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Mexican Cartels Respond To AMLO's "Hugs, Not Bullets" By Hunting Down, Torturing, And Executing Cops At Their Homes
Post Date: 2021-06-01 00:46:21 by Horse
"On their days off, in front of their families..."

Harris Encourages U.S. Businesses To Outsource Investment From U.S. To Central America
Post Date: 2021-05-29 21:35:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:Send our jobs overseas. Bring their poor people here. Print enough money and it will work until the Dollar Dies and Hyperinflation in the US takes everything from us and gives it to the Billionaires of Wall Street. Sounds like a plan made in Hell.

Rep. Barry Moore to Newsmax: Democratic Party Is 'Creating Drug Mules'
Post Date: 2021-05-29 09:34:48 by Ada
Republican Rep. Barry Moore of Alabama criticized the Democratic Party on Newsmax for creating opportunities for drug trafficking across the southern border. Moore told "The Chris Salcedo Show" on Friday that migrants have two ways to cross the border. "These people have to pay passage to the drug cartel. ... And there you have two ways: You can either pay them for passage, or you can smuggle drugs. If you don't want to smuggle the drugs, you're going to be a slave to the system and make payments to the cartel. They know where your family is in Mexico, and there will be repercussions if you don't make the payments," he said. Moore is concerned that while ...

Places where birthright Citizenship is based on land and places where it is based on blood
Post Date: 2021-05-29 08:51:36 by Horse

What's Going On With Mexican Politics? 88 Mayoral Candidates Murdered
Post Date: 2021-05-28 20:55:48 by Horse
Violence in this electoral process must stop...

DHS eyes deleting gang questions from green card application
Post Date: 2021-05-28 13:33:16 by Horse
Homeland Security is moving to cut questions about gang affiliation from the application migrants file to get green cards, in a change that one former employee says could mean dangerous criminals will have an easier time getting through the process. Rob Law, a former chief of policy and strategy at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, revealed the planned changes Thursday, saying it appears to be part of the Biden team’s attempt at erasing the get-tough approach of the previous administration. Poster Comment:Up until 2014 the FBI used to issue reports on gangs in the US. But gangs grew so much that the FBI has to stop issuing gang reports.

Sweden Was One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous
Post Date: 2021-05-27 06:41:16 by Horse
Authorities refuse to even consider mass immigration as a factor. A new investigation finds that Sweden has gone from being one of the safest European countries 20 years ago in terms of gun crime to the second most dangerous. The study, published by the country’s National Council on Crime Prevention (Brå), reveals that Sweden is the only country on the continent where shootings have increased substantially since the start of the century. “Most of the fatal shootings in Sweden (around 80 percent) had a link to organised crime, according to the study, a proportion which had risen from 30 to 50 percent in the early 2000s and less than 20 percent in the 1990s. Brå also ...

Shocking report claims as many as 850,000 pedophiles active in the UK, possibly more
Post Date: 2021-05-26 10:11:21 by Horse
There may be 850,000 child sex offenders lurking in the UK, a new report claims. The number is three times higher than previously thought, but may still fall short of the true scale of the threat. In its annual National Strategic Assessment, the National Crime Agency (NCA) stated last year that there were 300,000 individuals in the UK who posed “a sexual threat to children.” While 35,000 were being managed by law enforcement, the remainder were active online, on the so-called ‘dark web’, the report elaborated. This year, the numbers have been revised upwards dramatically. Using a new methodology that the NCA claims better captures the number of sex offenders active ...

Biden Admin Grants ‘Temporary’ Amnesty to Over 100,000 Haitians
Post Date: 2021-05-24 13:01:48 by Horse
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has granted “temporary” amnesty to over 100,000 Haitians that are illegally in the United States. By granting the illegal aliens Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, they can all legally remain in the United States and be employed at US businesses. There are currently 16.4 million Americans who are unemployed. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced on Saturday that the extended protected status will be applied to Haitians who have been in the US since at least May 21, due to “social unrest, an increase in human rights abuses, crippling poverty, and lack of basic resources, which are exacerbated ...

Bill Kristol: White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants
Post Date: 2021-05-23 05:04:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:Kristol is Jewish and wants white men to die for Israel.

Biden Hollows Out Trump-Era COVID Protections At The Border
Post Date: 2021-05-21 01:32:15 by Horse
Authored by Joseph Simonson via The Washington Free Beacon (emphasis ours), The Biden administration is preparing to gut COVID-19 safety restrictions on illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and essentially reverse the Trump administration’s pandemic health protections without public notice, according to documents circulating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection. While the Trump administration took a hardline approach to turning away immigrants to avoid "a serious danger of introduction of [a communicable] disease," at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Customs and Border Protection is now quietly walking much of that guidance back. A May memo, reviewed by the ...

Murder victim’s mother reacts after Dems oppose gang member deportation
Post Date: 2021-05-20 17:03:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:This woman is a Latina with an accent. Despises liberal Democrats. I left this comment a the site: The modern Democrat party has surrendered itself to the Deep State which is why there was so little resistance when the Democrats stole the presidential elections in 2020. Their first act will be to cut wages and pensions 60%. They made their first move towards cutting wages when they flooded the country with illegal aliens. The Democrats also plan to give citizenship to every H1-B Green Card holder and their families back in their home countries. Hint: In the movie Soylent Green the audiences were told that they would have a bleak future when America’s population went ...

Illegals in hotels... Americans Living In The Street!
Post Date: 2021-05-20 11:38:31 by Horse

Tax The Rich? Meme
Post Date: 2021-05-20 11:16:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:It was possible to support a family on the husband's income until Wall Street decided to flood America with legal and illegal immigrants. We added 32.3 million people to our population from 1929 (123 million) to 1950. The first wave was a lot of Jewish immigrants. We did lose at least 3 million Americans to starvation in the 1930s. And we lost 405,000 soldiers during the war but probably another 400,000 after the war died from wounds received during the war. When America's population reached 150 million, we had to begin importing natural resources. We had to print money to lower wages to make jobs for legal and illegal aliens. We also had to print money to occupy ...

Video Shows Spanish Soldiers Throwing Migrants Into the Sea
Post Date: 2021-05-19 10:24:06 by Horse
Video footage shows Spanish soldiers beating migrants and throwing them into the sea after thousands reached European soil as a result of Morocco deliberately loosening border controls to punish Spain. “Images of Spanish soldiers beating migrants/refugees and throwing them into the sea on the Moroccan border,” tweeted journalist Josep Goded. According to the Associated Press, many of the migrants were sub-Saharan Africans. They were part of a flood of people who arrived in Ceuta, the Spanish city of 85,000 located in North Africa which is separated from Morocco by a 10 meter fence. Half of the migrants who swarmed the border were expelled, but many have now made their way into ...

71% of French Say ‘We’re Full’: No More Immigration
Post Date: 2021-05-19 10:18:38 by Horse
A new poll has found that 71 per cent of French people think the country has had enough immigration and that it can’t take any more. The 2021 Fraternity Barometer, a joint effort by the polling firm Ifop and le Labo de la Fraternité, found that almost three quarters of respondents desired to see no more immigration, while a clear majority of 64 per cent said France should no longer accept refugees because of the threat of terrorism. France has suffered numerous terror attacks carried out by jihadists who were let into the country as “refugees,” including the majority of the Paris massacre terrorists. Perhaps reflecting the doublethink that still plagues ...

Texas Gov. Abbott: Border Agents Seized Enough Fentanyl To Kill Every New Yorker
Post Date: 2021-05-18 22:18:29 by Horse
"We had almost an 800% increase April over April of the amount of fentanyl..." Poster Comment:Time to legalize drugs. Cartels and Jewish Bankers are getting rich.

As Mollie Tibbetts' Accused Killer Is Placed on Trial, Legal Expert Warns First Major Problem Primed to Surface
Post Date: 2021-05-18 20:09:51 by BTP Holdings
As Mollie Tibbetts' Accused Killer Is Placed on Trial, Legal Expert Warns First Major Problem Primed to Surface by Jack Davis May 16, 2021 at 12:39pm Almost three years after 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts was found dead in an Iowa cornfield, the illegal immigrant accused of killing her will go on trial. Jury selection in the trial of Cristhian Bahena Rivera, who is charged with first-degree murder, begins May 17. Tibbetts was last seen alive on July 18, 2018, when she went out for a run. Her body was not found until August 21 after a flurry of national attention placed a larger spotlight on the case. The trial was moved out of Iowa’s Poweshiek County to Davenport in Scott ...

DISGUSTING: Muslim Rape Gang Granted Over £2 Million In Taxpayer-Funded Legal Aid
Post Date: 2021-05-18 02:39:57 by Horse
Members of a notorious Muslim pedophile gang in the United Kingdom have received more than £2 million in taxpayer-funded legal aid. As the abusers prepare to file new deportation appeals, the cost to taxpayers is about to rise even more. According to a report from the Sun, Two of the nine Rochdale child rapists, Qari Abdul Rauf and Adil Khan, are to launch new appeals against deportation to their native Pakistan. Breitbart reports: Adil Khan and Qari Abdul Rauf were convicted in 2012 on a slew of charges related to the sexual abuse of children as young as 12, yet were both released early — Khan in 2016 and Rauf in 2014, after serving just over two years behind bars.

Biden Stumbles on an Innovative Way to Push His Transgender Agenda: Import Trans Migrants
Post Date: 2021-05-16 21:02:41 by BTP Holdings
Biden Stumbles on an Innovative Way to Push His Transgender Agenda: Import Trans Migrants BY TYLER O'NEIL MAY 15, 2021 8:27 AM ET AP Photo/Evan Vucci From day one, President Joe Biden has twisted the law and has turned aspects of society upside down to push transgender activism through executive orders, even attempting to resurrect a mandate that would force Catholic hospitals and doctors to perform transgender surgery against their consciences. Yet transgender people only account for 0.4 percent of the population. It does not make sense to railroad women’s rights, religious freedom, and free speech to kowtow to such a small population. So the Biden administration stumbled on ...

Michel Barnier Calls For 3-5 Year Suspension Of Immigration Into EU
Post Date: 2021-05-12 07:47:51 by Horse
Michel Barnier has called for a 3-5 year suspension of immigration into EU countries, warning that the bloc’s external borders have become a “sieve” for criminals and terrorists. The EU’s former Brexit negotiator cited links between between immigration and “terrorist networks that infiltrate migrational flows” as part of his reasoning for calling for the shutdown, while also highlighting the issue of human trafficking networks. The comments are particularly noteworthy because Barnier is known as a centrist – even a globalist in some ways – yet he is spouting rhetoric normally espoused by right-wing politicians. When asked whether the comments ...

Biden administration blasted by Texas sheriff for treatment of national guard
Post Date: 2021-05-10 18:15:07 by BTP Holdings
Biden administration blasted by Texas sheriff for treatment of national guard By Staff Writers May 10, 2021 A Texas sheriff blasted President Joe Biden’s immigration policies Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” accusing Biden of presiding over a “complete embarrassment” of a border operation. “It’s incomprehensible that a national security border, our border with another…foreign country is in the shape that it is,” Jackson County, Texas Sheriff Andy Louderback said. Louderback argued the situation is preventable — if the president or vice president will come to the border to see for themselves. He shared, “This is a major ...

Caitlyn Jenner Backs Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2021-05-10 09:29:57 by Horse
The GOP establishment's new hero wants to give mass amnesty to illegal aliens.

Child Rape Gang Victim: UK Police Did Nothing as I Was Abused by ‘Hundreds’ of Pakistani Men
Post Date: 2021-05-05 08:31:17 by Horse
A grooming gang survivor has revealed that she was abused by hundreds of Pakistani heritage men for years, but despite reporting her abusers to the police, none have ever been arrested. Sarah — a fake name given to protect her identity — said that she was systematically raped and abused as a child in the early 2000s after running away from care homes in Derby. She was eventually awarded compensation by the local government after authorities acknowledged the abuse and the repeated failures of social services to protect her from being raped. But she says despite the recognition of the acts perpetrated against her as a child and the confirmation that social services had failed to ...

One Thousand Haitians Crossing Mexico’s Southern Border Daily
Post Date: 2021-05-04 13:50:50 by Horse
More than 11,000 Haitians reportedly gathered in southern Mexico city Around one thousand Haitian nationals have been crossing Mexico’s souther border every day, according to reports. A stunning number of illegal aliens from Haiti entered the state of Chiapas last week via the Suchiate River, which separates Mexico from Guatemala. “So far this week, on average, about a thousand Haitian migrants have been counted who daily arrive at these offices in Tapachula to resolve their immigration status and stay,” Milenio reported on Friday. “In other words, as of Thursday, some 4,000 Haitian migrants would have entered through the Chiapas-Guatemala border to request ...

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