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Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner financed Israeli extremists and illegal settlements
Post Date: 2017-04-28 12:43:29 by Horse
Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and confidant of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is a director and board member at the Kushner Foundation which has given money to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank as well as extremist Jewish groups connected to violent attacks against Palestinians, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Monday. The findings are based on tax records from Kushner’s parents for the years 2010-2014, which show that the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation gave almost US$60,000 to settlement projects and organizations in Israel, which Washington deems publically as illegal, yet finds covert ways of funding. Trump has said that Kushner, who is a married to Ivanka ...

List of US Organizations Sponsored by SOROS!
Post Date: 2017-04-28 12:41:35 by Horse
Both Soros and his Open Society Foundations provide funding directly or indirectly to over 200 US organizations. Advancement Project: This organization works to organize “communities of color” into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department. Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified “liberal” radio network. Al-Haq: This NGO produces highly politicized reports, papers, books, and legal analyses regarding alleged Israeli human-rights abuses committed against Palestinians. All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws ...

Gestapo Chief Reportedly Buried in Jewish Cemetery
Post Date: 2017-03-26 18:25:21 by BTP Holdings
Gestapo Chief Reportedly Buried in Jewish Cemetery As head of the feared Gestapo secret police, Heinrich Müller perpetrated some of the worst crimes of the Nazi regime. His fate was unconfirmed -- but now a newspaper claims he was buried in a Berlin Jewish cemetery in 1945. According to a Berlin historian, Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller did not survive the war, as has been widely reported. October 31, 2013  11:46 AM The body of Heinrich Müller, one of the men responsible for the Holocaust and the most senior Nazi figure whose fate was never conclusively established, is buried in a Jewish cemetery in Berlin, according to a newspaper report. As head of the Gestapo, ...

Come rock with Bach for his birthday!
Post Date: 2017-03-21 12:20:19 by X-15
Johann Sebastian Bach turns 332 years old, March 21

Debunking America’s “Good” Occupation
Post Date: 2017-03-09 07:43:21 by Ada
The Good Occupation: American Soldiers and the Hazards of Peace, Susan L. Carruthers, Harvard University Press, 384 pages At what point do egregious factual errors undermine the credibility of an otherwise carefully researched and thoughtful book? I can’t say with precision, but The Good Occupation by Susan Carruthers, a professor of history at Rutgers University-Newark, comes precariously close to that line. The subject at hand is a cherished myth: that after World War II, U.S. occupation forces handily converted enemies into friends, inculcating into peoples with a prior affinity for militarism and totalitarianism a deep devotion to liberal values. In fascist Italy, the western ...

Congress had their own bootlegger during Prohibition, so senators and congressmen could still drink alcohol
Post Date: 2017-03-05 16:07:07 by X-15
Remember George Orwell’s famous quote from Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”? Well, the story of George L. Cassiday, Jr. and how he supplied senators and members of Congress with alcohol ten years through the Alcohol prohibition seems like the perfect story that matches Orwell’s quote. Cassiday had taken on bootlegging following a struggle to find a job after WWI. In fact, he became the leading Congressional bootlegger during the controversial ban across the US in the 1920’s. Though usage of alcohol was illegal for all citizens except for medical or similar purposes, apparently it was not an issue for congressmen ...

A Hackle-Raiser For Sure!
Post Date: 2017-02-18 10:02:21 by Ada
If there are any sacred cows in America, the one at the head of the herd has got to be Abraham Lincoln. Our culture gleefully vilifies almost everyone. Psycho-biographies, in which the darkest interior rooms of the subject are exposed to light, are the rage these days. But somehow Lincoln for the most part has managed to escape all this. He’s still the great American hero, venerated by layperson and scholar alike, sometimes to the point of embarrassing hagiography. (I once knew a history professor, for example, who insisted that students refer to Lincoln, both in class discussions and in term papers, as “MR. Lincoln.” His class could just as well have been offered by the ...

Post Date: 2017-02-13 08:56:39 by Ada
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, ...

The forefathers of Europe: Two thirds of modern European men descend from just THREE Bronze Age leaders
Post Date: 2017-01-28 13:06:18 by Ada
Scientists analysed the DNA of 334 modern European men They found distinct paternal families originating 3,500 to 7,300 years ago Mutations in the DNA suggest these families sprung from just three men Their descendants spread across Europe around 2,000 to 4,000 years ago More than 60 per cent of males in modern-day Europe descend from three Bronze Age leaders. Genetic researchers estimate that three families in particular, which originated around 5,000 years ago, rapidly expanded across the continent. And the study suggests that the spread of modern populations across Europe occurred much later than had originally been thought. Read more: ...

Anne Frank Center: Trump’s ‘Nazi’ quip insults Holocaust survivors
Post Date: 2017-01-15 01:24:48 by X-15
The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect is calling upon President-elect Donald Trump to apologize for comparing the United States to Nazi Germany. Steven Goldstein, the executive director of the center, released a scathing statement on Wednesday saying the celebrity businessman’s comment was an insult to Americans and victims of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich. “It is a despicable insult to Holocaust survivors around the world and to the nation he is about to lead, that Donald Trump compares America to Nazi Germany,” Goldstein said. “The president-elect has denigrated our nation and its commitment to freedom on the eve of his inauguration. He must retract his tweet ...

Aleppo: another false flag “Srebrenica,” perhaps barely, averted
Post Date: 2016-12-23 07:26:32 by Ada
Is it finally the demise of the “men and boys” mantra? Well, so far at least. Shocking as it may appear in the midst of the rejoicing that the terrorist occupation of Eastern Aleppo and the agony of tens of thousands of its helpless inhabitants are finally over, accumulated evidence suggests that the vengeful Empire was (and possibly still is) entirely prepared to inflict a “Srebrenica” style mass catastrophe as its parting shot. Abundant political noise emanating from Western – mainly British – sources ahead of the downfall of the, until not long ago, seemingly impregnable terrorist stronghold in Aleppo suggests that an operational plan for a replay of ...

Naval pilot who crippled the Bismarck dies aged 97
Post Date: 2016-12-13 22:47:41 by X-15
Swordfish pilot Jock Moffat – credited with launching the torpedo which crippled the Bismarck in 1941 – has died at the age of 97. The Scotsman, who always played down his role in the attack, was a lifelong champion of naval aviation and friend of the Fleet Air Arm. 2016 ends for Naval aviation as it began – with the loss of one of its greatest heroes. After the passing of legendary test pilot Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown early in the year, the Fleet Air Arm community now mourns for Lt Cdr John ‘Jock’ Moffat – the man credited with crippling the Bismarck. The torpedo dropped by his Swordfish at dusk on May 26 1941 jammed the rudder of Hitler’s ...

The World's Oldest Surviving Piano Sounds Better Than You'd Think
Post Date: 2016-12-13 20:21:14 by X-15
While music is inherently ephemeral art form, preserved historical instruments provide a tangible link to our musical past. But pianos are delicate creatures, and unlike violins, violas, and cellos, they get actually worse with age, not better. So when we find a video featuring a performance on a piano nearly 300 years old, the oldest known in existence today, it is a very special treat. And what makes it all the more extraordinary is just how good it sounds. This priceless instrument was made in 1720 by the inventor of the piano, Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731). The video features pianist Dongsok Shin performing one of the first pieces ever written for the piano — a Sonata ...

Harvey Levin (WAY Before TMZ) Stuck In 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King Riots: “It Looks Like Something Out Of Desert Storm – I’m Scared!”
Post Date: 2016-12-11 17:58:51 by Artisan
In researching President-elect Trump's pick for DHS Chief, General John F. Kelly, I learned that he led a squadron of U.S. Marines in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots. Of course most 'aware' people don't like the idea of "troops in the streets" and military used as domestic law enforcement. They might immediately use this fact to demonize General Kelly and post sensational headlines such as Trump's DHS Chief Ran Gitmo, Led Troops On U.S. Streets!!While both of those facts are 100% true, and I don't agree with either troops on streets or the existence of Gitmo, or even the existence of the abominable 'Dept. of Homeland Security' ...

The Case for Pearl Harbor Revisionism
Post Date: 2016-12-08 18:07:21 by Ada
The prevalent view of World War II is that of the “good war”—a Manichaean conflict between good and evil. And a fundamental part of the “good war” thesis has to do with the entrance of the United States into the war as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. According to this view, the cause of the war stemmed from the malign effort by Japan, run by aggressive militarists, to conquer the Far East and the Western Pacific, which was part of the overall Axis goal of global conquest. Japan’s imperialistic quest was clearly immoral and severely threatened vital American interests, requiring American opposition. Since American territory stood in the way of ...

Pearl Harbor Facts and Proof
Post Date: 2016-12-05 07:42:21 by Ada
Robert B. Stinnett, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor (New York, Free Press, 2000) Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. The plan was set in motion in October 1940, and its development closely monitored through decoded intercepts of Japanese diplomatic and military radio communications. Knowledge of the plan was limited to 13 Roosevelt administration members and chief ...

Do you remember YUGO?
Post Date: 2016-12-03 03:59:34 by Tatarewicz
Forums of Pravda.Ru → Forums → Main Forum shaktiman Quote Do you remember YUGO? I always make a point of this auto industry in Yugoslavia and the idea to make cars affordable to all even better than the way Henry Ford did. The Yugo is a great moral to the story of US deceit and aggression. AND - this is exactly why Yugoslavia began to pose a major threat to the US and its lackeys and the US's israeli masters. Yugoslavia consisted of smart people that were a challenge to the west and more so, were a positive example of the Russian model. So what did the US do? Murder Slavs and destroy Yugoslavia and Serbia. If they didn't Yugoslavia would be one giant productive ...

The Case of the Death of Vincent Foster
Post Date: 2016-11-13 09:52:56 by Ada
America's Dreyfus Affair Part 1 In this and like communities, public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who moulds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions. --Abraham Lincoln But the Dreyfus not fixed in space and time. The combat of the individual against society, truth against deception, is specific neither to France nor to the end of the nineteenth century. --Jean-Denis Bredin [1] With the study of history in America's schools and universities being replaced with "social studies", "multiculturalism", and other pseudo- ...

Fabricated 'History:' Alex Jones Claims Nazis Were Months Away From Starting Nuclear War
Post Date: 2016-11-10 17:50:48 by Artisan
In hour 1 of his show yesterday (Nov. 9) Alex Jones of claims that the Nazis were "months away from atomic weapons" and they "would have had a nuclear war" if they hadn't been stopped in World War II and kicked out of 'France and Russia.' He then uses God's name in vain, followed by a bizarre denial that he uses the Lord's name in vain. I asked noted historian and author Michael Hoffman of to clarify the truth on the matter. Here is his kind response. "The claim that just months before Germany's surrender in 1945, the government was about to produce atomic weapons is the kind of fallacious generalization ...

VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of Murder
Post Date: 2016-11-08 00:27:24 by Uncle Bill
VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of MurderCrime/Corruption Opinion (Published) Keywords: VINCE FOSTER, MURDER, ASSASSINATION, DEATH, CLINTON Source: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton Book/Variety of Books and Articles Published: 1997 (Book) and Variety of Dates Author: By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Variety of Authors Posted on 01/23/2000 15:37:05 PST by Uncle Bill THE NECK WOUND By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Chapter Ten - 1997 "SO WHY IS A BRITISH reporter so interested in this when nobody else seems to care?""It’s the Rosetta Stone," I replied."Huh?"We walked in silence toward the interior of Fort Marcy Park. The path cuts through a ...

Communists Should Not Teach in American Colleges - 1949
Post Date: 2016-11-06 01:27:31 by Uncle Bill
Communists Should Not Teach in American Colleges By Raymond B. Allen President of the University of Washington, Seattle Published in: EDUCATIONAL FORUM (vol. 13, no. 4), May 1949. The question of whether a member of the Communist Party should be allowed to teach in an American college is by no means a simple one. Despite the fact that many persons in educational circles appear to find easy answers to this question, those of us who have examined the question most carefully perhaps find the answers more difficult. The general outlines of the examination of this problem in the recent cases at the University of Washington are probably well enough known that they need not be reviewed in ...

Post Date: 2016-11-05 21:51:26 by Uncle Bill
HOMOSEXUALS PERFORMING IN YOUR WHITE HOUSE UNLIMITED ACCESS, 1998 By Gary Aldrich The cultural changes in the political staff of the White House were stark and often depressing, for the FBI, the Secret Service, and the permanent staff. One evening, when Dennis was manning the office, GSA Supervising Carpenter Woody DiGuiseppe stomped in, visibly angry, and said, " Dennis, I'm here to lodge a serious complaint against the Clinton Administration." "Woody, as I've told you before, our role here is very limited." "Yeah, I know, I know. But, Dennis, I know I trust you, and I don't know about these Clinton people. I'm not even sure of George Saunders ...

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller calls Hillary Clinton a 'c***' on Twitter
Post Date: 2016-11-02 15:17:34 by noone222
A Texas official has come under fire after he called Hillary Clinton a 'c***' on Twitter, and then tried to claim it was because his account was hacked. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller posted the offensive comment on Tuesday, tweeting out a Pennsylvania poll that claimed Donald Trump was set to receive 44 per cent of the vote while Clinton was at 43 per cent. Instead of Clinton's name next to her number however, it said the word 'c***.' Soon after claiming his account was hacked, Miller told a different story, claiming that it was a retweet and he was unaware of the offensive language. This explanation was also problematic as the comment was posted directly ...

Aboriginal Australians, Pacific Islanders carry DNA of unknown human species, research analysis suggests
Post Date: 2016-10-31 10:24:57 by Ada
A third group of hominids may have bred with the ancestors of Melanesians. Supplied: Briar March People from Papua New Guinea and north-east Australia carry small amounts of DNA of an unidentified, extinct human species, a new research analysis has suggested. Key points: Statistical geneticist carried out research analysis on percentages of extinct hominid DNA in modern humans "Discrepancies" in previous analyses show interbreeding between Neanderthals and Denisovans "is not the whole story" Researchers believe a third group, separate to Neanderthals and Denisovans, contributes to Pacific Islanders' DNA The analysis suggests the DNA is unlikely to come from ...

Defending the Southern Tradition
Post Date: 2016-10-28 01:40:01 by X-15
History is a liberal art and one profits by studying the whole of it, including the lost causes. All of us arc under a mortal temptation to grant the accomplished fact more than we should. That the fall of Rome, the dissolution of medieval Catholicism, the overthrow of Napoleon, the destruction of the Old South were purposeful and just are conclusions that only the tough-minded will question. But such events, ham­mered out by soldiers and politicians, by adventurers and traders, are hardly a guide to the moral world. They are text for the lesson, not the lesson itself, which should go beyond the waywardness of events. Behind all there must be a con­ception which can show the facts ...

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