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De-Americanised' world needed after US shutdown: China media
Post Date: 2013-10-13 23:06:04 by Tatarewicz
PressTV China's official news agency on Sunday said the world should consider 'de-Americanizing' the international financial system, amid the continuing threat of a US default. As a political stalemate persists over the US government's budget and debt ceiling debate, experts warn of terrible consequences for the world economy if the US defaults. China has previously issued repeated warnings about the danger of a US default because of the threat to Chinese investments in the US. "As US politicians of both political parties (fail to find a) viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start ...

Why You Should Hope They Never Find Life on Another Planet
Post Date: 2013-10-10 23:15:13 by James Deffenbach

US Debt - Visualized in physical $100 bills
Post Date: 2013-10-10 22:26:58 by GreyLmist

Our Truest Lies
Post Date: 2013-10-10 19:04:51 by X-15
At the end of John Ford’s classic Western, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the editor of the local paper decides not to print the truth about who really killed the murderous Valance. “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” Legends now become facts in America at almost lightning speed. Often when lies are asserted as truth, they become frozen in time. Even the most damning later exposure of their falsity never quite erases their currency. As Jonathan Swift sighed, “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.” After the recent shooting tragedy at the Washington Navy Yard, cable news shows, newspaper reports, and talking heads immediately ...

Drinking, Truth and Transgender Dating
Post Date: 2013-10-05 19:54:37 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:I am the walrus!

Shut Down the Nonessential National-Security State
Post Date: 2013-10-04 12:22:28 by PnbC
Shut Down the Nonessential National-Security State by Jacob G. Hornberger October 2, 2013 The national-security state apparatus under which all of us have been born and raised was established for one and only one purpose: to wage the Cold War against the Soviet Union. From the inception of the country to the aftermath of World War II, the American people had lived without an enormous permanent peacetime military establishment, a CIA with the power to assassinate people, and a NSA to spy on people. With every war that the United States had been engaged in, there had been demobilization after the war. That changed after World War II. Proclaiming that America’s World War II partner and ...

Shooting holes in Israel's anti-Iran propaganda
Post Date: 2013-10-02 23:06:50 by Tatarewicz
Susan Rice has now put Iran’s right to reprocess under the Non Proliferation Treaty subject to US approval. In effect this has the US claiming the right to abridge the treaty, for one country, because it wants to. This is clearly an attack on Iran’s sovereignty. Obama has now dropped back temporarily from the front lines and sent Susan Rice out to do the Alice in Wonderland trick, where ‘when I use a word it means exactly what I want it to mean, nothing more, nothing less’. She claims no US approval of Iran’s nuclear reprocessing has been agreed to by Obama. Does this indicate that Israel, the only real weapons of mass destruction threat in the Mid East, the ...

While Christian churches have slept...
Post Date: 2013-10-02 20:36:18 by Itistoolate
While Christian churches have slept

Treasonous Dual Israeli Citizens Control US
Post Date: 2013-10-01 12:00:49 by Itistoolate
Author John Kaminski discusses what he calls 'The Destabilization Template' and boldly speaks the truth about the Jewish domination in America.

I love you son. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-10-01 04:17:55 by titorite
I would not of done this publicly , but she no longer wishes to address me privately. She does not take my calls. "I wait" on the phone to ring, for "the" call. The call that will bring me my sons voice. I Pray every time , every call, that it will be my son. She never announces my son or herself. I only know it is them by the first few minutes of silence echoing back my "hellos". She does not accept my skype request. I do not know where exactly my son sleeps. I have been given what I thought was a house number turns out is an apartment block number. I'd like to send my son some diaper money. I have no good address to send anything too. She told me that ...

Post Date: 2013-09-30 20:42:13 by abraxas

The New Normal
Post Date: 2013-09-30 08:37:59 by Lod
Another insightful article.

Whoa!!! Obama Calls For “New World Order”, in front of the United Nations. The U.S. to go biometric. Obama calls for NWO. He wants to create one world government to enslave the world! Who is he working for!
Post Date: 2013-09-30 04:05:12 by Itistoolate
Whoa!!! Obama Calls For “New World Order”, in front of the United Nations. The U.S. to go biometric. Obama calls for NWO. He wants to create one world government to enslave the world! Who is he working for!

Anyone remember who the VP is or was?
Post Date: 2013-09-29 19:10:54 by Itistoolate
He has been 'conspicuously' absent.

Gore: Climate Change “Denial” Akin To Racism, Homophobia
Post Date: 2013-09-27 23:07:12 by James Deffenbach
Building on his already incredible reserve of ridiculous accusations and ad hominem attacks, environmental hypocrite Al Gore recently made some incredibly insulting comments directed toward global warming skeptics. Speaking at the Social Good Summit this week in New York, the former vice-president said that Americans “have to put a price on denial.” He went on to suggest that conservatives who actually look at scientific evidence rather than blindly trusting the word of a failed politician are no better than homophobes and racists. He said such behavior has become taboo in our society, advocating a similar shunning of those who don’t believe in man-made climate change. ...

Islam’s Civil War; America can win it—by staying out.
Post Date: 2013-09-27 20:41:53 by X-15
One of the disappointments of the young 21st century is that H.L. Mencken was not around during the presidency of George W. Bush. He would have had what soldiers call a “target-rich environment.” Mencken would have understood Bush’s invasion of Iraq as a world-class blunder, one so dumb only a boob from the deepest, darkest Bible Belt could have made it. One can imagine what Mencken might have written of Bush’s neocon advisors: perhaps something on the lines of “A cracker barrel of backwoods Arkansas faith healers, card sharps, and carnival side-show barkers, galvanized with the sheen of the garment district, clustered about the head of their moon calf…” ...

Super Comment to Megan McCain
Post Date: 2013-09-25 09:58:52 by James Deffenbach
I just read an article wherein Megan McCain, the daughter of that traitor, John McCain, said she was just like so done with Chris Christie. (As if I, or anyone else, much gives a $#it who or what she is done with and as far as Chris Christie goes I was always like so done with that dumb ef). But anyway, one of the best comments following the article was this one. I wish it had been mine. Jack Harper: Newsfash for Meghan: W'ere DONE with your traitorous father John McCain, and we are done with his boy friend Pansy Grahamnesty as well. Fifty years from now after we have passed from the earth, our children will take sledgehammers and wrecking balls to their monuments. And may they chase ...

US wants to stop China in Africa: Analyst
Post Date: 2013-09-23 21:14:00 by Tatarewicz
PressTV A political commentator says the United States has escalated military interventions in Africa in order to prevent China from gaining influence in Africa and maintain its dominance over the continent. The Pentagon, along with the Central Intelligence Agency as well as the National Security Agency, want to prevent China and other countries from gaining influence in Africa and “in a vain attempt to maintain US dominance” over the continent, Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, told Press TV on Monday. “This of course, in the long run will not work because the US will be faced crises, as we see today in Somalia and as we see also in Kenya,” he ...

The united states was not founded by a bunch of people with REGISTERED GUNS
Post Date: 2013-09-23 10:45:51 by Itistoolate

Q and A: The modern day heroes of investigative journalism
Post Date: 2013-09-21 05:10:21 by Tatarewicz
Q and A: The modern day heroes of investigative journalism John Pilger discusses the role of the media in the contemporary context of whistleblowers and war. r John Pilger is an award winning Australian journalist and broadcaster/documentary maker primarily based in Britain. RSS k According to Pilger, the biggest threat to the so-called security establishment is still WikiLeaks [AP] As part of an ongoing series of interviews for the radio show "Le Mur a Des Oreilles; conversations for Palestine", Frank Barat talks to John Pilger, one of the most influencial journalist of the last few decades, about the war in Syria, the colonisation of Palestine, the relationship between the ...

McCain's Pravda opinion piece
Post Date: 2013-09-20 03:09:03 by Tatarewicz
Opinion Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin When editor, Dmitry Sudakov, offered to publish my commentary, he referred to me as "an active anti-Russian politician for many years." I'm sure that isn't the first time Russians have heard me characterized as their antagonist. Since my purpose here is to dispel falsehoods used by Russia's rulers to perpetuate their power and excuse their corruption, let me begin with that untruth. I am not anti-Russian. I am pro-Russian, more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today. I make that claim because I respect your dignity and your right to self-determination. I believe you should live ...

Al-Qaeda’s partnership with US now ‘official’
Post Date: 2013-09-18 03:54:06 by Tatarewicz
Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law. High-level sources inside America’s intelligence community are totally flabbergasted by recent administration policies, particularly regarding Syria. The consensus is that the Obama administration is operating “totally blind” and doesn’t care. Top policy advisors opposed to the new Russian-Iranian alliance, on advice from Israel, are shifting America’s position in Syria’s now “three-sided” ...

The Hippies Have Taken Over
Post Date: 2013-09-16 14:47:37 by X-15
I’m listening to John Kerry speak in that condescending know-it-all elitist voice and thinking how the hippies have taken over this country. You gotta hand it to them – the President is a former admitted coke-snorting, dope-smoking, socialist-worshiping radical who rose through the ranks of college and politics by virtue of affirmative-action; the Secretary of State is a multi-multi-millionaire slacker, left-wing, hippie, anti-war liberal who gained his campaign fuel fortune by charming the widows of dead, white, Republicans; the presumptive 2016 Democrat nominee for President and media-crowned winner is a far-left, truth-challenged, power-hungry feminist, bereft of any ...

Abraham Foxman and the Syrian Gassings
Post Date: 2013-09-15 10:29:26 by X-15
12 September 2013 Dear Mr. Foxman: With regard to the recent killings by chemical weapon s in Syria, either by the Syrian State or others, you have been quoted as saying: “Our people have been exterminated by the use of gas. We cannot stand by without a reaction when we see gas being used to kill others.” I am going to take it as a given that you would argue that it is wrong to “exterminate” others, no matter what weapon is used to accomplish the deed. This suggests a question of some significance that, so far as I know, you have not addressed. Each year during Passover, while the rescue of the Jews from Egypt is celebrated, the other half of the story is routinely ...

White People Love Hiking. Minorities Don't. Here's Why.
Post Date: 2013-09-11 10:18:00 by X-15
White people simply love to spend their free time walking up and down mountains and sleeping in the forest. Search "hiking" in Google Images and see how far you have to scroll to find a nonwhite person. Ditto rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, and so on. That white people love the outdoors is so widely accepted as fact that it's become a running joke. The website Stuff White People Like has no less than three entries on the subject: "Making you feel bad about not going outside" (#9), "Outdoor Performance Clothes" (#87), and "Camping" (#128). The latter entry reads, "If you find yourself trapped in the middle of the woods without electricity, ...

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