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NY comptroller to help locate Holocaust victims' assets
Post Date: 2012-08-06 18:52:39 by X-15
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli has agreed to help track down property that belonged to Jewish victims of the Holocaust, a Jewish group said Monday. Project Heart, a Holocaust restitution taskforce set up by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the government, said the ombudsman agreed to search his state's financial database for lost bank accounts opened by Jews known to have died in Europe during World War II. DiNapoli said he would search through information for 48 million lost accounts that dates back to 1943 for names of known Holocaust victims. "The issue of restoring Jewish property to their owners is still key even though 70 years have passed since the war's ...

Hitler’s Second (Secret) Book (pdf)
Post Date: 2012-08-03 19:18:56 by Itistoolate
Hitler’s Second (Secret) Book (pdf)

FLASHBACK - Pentagon acknowledges no photographic evidence of Bin Laden death
Post Date: 2012-07-26 20:01:23 by Itistoolate
FLASHBACK - Pentagon acknowledges no photographic evidence of Bin Laden death Pentagon officials recently disclosed to the Associated Press (AP) that they could not find any photo or video evidence to confirm that Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed in the Navy Seal raid in Pakistan a year ago. And we know why, too!

Former Foes Find Friendship
Post Date: 2012-07-25 19:06:07 by X-15
Brig. Gen. Dan Cherry says it's hard to describe the details of a dogfight, since it all happens so fast and in three dimensions. But he gave a good accounting of the April 16, 1972, engagement near Hanoi, in which he maneuvered his big, fast F-4 Phantom II jet into position behind a smaller MiG-21 and loosed an AIM-7 missile that tore the right wing off the enemy fighter. Speaking to a standing-room-only crowd at the Warbirds in Review showcase on Tuesday, Cherry was accompanied by a newfound and fast friend—the North Vietnamese MiG pilot he downed that day, Nguyen Hong My. Hong My alternated with Cherry as they described the respective flying careers leading up to that fateful ...

Israel probable author of Bulgaria false flag operation
Post Date: 2012-07-21 02:00:08 by Tatarewicz
Even before the dust had settled and the victims were laid to rest, the Israelis and their global media assets were blaming Iran for the attack in Burgas, Bulgaria. The Washington Post, America's second most influential Zionist newspaper, reported on Thursday: “Israeli and American officials have blamed the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah for the bombing.” Yet the Post article acknowledged that Bulgarian officials had not even identified the bomber! This “rush to judgment” suggests that Israel, not Iran, is the probable author of the attack. History shows that whenever authorities blame a convenient scapegoat before the evidence is in, the attack ...

The Texan gambler who bet his life on JFK's death - and won
Post Date: 2012-07-17 06:51:03 by Ada
THE YEARS OF LYNDON JOHNSON VOLUME 4: THE PASSAGE OF POWER BY ROBERT A CARO (The Bodley Head £35) An alternative title to this tome might have been: ‘Succeeding Kennedy’. It’s difficult to imagine a harder act to follow given the national trauma of JFK’s televised assassination before the eyes of his whole devastated country. Fateful day: President Kennedy driving through Dallas moments before his assassination Remember the Kennedy charisma, his good looks, his debonair glamour. Then look at the cover photograph of Lyndon Johnson. In any competition for grim, unmerciful mouths, he would take some beating. Also for uncomfortable eyes - black, shrewd, crafty. LBJ ...

Adolf Hitler: - Judaism is a Satanic Power
Post Date: 2012-07-13 07:13:22 by Itistoolate

East Coasters - What's Happening.??????
Post Date: 2012-07-01 22:07:22 by tom007
Heard from Australia a serious Inland Hurricane has hit the DC area. What's up?

The History of "Political Correctness"
Post Date: 2012-07-01 11:48:02 by Itistoolate
The origins of "political correctness" or "cultural Marxism" can be found in the early parts of the 20th century from the Frankfurt School, which was the headquarters for the Communists scheming in Germany. Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal, and Erich Fromm were all there. "The role of the Frankfurt School is creating the victim groups that constitutes the politically correct coalition." Made by the Free Congress Foundation and narrated by William Lind BE CAREFUL, the narrator calls it Marxism when it is really COMMUNISM Also, He blames it on "Germans" in Germany when it was a school loaded with Jooos Poster ...

When Were Blacks Truly Freed From Slavery?
Post Date: 2012-06-19 06:17:36 by Ada
For Juneteenth, The Root investigates the blurred line of emancipation in America. Buyenlarge/Getty Images(The Root) -- Though President Abraham Lincoln ended slavery with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, slaves in Texas had no knowledge of their freedom until two and a half years later. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston and declared the end of the Civil War, with General Granger reading aloud a special decree that ordered the freeing of some 200,000 slaves in the state. Because of the delay, many African Americans started a tradition of celebrating the actual day slavery ended on June 19 (also known as Juneteenth). But for some, their cheers were ...

Gaza Blockade's Fifth Anniversary
Post Date: 2012-06-16 02:42:57 by Stephen Lendman
Gaza Blockade’s Fifth Anniversary by Stephen Lendman Gaza's blockade is illegal. Collective punishment is prohibited. Fourth Geneva's Article 33 states: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." "Pillage is prohibited." "Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited." Israel spurns all international laws and its own. It commits crimes of war and against humanity with impunity. Isolating Gaza is a war crime. June 14 marked the blockade's fifth anniversary. Around 50 ...

All it took was a "homing pigon" for Rothschild to take over the British Stock Market and become The Bank of England........
Post Date: 2012-06-12 15:09:31 by Itistoolate
and later-1913-make US citizens slaves to England AGAIN. The story of the rise of the Rothschild financial empire founded by Mayer Rothschild and continued by his five sons. From humble beginnings the business grows and helps to finance the war against Napoleon, but it's not always easy, especially because of the predjudices against the family. The House of Rothschild (1934)

JFK Special 4: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!
Post Date: 2012-06-11 18:06:06 by wudidiz
JFK Special 4: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!By Jim Fetzer and Richard Hooke   Those who have been following the “JFK Special: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!” series are familiar with much of the evidence that established that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK, actually had a cast iron alibi, because he was captured in a famous photograph taken by AP photographer James “Ike” Altgens, which appeared in most papers the following day, but in some cases, such as The Sheboyan Press, which is now a morning paper but was then published in the afternoon–assuming that this is the actual issue that was published, not a substitute–appeared ...

The Jonestown Massacre<br>CIA Mind Control Run Amok?
Post Date: 2012-06-09 22:18:39 by Dakmar
Excerpted from 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time A Citadel Press Book On November 18, 1978, in a cleared-out patch of Guyanese jungle, the Reverend Jim Jones ordered the 911 members of his flock to kill themselves by drinking a cyanide potion, and they did. The cultists were brainwashed by the megalomaniac Jones, who had named their jungle village after himself and held them as virtual slaves, if not living zombies. Jones himself was found dead. He'd shot himself in the head, or someone else had shot him. Square-jaw, jet black hair and sunglasses, looking like a secret service agent on antipsychotic drugs, Jones takes his place alongside Charles Manson in America's iconography ...

70 years of american progress
Post Date: 2012-06-09 12:45:14 by freepatriot32

Hidden treat: The Easter Island heads also have BODIES
Post Date: 2012-06-07 16:04:07 by Original_Intent
The enduring image in the public's mind of the mysterious heads on Easter Island is simply that - heads.So it comes as quite a shock to see the heads from another angle - and discover that they have full bodies, extending down many, many feet into the ground of the island.The Easter Island Statue Project has been carefully excavating two of 1,000-plus statues on the islands - doing their best to uncover the secrets of the mysterious stones, and the people who built them. Inside the Easter Island statues: Experts have known about the bodies before, but when these images started circulating readers doubted their authenticity The team also found large quantities of red pigment, some of ...

The Mass Graves of Ireland
Post Date: 2012-05-28 12:36:35 by CadetD
Irishmen and Irishwomen! Read this site and weep. Weep for the agonies and deaths of your people at the hands of genocidists. The authorities who imposed the curriculum, the teachers and professors who funneled it into you, have carefully kept you uninformed as to which British regiment, or that any regiment, murdered your people. Until now, that information was kept from you. You had no access to it. You do now - you read it on your computer screen! Commit the regiment's name to memory. Never, ever, forget it! Learn its British HQ town. As no Jewish person would ever refer to the "Jewish Oxygen Famine of 1939 - 1945", so no Irish person ought ever refer to the Irish ...

Beyond the Pale
Post Date: 2012-05-27 19:49:54 by Itistoolate
Beyond the Pale: The History of Jews in Russia This exhibit is copyright © 1995 J. Kniesmeyer and D. Brecher Maps copyright © 1995 "BRON," Amsterdam Site design and production: M. F. Miller Russian-language production: Matvey B. Palchuk

Ballad of the Alamo
Post Date: 2012-05-27 13:33:21 by Lod
Texans' Memorial Day Tribute - Poster Comment:

[My Title] Reminder for Memorial Day: Maine GOP Denied the Vote to Washington County, Machias - Birthplace of the U.S. Navy
Post Date: 2012-05-26 21:51:10 by GreyLmist
Maine's Washington County Caucus, February 11th, was postponed because of a possible snowstorm. Maine's GOP Party Chairman, Charlie Webster, declared that there would be no updated vote counts from delayed caucuses and announced Romney the winner. Two other counties (Waldo and Kennebec) had uncounted votes, with some missing votes going to spam folders which was attributed to "clerical error". As of February 14, 177 towns in Maine had not reported any results. Ron Paul eventually won Washington County with more than twice as many votes as Romney and also won 20 of Maine's 24 Delegates at the State's Convention. The video below was made after Webster's ...

America – Conceived in Liberty: Died in Tyranny?
Post Date: 2012-05-10 21:28:28 by christine
Murray Rothbard has struck again! Through reading his fascinating, albeit frustrating at times, history of America Conceived in Liberty, I stumbled across some shocking stories. Rothbard is the type of author that even when I disagree with him, I find myself laughing and thinking. I enjoy authors who make their readers think because so few do today. Since recorded history, governments have violated people’s inherent rights, but how these poor precedents proceed in perpetuity is astonishing. Has anyone studied the history of the English postal system? I certainly hadn’t! Let me quote from the irrepressible sacred cow buster Murray Rothbard: Postal service began in the early ...

The Truth About Stalin
Post Date: 2012-05-10 08:04:55 by Itistoolate
The Truth About Stalin

Israel's High Court Spurns Justice
Post Date: 2012-05-09 03:31:27 by Stephen Lendman
Israel's High Court Rejects Justice by Stephen Lendman On May 8, hunger strikers Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh reached day 71. On May 7, Israel's High Court ruled let 'em die. It rejected an urgent appeal to save them. They're uncharged political prisoners, not criminals. Virtually all Palestinian prisoners are behind bars for political reasons. They resist to live free on their own land. International law permits it. Israel calls it terrorism. Its High Court agrees. Justice hasn't a chance. Arab rights don't matter. Let 'em die. The Court ruled hunger striking "cannot in itself form a factor in the decision regarding the validity of an administrative ...

(Youtube) The fascist plot to overthrow FDR
Post Date: 2012-05-08 12:28:45 by Jethro Tull

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