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UN to Prepare War Crimes Cases in Syria for Prosecution
Post Date: 2016-12-22 07:58:59 by Stephen Lendman
UN to Prepare War Crimes Cases in Syria for Prosecution by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, US-pressured General Assembly members voted 105 - 15, with 52 abstentions, for empowering a panel to gather evidence of war crimes in Syria for prosecution. Russia, China, Iran and Syria strongly opposed the measure. It’s clear where this is heading - a scheme intended to largely blame Syria, Russia and allied forces for high crimes committed by Washington, its rogue allies and terrorist foot soldiers. Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari denounced the proposal, coming in the wake of Aleppo’s liberation, saying it’s intended to undermine chances for diplomatic conflict resolution. It ...

Some Perspectives on the War on Terror
Post Date: 2016-12-22 07:34:18 by Ada
Anyway you look at it, it's a failure The twenty-first century, at least up until this point, might well be described as the age of the terrorist. Even though most Americans and Europeans rank terrorism as low among their concerns, the repercussions when a terrorist attack does take place are greatly magnified by the sheer horror associated with the mass killing of innocent people going about their daily lives. There are a couple of annual reports that look at terrorism as a global phenomenon. The best known is the U.S. State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Terrorism that comes out in the Summer and covers the previous year. It is mandated by Congress and is largely based ...

UN Report Whitewashes Terrorist Attack on Aleppo Humanitarian Convoy
Post Date: 2016-12-22 07:16:02 by Stephen Lendman
UN Report Whitewashes Terrorist Attack on Aleppo Humanitarian Convoy by Stephen Lendman Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon serves US imperial interests - on the wrong side of Obama’s war on Syria from its outset. Last September, US-supported terrorists attacked a humanitarian convoy for Aleppo, destroying at least 18 trucks, along with killing and wounding numerous aid workers. US-supported al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) carried out the attack as humanitarian aid was being unloaded. Trucks were struck by artillery and rocket launchers. Video evidence showed no signs of craters that would have resulted from air-to-surface explosives. According to Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General ...

NYT Frantic Over Trilateral Russia, Iran, Turkey Alliance on Syria, Excluding US
Post Date: 2016-12-21 11:56:24 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Frantic Over Trilateral Russia, Iran, Turkey Alliance on Syria, Excluding US by Stephen Lendman Russia and Iran support cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution after nearly six years of US naked aggression on Syria - using ISIS and other terrorists as imperial foot soldiers. After supporting these groups throughout years of conflict, arming, funding, training and giving them safe haven protection within its borders, it’s unclear what Turkey wants, other than annexing northern Syrian territory, continuing its war on Kurds and wanting Assad’s legitimate government replaced. Or has its agenda changed in part? It’s unclear. Its actions on the ground so far ...

Aleppo Boy Redux
Post Date: 2016-12-21 07:09:33 by Stephen Lendman
Aleppo Boy Redux by Stephen Lendman Last summer, Aleppo boy Omran Daqneesh was too young to know he was used as a US war OF terror prop. The image of his soot-covered, not bloodied, face dominated Western reports for days to enlist support for continued imperial war on Syria - naked aggression continuing despite Aleppo’s liberation. The Aleppo boy’s stunt was staged - fake news, not real, his image long gone from Western reports. A new one replaced it - a fake Aleppo girl on Facebook, holding a teddy bear, standing erect, what looks like a paper bag covering her head with eye-level openings for vision in one photo, her white dress covered in red paint, not blood, fake ...

Russia, Iran and Turkey Pledge to Resolve War on Syria
Post Date: 2016-12-20 11:52:57 by Stephen Lendman
Russia, Iran and Turkey Pledge to Resolve War on Syria by Stephen Lendman After meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts in Moscow, Sergey Lavrov said “I believe (this trilateral) format…is the most effective one. Today’s troika format has proved with practical action it is in demand.” “We (agree on the urgency of) terminat(ing) violence, combat operations, unhampered delivery of humanitarian aid and the start of an inclusive political process incorporating all Syrian parties concerned without any preconditions.” “Regretably…our (international) counterparts” seem bent on polar opposite policies, favoring war, not resolution. ...

Counterproductive Security Council Resolution on Aleppo Evacuation Monitoring
Post Date: 2016-12-20 11:41:46 by Stephen Lendman
Counterproductive Security Council Resolution on Aleppo Evacuation Monitoring by Stephen Lendman With Aleppo virtually liberated, it’s unclear where monitors will be and what they intend to accomplish - other than undermining Russian, Syrian and Iranian good faith cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution efforts. Unanimously passed on Monday, the Security Council resolution calls for Ban Ki-moon “to take urgent steps to make arrangements, including security arrangements in consultation with interested parties, to allow the observation by the United Nations and other relevant institutions of the well- being of civilians…inside the eastern districts of the city of ...

A few initial short thoughts on the murder of the Russian Ambassador to Ankara
Post Date: 2016-12-20 06:23:44 by Ada
Okay, so tonight we have the name of the assassin, it is Mevlut Mert Aydintas, a 22 year old policeman who had been recently fired following the anti-Gulenist crackdown of Erdogan against the forces which had attempted to overthrow him recently. We also have a very useful video of the murder. That video of the attack also shows something very important: the only shots fired are those fired by the assassin. See for yourself: What this means is one of two things: Version 1: there was nobody in charge of security at this exhibition Version 2: the room where this murder happened was considered ‘safe/sterile’ because it was inside an outer security perimeter which we don’t ...

Security Council Agreement on Completing Aleppo's Evacuation?
Post Date: 2016-12-19 07:30:58 by Stephen Lendman
Security Council Agreement on Completing Aleppo’s Evacuation? by Stephen Lendman Ahead of a Sunday Security Council meeting, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin called a French draft resolution (complicit with Washington and Britain) on completing Aleppo’s evacuation “a disaster,” vowing a veto, saying: “We don’t have problems with any kind of monitoring. We will support appropriate UN monitoring process. But the idea that the observers would walk amid eastern Aleppo ruins without sufficient training and without giving an account of what will be going on there is a tragedy and a provocation.” Russia submitted its own proposals, Churkin saying if accepted ...

Syrian Evacuations Resume
Post Date: 2016-12-19 07:08:08 by Stephen Lendman
Syrian Evacuations Resume by Stephen Lendman Humanitarian efforts in Syria often don’t go as planned, dark forces continuing to devastate the country. Rare good news is welcomed. Liberating Aleppo from the scourge of US-supported terrorists may turn out to be a decisive turning point in the war. Yet pockets of renegade elements remain in the city - efforts to evacuate or eliminate them underway. Reports indicate hundreds left with their families Sunday night. According to ICRC Middle East regional director Robert Mardini, “five buses and an ambulance escorted by SARC (Syrian Arab Red Crescent) and ICRC” left eastern Aleppo overnight. Earlier on Sunday, US-supported ...

Syrian Offensive Underway to Liberate Palmyra
Post Date: 2016-12-18 11:41:54 by Stephen Lendman
Syrian Offensive Underway to Liberate Palmyra by Stephen Lendman Losing it a week ago to thousands of US-backed ISIS terrorists was an embarrassment to Syria and Russia after liberating the city in March. Repeating the process is well underway, involving a major ground offensive with Russian aerial support to eliminate Palmyra’s terrorist infestation, supported by Washington and its rogue allies. According to AMN News, Syrian forces “capture(d) several sites from the Islamic State terrorists on Saturday night, marking a swift end to the terrorist group’s two week long offensive.” Within days, government and allied forces “will likely attempt to reach the ...

Aleppo's Liberation Saved Thousands of Lives
Post Date: 2016-12-18 07:30:12 by Stephen Lendman
Aleppo’s Liberation Saved Thousands of Lives by Stephen Lendman Aleppo’s liberation may be looked back on as the war’s turning point, what America and its rogue allies tried hard to prevent. Media scoundrels called it bad news, showing support for imperial lawlessness, mindless of the enormous human cost in Aleppo and throughout Syria - raped and destroyed by America like so many other countries, the most pure evil regime in world history. On Saturday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said liberating Aleppo saved nearly 10,000 civilian lives, freed from captivity, held under brutal conditions by US- supported terrorists. Triumph also opened a ...

Turkey Still Supporting ISIS While Pretending Otherwise
Post Date: 2016-12-17 13:55:17 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey Still Supporting ISIS While Pretending Otherwise by Stephen Lendman America supports ISIS and all other terrorist groups. So do NATO, Israel and their regional partners in high crimes - Turkey among them, the key transit point for these fighters in and out of Syria, Ankara supplying them with weapons and other material support. Following Aleppo’s liberation, Assad’s next goal is ridding Idlib province, bordering Turkey, of its terrorist infestation. Russian foreign and defense ministers are conferring with their Turkish and Iranian counterparts, likely to assure no interference from Ankara in completing their mission. Putin aims for negotiating cessation of hostilities ...

Fake News Reports of Body-Littered Streets in Aleppo
Post Date: 2016-12-17 08:11:17 by Stephen Lendman
Fake News Reports of Body-Littered Streets in Aleppo by Stephen Lendman The battle for eastern Aleppo is over, except for scattered pockets of US-supported terrorists still to be cleared out, Russian conciliation center saying: “The operation by the Syrian Army aimed at liberating the militant-controlled neighborhoods of eastern Aleppo has been completed. The Syrian government forces continue to eliminate isolated pockets of militant resistance.” “The operation of the Russian Center for Reconciliation to evacuate militants and their families from the eastern districts of Aleppo is now complete.” “In some areas, there are still groups of militants from radical ...

NYT Fake News on Aleppo
Post Date: 2016-12-17 07:26:26 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Fake News on Aleppo by Stephen Lendman Daily NYT editions read like bad fiction, showing contemptible disregard for truth-telling, entirely absent where it’s most needed - fake news substituting. Coverage of America’s presidential campaign turned The Times into a laughing stock, featuring advocacy instead of unbiased reporting. The so-called newspaper of record is a national disgrace, notably when America goes to war or plans one, supporting imperial aggression instead of denouncing it. Its Syrian war coverage is abominable - all fake news all the time, including the just concluded battle for Aleppo. On December 13, it headlined “Assad’s Lesson From Aleppo: ...

Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies on Syria and Aleppo's Liberation
Post Date: 2016-12-16 07:49:12 by Stephen Lendman
Deconstructing John Kerry’s Big Lies on Syria and Aleppo’s Liberation by Stephen Lendman As head of US foreign policy, Kerry is part of the Obama administration’s criminal gang, waging naked aggression on Syria and other countries - raping and destroying them, responsible for millions of casualties, the highest of Nuremberg-level high crimes. On Friday, he addressed what he called “the tragic situation in Syria, and obviously…Aleppo.” A blizzard of Big Lies followed, disgracefully claiming “continued relentless and inexcusable attacks…directed at the civilian population in Aleppo, including women, children, humanitarian workers, and medical ...

U-Supported Terrorists Shell Aleppo Withdrawal Corridor
Post Date: 2016-12-16 07:33:39 by Stephen Lendman
US-Supported Terrorists Shell Aleppo Withdrawal Corridor by Stephen Lendman Completing what should be a simple withdrawal of eastern Aleppo residents and US-backed terrorists was disrupted by elements shelling the evacuation route and trying to take civilian hostages - according to Syrian al-Ikhbariya state television. Further withdrawal was suspended until things are resolved, government forces sent to eliminate renegade elements, breaching terms agreed on. The Syrian Arab New Agency (SANA) reported the following: After successfully evacuating around 5,000 residents, along with about 3,000 terrorists and their families from eastern Aleppo, elements still in the city “breached the ...

Aleppo Entirely Free from US-Supported Terrorists
Post Date: 2016-12-15 14:32:11 by Stephen Lendman
Put Media Scoundrels Out of Business by Stephen Lendman The simple way is by ignoring them. Stop buying their publications - newspapers, magazines and other material. Why waste good money on rubbish. Tune out their fake news broadcasts. Why put up with their antics? If enough people follow this advice, they’ll wither, die and disappear. They feature managed news misinformation deception, not full and accurate coverage of what’s vital to know. So far, it’s readily available from reliable independent sources, mostly online. Go there exclusively. Walk away forever from rubbish not fit to print or broadcast. Western media never were reputable and trustworthy. In recent ...

NYT Fake News Claims Assad, Putin and Iran Destroyed Aleppo
Post Date: 2016-12-15 08:25:26 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Fake News Claims Assad, Putin and Iran Destroyed Aleppo by Stephen Lendman After Aleppo’s near liberation, The Times called it bad news, mocking the rapturous joy of many thousands freed from barbarous captivity as human shields. The Times is a longstanding imperial war supporter, loathing peace and stability, dismissive of US Nuremberg-level high crimes - a disgraceful purveyor of fake news. On December 14, its editors outrageously headlined “Aleppo’s Destroyers: Assad, Putin, Iran.” Despicable lies followed, transparent fake news, saying “(c)ivilians…have reportedly been slaughtered  by the forces of the Assad government as they have fled the ...

RT Exposes Fake News on Syria
Post Date: 2016-12-15 08:01:59 by Stephen Lendman
RT Exposes Fake News on Syria by Stephen Lendman Throughout years of US aggression on Syria, virtually all Western media reports were fabricated accounts about what’s ongoing - disgraceful fake news, hard truths suppressed. Reliable independent reports, along with excellent coverage from Press TV, other Iranian media, Sputnik News and RT represent a vital antidote to deplorable Western propaganda. On December 15, RT reported on how Bana al-Abed, aged 7, an Aleppo resident, became an inadvertent tool of Western fake news. She doesn’t speak English, is too young to understand what’s ongoing, and has no television or Internet access in war-torn eastern Aleppo. Yet a ...

Remaining US-Supported Terrorists Withdrawing from Eastern Aleppo
Post Date: 2016-12-15 07:53:07 by Stephen Lendman
Remaining US-Supported Terrorists Withdrawing from Eastern Aleppo by Stephen Lendman After breaching the withdrawal deal twice earlier to continue fighting, remaining US-supported terrorists are now withdrawing from eastern Aleppo. Russia played the lead role in hopefully resolving things, Aleppo to be liberated entirely once they’re out. According to Russia’s General Staff chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov: “At the decision of Russia’s commander-in-chief, President Vladimir Putin, the evacuation of 5,000 militants and their families from eastern Aleppo began on Thursday.” “A humanitarian corridor has been created for the evacuation of militants. This corridor ...

Day 52 - Where is Eric Braverman?
Post Date: 2016-12-14 18:53:23 by randge
Day 52 - Where is Eric Braverman? Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Hillary's checklist . . . what Stevens knew . . . why Petraeus & Clinton left the stage . . . Soros' bloody flags . . . quarter $T in Gaddafi gold & the Foundation/HSBC . . . Vince Foster's replacement . . . the next Gaddafi

US-Supported Terrorists Breach Aleppo Withdrawal Deal
Post Date: 2016-12-14 10:39:10 by Stephen Lendman
US-Supported Terrorists Breach Aleppo Withdrawal Deal by Stephen Lendman Remaining US-supported terrorists in eastern Aleppo agreed to lay down their weapons and withdraw, their safety guaranteed. Instead of leaving, after a quiet night, they violated the ceasefire deal on Wednesday morning, Russia’s reconciliation center, saying: “In accordance with the agreements between the Syrian authorities and the leaders of armed groups in eastern Aleppo the Russian center for the reconciliation of warring factions had made arrangements for the militants’ withdrawal towards Idlib.” “The pullout was scheduled to begin at about 06:00 local time. Passenger busses were to ...

Another Politically Motivated Security Council Session on Syria
Post Date: 2016-12-14 07:19:17 by Stephen Lendman
Another Politically Motivated Security Council Session on Syria by Stephen Lendman Convened to bash Russia and Syria, truth-telling was entirely absent from remarks by Western envoys, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin setting the record straight like he always does. He explained eastern Aleppo is virtually liberated. Syrian and allied forces now control the entire city, saying “(t)he latest latest information that we have received during the past hour or so is that military operations in eastern Aleppo have concluded.” “So there is no issue of any ceasefire or special humanitarian operations. The Syrian government has regained control of the eastern Aleppo, so the stage of ...

Day 51 - Where is Eric Braverman?
Post Date: 2016-12-13 18:06:54 by randge
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Good job, George Webb. Hence the campaign "on fake news." The usual band of cut-throats and thieves have their laundry flapping in the breeze with with the yellow stains that can't be scrubbed for all to see. Prison's not enough for this scum.

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