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Post Date: 2018-03-17 17:57:34 by Horse
Two of the largest parts of a journalist's job are waiting and making phone calls. When you're waiting, it's likely for someone to return a call. When you're making a phone call, it's likely to set up an interview, or interview someone over the phone, Skype or whatever. Antoine Trépanier is a reporter for Radio-Canada: it's the French language farm of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation. Think PBS, only Beyond the Wall. Recently Trépanier was covering a story about a manager from a high-profile NPO falsely representing herself as a lawyer. Just another day in the dry-as-a-popcorn-fart world of public broadcasting. He called this individual, Yvonne ...

Is Antifa Counterproductive? White Nationalist Richard Spencer Would Beg to Differ.
Post Date: 2018-03-17 10:33:10 by Ada
Richard Spencer isn’t having fun anymore. In a lengthy YouTube video posted on Sunday, the white nationalist announced that he would be suspending upcoming public speaking engagements and halting his controversial “college tour.” He said of his rallies, “When they become violent clashes and pitched battles, they aren’t fun.” “I really hate to say this, and I definitely hesitate to say this,” said the poster boy of the so-called alt-right. “Antifa is winning to the extent that they’re willing to go further than anyone else, in the sense that they will do things in terms of just violence, intimidating, and general nastiness.” He stated ...

Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam
Post Date: 2018-03-17 04:52:08 by BTP Holdings
Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam Brenda Arthur demonstrates against Syrian refugees in 2015 in downtown Charleston, West VA. By LEO HOHMANN Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy. At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque. Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mission is to educate Americans about the advancement of Islamic principles in ...

Post Date: 2018-03-12 06:08:51 by Horse
UPDATE: Brittany is being held in Colnbrook Bypass Prison in London, she was instructed by the guards to “be careful around other inmates with her politics” – this is according to Caolan Robertson who is in contact with her via phone Poster Comment:She is being held for longer than the 24 hours allowed for most suspects. They detained her because she was going to talk to Tommy Robinson of the EDL and she was going to attend s speech by her boyfriend.

Jeff Sessions is Wrong: Nothing is "Settled"
Post Date: 2018-03-09 09:00:23 by Ada
Can political arrangements be dissolved peacefully? Legally? At the ballot box? By referendum? Or by any other mechanism short of outright violence and civil war? According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the answer to these questions is no. Speaking in California yesterday on the subject of immigration and sanctuary cities, he issued this remarkable statement that manages to upend the entire concept of federalism in just a few short sentences: There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land. I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, or to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled. In ...

The FBI paid Geek Squad employees as informants
Post Date: 2018-03-08 09:39:15 by noone222
Poster Comment:The FBI has been in cahoots with Best Buy's Geek Squad for at least the past decade, new documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit reveal. An FBI memo obtained by the nonprofit digital rights group reveals that Best Buy in September 2008 hosted a meeting of the law enforcement agency's Cyber Working Group at a Geek Squad repair facility in Kentucky. The memo indicates that the local FBI division "has maintained close liaison with the Geek Squad's management in an effort to glean case initiations and to support the division's Computer Intrusion and Cyber Crime programs." ...

Gun Company Selling AR-15’s Unleashes Brutal Attack After Dick’s Unveils Their New Firearm Policy
Post Date: 2018-03-04 20:16:41 by BTP Holdings
Gun Company Selling AR-15’s Unleashes Brutal Attack After Dick’s Unveils Their New Firearm Policy By Cillian Zeal March 4, 2018 at 8:20am How do you become a media darling after a mass shooting? Just announce that your stores will no longer be selling “assault weapons” like Dick’s Sporting Goods did. Sure, you’ll alienate your customer base, a significant portion of whom likely believes strongly in the Second Amendment. But just look at the press attention you’ll get! However, there are going to be plenty of gun stores willing to pick up the business that Dick’s is leaving behind. One of them is Palmetto State Armory. In a statement issued to a ...

Adolf Hitler And Gun Control: What Did Hitler Really Say, And Do, About Gun Rights
Post Date: 2018-03-04 16:39:32 by BTP Holdings
Adolf Hitler And Gun Control: What Did Hitler Really Say, And Do, About Gun Rights July 11, 2014 by Jonathan Vankin This country’s bitter battles over gun control and gun rights never end, it seems — they only get worse. Last year, just a few weeks after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, when President Barack Obama responded by promising to address some relatively minor, but important, points of gun regulation by using his executive order powers, the conservative news site Drudge Report reacted by comparing Obama to Adolf Hitler. Obama’s proposals would have made no dent in any gun owner’s ability to own and use a gun. But Drudge‘s Hitler analogy was ...

Proposed ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Law Targets White Advocates
Post Date: 2018-03-02 14:15:52 by Ada
Aim is to prevent demonstrations like “Unite the Right.” Writing about the establishment of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1820, “This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind, for here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate error as long as reason is left free to combat it.” Less than two centuries later, a demonstration in Charlottesville is being used to justify a crackdown on free speech, under the guise of preventing terrorism. Virginia House Bill No. 1601 calls for the state of Virginia to create an official list of “domestic terrorist ...

Supreme Court Backs Trump… Massive Changes Underway For Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2018-02-28 19:34:44 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court Backs Trump… Massive Changes Underway For Illegal Immigrants By Kevin Daley February 27, 2018 at 4:49pm Immigrants detained for removal proceedings may be held indefinitely and are not entitled to a bail hearing, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. The ruling means that immigrant detainees, who are sometimes held for months and years on end, have no recourse to challenge their confinement. Justice Samuel Alito delivered the opinion for the court, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy. Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch joined most of Alito’s opinion, though they also wrote to say they do not believe the court had jurisdiction to ...

These California agents are coming for your guns
Post Date: 2018-02-25 14:28:26 by X-15
AZUSA, Calif. - By the time Senior Special Agent Sam Richardson's team rolled up to the small house on Lark Ellen Avenue in a cool twilight, it had little to show for several hours of work. The stops in San Dimas and Covina: no luck. At the gray house on a corner in Pomona, yes, Nohemi Page was home with her infant. But the four pistols registered in her name - guns that felony convictions in California now rendered illegal for her to possess - were long gone. When Page went to drug rehab, her aunt placed her belongings in a storage unit, then stopped paying the monthly fee. The guns, as elusive as quicksilver in a country awash in weapons, now belonged to whoever bought the contents ...

‘Mother Jones’ Senior Reporter Asks Medium To Silence Antiwar Leftists
Post Date: 2018-02-25 12:51:06 by Ada
In a corporatist system of government, where corporate power is not separated in any meaningful way from government power, corporate censorship is government censorship. Opinion — When news first broke that Medium, one of my primary blogging platforms, had closed the accounts of Trump-supporting pundits Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer, I tweeted the following in response: Hours later, right on cue, prominent Mother Jones Senior Reporter Shane Bauer was singing the praises of Medium’s recent account suspensions and tagged Medium’s Twitter account saying they need to take it further and include left-wing writers like myself due to my repeated criticisms of ...

7 Reasons to Shut Down Public Schools Immediately and Permanently
Post Date: 2018-02-23 16:10:35 by Esso
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Makes more sense than anything I've read in a long time. Comments were interesting.

The folly and illegality of FISA courts
Post Date: 2018-02-23 09:13:47 by Ada
A brief look at how the FISA warrants obtained against Carter Page were in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America – and no one paid attention Who might be listening to you? In the last several weeks, the term “FISA” has been widely used in discussion regarding the investigations into whether or not the campaign of Donald Trump was involved with Russian agencies in a collusion to win the White House. House Representative Devon Nunes compiled a summary document eliciting the abuses of the FISA warrant process, created through either knowing or unknowing biases against Candidate Trump, and the Democrat Party leadership just had their own ...

The End of Privacy
Post Date: 2018-02-18 18:08:39 by BTP Holdings
The End of Privacy I was disappointed to read President Obama’s solution to the controversy raging over the new American security state. What our president, legislators, and judiciary have done in answer to the controversy created by Edward Snowden’s release of NSA documents is create a merely palliative solution to the grave problems of NSA mass data collection and wholesale spying on the American People. So fearful have we become that our elected officials need only sound the call of terrorism to bring us into line and render us submissive to the final destruction of our freedom to conduct our lives privately. Future historians will certainly record that the terrorist attacks ...

SCOTUS Signals Bad DACA News for Trump Admin
Post Date: 2018-02-17 21:40:42 by BTP Holdings
SCOTUS Signals Bad DACA News for Trump Admin By Kevin Daley February 16, 2018 at 5:37pm The Supreme Court appears poised to reject the Justice Department’s request to overturn a lower court order requiring the continued administration of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. The high court’s Friday afternoon orders list showed no action on the petition, a strong indication it will be denied. Scheduling constraints require the court to act quickly if they intend to hear the case before adjourning this summer. The Supreme Court sits from early October to late June, and the schedule for a given term is generally set by January. If the justices planned to add a ...

Mamie Van Doren: The End of Privacy.
Post Date: 2018-02-16 01:09:04 by Horse
I was disappointed to read President Obama’s solution to the controversy raging over the new American security state. What our president, legislators, and judiciary have done in answer to the controversy created by Edward Snowden’s release of NSA documents is create a merely palliative solution to the grave problems of NSA mass data collection and wholesale spying on the American People. So fearful have we become that our elected officials need only sound the call of terrorism to bring us into line and render us submissive to the final destruction of our freedom to conduct our lives privately. Future historians will certainly record that the terrorist attacks of September ...

Grassley Says He Wants to Discuss Gun Legislation After Massacre
Post Date: 2018-02-15 23:46:14 by hondo68
Trump Says Making Schools, Children Safer to Be 'Top Priority' A day after another school shooting massacre, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley indicated he’s willing to discuss new gun measures as Democrats begged him Thursday to take up the issue."What are we going to do? How many school shootings do we need in a given year?" Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said, turning to Grassley at a committee meeting. "I’m here to say, Mr. chairman please, let’s take some action, we cannot see this continue on."Grassley told Feinstein -- a longtime advocate of tougher gun measures -- that he planned even before the shooting to sit down with her and ...

White House story on Porter 'doesn’t add up,' Washington insider says
Post Date: 2018-02-13 23:27:23 by bush_is_a_moonie
How sad that Freedom4um has become another Liberty Post. WASHINGTON — During Tuesday’s press briefing, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders attempted to explain the apparent contradictions between FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony before Congress earlier the same day and the West Wing’s evolving public account of the handling of domestic abuse violations against former staff secretary Rob Porter. At issue is Wray’s assertion that the FBI had completed its background check on Porter in late July and sent its findings to the White House. Previously, the White House had claimed that a background investigation into Porter was ongoing when allegations of ...

America’s Most Deified Politician . . .
Post Date: 2018-02-12 17:03:36 by Ada
. . . has a birthday today that is celebrated throughout the land, especially at neocon think tanks and tabloids. I speak of course of the man the “Straussian” wing of neoconworld refers to as “Father” Abraham Lincoln. So I thought I’d offer some reading suggestions as part of today’s birthday celebration. Lincoln was by far the most hated, despised, and reviled of all American presidents during his lifetime, as historian Larry Tagg documents in The Unpopular Mr. Lincoln: America’s Most Reviled President. His deification was the posthumous work of the Republican Party propaganda machine. Lincoln was very careful with his language when he explained to ...

The Dangers of Cartel Government
Post Date: 2018-02-07 06:39:04 by Ada
As Germany's main parties mull another suffocating grand coalition, the populist right is steadily gaining ground. Europe is fracturing, and establishment leaders across the continent believe the answer is to suppress dissent and strengthen the European Union. EU critics point to a “democratic deficit,” but the so-called Eurocrats who dominate the organization believe that consent only matters within Brussels, not without. This tin-eared thinking is shrinking the center throughout European politics. British voters backed exit from the EU; in Austria the far-right Freedom Party has joined the governing coalition. The extremist National Front surpassed France’s ...

An Open Letter to the FBI
Post Date: 2018-02-05 07:16:34 by Ada
When LaVoy Finicum was murdered by the FBI two years ago during the Oregon Malheur protest, all the government abuses I had spoken of on my radio, really hit home. They lived near me and I had interviewed most of them prior to going to Oregon. In light of the current headlines exposing the depth of the FBI corruption and collusion, maybe now the nation can finally grasp how this agency really operates. The FBI corruption also ran deep in the Oregon protest, too. As the media lied and twisted the narrative of what transpired, I felt compelled to shine a light on the truth of what really happened to LaVoy Finicum. I penned this letter after attending his heartbreaking funeral. An Open ...

Post Date: 2018-02-04 06:47:29 by Uncle Bill
“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” [Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, offering his interpretation of Strzok’s text.] “This is the FBI we’re talking about — that is treason,” Trump added. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.” Peter, you can use Hillary's seat right after... Oh Pete, if you're still shagging gums, tell her Andy said the new password is catch me if you can.

Post Date: 2018-02-04 03:59:34 by Uncle Bill
Sebastian Gorka suggests Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason, executed over Uranium One deal FISA MEMO RELEASED! Treason exposed GOP Reps Seek Criminal Prosecution Of FBI, DOJ Officials For "Full Throated" Illegal Misconduct And "Treason" HILLARY, PLEASE HAVE A SEAT: EIGHT LAWS HILLARY CLINTON COULD BE INDICTED FOR BREAKING - Brigadier General Kenneth Bergquist 1.) 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information A federal prosecutor would naturally focus first on the most serious allegations: willfully transmitting or willfully retaining Top ...

Post Date: 2018-02-03 04:53:09 by Uncle Bill
BUSH KNEW of Terrorist Plot to Hijack US Planes Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has much responsibility to bear for not detecting and preventing this act. Freeh and his boss at the Department of Justice, Janet Reno, turned the federal law enforcement system into an international joke. The spectacular failures of the FBI under Freeh's directorship are too numerous to mention except one. Freeh placed his trusted associate Robert Hanssen into his last position with the FBI as counter-intelligence director in New York City. The same Robert Hannsen later confessed to being a Russian spy. If anyone is not qualified to comment on what to do after September 11 - it is Louis Freeh. THE RISE ...

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