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DVDs now on sale at Freedom to Fascism Website
Post Date: 2006-10-22 13:37:57 by christine
The time has arrived we are now offering the DVD for sale at the website for 19.95 or you can watch it on pay per view for $5 with the highest quality resolution on the internet or you can watch it for free on google video in a lower resolution. all of this can be done by going to the Freedom to website and clicking on your choice of how you want to view the film. The objective is to see the movie and wake up America! Have house parties and spread the message of freedom to fascism across the world. You may also sign up to become an affiliate. the ball is now in your court! Blessings to all, Aaron Russo

Kinky Friedman a 'Lone Ranger' on Trail
Post Date: 2006-10-22 01:14:41 by IndieTX
HOUSTON (AP) - Richard Kinky Friedman is standing, sans cowboy boots, in his suite at the Hilton as a third day of election stumping ends, remote control in hand and Fox News on the tube. His campaign manager, heavy-lidded as the clock nears midnight, is doing his sleep-deprived best to reassure Texas' most unlikely gubernatorial candidate that he might just win. "We could still lose," Dean Barkley tells The Kinkster. "But we're not gonna." Friedman frets on. "It's possible that I'm a little pop star, everybody just wants a picture." Eyes roll, and Barkley retorts: "I'll get you a little security blanket." (AP) Kinky Friedman campaign volunteer ...

The State is not God - video
Post Date: 2006-10-21 13:54:09 by Lod

Jack Cafferty - CNN - Dictatorship?
Post Date: 2006-10-20 09:02:22 by Lod

Eternal Vigilance: The Fight to Save Our Election System
Post Date: 2006-10-18 21:36:13 by j.sulli
8 min clip from David Earnhardt's documentary Eternal Vigilance: The Fight to Save Our Election System. This clip features Clint Curtis. Curtis was approached by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to write some vote-rigging software in Florida. His tale also includes Chinese Espionage and a dead inspector general.

I just heard Dave Von Kleist say that Aaron Russo has abandoned his effort to get Freedom To Fascism in theaters and...
Post Date: 2006-10-17 11:20:36 by christine
has made the film available on his site $5 pay per view and DVDs available for purchase for $19.95.

What If?
Post Date: 2006-10-14 18:44:01 by Lod

MOVIE REVIEW LA Times 'America: From Freedom to Fascism'
Post Date: 2006-10-14 10:23:14 by christine
Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" is essentially the filmmaking equivalent of an enraged blog on the Web — pointed and provocative, but not exactly a comprehensive source for the issues it addresses. A former talent manager and film producer, designer of women's undergarments and promoter of rock 'n' roll shows who has more recently emerged as a libertarian activist, Russo begins his film as a study of the federal government's right to collect income taxes. It's an idea that's elegant in its simplicity — what is the exact law that allows the government to demand our money? Perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out to be a trickier question than it seems, one that opens ...

Pokerface - The houseband of the Second American Revolution
Post Date: 2006-10-13 10:25:17 by Lod

Cheer on the Kinkster as he outsmarts, outwits, and outperforms "Goodhair", "Grandma", and the democrat.
Post Date: 2006-10-05 14:13:16 by Lod
The one and only debate between the top four contenders for Texas governor will be held Friday night at 7PM. Encourage your friends and family to watch this debate and see the candidates in action. Check your local listings here to see which station will be showing the debates, and cheer on the Kinkster as he outsmarts, outwits, and outperforms "Goodhair", "Grandma", and the democrat. Also, Austin's public radio station KUT did a segment on Kinky Thursday. You can listen to it here. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Check it out.

Post Date: 2006-10-05 12:57:51 by NOLAJBS
Re: Foley's Child Exploitation Scandal Cached on Google, WHOA ! It sounds like Hastert's staff has lots of explaining to do. ! Action To Take ! Please peruse this United States Federal criminal Code FAX that US Code to the USDOJ and House Ethics Committee Chairman US DOJ - 202.514.6113 House Ethics Committee Chairman - 202.225.3251 | 509.545.1972 | 509.452.3438 What the heck ..... contact the entire staff! Also ... CC the Washington D.C. Field office of the FBI along with believed violated US criminal code concerning Tom Foley and (many) others. Email:

Letter to a Senator
Post Date: 2006-10-05 00:03:01 by christine
The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes 309 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 Dear Senator Sarbanes, As a native Marylander and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to Illegal alien stem from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do ...

Freedom School - Austin, TX
Post Date: 2006-09-30 14:31:27 by Lod
Check it out.

In Case I Disappear [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-29 13:53:49 by bluedogtxn
In Case I Disappear By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective Friday 29 September 2006 I have been told a thousand times at least, in the years I have spent reporting on the astonishing and repugnant abuses, lies and failures of the Bush administration, to watch my back. "Be careful," people always tell me. "These people are capable of anything. Stay off small planes, make sure you aren't being followed." A running joke between my mother and me is that she has a "safe room" set up for me in her cabin in the woods, in the event I have to flee because of something I wrote or said. I always laughed and shook my head whenever I heard this stuff. ...

LWAN: Idaho SSN Update - Appeals Court Decision
Post Date: 2006-09-28 12:39:24 by Neil McIver
Earlier this year there was an appeals court hearing within Idaho involving the requirement of Larry Lewis to provide an SSN to Idaho to obtain a driver license. There's been an update on that case. But before diving into that, the attorney for Lewis, Herb Titus will be making a speaking appearance this Friday, September 29, 2006 at 7:30 PM eastern time at the weekly meeting held at the office of Save-A-Patriot Fellowship at 12 Carroll Street, Westminster, Maryland. (Yes that is on Friday and NOT the usual Saturday for SAPF meetings). David Carmichael, who with the assistance of Titus won a very substantial and difficult SSN case against the US Navy, will also be there to speak. The ...

Iraq War Veteran Plans A Protest Walk Across Utah, the Reddest State in the Country
Post Date: 2006-09-27 21:12:14 by robin
Iraq War Veteran Plans A Protest Walk Across Utah, the Reddest State in the Country Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 Army reservist Sergeant Marshall Thompson spent a year in Iraq working as a military journalist. He reported from across Iraq, interviewing thousands of US soldiers. Now back home in his native Utah, he is planning a 500-mile walk across the state to protest the war and call for a withdrawal of US troops. [includes rush transcript] His goal is to walk from the Utah/Idaho border to the Utah/Arizona border in 26 days, that’s one day for every 100 soldiers who have died in Iraq. He’ll have to average about 20 ...

We Could Use a Guy Like Him Again [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-25 15:58:49 by bluedogtxn
We Could Use a Guy Like Him Again I missed the interview, darn it; but I caught it on You Tube, so I guess that's almost as good as having seen it the first time. bluedogtxn's diary :: :: No matter how the nutjobs spin it; and of course they will, they can't help themselves, I saw fighting President Clinton again, in his interview with Fox's Chris Wallace. The interview was obviously a set-up; a whack-job ambush intended to embarrass President Clinton, but it very seriously backfired on Wallace. The narrative that has become the Rosetta Stone of the GOP'rs, that Clinton let Bin Laden go or didn't go after him or ignored him; that he did nothing about him... That whole sacred narrative ...

Goldi-Lox: maybe it'll be a tiny Nuke, THAT would be a good thing. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-25 15:53:45 by FormerLurker
5. To: mehitable (#3) I have mixed feelings. I don't want to see anything happen to New York, but it's one way to get rid of the UN. If all the New Yorkers clear out, maybe it'll be a tiny Nuke, and only the UN will be impacted. THAT would be a good thing. I too would like the UN gone. But not New Yorkers. Goldi-Lox  posted on  2006-09-25   12:20:30 ET  Reply
Post Date: 2006-09-23 21:42:58 by robin
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Check out some of these news bulletins...

A Poem For Hugo Chavez
Post Date: 2006-09-21 13:39:10 by Arator
Hugo Chavez On his address to the UN, Sept. 20, 2006 ( Michael D. Morrissey Sept. 21, 2006 May be redistributed for non-profit purposes, provided copyright is acknowledged. Original place of publication is Your words bring solace to a damaged nation not yours, but mine, a limping giant wounded in its soul by its very leaders, the men you call imperialists and devils, assassins, torturers. We know this too. But we need to hear it from you because we know you are our friend. You call us brothers, and we believe you. You remind us of the well-documented crimes of the CIA against your country and many others, ...

Texas Governor's Race
Post Date: 2006-09-20 12:45:35 by Lod
Video of the JimmyBuffet concert last night for the Kinkster -

Video: Protesters rally at Ground Zero for Bush visit
Post Date: 2006-09-11 19:35:34 by christine
Protesters are seen targeting United States President George W. Bush's memorial visit to the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks in this Associated Press video. On the eve of September 11th, 2006, protesters see Bush's visit to Ground Zero as an opportunity to rally for a variety of causes. Many gathered to protest President Bush's foreign policy and the Iraq war. Other activists hope to call attention to poor health conditions caused by the attacks. A large number of protesters do not believe the accepted explanation of the 9/11 Commission. Prominent conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones hope to bring attention to their version of events surrounding the attacks on September 11th, 2001

My conversation with a cop last night
Post Date: 2006-09-10 14:18:58 by bluegrass
I found this amusing. I ran into a friend of mine last night. He's a local cop and great guy. We talk politics and history from time to time. At one point in the discussion I said to him, "I like you and all, but I don't want the police state that seems to be coming." He replied, "No offense taken. I don't need the overtime."

A Homeless Solution: IF people care!
Post Date: 2006-09-05 18:50:38 by CaptainChurch
To ALL : --->Having experienced homelessness (by losing an investment), I see that current "shelters" are warehouses, the pinnacle of Tokenism, the visible tip of the iceberg. Everyone needs a home, to maintain a steady balance to succeed.....homeless people are on shifting sand! "Shelters" should be "clearing houses" ...(only a short stay & then re-located into the community)... a clearing house with a built in "buddy-system" ["matching" process begins the first day with someone who, like themselves, needs someone to look after their interests!] that prevents "drowning"; for even the oldest book says that it is "not ...

Documentary Slams U.S. Companies Working in Iraq
Post Date: 2006-09-04 16:53:11 by Eoghan
"Iraq for Sale" Claims Halliburton and Others Profit at Expense of Safety He's tackled Wal-Mart and Fox News with his scathing documentaries. Now, filmmaker Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary which argues that private companies helping to fight the war in Iraq don't have the nation's best interests in mind. "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" debuts in limited release this week, and presents an assault on companies that provide the kinds of services in Iraq that the military once handled itself, such as supplying food, water and mail delivery for the reconstruction. In the film, former KBR/Halliburton water purification specialist Shane Ratliff is interviewed ...

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