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The Sin of Chivalry
Post Date: 2015-04-06 22:09:59 by Dakmar
A very common sexist stereotype is that women are absurdly hypersensitive. Funny enough, these days that stereotype persists mostly due to the absurdly hypersensitive real-life behavior of feminists. Supposedly it’s feminists’ job to defeat anti-female stereotypes rather than validate them, right? Perchance they changed the rules when I wasn’t looking. But we live in an age where nothing needs to make sense anymore. Feminism has morphed into an ideological form of nymphomania—despite every new conquest, they’re never satisfied. In their insatiable lust for power, they’ve hand-knitted an insane new world where everything is sexist. When a black rapper recently ...

Yemen: Moscow responds to oil blackmail
Post Date: 2015-04-02 22:55:09 by Tatarewicz
Pravda.Ru Moscow had patience to tolerate blackmail in Syria and the massacre of Ukraine until the United States and Saudi Arabia crossed the red line by lowering oil prices. Russia had to prepare a response. A gambit in Yemen was played together with Teheran for the purpose of causing damage to the Wahhabi state. After all, the Saudis are used to sponsoring wars, but they do not like to die in them. The US claims that in Yemen, American troops are fighting against al-Qaeda and ISIS. The goal of the operation, according to White House spokesman Josh Earnest, is to support the central government, create the potential of local fighters and use own technological and military resources to put ...

About the queers that lead the world to abyss
Post Date: 2015-03-31 22:57:56 by Tatarewicz
Pravda Forum... And the Mossad is very good at getting hold of blackmail material. During J. Edgar Hoover’s tenure at the FBI, Hoover had pornographic blackmail photos of just about everybody who mattered – which made Hoover the USA’s unelected dictator. But the real ruler, the éminence grise behind Hoover, was Mossadnik crime kingpin Meyer Lansky. It seems likely that Lansky’s heirs in Tel Aviv have an extensive collection of child pornography featuring “adult actor” George W. Bush. And as for Tony Blair, he too appears to be a blackmailed pedophile. Despite the strict libel laws in the UK, a British researcher has reported some, shall we say, ...

Post Date: 2015-03-28 10:38:44 by Itistoolate
Obama's COMMUNIST Inner Circle

Cracks in US-Israel alliance revealed
Post Date: 2015-03-26 03:56:24 by Tatarewicz
PRESStv... Is this the week that the US-Israeli relationship began to implode? On Monday, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough threw down the gauntlet: “An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end.” The statement was a pointed rebuke to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who won re-election last week running on a no-Palestinian-state platform. McDonough added that Netanyahu's obstructionism was "so very troubling." Also on Monday, the Wall Street Journal revealed that Israeli spies eavesdropped on US-Iran negotiations. The Israelis shared classified information with Zionist assets in the US Congress in an effort to destroy progress toward a ...

Man with BATMAN shirt goes BALISTIC
Post Date: 2015-03-25 09:19:00 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Newtown Sandy Hook Conspiracy Newtown by honr-network

Why Israel's far right policy damages America's national interests
Post Date: 2015-03-25 02:52:59 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... The appeal to "far-right" voters by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his recent re-election campaign (in 2015) reveals a politically uncomfortable truth not publicly debated in American mainstream media (influenced by the Jewish lobby), which is that Israel's far right policy in the last few decades has damaged America's national interests in five major ways (to be explained below). And the term "far right" here refers to the "militarist" and "elitist" (like "racist") orientations in political ideology. (a) RACISM The first major evidence for the damage of America's national interests by Israel's ...

The TRUTH is Like A Lion You Don' Need To Defend It. Let it Loose. It Will Defend Itself.
Post Date: 2015-03-22 08:18:51 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent

Taiwan should seek to join AIIB
Post Date: 2015-03-21 00:32:30 by Tatarewicz
Want... Founding members of the Asian Infrastucture Investment Bank at a signing ceremony in Beijing, Oct. 24, 2014. (File photo/Xinhua) Founding members of the Asian Infrastucture Investment Bank at a signing ceremony in Beijing, Oct. 24, 2014. (File photo/Xinhua) Efforts by the United States to discourage its allies from joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) suffered a major setback this month when the UK, France, Germany and Italy all said they hoped to join the bank as founding shareholders. Australia and South Korea are also likely to take part. The AIIB is closely related to China's "One Belt, One Road" development strategy to deepen and ...

WAKE UP film BEST EVER 2014, life changing, honest, freeman
Post Date: 2015-03-20 21:34:01 by Itistoolate
WAKE UP film BEST EVER 2014, life changing, honest, freeman

Dispatches From The 9th Ring. First Day Of Spring Edition.
Post Date: 2015-03-20 06:04:26 by TommyTheMadArtist
The first day of spring, is obviously the fay when all the drunken crack heads come out of their winter dens to make trouble for the rest of us law abiding citizens. This morning at 3:20 AM, I heard a knock at the door. The dog barked and I got out of bed. Nobody was there. I no sooner get back into bed, that I hear pounding on a door that is not mine, two houses down. An Ebonic speaking crack head is screaming to be let in. Profanities, the N-word, you name it all spewing out of this crackheads cake hole. I wait to see if one of the resident morons at that address would let their fellow fucktard in, and of course he doesn't actually live there. This fucking moron actually is a ...

Root cause must be understood first to counter violent extremism
Post Date: 2015-03-19 23:18:17 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... According to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, some 20,000 people have joined ISIL since last summer. They have traveled to Syria and Iraq from more than 100 countries all over the world for that purpose. To make a comparison, it took ten years for the number of foreign fighters against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan to reach 20,000. John Kerry's striking announcement came last month from The Summit on Countering Violent Extremism at the White House.. Senior U.S. officials addressed the summit attended by representatives of 60 countries. The three days of meetings sought an answer to the question 'How can we prevent people from joining radical Islamist organizations, ...

People's Daily lays out China's motive in founding AIIB
Post Date: 2015-03-18 23:06:28 by Tatarewicz
Want... An opinion piece published on the official WeChat account of the overseas edition of the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily has outlined the motivation behind Beijing's efforts to set up the Asian Infrastructure Bank (AIIB). Germany, France and Italy have now followed in the footsteps of the United Kingdom to apply to be founding members of the bank against the advice of the United States, pushing the number of countries taking part in the initiative to 31. Many international news organizations have interpreted the AIIB as an attempt by Beijing to challenge the status of the US in the international community. The People's Daily commentary said China had no ...

China challenging the US-led status quo in Asia: commentary
Post Date: 2015-03-17 02:49:23 by Tatarewicz
Want... By increasing the country's military budget every year, China's government is moving closer to challenging the US-led strategic status quo in the Asia-Pacific since 1945, writes Benjamin Herscovitch, a researcher from the Centre for Independent Studies, an Australian libertarian think tank based in St Leonards, in a commentary written for the Business Spectator on March 11. During the annual meeting of China's National People's Congress last week, NPC spokesperson Fu Ying said that the budget for the People's Liberation Army is expected to increase by 10% this year. To ease concerns of policymakers in Tokyo, Taipei, Manila and Washington DC, it was pointed out ...

Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War
Post Date: 2015-03-16 02:57:27 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal... A new report from the Federation Security Council (SCRF) on Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov’s [photo 2nd left] recent private visit with President Barack Obama at the White House, in Washington D.C., grimly states that America’s leader has “privately advised” President Putin that a global war is nearing…and he “may be powerless to stop it”. Director Bortnikov, it is important to remember, is in some Kremlin circles believed to be the third most powerful person in Russia after President Putin, along with being known as the Federations top counter intelligence commander. As an agent of the Committee for State ...

Need More Proof That The Music Industry Is Fake? Here You Go
Post Date: 2015-03-15 18:26:54 by James Deffenbach

Why Jeb Bush is Unelectable
Post Date: 2015-03-15 13:52:19 by James Deffenbach

Did China Just Recognize The Taliban?
Post Date: 2015-03-13 04:31:46 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... The Chinese Foreign Minister issued a statement that makes it look like Beijing recognizes the Taliban as a legitimate political force in Afghanistan. Afghanistan: New Haven for Old Terrorists? Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in the middle of last month during a visit to Pakistan that "We will support the Afghan government in realizing reconciliation with various political factions including the Taliban", thus implicitly recognizing the terrorist group as legitimate actor in the country's affairs. This stance denotes a pragmatic realism that seeks to make the best of an unfortunate reality — the US' intervention in Afghanistan only served to prolong ...

Breaking -> United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros! | Political Vel Craft
Post Date: 2015-03-12 12:06:32 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Breaking -> United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros! | Political Vel Craft S Russia Federation’s President Vladimir Putin.Another Fraud Charge On Already Convicted Felon George Soros: Flying The Coop On His Fraud Company And A $39.4 Million Judgment Against It!We Have A Convicted Felon Still Driving Behind The Wheel In America: His Name Is George Soros!Bankers With Out Boundaries [NWO] ~ Obama’s French Connection: French Felon Nadhmi Auchi & French Felon George Soros!British Operative Billionaire And Convicted Felon George Soros: Warns Sovereign ...

“Cheney Gives The Orders, Not Obama!” US Official Rages At Kremlin
Post Date: 2015-03-10 07:39:22 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal A shocking report published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) today states that the Kremlin was “stunned” yesterday after Minister Sergey Lavrov endured a nearly one-hour tirade from US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland [photo top left] who, among other claims, “raged” that former Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney was in charge of the United States, not President Barack Obama. According to this report, a “highly agitated” Secretary Nuland contacted Minister Lavrov yesterday demanding that Russia immediately order Iran to return to US custody the 4 CIA agents arrested and detained ...

War pigs need the draft: More bodies, plus women, necessary
Post Date: 2015-03-10 04:51:28 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... "...Evil minds that plot destruction. Sorcerers of death's destruction. In the keeps turning. In the fields the bodies burning as the war machine keeps turning...Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor." Black Sabbath,War Pigs Oh, it's out there. It is the US government's Selective Service/Draft program that currently requires all males 18 years of age to willingly sign up for the opportunity to have the US government force them, under penalty of law, to work for the government in a killing and maiming capacity (military employment), or in a supporting role for those who ...

Judge Napolitano: Lincoln Set About On The Most Murderous War In American History [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-03-09 12:57:06 by James Deffenbach

US Congress on sale (& they're just finding out now)?
Post Date: 2015-03-09 08:38:54 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... "Charging a man with murder in Vietnam was like handing out speeding tickets in the Indy 500." That famous line from Francis Ford Coppola's film Apocalypse Now sums up the pervasive criminality of the US military in Vietnam, which murdered more than three million people, many in massacres like the famous one at My Lai. (The US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan weren't much different.) Charging a US Senator or Representative with corruption is likewise like handing out speeding tickets at an auto racetrack. The whole system runs on legalized bribery, euphemistically known as "campaign contributions." But even in the road race of Congressional ...

From communism to monopolistic capitalism in a single swoop
Post Date: 2015-03-07 04:07:30 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... What's the difference between an apparently benevolent Ukrainian oligarch and a charismatic chief of a drug cartel in Colombia or Mexico? There isn't any! Economically, politically and socially both were birthed as identical twins; and that behavioral-DNA which exists in both can also be found in most other powerful economic magnates who have metamorphosed in former communist nations, or Soviet republics, from the ranks of the party elite after conveniently setting aside the precepts of Karl Marx... and readily accepting pseudo-entrepreneurial predatory capitalism as the new cult. And while a chocolate cake was instrumental a week ago in the capture of drug kingpin ...

Financial collapse leads to war
Post Date: 2015-03-06 19:13:14 by X-15
Scanning the headlines in the western mainstream press, and then peering behind the one-way mirror to compare that to the actual goings-on, one can't but get the impression that America's propagandists, and all those who follow in their wake, are struggling with all their might to concoct rationales for military action of one sort or another, be it supplying weapons to the largely defunct Ukrainian military, or staging parades of US military hardware and troops in the almost completely Russian town of Narva, in Estonia, a few hundred meters away from the Russian border, or putting US “advisers” in harm's way in parts of Iraq mostly controlled by Islamic militants. The ...

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