has a lot of incentives to lie about this case. They failed to keep people safe. So, what to do? Blame the wife. Blame the Muslims. Who’s really behind “radical Islamic terrorism”? Click HERE to find out! Almost immediately after the shooting, the FBI ...

A Pledge for More of the Same at the Pentagon
Post Date: 2017-01-16 07:33:04 by Ada
James Mattis has no new ideas for solving America's most intractable conflicts. Neither does congress. That retired General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Donald Trump’s nominee to become defense secretary, is a Marine’s Marine and a genuine warrior is undoubtedly the case. If less well-known than David Petraeus, he is easily the better field commander, something Mattis demonstrated in Afghanistan and Iraq. The question is whether he possesses the qualities suited to lead the Pentagon at this particular juncture. Mattis’s testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, which convened today to consider his confirmation, raises doubts on that score. Or more ...

Yemen: Obama's Little Reported Dirty War
Post Date: 2017-01-15 07:29:52 by Stephen Lendman
Yemen: Obama’s Little Reported Dirty War by Stephen Lendman Yemen is Obama’s war, one of endless ones he waged throughout his tenure - complicit with Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states, NATO and Israel. After nearly two years of fighting in Yemen, deaths and injuries far exceed reported numbers, civilians mostly affected. Largely ignored US planned and orchestrated genocide is occurring in plain sight, human suffering beyond comprehension. Humanitarian crisis conditions affect around 80% of Yemenis. Saudi/US enforced blockade of the country prevents food, medicines and other essentials from reaching millions - ignored by media scoundrels. Few Americans have any idea about ...

Syria Responds to Israeli Aggression
Post Date: 2017-01-15 07:18:49 by Stephen Lendman
Syria Responds to Israeli Aggression by Stephen Lendman In response to Israel’s overnight Friday terror-bombing of Syria’s Mezzeh military airport, an army spokesman said “Syria(’s) army command and armed forces warn Israel of the repercussions of the flagrant attack and stresses its continued fight against (this) terrorism and amputate the arms of the perpetrators.” Syria’s Foreign Ministry sent identical letters to newly appointed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Security Council president Olof Skoog. Words weren’t minced condemning what happened, following numerous previous Israeli acts of aggression - state terrorism against a sovereign ...

Fake News Report Suggests Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Use
Post Date: 2017-01-14 07:20:36 by Stephen Lendman
Fake News Report Suggests Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Use by Stephen Lendman An exclusive Reuters report spuriously suggested Assad, his brother Maher, and other high-ranking Syrian officials ordered use of toxic chlorine attacks in 2014 and 2015. A Syrian government official debunked the claim, saying it has “no basis in truth.” It’s part of longstanding attempts to blame Syria for use of toxic agents frequently used by US-supported terrorists. Pointing fingers the wrong way came from a UN/Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inquiry, lacking credibility. The report was strategically leaked ahead of January 23 peace talks, one of a number of ...

Russia Invites Trump's National Security Advisor to Syria Peace Talks
Post Date: 2017-01-14 07:09:22 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Invites Trump’s National Security Advisor to Syria Peace Talks by Stephen Lendman Moscow’s good faith outreach to Washington on resolving conflicts in Syria and Ukraine failed because Obama and neocons infesting his administration want war, not peace. Will Trump’s geopolitical agenda diverge from longstanding US policy? Will he choose peacemaking over endless wars? It’s unlikely, but hope springs eternal. On January 23, peace talks to try resolving Syria’s conflict begin in Astana, Kazakhstan, arranged by Russia, Iran and Turkey, the Obama administration excluded, a deliberate snub. Scheduling the meeting three days after Trump’s inauguration ...

Israel Terror-Bombs Damascus Military Airport
Post Date: 2017-01-13 08:00:17 by Stephen Lendman
Israel Terror-Bombs Damascus Military Airport by Stephen Lendman Washington and Israel partner in each other’s high crimes. Israel wouldn’t flagrantly attack another country without US permission and/or involvement. Was attacking Mezzeh military airport west of Damascus around midnight on Friday a joint US/Israeli attempt to obstruct cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution? Will Trump put a stop to this once in office? According to a Syrian army spokesman, missiles were fired from northern Israel. A military statement said “Syria(’s) army command and armed forces warn Israel of the repercussions of the flagrant attack and stresses its continued fight against ...

Paris Conference to Affirm Integrity of Palestine Within Pre-1967 Borders
Post Date: 2017-01-13 07:29:47 by Stephen Lendman
Paris Conference to Affirm Integrity of Palestine Within Pre-1967 Borders by Stephen Lendman On January 20, over 70 countries will meet in Paris, another futile attempt to revive Israeli/Palestinian peace talks. They’re dead on arrival each time initiated because Israel rejects peace and stability. Years earlier, Netanyahu called peace talks “a waste of time.” Israel doesn’t negotiate. It demands. Palestinians have been ruthlessly slaughtered and persecuted for decades, Israeli ruthlessness under Netanyahu and his fascist-infested regime worst of all. According to a draft statement AP News obtained, nations meeting in Paris will urge Israel and Palestinians “to ...

Debunking US Claims About Russia Accomplishing Nothing in Syria
Post Date: 2017-01-11 06:54:35 by Stephen Lendman
Debunking US Claims About Russia Accomplishing Nothing in Syria by Stephen Lendman Outgoing neocon US secretary of war Ashton Carter won’t be missed. Unindicted for high crimes, he’s returning to civilian life unaccountable - along with a rogue’s gallery of other Obama officials, headed by the soon-to-become former president. On Monday, Carter lied, saying Russia “ha(sn’t) done anything. They came in (and) said they were going to fight ILIS, and they said they were going to help in the civil war (sic) in Syria.” “Russia hasn’t done either of those things. As a consequence…we’re fighting ISIL ourselves.” Fact: Syria’s war ...

Dutch Court Blocks Truth-Telling on MH17's Downing
Post Date: 2017-01-10 12:52:14 by Stephen Lendman
Dutch Court Blocks Truth-Telling on MH17’s Downing by Stephen Lendman America’s Machiavellian long arm reaches virtually everywhere - likely involved in assuring a Dutch court blocked data on MH17’s downing gathered by independent journalists, wanting it kept suppressed to prevent exposing the fraudulent official findings. The incident was a classic false flag. Russia had nothing to do with it. Nor were Donbass freedom fighters involved. Washington and Kiev had motive and opportunity. They had everything to gain. They bear responsibility for the heinous act. What possible benefit could Russia and Donbass freedom fighters have achieved by downing a commercial aircraft, ...

West Wants Assad Ousted, Turkey's Commitment to Peace Uncertain
Post Date: 2017-01-10 07:38:52 by Stephen Lendman
West Wants Assad Ousted, Turkey’s Commitment for Peace Uncertain by Stephen Lendman Syria is Obama’s war, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state - its aim to transform the country into a US vassal state, pro-Western leadership replacing Assad. Until he enters office and begins serving, Trump’s geopolitical agenda remains unknown. His campaign rhetoric was promising. Will he follow through responsibly as president or continue US imperial lawlessness? With 10 days left in office, Obama continues waging war on humanity, including efforts to obstruct upcoming peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan. On Monday, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin accused Western Security ...

Multicultural, Progressive, Totalitarian Vietnam
Post Date: 2017-01-09 08:10:25 by Ada
I last saw Vietnam in 2001. Back then, Saigon had no American fast food joints save a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Long-term foreign residents were few, and mostly confined to the Phạm Ngi Lão area. There were no foreign stars in the just-established professional soccer league. Now in Saigon, there are 20 KFCs, eight Burger Kings and six McDonald’s, with one across the street from where I used to live, five miles from downtown. In December of 2007, an Afro-Brazilian soccer player, Fábio dos Santos, changed his name to Phan Vn Santos and became Vietnamese. This, in a country where millions had risked death or imprisonment trying to get out not too long before. In 20 ...

Am I a Kremlin Agent for Publicizing Hillary's High Crimes?
Post Date: 2017-01-08 08:39:24 by Stephen Lendman
Am I a Kremlin Agent for Publicizing Hillary’s High Crimes? by Stephen Lendman RT (Russia Today) provides credible news, information and analysis. The latest fake news CIA/NSA/FBI report on nonexistent Russian US election hacking disgracefully accused the news agency of “serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences,” adding: “Russian media made increasingly favorable comments about President-elect Trump as the 2016 US general and primary election campaigns progressed while consistently offering negative coverage of Secretary Clinton.” Late last year, Obama signed into law the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 20 ...

Will Trump Defy Expectations and Be a Peace President?
Post Date: 2017-01-08 08:07:42 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump Defy Expectations and Be a Peace President? by Stephen Lendman It’s hardly likely given America’s rage for endless wars, gorging on them. Neocons infesting Washington demand them. Enemies are invented to accommodate them. War profiteers depend on them. The indifferent public does nothing to demand they stop. Yet what US leader in memory said getting along with Russia “is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is bad!” If Trump follows through on this rhetoric, imagine the possibilities for change. The mindset of Obama, Bush/Cheney, the Clintons, their key officials and advisors, along with virtually ...

War in Syria Far From Over
Post Date: 2017-01-08 07:43:34 by Stephen Lendman
War in Syria Far From Over by Stephen Lendman The past 15 months changed things dramatically on the ground. Russia’s intervention was a game- changer, short of decisive so far. Hopefully liberating Syria from its US-supported terrorist scourge is possible with a changing of the guard in Washington. Trump expressed an intention to cooperate with Russia in combating terrorism, an agenda polar opposite Obama’s if he follows through responsibly. War so far continues. Announced cessation of hostilities with numerous terrorist groups remains shaky. On January 7 alone, Russia’s reconciliation center reported 24 ceasefire violations. According to the center, “Russian ...

US Forces in Eastern Europe to Deter Nonexistent Russian Aggression
Post Date: 2017-01-07 07:29:24 by Stephen Lendman
US Forces in Eastern Europe to Deter Nonexistent Russian Aggression by Stephen Lendman In his waning days in office, Obama is going all-out to provoke Russia recklessly. He imposed new illegal sanctions, expelled Russian diplomats, blamed Moscow for nonexistent US election hacking, and deployed more US combat troops and heavy weapons to Eastern European countries on the phony pretext of deterring “Russian aggression.” Pentagon Special Operations Command head General Raymond Thomas lied, claiming former Soviet republics are “scared to death of Russia,” absurdly adding “(t)hey’re desperate for our leadership.” Washington maintains a permanent presence ...

Russia Begins Scaling Back Operations in Syria
Post Date: 2017-01-06 08:04:48 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Begins Scaling Back Operations in Syria by Stephen Lendman Putin ordered a partial drawdown of Russian forces from Syria, given Aleppo’s liberation, other anti- terrorist successes, conflict resolution talks set to begin on January 23 in Astana, Kazakhstan, and Trump set to succeed Obama in two weeks. He said he’ll cooperate with Russia in combating terrorism - if he follows through on campaign rhetoric, bucking heavy pressure to maintain adversarial relations. First to depart for home will be the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier and battle group, leaving Friday, according to Russian Army General Staff chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov, saying: “In accordance with the decision ...

Alleged US Airstrikes on ISIS Miss Hitting Them Every Time
Post Date: 2017-01-05 07:42:45 by Stephen Lendman
Alleged US Airstrikes on ISIS Miss Hitting Them Every Time by Stephen Lendman America has superior intelligence, able to pinpoint locations to target. It has smart bombs able to strike them with deadly accuracy. So how come its alleged war on ISIS fails to hit its sites? Simple! It’s supporting the scourge it claims to oppose. It backs all terrorist groups in Syria and elsewhere, part of its imperial strategy. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov blasted Washington for bombing Syrian infrastructure and government sites, not ISIS or other terrorist groups as claimed, saying: “Outgoing CIA head Brennan is well aware of the fact that long ...

WAR GAMES US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
Post Date: 2017-01-04 08:42:52 by Ada
Russia is reportedly deploying nuke-ready missiles in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania PRESIDENT Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with ‘aggressive’ Russia. Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad – which borders Poland, Belarus and Lithuania. President Obama has sent US troops to the Russian border with Lithuania amid increased military aggression by Vladimir Putin Reuters 3 President Obama has sent US troops to the Russian border with Lithuania amid increased military aggression ...

Obama Obstructing Syria Peace Talks
Post Date: 2017-01-03 08:01:50 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Obstructing Syria Peace Talks by Stephen Lendman In his waning days in office, Obama seems determined to intensify US adversarial relations with Russia, obstruct Syria peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan later in January, and who knows what else - more evidence of a rogue leader, his tenure representing pure evil. With attribution to Franklin Roosevelt’s December 8, 1941 speech to Congress in response to Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack, Obama’s tenure will live in infamy, a record of high crimes against humanity history won’t forgive or forget. Yet in a New Year’s day interview on CNN, his close advisor Valerie Jarrett audaciously claimed “(t)he ...

WaPo Wants Trump Standing for What It Opposes
Post Date: 2017-01-02 13:22:28 by Stephen Lendman
WaPo Wants Trump Standing for What It Opposes by Stephen Lendman In a New Year’s day editorial, WaPo discussed the “unsupportable” and “dangerous” Trump presidency - seditious sounding language. He “pose(s) (a) threat to democratic norms and civility,” it said - no evidence cited. He “celebrat(ed) violence at rallies…” They were instigated at least in part by Soros-financed anti- Trump elements. He “scapegoat(s) entire religions and nationalities…” Wanting Muslim immigration suspended until “we can figure out what’s going on” is disgraceful, agreed. Wanting a wall on Mexico’s border, besides ...

Syria Ceasefire Documents
Post Date: 2017-01-02 07:37:34 by Stephen Lendman
Syria Ceasefire Documents by Stephen Lendman Putin’s announced ceasefire is the most hopeful conflict resolution prospect after nearly six years of Obama’s war, using terrorists as imperial foot soldiers. Later January peace talks will follow in Astana, Kazakhstan, then further ones in Geneva under UN auspices next month if things go as planned. All groups genuinely interested in conflict resolution are welcome to participate. Ending war in Syria depends largely on Trump’s intentions. Will he continue Obama’s imperial agenda or go another way? It may be some time after he enters office before it’s known. He’s facing enormous pressure to continue ...

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