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Wilson’s Great War
Post Date: 2018-11-17 15:25:45 by Ada
Read part 1 and part 2 The Great European War posed no national security threat whatsoever to the US. And that presumes, of course, the danger was not the Entente powers – but Germany and its allies. From the very beginning, however, there was no chance at all that Germany and its bedraggled allies could threaten America – and that had become overwhelmingly true by April 1917 when Wilson launched America into war. In fact, within a few weeks, after Berlin’s Schlieffen Plan offensive failed on September 11, 1914, the German Army became incarcerated in a bloody, bankrupting, two-front land war. That ensured its inexorable demise and utter incapacity in terms of finances ...

Why 536 AD was the worst year to be alive:
Post Date: 2018-11-17 10:02:47 by Ada
Volcanic eruption that blocked out the sun for 18 months causing crop failures and widespread famine was the worst global disaster in history 536AD was the start of 18 months of solid darkness caused by a mysterious fog Harvard professor believes this is the worst year in the entirety of human history Triggered a century of famine, crop failure, cold weather, disease and death Bubonic plague, famine, war and flu pandemics have made some periods of human history infamous for death and suffering but one year stands above the rest in terms of misery; 536AD. According to research from a Harvard professor, it is a prime candidate for the unfortunate accolade of the worst year in the ...

How Woodrow Wilson Ruined Everything
Post Date: 2018-11-17 08:05:35 by Ada
As we noted in the previous article, without America’s 11th hour mobilization, the Great War would have ended in a stalemate of exhausted, bankrupted, demoralized European combatants in 1917. There would have been no abomination known as the Versailles peace treaty because it was a toxic peace of victors. But without America’s tens of billions of aid and munitions and two million fresh American troops (doughboys) there would have been no Allied victors, as we demonstrate below. Without Versailles, in turn, there would have been no “stab in the back” legends owing to the Weimar government’s forced signing of the “war guilt” clause; no continuance of ...

America Goes to War
Post Date: 2018-11-12 10:09:13 by Ada
[Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal (2010)] With the onset of war in Europe, hostilities began in the North Atlantic which eventually provided the context — or rather, pretext — for America’s participation. Immediately, questions of the rights of neutrals and belligerents leapt to the fore. In 1909, an international conference had produced the Declaration of London, a statement of international law as it applied to war at sea. Since it was not ratified by all the signatories, the declaration never came into effect. However, once war started the United States inquired whether the belligerents were willing to abide by its stipulations. The Central Powers ...

The First World War in the Air documentary
Post Date: 2018-11-11 21:41:17 by GreyLmist
47.5 minutes - graphic war footage warning Notes: 1:32 pretext for war ; 12:05 Nieuport 28, first fighter plane used in combat by American units after the U.S. entered the war in 1917 ; 18:01 Wilbur Wright, 1909 demonstrations in Europe - Military Recon potential ; 18:34 1916 - group of American pilots volunteer for France 1 year before U.S. declared war on Germany - Lafayette Escadrille/Air Squadron ; 19:33 Escadrille pilots Rockwell, Thaw, Victor Chapman (great-great-grandson of John J. Chapman who signed America's Declaration of Independence) ; 25:10 Verdun and Somme ; 27:46-28:30 American Lafayette Squadron ; 33:44 April 6, 1917 U.S. Congress declared war on the Central Powers - ...

Dark Legacy - JFK and The FED
Post Date: 2018-11-10 15:37:48 by BTP Holdings

The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION -- Sofia Smallstorm
Post Date: 2018-11-09 23:24:33 by BTP Holdings
Researcher and film maker Sofia Smallstorm joins me to expose the sad truth that the United States of America is a Corporation and its legal fiction citizens are little more than assets - or liabilities - on the Globalist balance sheet. Sofia says, "In 1871 the real America vanished and it was replaced with this incorporated government including Washington District of Columbia. So the Federal Government became a Corporation. And by 1933 with Roosevelt sitting in office, the whole corporate system was washed down into all the cities, the states, the agencies, that's when the reality really flushed itself out in this fictitious form." Our "Representatives" are ...

FDR, Truman, and Ike: Not Communists, Just Naifs
Post Date: 2018-11-09 23:15:38 by BTP Holdings
FDR, Truman, and Ike: Not Communists, Just Naifs By Ron Capshaw April 18, 2015 8:00 AM Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Yalta Conference, February 1945 The post–WWII presidents made mistakes, but they were not pro-Soviet. Arthur Schlesinger Jr., the architect of what was once called “the vital center” — a movement that eschewed the Right but also, most importantly, the Communist Left — once said he knew he was doing his job properly because he was being attacked by both sides. Whatever Schlesinger’s blemishes — and they included his knee-jerk defense of and sucking up to liberal Democratic presidents — he was on to something. When ...

Gunfighters of the old west part 1
Post Date: 2018-11-09 19:38:50 by BTP Holdings

Nazi uniforms, firearms and swastika cake brought to Australian class
Post Date: 2018-11-08 06:03:58 by X-15
A Victorian state school employee is being investigated after he brought firearms into class, baked a cake with a swastika on it and let a student dress up in his Nazi hat. During a history lesson on World War II, the Dromana Secondary College employee also allowed students to play with a replica Zyklon B gas canister, which resembled one that would have been used to kill Jews. The items were part of his personal collection of military memorabilia. Students also handled rifles, helmets and uniforms once worn by Australian troops. The Education Department is investigating the incident, which it described as a "serious error of judgement". "The actions of the Nazis were ...

The Guns of Bonnie & Clyde
Post Date: 2018-11-03 22:10:48 by BTP Holdings
The Guns of Bonnie & Clyde By Hal Herring July 14, 2016 0 Comments Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, horsing around with what appears to be the Remington Model 11 20-gauge semiautomatic shotgun pictured in the gallery below. photo from web photo We have passed the time in our country where we glorify our outlaws. That is only right, and not least because most of our outlaws, historically and currently, were and are sociopathic, greed-crazed, lazy, or too stupid to make an honest living. Their stories, upon close examination, are dull, their illegal acts and murders notable only for the grief and loss they cause the innocent. But we also have outlaws whose lives, sometimes ...

The Hamilton Hoax: How to dupe the American Left into Worshipping a Fraud
Post Date: 2018-11-03 10:03:26 by Ada
How has the media convinced the public, and particularly the Left, that Alexander Hamilton was somehow America’s first progressive? There is a great deal of media manipulation in America nowadays and the main target of this manipulation if the Left. A prime example is how Vladimir Putin is portrayed as a ruthless aggressor and the anti-democratic militarist Alexander Hamilton is seen as America’s first progressive and social justice warrior. This is because “image-making” has replaced historical analysis. It’s painfully obvious how the media has managed to demonize Putin, but how has the media convinced the public, and particularly the Left, that Hamilton was ...

A Short History of Communist Subversion of America
Post Date: 2018-10-28 13:02:19 by X-15
News Analysis The U.S. government was first penetrated by communist agents in the 1930s. This was documented by congressional investigations and by authors such as M. Stanton Evans, Herbert Romerstein, Diana West, and former U.S. President Herbert Hoover (among others). The communists greatly benefited from the election of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. It was Roosevelt who opened diplomatic relations with Moscow, even as he welcomed “progressives” into government. Prior to his inauguration, Roosevelt was warned by his predecessor, President Herbert Hoover, about two ongoing Soviet conspiracies: a massive Soviet counterfeiting operation that threatened the U.S. dollar; ...

Tombstone Arizona: The Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Post Date: 2018-10-25 21:08:27 by BTP Holdings

The Curious Circumstances of Adlai Stevenson’s 1965 Death: Was He the Victim of LBJ’s Manipulations?
Post Date: 2018-10-24 09:43:26 by Ada
And the 1975 Revelation of the CIA’s “Heart Attack Gun” President Lyndon Johnson and his wife Lady Bird (seen on the right) attended the July 19, 1965, memorial service for Adlai E. Stevenson II From the beginning of the last half of the 20th Century through the recent past, several national leaders have died at suspiciously-critical points in their careers, many by heart attacks which were presumed, but conveniently never subjected to autopsy confirmation. The ones occurring prior to January 20, 1969, the end of his presidency (even up to his death four years later) might have been added to the official “hit list” by the most likely culprit for such ...

A Sobering Arsenal - How Advance Was German Technology in WWII?
Post Date: 2018-10-21 21:44:20 by BTP Holdings
A Sobering Arsenal - Amazing Advancements In German Technology In WWII (Did They Have Atomic Weapons?)

Great Escape: The Untold Story (WW2 POW Documentary) | Timeline
Post Date: 2018-10-21 13:15:51 by BTP Holdings

The President Behind the U.S. Supreme Court’s Worst Decision
Post Date: 2018-10-20 18:37:59 by BTP Holdings
The President Behind the U.S. Supreme Court’s Worst Decision Sean Braswell 2 hrs ago © Provided by Ozy Media, Inc. As a work of presidential prose, James Buchanan’s inaugural address on March 4, 1857, is widely considered one of the most forgettable ever given by an American leader. As The New York Times put it dryly at the time: “Little if any impression has been made by the inaugural.” Still, it would not take long for Buchanan’s unimpressive inauguration to become one of the most significant in history. For one thing, it was the first to be photographed. It was also the first inaugural given after the creation of the Republican Party, the last before ...

Old Newspaper Says SIX MILLION JEWS Died in 1915-1938 Before Holocaust
Post Date: 2018-10-18 12:36:08 by wudidiz
14 Comments Comment:Holocaust is a hoax

The True Story The Hunt For Red October
Post Date: 2018-10-10 07:32:04 by BTP Holdings
History Channel Documentary

An 8-year-old Swedish girl plucked a 1,000-year-old sword from a lake like it was no big deal
Post Date: 2018-10-05 07:01:23 by BTP Holdings
An 8-year-old Swedish girl plucked a 1,000-year-old sword from a lake like it was no big deal Susanna Heller 17 hrs ago © Jönköpings läns museum/Facebook An 8-year-old girl was skipping rocks in a lake in Sweden. She found a sword in the water that dates back over 1,000 years. Some people think this means she could be a queen. An 8-year-old girl was skipping rocks in a lake nearby her family's summer house in Sweden when she saw something strange in the water, The Local Sweden reported. Saga Vanecek thought it was a stick, so she reached for it. Turns out, it was something, uh, completely different. "I picked it up and was going to drop it back in the ...

MacArthurÂ’s Last Stand Against a Winless War
Post Date: 2018-10-03 07:31:18 by Ada
He leaned on JFK to stay out of Vietnam. Had Kennedy survived, might history have been different? On April 28, 1961—a decade after General Douglas MacArthur was fired for defying Harry Truman on Korea—the controversial commander hosted President John F. Kennedy at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where MacArthur and his wife lived in a suite on the 37th floor. The contrast between the two could not have been more obvious: MacArthur, then in his early eighties, was mottled, frail, and walked with a slight stoop, while the newly inaugurated Kennedy was young, fit, and vibrant. The two sequestered themselves in MacArthur’s suite, then posed for photographers, the young ...

Prehistoric art hints at lost Indian civilisation
Post Date: 2018-10-02 08:13:54 by Ada
The discovery of rock carvings believed to be tens of thousands of years old in India's western state of Maharashtra has greatly excited archaeologists who believe they hold clues to a previously unknown civilisation, BBC Marathi's Mayuresh Konnur reports. Click for Full Text!

Battleship row
Post Date: 2018-09-29 22:56:52 by BTP Holdings
Battleship row The historic and celebrated USS Missouri is one of the last surviving US battleships. Not present at the attack on Pearl Harbor, she arrived shortly thereafter, in December 1944, and saw battle across the Pacific and around the world. Today you can tour the Mighty Mo, as I did. It's docked on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor, on Battleship Row. The USS Arizona and its memorial rest nearby. If you can't make it to Hawaii, you can take a tour of this incredible ship here, in these pictures. Also check out the article about the tour. Poster Comment:Slide show at source.

American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath
Post Date: 2018-09-29 08:58:53 by BTP Holdings
American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath Ron Unz • July 23, 2018 • 6,900 Words Leon Trotsky-Lev Davidovich Bronstein (1879-1940), 100 anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-2017 Although I always had a great interest in history, I naively believed what I read in my textbooks, and therefore regarded American history as just too bland and boring to study. By contrast, one land I found especially fascinating was China, the world’s most populous country and its oldest continuous civilization, with a tangled modern history of revolutionary upheaval, then suddenly reopened to the West during the Nixon Administration and under Deng’s economic ...

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