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Migrant kids held in US custody soar to 15,500 as journalists & rights advocates demand to see conditions inside ‘border camps’
Post Date: 2021-03-21 10:57:02 by Horse
The number of unaccompanied migrant children in US custody is growing by roughly 500 per day, with some 5,000 minors currently housed in “temporary facilities” at the border, many of them well beyond the legal 72-hour limit. Roughly 10,500 unaccompanied children are held in “licensed” migrant shelters, suitable for longer-term care for minors, Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson Mark Weber told CBS News on Saturday. But in the meantime, authorities are struggling to find space for another 5,000 kids, held by Customs and Border Protection inside a tent camp in Texas and other temporary facilities along the Mexico border.

See It: First Photo Inside Migrant Detention Center Released
Post Date: 2021-03-20 21:10:22 by BTP Holdings
See It: First Photo Inside Migrant Detention Center Released In this Friday photo, migrants are seen in a green area outside of a detention center after they were taken into custody while trying to sneak into the U.S., in Donna, Texas. (Julio Cortez / AP) By Kipp Jones Published March 20, 2021 at 3:12pm The first image inside of one of the Biden administration’s cramped migrant detention centers has been released, and it shows a mother and two children who apparently crossed the border illegally following the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Fox News shared the photo, which the outlet reported was taken on March 8 at the El Paso Service Processing Center in Texas. Click for ...

Joe Biden’s Malarkey Maneuver
Post Date: 2021-03-19 14:05:07 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden’s Malarkey Maneuver The following story is brought to you courtesy of National Review. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories. We’ll take a break from the pandemic and vaccination rollout today to turn our attention to the first major crisis of the Biden administration, now worsening by the day on our southern border. President Biden deploys what I call “the Malarkey Maneuver”; the Biden administration issues an unwritten gag order to U.S. Customs and Border Protection; and a House Democratic subcommittee chairman calls Kevin McCarthy a liar . . . when McCarthy turned out to be right. If only someone had foreseen that electing a Democratic ...

GOP Moves To Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!
Post Date: 2021-03-19 10:32:19 by Ada
President Joe Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegal immigrants on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, 2021. Only terrorists and convicted felons are excluded — at least in theory, but past experience suggests they’ll get amnesty, too. Even illegal immigrants who’ve already been deported will be invited back and given amnesty. So far, the Republicans’ response has been to propose their own amnesty, while throwing in some boob-bait for the rubes about border security. Even the election of Donald Trump, a ridiculous creature who became president by ...

Judge indefinitely Blocks Biden Deportation Ban
Post Date: 2021-03-18 15:44:45 by BTP Holdings
Judge indefinitely Blocks Biden Deportation Ban President Joe Biden’s plan to impose a 100-day ban on deportations of illegal immigrants was interrupted again Tuesday after a district judge extended an injunction against the ban indefinitely. In response to a lawsuit from the state of Texas, U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton blocked enforcement of the Biden administration’s Jan. 20 executive memorandum banning most deportations, Fox News reports. Previously, Judge Tipton enacted a two-week restraining order against Biden’s deportation moratorium after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued in court to stop the ban. The state of Texas argues Biden’s executive action ...

If the Policy enforcers can't manage it.. (meme)
Post Date: 2021-03-18 13:55:18 by Horse

Report: Biden Administration Places 'Gag Order' on Border Patrol Personnel as Crisis Grows
Post Date: 2021-03-18 11:30:54 by Ada
The Biden administration has reportedly placed an unofficial “gag order” on Border Patrol agents and sector chiefs as a surge of migrants swarm the southern border. Four current and two former Customs and Border Protection officials said to NBC News that they have been told to deny requests for media “ride- alongs” with agents, and press officers have been told to send any requests for information to the press office in Washington for approval. Agents responsible for keeping track of the number of migrants in custody have also been told to prevent leaks by not sharing their information. The officials said the restrictions and others like them are often referred to as ...

Conservatives Delighted as Trump Finally Weighs in on Biden’s Massive Screw Up
Post Date: 2021-03-17 14:10:08 by BTP Holdings
Conservatives Delighted as Trump Finally Weighs in on Biden’s Massive Screw Up Former President Donald Trump reminded conservatives of one of the reasons they miss his administration just days ago when he weighed in on the devastating border crisis just days ago. Trump took an aggressive and hands-on approach to border security, indicating that he felt it was one of the most important issues that Americans could address in the interest of national security. It’s no surprise then, that the president who touted a platform of “America first” would not look kindly on a successor who returned to the kind of devastating policies that left Americans open to attacks from ...

CBS Reports There Are Now 13,000 ‘Kids In Cages’ At The Border
Post Date: 2021-03-17 07:14:07 by Horse
DHS head to EXPAND incentive programs for undocumented migrants

Up To Two-Thirds Of Entry-Level Tech Jobs Go To Foreign Guest-Workers From Unranked Colleges
Post Date: 2021-03-16 23:16:54 by Horse
"Green Card Workforce" Poster Comment:Zuckerberg hired Chinese nationals to tell Americans what they can and cannot say. Biden wants to give citizenship to everyone with a Green Card and to their relatives and future spouses back home.

Students SLAM Trump for 'kids in cages'...then find out Biden did it
Post Date: 2021-03-16 11:25:02 by Horse

Why is Biden releasing thousands of Covid-positive migrants into the country?
Post Date: 2021-03-14 08:49:14 by Ada
The answer to that question may be in his absurd speech on Thursday when he said “we may have to reinstate the lockdown restrictions” if… If what? What if the migrants the Biden Administration is allowing to come across the southern border without being tested, even if showing symptoms, then given bus tickets to any American city they hope to reach, is a grand plan to spread this flu throughout the country again in order to reinstate all the unconstitutional restrictions to which millions of Americans willingly submitted? Chances are that the powers that be never dreamed so many people would give up their freedom to work, shop, eat, go to movies, vacation, have their kids in ...

Newt Gingrich Locked Out Of Twitter For Criticizing Biden's Immigration Policy
Post Date: 2021-03-13 22:46:59 by Horse
"This entire experience has made it even more clear to me that Twitter is only interested in censoring conservatives...”

Watch: Psaki Tries to Laugh Off Question from Fox's Doocy, He Doesn't Let Her Get Away with It
Post Date: 2021-03-13 19:50:48 by BTP Holdings
Watch: Psaki Tries to Laugh Off Question from Fox's Doocy, He Doesn't Let Her Get Away with It By Kipp Jones Published March 10, 2021 at 4:28pm White House press secretary Jen Psaki tried to laugh off a question from Fox News reporter Peter Doocy about school closures and child migrant detention centers which are full during Wednesday’s media briefing, but he didn’t let her get away with it. The burgeoning crisis at the country’s southern border with Mexico, which was created over the last two months by bad policy from Democrats, is coming to a head. Unaccompanied children are in “cages” at migrant detention centers in greater numbers than ever before. ...

Bloomberg: White-Collar Visa Workers Take 2/3 of New Tech Jobs Each Year
Post Date: 2021-03-13 10:07:51 by Ada
Two-thirds of entry-level tech jobs go to compliant foreign guest- workers, not to the young American professionals who may create a new wave of establishment-shaking companies, according to a report from Bloomberg. In 2018, “the U.S. had between 96,000 and 143,000 openings in IT occupa­ tions that typically went to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in computer science or engineering,” said the March 10 report, headlined “STEM Graduates Deserve a Better Path to Good Jobs.” But the government each year provides “Occupational Practical Training” (OPT) work permits to hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have paid tuition to American ...

How California Is Embracing Mandatory Racial-Injustice Study For All Of Its 1.7 Million High Schoolers
Post Date: 2021-03-13 08:31:53 by Horse
"In the United States today, races very broadly break down as people of color (POC) and white people." Poster Comment:In California Whites are a persecuted minority. How about this: We teach children the greatest racial injustice in the last 200 years in America was the death by starvation of3 million Gentiles because the Jews would not allow us to discuss banking and monetary reform.

Predictable Train Wrecks On Crime And Immigration
Post Date: 2021-03-12 15:04:49 by Horse
If you think really hard, perhaps you can imagine more disastrous policies than throwing open our country’s southern border and abandoning criminal-law enforcement in city after city. The consequences are already emerging, and they are grim. It is important to examine them without ideological blinders so we can change course before more damage is done. Our border policies are national fiats handed down by the Biden administration. The abandonment of criminal enforcement, by contrast, is a local decision, made by supine city councils and district attorneys, many of them “social justice Democrats” backed by progressive elites and Black Lives Matter. The problem with these ...

Democrats Block Amendment that Would Require ICE Be Notified if Illegal Immigrant Tries to Buy a Gun
Post Date: 2021-03-12 12:45:43 by Horse
Then Vote to Take Away Gun Rights from Americans The Democrat-led House on Thursday passed a gun control bill to expand background checks with a vote of 227-203. 8 Republican lawmakers voted with the Democrats to pass the “Background Checks Act” that prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check. The law will make it harder for law-abiding Americans to purchase guns to protect themselves and their families. Americans bought an estimated 21 million guns last year during the Democrat-led COVID lockdowns and Democrat-promoted Black Lives Matter riots. Steve Scalise @SteveScalise · BREAKING → House Democrats just REJECTED an amendment that ...

Homeland Security Member Makes Stunning Prediction On How Many Illegals Will Be Trying To Enter U.S. By Summer
Post Date: 2021-03-10 11:09:12 by Horse
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), a member of the Homeland Security Committee, predicted during a Fox News interview on Tuesday that a million illegal aliens will be trying to unlawfully enter the U.S. by summer as President Joe Biden’s border crisis continues to worsen. Poster Comment:That will put US population at 332 million.

Illegal Border Crossings Hit More Than 101,500 in February
Post Date: 2021-03-10 10:27:12 by Horse
As President Joe Biden rolled back several existing border initiatives, the number of people crossing illegally into the United States skyrocketed. In February—despite a week of freezing weather—Border Patrol apprehended 101,535 illegal border crossers along the southern border, according to Jaeson Jones, a former Texas Department of Public Safety captain. Another 26,000 people evaded capture, he said. Jones collected the provisional Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data from internal sources and it has been reviewed by The Epoch Times. CBP told The Epoch Times that the official numbers would be available in the next couple of days. The February number is almost triple the ...

The side of Paris many don't see (Picture)
Post Date: 2021-03-10 10:20:24 by Horse

Fears Of A ​​​​​​​"Return Of The 1930s Dust Bowl" Rise As Record Drought Sizzles Southwest
Post Date: 2021-03-10 10:06:07 by Horse
The United States Drought Monitor publishes weekly data that shows the Western U.S. is in a historic drought. The latest Drought Monitor map shows for Mar. 4, "Dry conditions dominated much of the West and especially the Southwest and into the Plains." Extreme to exceptional drought conditions are seen across 57% and 90% of the land in Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, and diminishing snowpack could jeopardize drinking water for tens of millions of people from Denver to Los Angeles. The drought developed last summer following a dry spring. Since then, conditions have deteriorated and continue to worsen to "the most severe on record in the Southwest," ...

Arizona Hospital Worker Says Nearly All of New COVID Cases are Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2021-03-08 09:12:38 by Horse
A recent caller to the Garret Lewis show in Tucson says nearly all of the new COVID cases in the local hospital are illegal aliens. After his inauguration, Joe Biden immediately opened the US southern border to illegal migrants and fake refugees. reported– Via The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis — Eric’s wife is a nurse at Banner Hospital and says the hospital’s COVID ward had been empty over the past month but recently has filled up with non-English speaking COVID patients. Interesting timing as the illegal immigrants are welcomed into Pima County. The County will use this to show an increase in COVID and continue to lockdown our businesses. Poster ...

Video: Hundreds Of Illegals Walk Across Border Into Yuma Arizona
Post Date: 2021-03-08 09:07:18 by Horse
Video captured this past weekend shows a steady flow of migrants walking into Arizona from Mexico completely unimpeded. The footage was tweeted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) who wrote “The tip of the iceberg near Yuma, AZ as immigrants begin to flood into the US responding to @JoeBiden’s open border, catch and release policy.” The Senator added “How many have COVID?” Senator Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson The tip of the iceberg near Yuma, AZ as immigrants begin to flood into the US responding to @JoeBiden’s open border, catch and release policy. How many have COVID?

Greyhound Lines stands up to the Biden administration
Post Date: 2021-03-08 09:05:38 by Ada
One of the most despicable things about the Biden administration is that, even as it doubles and triples down on the COVID restrictions it wants for Americans, it’s utterly unconcerned about the diseases flooding across the border along with the illegal aliens Biden is unconstitutionally welcoming in. The president and CEO of Greyhound Lines, though, is demanding that, at the very least, its workers and other passengers get protected from the COVID so many illegal aliens bring with them. From the start of his campaign, Biden weaponized the Wuhan virus against Trump. Informed and intelligent people realized very quickly that Trump was moving with extraordinary rapidity to get systems ...

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