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Uncle Sam’s Suicide Squads
Post Date: 2016-01-26 07:47:47 by Ada
The Long, Sordid U.S. Policy of Using “Bad Guy” and “Expendable” Assets Click for Full Text!

Blacks and the Confederacy
Post Date: 2016-01-20 08:17:58 by Ada
Last July, Anthony Hervey, an outspoken black advocate for the Confederate flag, was killed in a car crash. Arlene Barnum, a surviving passenger in the vehicle, told authorities and the media that they had been forced off the road by a carload of “angry young black men” after Hervey, while wearing his Confederate kepi, stopped at a convenience store en route to his home in Oxford, Mississippi. His death was in no small part caused by the gross level of ignorance, organized deceit and anger about the War of 1861. Much of the ignorance stems from the fact that most Americans believe the war was initiated to free slaves, when in truth, freeing slaves was little more than an ...

Prophesy is FORTelling the Future before the events happen, HISTORY - IS THE UNFOLDING of Prophsey
Post Date: 2016-01-20 07:50:38 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Truth in History presents – The Key of David Need only to 4 min of part 1 to find out what it is about part 1 The Key of David - Part 1 of 3 from Brian on Vimeo. part 2 The Key of David Part 2 of 3 from Brian on Vimeo. part 3 The Key of David - Part 3 of 3 from Brian on Vimeo. Although this is a preacher it is more A HISTORY lesson. HISTORY, ie HIS STORY

Water Time; Surf Travel Diary of a MadMan
Post Date: 2016-01-16 21:36:07 by Southern Style
Poster Comment:I think I've posted this here before but I don't mind posting it again as it is one of my favorite movies. If possible, watch full screen. If you like it, share it.

Empires (Like the U.S.) Fall When Corruption Becomes Rampant
Post Date: 2016-01-09 11:55:55 by Ada
idespread corruption destroys empires. By way of example, corruption was one of the main causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire: The Praetorian Guard—the emperor’s personal bodyguards—assassinated and installed new sovereigns at will, and once even auctioned the spot off to the highest bidder [and see this]. The political rot also extended to the Roman Senate, which failed to temper the excesses of the emperors due to its own widespread corruption and incompetence. As the situation worsened, civic pride waned and many Roman citizens lost trust in their leadership. The Ottoman Empire started its decline when the sale of offices, bribery and corruption became widespread. ...

America Was Prepared to Annihilate Prague, Warsaw, Other Capitals
Post Date: 2015-12-28 16:30:56 by Ada
Recently-declassified nuclear targeting documents from 1959 describe how Washington planned to obliterate the capital cities of what are now America’s NATO allies in Eastern and Central Europe. The revelation casts doubt on Washington’s Cold War commitment to the protection of what it referred to as «captive nations» in Europe. The documents are contained in a report titled, «SAC (Strategic Air Command) Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959». The US Air Force study called for the «systematic destruction» of such major population centers as Warsaw, East Berlin, Prague, Bucharest, Tallinn, and others, as well as Peiping (Beijing), Leningrad ...

Post Date: 2015-12-28 14:51:01 by Ada
Not Ancient History — But Preamble to the Present This is a rumination on lies — layer upon layer of lies — told by US intelligence agencies and other officials about what Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone pretending to be him, was allegedly doing in Mexico City just weeks before the Kennedy assassination. The original goal, it seems, was to associate Oswald, in advance of the events of Dealey Plaza, with the USSR and Cuba. The essay focuses on tales told by Richard Helms, a top official of the CIA in 1963 who later became its director — and is based on a talk given by Peter Dale Scott. Scott is the popularizer of the expression, “Deep Politics,” and a virtuoso ...

Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Inset: The Roman sword found in water just off the mysterious Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Post Date: 2015-12-22 09:07:52 by Ada
Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus Researchers investigating the mysterious Oak Island, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, have made a startling announcement regarding the discovery of a Roman ceremonial sword and what is believed to be a Roman shipwreck, radically suggesting that ancient mariners visited North America more than a thousand years before Columbus. Evidence of the finding, which was exclusively revealed to Johnston Press and published in The Boston Standard, was uncovered by researchers involved in The History Channel’s series Curse of Oak Island, which details the ...

The Nazi Kid From Brooklyn
Post Date: 2015-12-18 09:31:13 by Ada
History must always be remembered, except when it shouldn’t. No one will ever claim that adage, but many people adhere to it, one way or another. Pity the person with a history that disturbs a popular narrative. In the blink of an eye, “never forget” can become “never remind.” Last week, the media went into full-on “never forget” mode after Donald Trump’s “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” proposal. Damn near every mainstream media outlet immediately invoked World War II Japanese-American internment as an example of how U.S. war hysteria inevitably leads to racism. The fuss over Trump’s comments will ...

Alex Jones Admits his Father and Family Worked for the CIA
Post Date: 2015-12-17 13:20:06 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Alex Jones admitted on his radio show on Jun 10, 2014 that his father and other family members worked for the CIA during the 1980’s. Alex Jones also admitted on the Opie & Anthony radio show on April 17, 2013 that there are many CIA agents in his extended family: Alex Jones Admits his Father and Family Worked for the CIA

The Nephilm: The origin of Genetic EVIL
Post Date: 2015-12-16 08:44:18 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Sons of God, Daughters of Men Who are the Nephilim? 2006 01 22 By Brother Blue | "Sons of God Marry Daughters of Men" From: "The craving of demons for a body, evident in the Gospels, offers at least some parallel to this hunger for sexual experience." -Derek Kidner In 1947 an Arab boy tending his sheep accidentally discovered an ancient cave near the Dead Sea. In it were found a priceless collection of ancient scrolls which soon became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Qumran Texts. Among these writings was one known as the Genesis Apocryphon. At first it was thought to be the long lost Book of Lamech. Although the scroll consisted of ...

Are all "native," "indigenous" peoples around the world fake? NZ case
Post Date: 2015-12-09 18:10:43 by NeoconsNailed
Near Lake Taupo in New Zealand is an enigmatic wall called the Kaimanawa wall. It faces north and consists of smooth, megalithic stone blocks with symmetrical corners. The blocks form perfectly together and are completely flat at the end. They also go upwards and backwards in blocks and levels. Many hypotheses flourish concerning the origins of its stone blocks, in particular, whether the structure is man-made or a unique natural formation. The controversial wall became a topic for debate in the early 1990s with Barry Brailsford’s publication of an article in the New Zealand Listener called “Megalith Mystery: Are giant stones in the Kaimanawa Forest Park evidence of an ancient ...

‘US made 1st move to worsen ties with Moscow’ – ex-Pentagon chief
Post Date: 2015-12-04 14:26:33 by Ada
Washington initiated the aggravation of dialogue with Moscow by making a number of strategic mistakes, a former Defense Secretary under Bill Clinton has told US media. Among such errors were the “premature” expansion of NATO and the breaking off of military ties. The chain of events that led to the rapid deterioration of US-Russian relations started in the early 1990s, The Hill cited William Perry as saying. Perry, who served as Secretary of Defense under Clinton from 1994 to 1997, spoke at a roundtable hosted by the US-based Defense Writers Group on Thursday. At the time, Washington championed the expansion of NATO and decided to deploy a US-led NATO contingent to Bosnia, once ...

(Book review) The Reich’s Declaration of War on the Soviet Union
Post Date: 2015-12-03 19:49:53 by X-15
Invited to list the ten most important books of the 20th Century I certainly include The Fuhrer’s Proclamation to the German People. It is commonly thought that the Reich made a fatal blunder in attacking an unprepared, defenceless Russia. If this is your view it is perfectly understandable; it is what you have been told to think. The first question we must ask ourselves is why, given its importance, is The Fuhrer’s Proclamation suppressed? Until now it has been available only as an ‘under the counter’ purchase. In appearance it was no more than another dull government information publication. This is how the victors would prefer it. Whoa! Mike Walsh, with his gift for ...

Chris Everhard on Occultist Secret Societies Run Your Life
Post Date: 2015-12-01 05:17:09 by noone222

Post Date: 2015-11-26 07:53:52 by Ada
Time to scalp the facts about the Indians Happens every Thanksgiving, doesn’t? Some bleeding heart liberal you’re “related to” gets on their moral high Crazy Horse and lectures about how horribly rotten the white man was to the Native Americans. Which is why this year we’re throwing in the tomahawk. Time to scalp the facts about the Indians. Feathers not dots. Transcript: It’s Thanksgiving! You know what that means. As you try and enjoy your downtime with your family, you’ll undoubtedly find a social justice warrior around your Thanksgiving table trying to force-feed you white guilt. Afterall, your ancestors commited genocide against the Indians. Sorry ...

In the history of the world, who has killed the most innocent human beings?
Post Date: 2015-11-23 20:01:19 by christine
In the HISTORY of the world, who has KILLED the most INNOCENT human beings? 1) "Hitler": Do you know who he was? He was a Christian, but media will never call Christians terrorists. 2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe": He has killed 20 million human beings including 14.5 million were starved to death. Was he a Muslim? 3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)": He has killed 14 to 20 million human beings. Was he a Muslim? 4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)": He has killed 400 thousand human beings. Was he a Muslim? 5) "Ashoka": In Kalinga Battle Ashoka has killed 100 thousand human beings. Was he a Muslim? 6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq: 1/2 million ...

That time America was attacked and did nothing but things just magically worked out
Post Date: 2015-11-23 08:36:25 by Ada
Imagine Fox & Friends if this happened today… In August 1814, British troops set fire to the White House— but not before they ate with WH cutlery and ransacked the building. The damage was so severe that no President lived in the White House again until 1817. US response: Just 6 months later, President James Madison and the US Senate decided to let bygones be bygones– unanimously approving a peace treaty. Consequence of weakness: Things have been pretty cool with the British ever since. 1983 Beirut Bombing Imagine Tomi Lahren’s viral rant if this happened today… In October 1983, suicide bombers drove trucks filled with explosives into marine barracks ...

Former Secret Service agent gives personal account of Kennedy assassination
Post Date: 2015-11-22 19:11:55 by X-15
Anyone who thinks history is boring never had a chance to listen to Mike Howard. So you think you've heard all the JFK assassination conspiracy theories, huh? Was it the Cubans, the Russians, J. Edgar Hoover, the military-industrial complex, the mafia or one lone gunman who hated Kennedy? Would you believe there is a possibility it was none of the above? Mike Howard has a very different theory about what happened on that fateful day 52 years ago in Dallas and why. So, just who is Mike Howard, you ask? Well, he isn't a movie producer and Mr. Howard is no aspiring author with a promising book deal he is pushing. Howard is a native Texan and a retired Secret Service agent who was ...

Woodrow Wilson Was Our Worst President
Post Date: 2015-11-22 07:11:08 by Ada
[This is an excerpt from Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America (2014). It appears in a section called “A Rogue’s Gallery of Progressives” along with articles on Lincoln, TR, FDR and LBJ] Woodrow Wilson was our worst president. He did many of the things that Lincoln did to destroy life, liberty and property but did them on a grander scale, with less excuse and with more lasting consequences. It is true that Lincoln laid the groundwork for the modern monstrosity we suffer under now, however, it is also true that federal spending sharply declined after his war and remained modest until the Wilson administration. It was Wilson, not Lincoln, who birthed the ...

Taxis and Cosmos
Post Date: 2015-11-21 11:02:26 by Turtle
The ancient Greeks, who thought about and discussed everything, had two words we don't: cosmos and taxis (we do have "cosmos," but not in the Greek sense). Cosmos was a spontaneous self-organizing feedback (these days, cybernetic) system. It is the natural world, including the universe. It may or may not have an end purpose; some claim it does, and some that is does not. "Taxis" was a system organized by man. It, too is a cybernetic feedback system, but one imposed by man. Taxis always has an end purpose, a human one. In reality almost everything is a "cosmos." The free market, for example. It is an unbelievably complex, self-organizing system that is not ...

1709; The Disparate Economic And Political Impact of Weather And Climate
Post Date: 2015-11-18 18:11:16 by Ada
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2001 Report claimed that neither the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) nor the Little Ice Age (LIA) occurred. They created the ‘hockey stick’ graph to prove their point. It wasn’t produced specifically to eliminate those climate periods but to show that today was warmer than “ever” before and that most of the increase occurred in the 20th century. Their nemesis was a graph presented in the 1990 Report (Figure1). Click for Full Text!

Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us
Post Date: 2015-11-18 08:10:42 by Ada
Just a couple of decades ago, the people of ancient civilizations were viewed as simple, primitive people. However, numerous discoveries since then have revealed a number of surprising facts about ancient cultures, namely that many of them possessed advanced knowledge of metallurgy, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and more. With this knowledge they forged steel stronger than anything else seen until the Industrial Revolution, created a recipe for concrete so durable that their buildings would endure for millennia longer than the constructions of today, cut stones and assembled walls so precisely that attempts at modern-day replications have failed. Scientists are still scratching their ...

Striking thermal anomalies detected in Egypt Khufu Pyramid
Post Date: 2015-11-11 00:43:49 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... An international team of scientists and architects have revealed a mysterious thermal anomaly in the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the largest and oldest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex in Egypt, the country’s antiquities officials say. In a statement released on Monday, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced that “among the various identified thermal anomalies, the team has observed a particularly impressive one located on the eastern side of the Khufu Pyramid at ground level,” adding that in this part of the pyramid, an area of few blocks were hotter - up to six degrees Celsius - than its neighboring blocks. According to the statement, many ...

Mob hitman who says he was the man on the grassy knoll and killed JFK to be released - and he still insists he did it
Post Date: 2015-11-09 18:48:58 by Ada
James Files claims in the documentary I Killed JFK that he was the man who killed President John F. Kennedy Files was moved from a high security jail to a less secure one in Illinois as he prepares for his release next spring after 36 years behind bars Files says he was standing on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and fired the shot that killed Pres. Kennedy He also claims that Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a single shot, and that his boss Charles 'Chuckie' Nicoletti was in the book depository Files claims that the CIA turned against Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs Invasion and plotted with the mafia to kill the president A man who claims he assassinated ...

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