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Entrapping Greece in Debt
Post Date: 2015-07-11 05:56:39 by Stephen Lendman
Entrapping Greece in Debt by Stephen Lendman My book "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity" discusses entrapping Greece in unrepayable debt. It's a good time to review some of its content after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' public betrayal followed by overwhelming rubber-stamp parliamentary approval (250 - 32). Tsipras isn't Greece's only traitor. He has lots of co-conspirators from SYRIZA and other parties. Eurozone finance ministers will consider his proposal on Saturday followed by leaders from all EU countries doing the same thing on Sunday. Reports indicate a positive response coming. Meanwhile, banks remain closed. Despite capital ...

The Hidden Details of the New US National Military Strategy
Post Date: 2015-07-08 02:36:06 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... Standard reporting on the document misses a few key details that make the strategy even more dangerous than people initially realize. Much has already been written about the US’ National Military Strategy (NMS) since it’s updated unveiling last week, but most analysts haven’t pieced together the finer details of the document that speak to its most lethal aspects. Here’s what they’re missing and why these undiscussed components are so critical in understanding the Pentagon’s forthcoming plans: “Axis Of Evil 2.0” Everyone’s spoken about Russia’s inclusion alongside Iran and North Korea as the main state targets of the NMS, but ...

Is the Confederate Flag “Becoming Illegal”?
Post Date: 2015-07-07 15:45:03 by X-15
Since July 4th is the day we are supposed to celebrate our “freedom” under this glorious Union, I thought it was appropriate today to take note of this short article I came across on the Rebellion Blog Spot the other day. It fit in so perfectly with our vaunted “freedom and independence” in the “freest country in the world” (according to Bush 2) I just couldn’t pass it up. A man in a city in Florida was not happy with the politically correct stance of Walmart in their mad rush to empty their stores of Confederate flags after the tragedy in Charleston, which is conveniently being blamed on the flag instead of the medication the young man was on. So he went ...

Confederate flag maddness
Post Date: 2015-07-06 19:11:07 by titorite
So what do you all think of the confederate flag stupidity? South carolina senate just voted on removing the flag permantly 37 to three... only three stood up for historical state rights. ....other states are capitulating as well..... In this police state tyranny im really wondering if this will be the line. What kinda of reaction will their be if this continues ala the agenda. Will states rights protesters climb and re hang the Confederate Flag? Will police rough them up as normal? Will the people begin to fire back? Is this a.line in the sand?

LEGISLATING FROM THE BENCH - Supreme Court disasters
Post Date: 2015-07-01 01:00:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The highest court in America has once again demonstrated that the freedom for which whole generations have fought and died is gradually but increasingly being taken away from us with smooth and slippery words. Many people are looking at the recent Supreme Court decisions about ObamaCare and same-sex marriage in terms of whether they think these are good or bad policies. That is certainly a legitimate concern, for both those who favor those policies and those who oppose them. But there is a deeper and more long-lasting impact of these decisions that raise the question whether we are still living in America, where "we the people" are supposed to decide what kind of society we want, ...

US rhetoric against China, Russia can lead to WWIII: Analyst
Post Date: 2015-06-28 06:25:59 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... "The American empire is beginning to crumble and weaken in the face of these emerging powers from the east, Russia and China,” Hagopian said. The United States’ rhetoric and actions against China and Russia could potentially lead to the World War III, says a writer and investigative journalist from Arizona. Joachim Hagopian made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday when asked about US accusations against China that it is “unilaterally and coercively” pursuing territory in the South China Sea. The accusations were made by US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who compared China’s policy with that of Russia in eastern Ukraine. ...

I have a male German Shepard
Post Date: 2015-06-27 16:49:59 by Itistoolate
I think I'll marry him under the new "same sex" Act.

Love and Hate in Dixie: The Confederate Flag as Symbol - By Pat Buchanan
Post Date: 2015-06-27 07:06:25 by Artisan
... Vilification of that battle flag and the Confederacy is part of the cultural revolution in America that flowered half a century ago. Among its goals was the demoralization of the American people by demonizing their past and poisoning their belief in their own history ... And how is the Republican Party standing up to this cultural lynch mob? Retreating and running as fast as possible.

Are White Men Gods? (II): Getting the Facts Straight
Post Date: 2015-06-26 00:29:19 by X-15
I find Cornel West, a black professor, complaining of White Supremacy, which he believes our black President needs to remedy. Obama, he says, is “niggerized.” “A niggerized black person is a black person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy,” West said. I would like to explain to Professor West a few things about this dread supremacy: We have White Supremacy, Professor, because for 2500 years we, whites, have produced the best minds on the planet, the greatest flourishing of the arts and sciences ever seen, the most complex and organized societies. We have White Supremacy, ...

Should we
Post Date: 2015-06-25 22:25:02 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
bless the Jues

Jade Helm: Hey Military Joe Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?
Post Date: 2015-06-25 12:21:08 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Jade Helm: Hey Military Joe Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?Homeland Security Classifies Returning US Veterans as Potential Local Terrorist Threat.OBAMA PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM GRID ON US TEXAS/MEXICO BORDER!JADE HELM 15: The letters J-A-D-E stand for “Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution.” The letters H-E-L-M stand for “Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.” The drill is indeed about extractions of potential dissident leadership based upon a “list” given to ARSOF commanders. One very strong impression that I was left with is that the leadership of ARSOF is very uncomfortable with this drill ...

Putin and the Saudi Caravan
Post Date: 2015-06-25 03:21:16 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik So guess who walks into a room in St. Petersburg this past Thursday; Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince – and Defense Minister – Muhammad bin Salman, favorite son of King Salman; Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir (former ambassador to the US and very close to key players in the Beltway); and all-powerful Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi. They were all there for a face-to-face with President Vladimir Putin, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. 2015 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). Day One © Sputnik/ Iliya Pitalev SPIEF Shows West Wants to Return to Business as Usual in Russia In principle, there could not be a more spectacular ...

No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss
Post Date: 2015-06-25 00:53:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It's not good at much else." –Author Tom Clancy The American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us. Yet no matter who wins this next presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and we—the permanent underclass in America—will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters, public and private. Indeed, as I point out in my new book, Battlefield America: The War on the American People, it really ...

propaganda has hypnotized Americans into a criminally irresponsible stupor - Turning patriots into terrorists . . . and terrorists into patriots!
Post Date: 2015-06-24 08:30:09 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
1 Comments Click for Full Text!

The Confederate Flag vs. the US Flag
Post Date: 2015-06-23 13:27:04 by Katniss
People like to blame the Confederate Flag for the actions of people. It's a piece of cloth folks, get over it. It never did nor does stand for slavery. In fact, the Civil War wasn't even initiated over slavery, it was initiated over several other things primarily. Slavery only entered into the equation in order to prevent the French from entering the side of the South. Since we're talking flags though, in our team-oriented "not in my house" mentality that's psychotically present pervasively throughout our nation as represented in driving behavior, law-enforcement, politics, education, sports, etc. This sick-minded team behavior is destroying civility around the ...

Sorry CopBlockers, But Sometimes a Police Shooting Is Justified [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-06-22 16:36:20 by Artisan
There is a right and wrong way to assert your rights during encounters with police. Deven Guilford chose the very wrong way, and ended up dead, shot seven times by a county sheriff. If you look at these photos of Sgt. Jonathan Frost after the Deven Guilford shooting, you can see the officer suffered a savage beating. Judge for yourself if you think lethal force was justified. I'm far from a police state apologist or cop bootlicker, but not every police shooting is unjustified. Regardless of how this altercation began, if you beat a man like that, cop or not, he has a right to defend himself. I agree with the prosecutors report which states "law enforcement officers have the same ...

Alexander Hamilton - excellent article
Post Date: 2015-06-22 14:40:26 by Lod

Russia Plans Atomic “First Strike” As “False Flag” Racial Massacre Pushes America To Brink Of Insanity
Post Date: 2015-06-20 23:14:04 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal The Ministry of Defense (MoD), in a joint report with the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), is reporting today that President Putin has ordered an immediate “strategic targeting” of what are defined as “Communist Controlled Regions” existing within the United States with an additional up to 50 new RS-24 Yars (SS-29) atomic-armed mobile and submarine based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) having multiple warhead capabilities and a range of up to 12,070 km (7,500 miles). According to this report, SVR analysts are predicting that the Obama regime is in the “final phase” of perpetrating a number of “false flag” operations within ...

Free American: Are Zionists Taking Entire USA Down?
Post Date: 2015-06-20 20:09:20 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Russell Pappalardo,The Mighty Phoenix, says "This is War! Download (Duration: 1:59:39 — 109.5MB) The Zionist enemy knows, because they declared it, but most of us “Goyim” are still fast asleep. It’s not necessarily a war with cannon and bullets, but our people still get killed. They poison and kill us in all sorts of “creative” manners, fluoride, vaccination, GMO, chemtrails, dangerous pesticides, climate engineering, just to name a few. And last, but not least, there is the medical-pharmaceutical industry, which – for generations already – is firmly in Zionist ...

South Carolina Church Shooting
Post Date: 2015-06-19 12:21:11 by X-15

Caitlyn and Gender Identity
Post Date: 2015-06-16 11:17:53 by christine
Let’s face it – with the grand debut of Bruce Jenner as a woman named Caitlyn (and the accompanying demand from the liberal media that we take it as anything more serious than attention-seeking narcissism) – we have finally arrived at the post-postmodern era. Post-modernism unfortunately prepared us for this sort of tragic comedy. It was the era where the objectivism of the enlightenment era was totally discarded for a human-centered view of reality. Enlightenment era philosophers such as Descartes measured identity in terms of readily observable phenomenon. Science was seen as the key to discovering truth, and those truths – like gravity and the earth’s position ...

Video of the Month - #WrongSkin - Troll of the year
Post Date: 2015-06-15 19:12:25 by X-15

The Black Dilemma
Post Date: 2015-06-15 10:22:52 by Lod
“For almost 150 years the United States has been conducting an interesting experiment. The subjects of the experiment: black people and working-class whites. The hypothesis to be tested: Can a people taken from the jungles of Africa and forced into slavery be fully integrated as citizens in a majority white population? The whites were descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization. The former slaves had been tribal peoples with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements. Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed black people into a white society that saw them as inferiors. America has struggled ...

Good for the Democrats
Post Date: 2015-06-13 08:59:16 by Ada
But their TPP victory over Obama and his cronies, including the GOP, will not last. When a similar coalition of evil wanted the TARP bank bailout, it didn’t matter that virtually every single American was against it. Opposing Senators and House members were threatened and bribed, and bank welfare, once defeated, passed. I fear it will no different with this “trade” disaster. My Hill expert, Diogenes, agrees, I am sorry to say. The big corporate (fascist) state rules.

Diagnosed With Liberalism
Post Date: 2015-06-12 15:50:24 by Dakmar
I rarely read comments, but someone recently sent me this one from David Brooks’ op-ed “The Campus Crusaders.” Anne from New York City wrote: It’s not trauma; it’s narcissism. I am a psychotherapist. Real trauma survivors typically seek to avoid talking about their traumas and often have to be coaxed to go to psychotherapy. People who start campus crusades because they’re offended or their feelings are allegedly hurt probably have a different primary diagnosis. Anne was referring to the social-justice warriors—or, as Julie Burchill calls them, “cry-bullies”—who drag innocent people through shame hell in the quest for equality. Brooks ...

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