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New Campaign Asks U.S. and Israeli Air, Missile, and Drone Crews to Refuse to Attack Iran
Post Date: 2011-11-12 03:46:53 by Tatarewicz
1 Comments New Campaign Asks U.S. and Israeli Air, Missile, and Drone Crews to Refuse to Attack Iran AN APPEAL TO UNITED STATES AND ISRAELI AIR, MISSILE AND DRONE CREWS TO STAND DOWN F ROM ORDERS TO ATTACK IRAN November 2011 -- Add Your Name! We are at an historic moment when decisions are being made in the United States and Israel on whether and when to attack Iran. These will be decisions by politicians and individual commanders and air, missile and drone crewmembers charged with the responsibility of raining down munitions in a strike that will likely kill hundreds if not thousands of Iranian people and potentially spread deadly ...

Europe's labour laws and welfare systems make workers lazy :China finance chief
Post Date: 2011-11-11 05:36:01 by Tatarewicz
Jin Liqun said Europeans should stop 'languishing on the beach' and work harder to alleviate the eurozone crisis Jin Liqun said Europeans should stop 'languishing on the beach' and work harder to alleviate the eurozone crisis China has accused European workers of being ‘slothful’ and ‘indolent’ after refusing to put any of its vast resources into rescuing the euro. The head of the Chinese state’s overseas investment arm said he would only help Europe if it reformed its ‘outdated’ labour laws and welfare systems. Jin Liqun, chairman of the board of supervisors of China Investment Corporation, said Europeans should stop ‘languishing ...

Sign this petition.
Post Date: 2011-11-09 01:24:59 by titorite
10 Comments!/petition/resign/TjFrdvlp? Resign President Obama, because you choose to ignore the will of the people ,regardless of what you may claim to the contrary, you should resign. We that sign here are calling for your immediate and unconditional resignation. Their are many petitions at the white house .gov website. So I made one of my own. Feel free to share the hell out of that link all over the web cause I need 150 signatures to even get the thing show up on their front page.

Post Date: 2011-11-06 23:42:17 by bush_is_a_moonie
The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are born out of frustration in an attempt to protest what people think is the problem. Accusers who divide opposing forces into Wall Street on one side and brain-dead zombies of the Flea Party on the other, suggesting that they should be targeting George Soros instead, are as blind to the solution as they are to the problem and are little more than brain-dead zombies of another party. In being little more than opposition to a perceived problem groups will gather and joust complaining with little understanding of the difference between problems and symptoms. The result of any protest, whatever it may be, is seldom tied to a solution but only to a ...

Veteran protests at 'Canada hypocrisy'
Post Date: 2011-11-06 23:19:02 by Tatarewicz
A former Canadian trooper, named Pascal Lacoste, has gone on hunger strike to protest his exposure to depleted uranium while serving in Bosnia in the 1990s. On Saturday, Lacoste said that the Canadian Forces had not informed him that medical tests showed he was exhibiting an unusually high level of uranium, The Canadian Press reported. He eventually filed a request under the Access to Information Act to see his medical files, which revealed that his hair samples contained 'abnormally elevated' amounts of the metal. The veteran blames his declining health, including chronic pain and a degenerative neurological disorder, on depleted-uranium poisoning he believes he was afflicted ...

We the 99% Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget
Post Date: 2011-10-31 22:46:17 by Tatarewicz
1 Comments We the 99% Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget 99% Budget Now that many of you have created your ideal budgets, we've created an average of them all. This is where we collectively want our mo ney spent. If you haven't yet, make a pie chart of your ideal federal budget. Compare it with the actual budget. Compare it with everyone else's. Edit it. Link to it. Facebook it. Tweet it. We don't have just one demand, because all the wrong things are being funded. Check it out. Set it straight. Make your own budget: View others': ***** ***** ***** ***** Occupy! ...

The Media Taught You That
Post Date: 2011-10-30 22:53:20 by abraxas
Rockin' tune......

Peter Schiff Gets Schooled by Occupy Wall Street
Post Date: 2011-10-30 01:45:03 by RickyJ

anonymous list of OWS demands! Now this is something to get behind!!! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-10-30 01:36:26 by titorite
UNITED MISSION STATEMENT (disseminate at will) Expect us. You brushed us aside and ignored us. Now look, your sites get hacked, your criminal activities (such as “Fast and Furious”) exposed, banks are losing customers en masse, and now a worldwide uprising has been created and we won’t stop until your parasitic, destructive system is destroyed and all its criminals behind bars and, if applicable, impeached. Initial Demands: -Keep corporations out of politics/no more lobbying (which is essentially a bribe)/Firewall between Corporations and State -Reversal of Citizens United ruling (Classifies Corporations as “The People” when convenient; allows them to ...

"Ron Paul 2012" DVD Promo
Post Date: 2011-10-27 15:32:05 by wakeup

The United States Council of Censure for Constitutionality
Post Date: 2011-10-27 14:31:40 by GreyLmist
In accordance with the Ninth and Tenth Amendment rights and powers vested in citizens of America with allegience to its Constitution, this is to establish The United States Council of Censure for Constitutionality with the purpose of guarding all levels of our nation's government, as well as the Military that it directs and deploys, from encroachments upon and violations of this Republic's Constitution. The United States Council of Censure for Constitutionality and each of its State branches has the authority to officially censure the breaches and breachers of our Constitution and also to apply all legal means of accountability and redress for ensuring adherance to it. Introduction ...

Patricia MacCallister on Zionist Jews
Post Date: 2011-10-26 16:21:35 by X-15

Police Brutality vs. First Amendment47;
Post Date: 2011-10-26 09:00:51 by Tatarewicz
25/10/2011 Reply Æ0; Early this morning, I watched more than 500 riot police descend on the peaceful protestors of Occupy Oakland with tear gas, bean bag rounds and the booming Long Range Acoustic Device. There were dozens of arrests. And Oakland isn't alone. Occupy movements are under assault in many cities. Tolerating the violation of our First Amendment rights in one place endangers them everywhere else. We must have a national movement to defend our First Amendment rights. Sign the petition. Send the message to the mayor and police chief of Oakland and other cities that we have a right to free speech, to free assembly, and to petition our government for a redress of ...

Bill Bonner on the revolt of the "mini-masses"
Post Date: 2011-10-24 08:19:35 by Tatarewicz
The debt-slave rebellion! Get ready; it’s coming...the uprising of the popolo minuto...the revolt of the masses...the Jacquerie! Bloomberg reports: The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that began last month in Lower Manhattan migrated uptown on Oct. 15, as about 6,000 people gathered in Times Square during what organizers called a “global day of action against Wall Street greed.” There were 92 arrests, according to the New York City Police Department. More than 100 people were injured in Rome, where as many as 200,000 amassed, the Corriere della Sera newspaper reported. Chicago police arrested about 175 protesters in Grant Park around 1 a.m. local time yesterday after ...

Operation Bank Run 2011
Post Date: 2011-10-20 14:57:51 by HOUNDDAWG
(Excerpt)....The end of the international banking cartel, their fiat currency that is imploding society by design, and the revival of sound money is at hand. But we must first be sure to force these too big to fail banks into oblivion. Let us keep the pressure up on them, and force their monopolies to come down. If the government and our ‘elected representatives’ won’t stand up for the rule of law, then we must come together to enforce it ourselves through direct democracy and non-participation.

Russia's Gorbachev sees NWO emerging from protests
Post Date: 2011-10-20 05:09:13 by Tatarewicz
Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev says he believes protests occurring now in many places signal the emergence of a "new world order" movement. The 80-year-old Gorbachev told 3,600 people at Lafayette College in eastern Pennsylvania on Wednesday that global governments need to work toward a "more humane and more just" world. The (Easton) Express-Times reports that Gorbachev said opportunities that existed at the end of the Cold War were "not used properly." He said with the breakup of the Soviet Union, some U.S. leaders and scholars became "arrogant" and advocated for a new American empire, and that contributed to continued poverty, ...

Courthouse Arrests May Have Terror Link
Post Date: 2011-10-19 10:16:29 by noone222
Three men in their twenties, described as French-Moroccan Muslims, are being questioned by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and by officials of the Department of Homeland Security after they were arrested inside the 120 year old Bexar County Courthouse in downtown San Antonio shortly before 2 this morning, 1200 WOAI news reports. Officials say two of the men crawled through a window to get into the 120 year old Courthouse, which is a landmark in downtown San Antonio, and the third was found in a van parked in front of the building. Inside the van, officials say they found "photographs of infrastructure" including photos of shopping malls, water systems, courthouses and ...

An Open Letter To "Occupy Wall Street" | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 10/13/11
Post Date: 2011-10-18 02:13:22 by christine

An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media
Post Date: 2011-10-17 14:33:21 by abraxas

Remembering the Real Montana Freemen
Post Date: 2011-10-14 13:09:39 by christine
With the passing of Leroy Schweitzer last month in Colorado’s super-max federal prison in Florence, questions loom as his family awaits the results of a private autopsy. Over halfway through a 22-year sentence, Schweitzer had been a model prisoner and had never harmed anyone to be put there in the first place. Why was he still under lockdown 24 hours a day, seven days a week, next to such notorious killers as mob hit men and alleged “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski? Memories are stirred when looking back on these events. The few of us privy to the Freemen’s side of the story, compared to the millions deluded by media propaganda, knew that Attorney General Janet Reno had ...

I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street
Post Date: 2011-10-13 14:13:51 by abraxas

Bill Bonner on Occupy Wall Street
Post Date: 2011-10-13 08:46:48 by Tatarewicz
The Occupy Wall Street movement is getting a fair amount of press. The movement, as you know, dear reader, is a loose assembly of the jobless, the homeless and the shiftless. Troublemakers, every one of them, with no coherent or sensible view of what is wrong or how to fix it. But what’s wrong with that? The Occupy Wall Street protests started on Sept. 17 with a few dozen demonstrators who tried to pitch tents in front of the New York Stock Exchange. Since then, hundreds have set up camp in a park nearby and have become increasingly organized, lining up medical aid and legal help and printing their own newspaper, the Occupied Wall Street Journal. About 100 demonstrators were arrested ...

The REAL majority of Canada - taking action this Saturday, OCT 15
Post Date: 2011-10-13 01:00:00 by Tatarewicz
"We the people" . . . . will be joining the people in the country south of us to let our governments know that we're tired of corporate power and abuse. We're tired of governments who are minions of those corporations who abuse THEIR power once elected. We, the people, are about to OCCUPY CANADA and we will be stopping Harper and his big business profit pigs any way we can between now and the next federal election - when a government of merged parties takes over running this country. 'Occupy Canada' protest plans take shape Canadian cities are expected to get their first taste of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement this weekend amid questions about ...

Stand By Me
Post Date: 2011-10-10 15:13:43 by angK
Poster Comment:From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes the first of many "songs around the world" being released independently. Featured is a cover of the Ben E. King classic by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it travelled the globe.

Who here DOESN'T know the Federal Gas tax, approx . 18 cents per gallon EXPIRED on Sep 30? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-10-10 11:21:10 by Itistoolate

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