
Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Unite the Right–Who Got It Right?
Post Date: 2017-08-14 07:45:58 by Ada
Press and Politicians are Blind to the Truth If you get your news from NBC, this is what you learned about yesterday’s Unite the Right rally: “Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally Violence Prompts State of Emergency.” That’s right: The problem was white nationalist violence. It was as if the demonstrators had behaved just like Black Lives Matter or masked antifa: looting, burning, stopping traffic, and roughing up bystanders. Of course, what caused the violence was hostile counter-demonstrators, many of them wearing helmets and carrying shields. If they had not been there, there would have been no violence, and the rally would have taken place as planned. Of all ...

Is Changing the Constitution the Only Way to Fix Washington?
Post Date: 2017-08-14 07:30:01 by Ada
Texas state Sen. Brian Birdwell, a Republican, debates a call for a "convention of states" to amend the U.S. Constitution. Although many amendment topics have been proposed, the most popular one would require the federal government to balance its budget. © Eric Gay / The Associated Press This story was updated 8/7 to correct the designation of Common Cause. It is a good government group. Next month delegations of state lawmakers will travel to Phoenix, Arizona, to attend what organizers say will be the first formal convention of states since the Civil War. They’ll gather at the capitol, inside the turquoise-carpeted House chamber, and draw up rules for a hoped-for ...

The System Revealed: Antifa, Virginia Politicians And Police Work Together To Shut Down #UniteTheRight
Post Date: 2017-08-13 14:37:11 by Ada
The mask is off. There can be no further delusions nor any more comforting lies. “America” and the supposed “freedoms” guaranteed by its Constitution are as relevant today as the Holy Roman Empire’s claims to sovereignty or the head of the House of Stuart boasting about being King of England. In Charlottesville, Virginia, the police department openly attacked a demonstration in defense of European-American heritage. They did these despite the Unite The Right rally having secured a permit (after legal action) and having every right to host its peaceful demonstration in defense of the Robert E. Lee statue. “Antifa,” the openly communist, anti-white and ...

In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it
Post Date: 2017-08-10 22:18:21 by bush_is_a_moonie
This is explains how those like Hitler came to power. Ignorant those who support wanna be dictator Trump. Critics of President Trump have repeatedly warned of his potential to undermine American democracy. Among the concerns are his repeated assertions that he would have won the popular vote had 3 to 5 million “illegals” not voted in the 2016 election, a claim echoed by the head of a White House advisory committee on voter fraud. Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? ...

Anything Goes When You’re a Cop in America
Post Date: 2017-08-09 08:08:45 by Ada
“There is one criminal justice system for citizens—especially black and brown ones—and another for police in the United States.”—Redditt Hudson, former St. Louis police officer President Trump needs to be reminded that no one is above the law, especially the police. Unfortunately, Trump and Jeff Sessions, head of the Justice Department (much like their predecessors) appear to have few qualms about giving police the green light to kill, shoot, taser, abuse and steal from American citizens in the so-called name of law and order. Between Trump’s pandering to the police unions and Sessions’ pandering to Trump, this constitutionally illiterate duo has ...

Dirty Rat
Post Date: 2017-08-07 21:07:39 by randge
Poster Comment:There is only one way to handle dirty rats.

Canadian Man Takes Gun from Home Invaders – Charged with Attempted Murder and Nine Other Crimes
Post Date: 2017-08-03 18:00:15 by Horse
In what is surely an attempt by the Canadian state to make people fear the very idea of defending themselves and their families, a man has been charged with attempted murder after wrestling a gun from one of three armed home invaders and shooting one of them (non-life threatening injury). Why is it that Canada (and other nations) are so determined to ensure that the population is unable to adequately protect themselves? Kyle Earl Munroe was at home with a friend when three armed intruders entered his home, he and the other man struggled with the intruders, Munroe managed to get a gun from one of the intruders, shots were fired and one of the intruders was hit. Munroe has now been charged ...

What if Some Spies Are Bad Guys?
Post Date: 2017-08-03 08:08:00 by Ada
What if the federal government captures in real time the contents of every telephone call, email and text message and all the fiber-optic data generated by every person and entity in the United States 24/7/365? What if this mass surveillance was never authorized by any federal law? What if this mass surveillance has come about by the secret collusion of presidents and their spies in the National Security Agency and by the federal government’s forcing the major telephone and computer service providers to cooperate with it? What if the service providers were coerced into giving the feds continuous physical access to their computers and thus to all the data contained in and passing ...

Gay Trash Sponsored by WalMart
Post Date: 2017-07-27 11:15:23 by noone222
New York City's annual homosexual "Pride" parade — sponsored Sunday (June 28, 2015) for the first time at the highest "Platinum" level by Walmart Corporation — featured nudity, lewdness, vulgarity and even a sadomasochism float — subjecting the many young children who either marched in or viewed the parade to behaviors and messages that are highly inappropriate for their age and emotional immaturity. [See photos below.] This AFTAH writer observed most of the parade, which was dominated by major corporate sponsors. One of the bases for the Supreme Court's stunningly radical June 26 ruling creating a "constitutional right" for homosexual ...

How Fake Cops Got $1.2 Million in Real Weapons
Post Date: 2017-07-24 07:32:01 by Ada
A federal sting reveals lax oversight in the Defense Department’s gear giveaway program. When you think of a federal sting operation involving weaponry and military gear, the Government Accountability Office doesn’t immediately jump to mind. The office is tasked with auditing other federal agencies to root out fraud and abuse, usually by asking questions and poring over paperwork. This year, the agency went a little more cowboy. The GAO created a fictitious law enforcement agency — complete with a fake website and a bogus address that traced back to an empty lot — and applied for military-grade equipment from the Department of Defense.And in less than a week, they got ...

Michigan Activist Sentenced to Jail for Distributing Pamphlet About Juror Rights
Post Date: 2017-07-22 14:38:19 by Horse
Today a Michigan judge sentenced a local activist to eight weekends in jail, plus $545 in fines, 120 hours of community service, and six months of probation, for passing out jury nullification pamphlets in front of the Mecosta County courthouse. Keith Wood, a former pastor and father of eight, was arrested in November 2015 and convicted last month of jury tampering, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail. Wood, who distributed a pamphlet published by the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA), was initially charged with obstruction of justice, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, and held on $150,000 bail. The felony charge was dismissed in March 2016. The ...

Jeff Sessions: Feds Have the Right to Seize Your Cash, Property
Post Date: 2017-07-21 17:12:18 by Ada
Expands the controversial federal civil asset forfeiture program. He hasn’t yet sent federal agents into the ever-growing number of states that legalize medical and recreational marijuana, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions is becoming the kind of law enforcement officer that criminal justice reformers feared he would be from the start. On Wednesday, Sessions declared that civil asset forfeiture was back. It didn’t go anywhere, mind you. The controversial process in which police can not only seize property like cars and cash they suspect are connected to a crime, but profit from it too, was gently restricted at the federal level by former-Obama Attorney General Eric Holder. ...

The Feds Just Expanded Civil Asset Forfeiture 'Laws' Nationwide
Post Date: 2017-07-19 20:12:42 by Horse
When you're a government agency, asking for a tax increase is always a hassle. As Ryan McMaken notes, for the most part, taxpayers don't like taxes, and if asked if they want to pay more, they're likely to often say "no." Moreover, when public officials pass tax increases, they may face the wrath of taxpayers at the ballot box. For this reason, governments are always looking for ways to get revenue without having to use tax revenue. One such 'hidden' method of seizing wealth from the taxpayers is through what is now called "civil asset forfeiture." This occurs when a law enforcement agency seizes the assets - including real estate, cars, cash, and ...

Tear Gas, Guns and Riot Squads: The Police State’s Answer to Free Speech Is Brute Force
Post Date: 2017-07-13 08:12:04 by Ada
“Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.”—Justice William O. Douglas, dissenting, Colten v. Kentucky, 407 U.S. 104 (1972) Forget everything you’ve ever been taught about free speech in America. It’s all a lie. There can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force. What is this ...

Federal Appeals Court: You Have a Constitutional Right to Film Police Officers in Public
Post Date: 2017-07-08 20:08:35 by Ada
The First Amendment protects individuals’ right to film the police. On Friday, a panel of judges for the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the First Amendment protects individuals’ right to film police officers performing their official duties. The 3rd Circuit now joins the 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th Circuits in concluding that the Constitution guarantees a right to record. No federal appeals court has yet concluded that the First Amendment does not safeguard the right to film law enforcement officers conducting police activity in public. Friday’s decision involved two instances in which the Philadelphia police retaliated against citizens ...

Trump Sends in Feds to Battle Chicago’s Crime Wave
Post Date: 2017-07-06 07:35:06 by Ada
The Constitution is supposed to ward against federal police powers. The Trump administration wants to stop the gun violence in Chicago. To do that, federal officials announced on Friday that they are sending 20 agents from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), along with U.S. prosecutors, to serve in a new crime- fighting task force with city and state police there. “This new strike force will significantly help our police officers stem the flow of illegal guns and create a culture of accountability for the small subset of individuals and gangs who disproportionately drive violence in our city,” Chicago Police Department ...

What Is Wrong–And Right–With the Alt-Right
Post Date: 2017-07-04 08:05:39 by Ada
Prior to Hillary Clinton’s attack on it in her acceptance speech at the Democratic Party Convention last year, few Americans had heard of the alt- right. Hillary’s dramatic disquisition tried to conjure up nightmarish specters of radical anti-Semites, goose-stepping neo-Nazis, Klansmen in white robes, and of course the closet white supremacists at While the alt- right has attracted a few disreputable characters, the white nationalism defended by, say, Richard Spencer who coined the term alt-right, strikes me (if I may say so without the roof caving in) as somewhat more modest. As I understand the basic idea, the alt-right takes the view that whites (especially ...

The Second American Independence Day that Almost Was
Post Date: 2017-07-04 07:19:01 by Ada
“Whether we remain in one confederacy, or form into Atlantic and Mississippi confederacies, I believe not very important to the happiness of either part. Those of the western confederacy will be as much our children & descendants as those of the eastern, and I feel myself as much identified with that country, in future time, as with this; and did I now foresee a separation at some future day, yet I should feel the duty & the desire to promote the western interests as zealously as the eastern, doing all the good for both portions of our future family which should fall within my power.” –Letter from President Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Joseph Priestly, Jan. 29, 1804 ...

Trump Appoints Himself Chicago Police Chief - Gun Confiscator
Post Date: 2017-07-03 17:48:26 by hondo68
Streamed live 3 hours ago President Trump has made good on his promise to send in more federal agents to crime-plagued Chicago. For now, he is sending in a new task force to track down illegal guns. Will he send in more? Will more armed federal agents solve Chicago's problem? Poster Comment:Federal martial law. President Trump is keeping his campaign promise to "take the guns away". And Rahm Emanuel will help. What a team (from hell)! “Basically, they will, if they see — you know, they are proactive and if they see a person possibly with a gun or they think may have a gun, they will see the person, and they will look, and they will take the gun away,” Trump ...

Analysis | Republicans just quietly got some very good Supreme Court news
Post Date: 2017-07-03 15:56:07 by BTP Holdings
Analysis | Republicans just quietly got some very good Supreme Court news The Washington Post Aaron Blake 1 hr ago © Carlos Barria/Reuters Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy speaks during a swearing-in ceremony for Judge Neil M. Gorsuch on April 10. In a story that was ostensibly about new Supreme Court Justice Neil M. Gorsuch's voting record, NPR legal affairs reporter Nina Totenberg dropped this tantalizing piece of news about Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's potential retirement: Kennedy may also have thought it best to ensure that there is a full complement of nine justices for at least a year. He could even have been put off by President Trump's ...

Tyranny at Home to Fight Tyranny Abroad
Post Date: 2017-06-30 07:52:05 by Ada
President Trump has reminded us of how the U.S. government destroyed the liberty of the American people in the name of fighting tyranny abroad. Exercising the same dictatorial method that his predecessors have employed — executive decrees — he has made it illegal again for most Americans to travel to Cuba and spend money there. Trump’s justification? The communist regime in Cuba is tyrannical and engages in human-rights abuses. Think about that for a moment: A foreign regime is tyrannical and so what does a U.S. president do? Through a decree-law, he imposes his own tyranny on his own citizenry by punishing Americans who travel to Cuba or do business there. Let’s not ...

Reporter snaps at Sarah Huckabee Sanders after she goes on lengthy rant bashing the press
Post Date: 2017-06-27 19:38:06 by BTP Holdings
Reporter snaps at Sarah Huckabee Sanders after she goes on lengthy rant bashing the press Tech Insider Allan Smith 33 mins ago 00:40 02:37 HQ WH: America deserves something better from news media Video by CNBC A White House reporter called out Sarah Huckabee Sanders after the deputy press secretary went on a lengthy rant bashing the press for its coverage of the administration. The two had a spirited back-and-forth after Sanders started the press briefing by going after CNN for a story it later retracted and apologized for. Sanders also criticized other news outlets for their coverage of the Russia controversy surrounding President Donald Trump's administration. ...

Supreme Court rejects gun rights appeal
Post Date: 2017-06-26 16:27:43 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court rejects gun rights appeal Associated Press 5 hrs ago Replay Video U.S. Top Court Rejects Appeal Of Felon Gun Ownership Video by Wochit News WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is rejecting yet another call to decide whether Americans have a constitutional right to carry guns with them outside their homes. The justices on Monday left in place an appeals court ruling that upheld the San Diego sheriff's strict limits on issuing permits for concealed weapons. The high court decided in 2008 that the Constitution guarantees the right to a gun, at least for self-defense at home. But the justices have refused repeated pleas to spell out the extent of gun rights in the ...

The US Criminal “Justice System” is Devoid of Justice
Post Date: 2017-06-24 19:24:42 by Ada
Paul Craig Roberts In 1992 Fran and Dan Keller were convicted despite the absence of any evidence of raping a 3-year old, a crime that never occurred. Among the absurd charges was the transport of children to Mexico to be raped by military officials. The Kellers spent 21 years in prison before finally being exonerated by a conviction integrity unit that found no credible evidence for the conviction. This kind of ridiculous conviction plagued child care providers during the 1980s and into the 1990s. The Amirault family who operated the Fells Acres Day Care Center in Massachusetts were ruined. The Massachusettes supreme court judge who kept the Amiraults in prison despite the completely ...

At FBI, Mueller Oversaw Post-9/11 Abuses
Post Date: 2017-06-22 06:28:03 by Ada
Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream media gushes over Russia-gate special prosecutor Robert Mueller as an upright man of the Establishment, ignoring how he oversaw abuses of innocent Arabs after 9/11, reports Jonathan Marshall. Robert Mueller III, the former FBI director who now heads the wide-ranging investigation into alleged misdeeds by President Trump and his associates, just dodged a major legal bullet himself. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court gave him and other former senior Bush administration officials legal immunity for the vicious abuses committed against more than 700 foreigners who were rounded up with little or no cause after the 9/11 attacks. Robert Mueller with President ...

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