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Inquiring minds want to know: Why do so-called American Christians gnash their teeth and wail at the Muslim persecution of Christians in Syria but completely disregard or even cheer the persecution of Christians in Israel? Especially Palestinian Christians.
Post Date: 2014-02-02 12:44:14 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Just asking. Of course, asking this question makes me an anti-Semite, to which I reply, OK. Now answer the question.

Fake Snow Reported in multiple States?
Post Date: 2014-02-01 08:12:27 by Itistoolate
The surprise storm that has largely crippled the southeastern US has generated a buzz online as people post videos of the snow’s weird" imageanchor="1" st*l*="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">" border="0" width="640" height="330"> There is no doubt in many minds, that there is some sort of geo-engineering going on across the Nation, and around the world. What we do not know, is the specifics behind it, and what the purpose is. We do know however, that the strongest ...

The People,Groups and Movements Destroying America
Post Date: 2014-01-29 14:07:35 by Itistoolate
The People,Groups and Movements Destroying America The Corrupt and Criminal Democrat-Republican Establishment(Republicrats) The Secret-Society Establishment(Freemasons,Order of Skull & Bones,CFR,et al) The Diversity Gang The Amnesty Gang The Neo-Cons The Corrupt Anti-Christ Christian Establishment(no pun intended) The Israel Lobby La Conquista The Federal Reserve The Medical Establishment/Drug-Company Establishment The Education Establishment(especially "higher education") The Pro-Sports Establishment The Judicial Establishment Hollywood The Major-Media Establishment  

Barbarians at the Mall Entrance
Post Date: 2014-01-27 18:37:32 by Dakmar
What do you call it when thousands of dark-skinned, slum-dwelling youths conspire on Facebook to suddenly show up at a swank, tony, mostly white shopping mall? Some might call it a party. Others would call it a nightmare. In Brazil, they call it a rolezinho, AKA a “little stroll.” Such little strolls have been an escalating cause of alarm in the past couple months as loud, giddy throngs of teens from Brazil’s notoriously wretched favelas pour out en masse from the dilapidated roach motels they call home and into the gleaming, glittering palaces of consumption typically patronized by the nation’s upper crust. Although in its infancy, the rolezinho phenomenon recalls ...

spare demonid invite
Post Date: 2014-01-27 01:23:51 by titorite
SOOOOO Who knows all about TOR and torrents and magnet links and such...cause I am a half ass at it all. I do not know everything. I DO KNOW demonoid is back up. and that I do not have access... My wife had the original invite. And we all know how that song and dance played. STILL If any among you have one or know someone who does, I can seed my ratios... true glory comes from uploading something new. I need an invite. Does anyone have my back?

LBJ's Great Society as Hubris of the Social Engineer
Post Date: 2014-01-23 19:00:47 by BTP Holdings
LBJ's Great Society as Hubris of the Social Engineer By Richard Ebeling Thursday, January 23, 2014 The Free Market Agenda for a Truly Great Society The free market agenda for a truly great society was for people to have the liberty to make their own decisions, find and take advantage of their opportunities, and have the latitude and incentive to design their own lives, according to their own conception of the good, desirable, and worthwhile. Government controls, regulations, redistributions, and handouts were the opposite of the direction needed for America . . . Benefiting All Through the Freedom of Each Free market economists, like Friedrich A. Hayek, explained that there is ...

God's Own Party
Post Date: 2014-01-23 18:34:53 by X-15
According to the majority of conservative Christians, the GOP is God’s Own Party. Voting for Republicans on election day—any Republican no matter what he believes—is an article of faith in the creed of many Christians. Voting for Democrats is a great sin. Voting for a third party is wasting your vote. Voting for Libertarians is unthinkable. Voting for no one is un-American. “Vote Republican (even if you have to hold your nose to do it)” is the great conservative Christian refrain every election season. “Republicans, in general,” says Texas governor and former GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry, “believe in low taxes, low regulation, less spending, ...

You want to know why this country is in the shape its in?
Post Date: 2014-01-21 20:02:54 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Go to the yahoo news article concerning Snowden and read the comments. This is why we are a police state. This is why it is only a matter of time until the Republicans and Democrats begin imprisoning, torturing and/or killing the people whose names are being collected by regional/local fusion centers. And when they do, the American people are going to cheer just like the good little slaves they are. I cannot believe the number of brain dead, police state worshiping slime balls there are in this country.

phil schneider speech- BEFORE BEING KILLED
Post Date: 2014-01-21 11:32:41 by Itistoolate

The Serpentine Stealth of the Long Range Planners
Post Date: 2014-01-21 09:17:10 by Itistoolate
The Serpentine Stealth of the Long Range Planners Click for Full Text!

Triumph of the Mediocre
Post Date: 2014-01-21 08:01:31 by Ada
by January 19, 2014 Share on emailShare on printMultiple Pages Triumph of the Mediocre photo credit: Shutterstock Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton, so we are told, kept a spreadsheet devoted to her enemies, whom she rated on a scale of her own devising. I can’t say this surprised me: Mrs. Clinton doesn’t have a forgiving face. She is more Lady Macbeth than Cordelia (she would be wonderfully cast as the former), and while it is unwise to always judge a person by his or her face, it is even more foolish never to do so. A person’s appearance is at least as trustworthy a guide to his character as his words, especially when his stock in trade is words. I suppose that keeping ...

EDward Henry
Post Date: 2014-01-18 09:42:44 by Itistoolate

America ill-prepared for marijuana mayhem
Post Date: 2014-01-12 19:06:01 by scrapper2
With many states legalizing medical marijuana, and Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana, we are about to learn what I already know as a practicing psychiatrist: Marijuana is not harmless and will lead many millions of people into addiction, depression, psychosis, anxiety and lack of motivation. I support legalizing marijuana, because I do not support the government making the decision whether people use it or not. I also don’t like jailing people for the same behavior (drug use) that so many of our elected officials have engaged in. And I believe strongly that, in carefully selected cases, marijuana (and other potentially addictive drugs, by the way) can be very useful, ...

Uncle Ted's Thoughts - great
Post Date: 2014-01-09 10:03:10 by Lod

Has the threat from terrorism been exaggerated?
Post Date: 2014-01-08 17:36:18 by X-15
Two years after the raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideaway, terrorism alarmists remain in peak form explaining that although al-Qaeda has been weakened it still manages to present a grave threat. Various well-honed techniques are applied to support this contention. One is to espy and assess various “linkages” or “connections” of “ties” or “threads” between and among a range of disparate terrorists or terrorist groups, most of which appear rather gossamer and of only limited consequence on closer examination. Another is to exaggerate the importance and effectiveness of the “affiliated groups” linked to al-Qaeda central. In particular, ...

Walter E. Williams Column: There Are Irreconciliable Differences Between Liberty-Loving Americans and Leftists
Post Date: 2014-01-08 12:30:53 by GreyLmist
Here's a question that I've asked in the past that needs to be revisited. Unless one wishes to obfuscate, it has a simple yes or no answer. If one group of people prefers strong government control and management of people's lives while another group prefers liberty and desires to be left alone, should they be required to enter into conflict with one another and risk bloodshed and loss of life in order to impose their preferences on the other group? Yes or no. My answer is no; they should be able to peaceably part company and go their separate ways. The problem our nation faces is very much like a marriage in which one partner has an established pattern of ignoring and breaking ...

Bashar al-Assad’s Report Card
Post Date: 2014-01-06 18:26:30 by X-15
When it comes to grading Assad, why does he stand head and shoulders above the world’s dictators, strongmen, and despots? Hard to say. State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland maintains Assad, “certainly should leave power,” and asserts he is “evil,” “beyond brutal,” “inhumane,” and unfit to rule. And then there’s this profile: Dr. Kathy Seifert of Psychology Today observes, “How did this man develop into a brutal dictator? It is clear that Bashar al-Assad’s upbringing and environment in which he was raised has had a significant impact on his development into the ruthless dictator that he is today.” Still, it is hard to ...

Been awhile, since posting Tom007 is heading to the South Pacific Coast of Mexico for the winter and none too soon
Post Date: 2014-01-04 21:22:19 by tom007
Screw all this. We thought we would have a little nice weather in SW LA, Lake Charles, but except for today NOOOOOO. 79% humidity and 38 degrees is maybe better than anartica but I am not sure as I have yet to be there. Frikking miserables. So Sue and I are venturing into the murdering cesspool of Mexico in search of sun and waves. It is 1750 miles to Puerto Vallarta and we are packing up as we spek, so to say, leaving Wendesday ---- if the weather is OK - NOT DOING THE TEXAS ICE STORM THINGGY AGAIN HAD PLENTY OF FUN IN VAN HORNY TX a few weeks ago. so the plan is to pass into mex at Peadris Negris hit Cuatro Ciengas for a while. then Zacatagas and Vallarta for - at least better ...

Do you have any new years resolutions for 2014?
Post Date: 2013-12-31 12:06:37 by Artisan
Any big plans or resolutions for 2014? I sto pped drinking all soda (dr pepper) in november 2012 & have stuck with it. This year I want to brush up on my espanol. I said that last year, but never did it.

Who Will Speak For The Long-Neglected Middle Class?
Post Date: 2013-12-28 20:33:06 by X-15
On almost every left-right issue that divides Democrats and Republicans — as well as Republicans themselves — there is a neglected populist constituency. The result is that populist politics are largely caricatured as Tea Party extremism — and a voice for the middle class is largely absent. The problem with ObamaCare is that its well-connected and influential supporters — pet businesses, unions and congressional insiders — have already won exemption from it. The rich will always have their concierge doctors and Cadillac health plans. The poor can usually find low-cost care through Medicaid, federal clinics and emergency rooms. In contrast, those who have lost ...

You have to see this- The Robertsons "I am Second"
Post Date: 2013-12-25 10:45:43 by Itistoolate

The Greatest Truth Never Told
Post Date: 2013-12-23 13:47:13 by Itistoolate

Buy the kids guns for Christmas!
Post Date: 2013-12-21 22:17:35 by X-15
With the Christmas shopping orgy well under way, never forget that the ultimate gifts that keep on giving throughout life for young and old are guns. For the young boys and girls, cap guns and holsters, nerf guns, toy bows and arrows with the suction cup arrows and other assorted toy guns and associated accessories are the obvious choice. Whatever you do, don’t forget to teach your rootin’ tootin’ boys and girls how to quick draw their cap guns and how to twirl them on one finger Roy Rogers style. For the pre-teen boys and girls, air-soft guns are a great gift to help develop hand-eye coordination and stealth. Make sure Santa brings plenty of ammo and safety glasses. ...

Amboy Dukes - featuring Ted Nugent - "Baby Please Don't Go" - 2009 Detroit Music Awards
Post Date: 2013-12-21 21:07:01 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:If you feewings was hurt, call me, Dakmar, we set it straight, yes? 1-800-FUCK-YOU

The Fed’s Pipeline To Israel
Post Date: 2013-12-20 18:20:07 by Itistoolate

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