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“From the End of the War to Stalin’s Death”
Post Date: 2010-07-19 12:15:21 by Turtle
Kevin MacDonald: Chapter 22 of 200 Years Together: July 19th, 2010 Kevin MacDonald: The English translation of Chapter 22 of 200 Years Together (“From the End of the War to Stalin’s Death”) is now available. (See here; donations are needed to complete the project.) The main theme is the post-WWII purging of Jews from many of the powerful positions they held as an elite in Soviet society. Solzhenitsyn’s account is similar to other mainstream accounts, such as Yuri Slezkine’s The Jewish Century. When Jewish intellectual activists write about the role of the Jews in the USSR, they generally focus on this period—Jews as the victims of anti-Jewish ...

The Christianity of BobCeleste in all its glory. Would Jesus be proud?
Post Date: 2010-07-18 15:29:32 by F.A. Hayek Fan
#3. To: A Pole (#0) Gurkha soldier has been flown back to the UK after hacking the head off a dead Taliban commander with his ceremonial knife to prove the dead man’s identity. ... This is considered a gross insult to the Muslims Give the guy a medal, better yet a medal and a promotion, and a raise in pay and a party and everything else they can think of. BobCeleste posted on 2010-07-18 13:29:23 ET Reply Trace

My Eyes! My Eye! Kill me Now!
Post Date: 2010-07-16 14:05:51 by Turtle
Poster Comment:The most horrible thing is this is Betty Friedan at her prime. Imagine someone pulling the bag off her head and you look down and suddenly see what you're having sex with...

Rolling Closures A Possibility For Fire Department
Post Date: 2010-07-16 07:23:41 by noone222
New cuts may be coming to the Philadelphia Fire Department and they could include rolling closures of firehouses. What if you stopped by your local firehouse and found the firefighters who would normally be first to answer your call weren't there at all that day? It could happen. The city announced as many as four units each day may be taken out of service in neighborhoods city wide in hopes of saving more than $3.5 million in overtime to ease the city's budget crunch. "He's (Mayor Michael Nutter) rolling the dice and he's playing Russian roulette with people's lives," said Bill Gault, President of Local 22, the firefighters' union. Unlike past ...

The Hypocrisy and Cruelty of the Leftist Feminist
Post Date: 2010-07-14 17:54:01 by Turtle
“Feminists of the Sixties and Seventies,” wrote Nicci Gerrard in The Guardian, “have had to pay a terrible price for their dedication – most of them are forgotten, reviled, poor, and alone.” How did they end up like this? Didn’t the late Betty Friedan but still-blathering Gloria Steinem promise them otherwise? Paradise on Earth? Of course, there is oftentimes a difference between what one promises and what does in one’s personal life – that is the definition of hypocrisy. And what Friedan and Steinem promised to others, and what they did in their personal lives, made them the vilest of hypocrites. Both of these women insisted women follow their ...

Liberal Hypocrites
Post Date: 2010-07-12 12:00:45 by Turtle
E-mail Author Author Archive Send to a Friend " target="_blank">Print Version The mother of Princeton bioethics professor Peter Singer is lucky that her son is an hypocrite. Her son is a leading proponent of excising the undesirable — the imperfect via abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. The disabled would fall under there, also, sometimes, the elderly. Peter Singer's mother has Alzheimer's. Peter Schweizer reports in his new book Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy that "far from embracing his own moral ethic, Singer hired a group of health care workers to look after her." Good for him, he can't even buy his own ...

Typical Negro Behavior Part I
Post Date: 2010-07-09 11:57:31 by Turtle
The first category of TNB is ‘random violence.’ Blacks seem to enjoy a bit of the old ‘ultraviolence’ every now and then. Whether it’s carjacking a couple of White teens, setting a young boy on fire, or torturing a wheelchair-bound cripple, it’s all good. TYPICAL NEGRO BEHAVIOR: PART 1 “The Wichita Massacre” December 8, 2000 – Assistant baseball coach Andrew Schreiber was at a convenience store when he was approached by two black men, the Carr brothers. Brandishing a gun they forced him to drive them to various ATMs withdrawing his own money. They left him in a field unharmed then shot the tires of his car. On December 11th the Carr brothers ...

Genrikh Yagoda -- Murderer of Ten Million
Post Date: 2010-07-08 11:38:57 by Turtle
Genrikh Yagoda People's Commissar for Internal Affairs (NKVD) In office July 1934 – September 1936 Preceded by none Succeeded by Nikolai Yezhov Born 1891 Rybinsk, Russian Empire Died March 15, 1938 Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union Nationality Soviet Political party Communist Party of the Soviet Union Genrikh Grigor'evich Yagoda (Russian: h3;k7;l5;l8;l0;m3; h3;l8;l0;k5;l6;l8;n0;k7;k4;l0;m5; k1;k5;l6;k6;k2;; born Enon Gershk7;vich Ieguda (Russian: h5;l5;l6;l5; h3;k7;l8;m6;k7;k4;l0;m5; h8;k7;k5;m1;k6;k2;)[1]; 1891 – March 15, 1938) was the head of the NKVD, the Soviet internal affairs and border guards body, from 1924 to 1936. early life and career Yagoda was born ...

What Goes Around Comes Around
Post Date: 2010-07-08 11:10:46 by Turtle
There’s a maxim everyone’s heard, personally mouthed, and undoubtedly believes: “What goes around comes around.” Or, “the boomerang effect.” Remarkably, however, although we’ve all heard, mouthed, and believed it, many arrogantly claim a personal exception from this law of God and Nature — even when it comes to some serious stuff like life and death, freedom and slavery, prosperity and poverty, happiness and misery, even heaven and hell. It reminds me of a lesson I learned studying the life and works of Nikolai Bukharin. Nikolai Bukharin is one of the leading Bolshevik theorists you never heard of. There’s a reason for that. He believed he had ...

Gov't files suit to throw out AZ immigration law [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-06 17:46:25 by hondo68
PHOENIX — The federal government took a momentous step into the immigration debate Tuesday when it filed a lawsuit seeking to throw out Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants, calling it a law that blatantly violates the Constitution. The lawsuit filed in federal court in Phoenix sets the stage for a high-stakes legal clash over states rights at a time when politicians across the country have indicated they want to follow Arizona's lead on the toughest-in-the-nation immigration law. The legal action represents a thorough denunciation by the government of Arizona's action, declaring that the law will "cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, ...

GOP 'hero' Jan Brewer claims that people will die without a one billion dollar tax increase
Post Date: 2010-07-06 02:55:27 by Artisan
GOP 'hero' Jan Brewer claims that people will die without a one billion dollar tax increase Republican governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has been touted as a new conservative hero, since signing Arizona's immigration law SB 1070. GOP party members, so desperate for someone to take action since the feds allowed unfettered illegal immigration for years, have welcomed Brewer with a glee and giddiness unseen since the arrival of Sarah Palin. Some have even suggested she run for president in 2012. Conservatives who actually paid attention to Brewer prior to SB 1070, such as Red State blogger and CNN political analyst Erick Erickson, noted that Brewer "personally lobbied members of ...

The Original Pledge of Alligiance Salute
Post Date: 2010-07-05 16:45:48 by Turtle
The Pledge was written by a Communist -- or maybe he was closer to a Nazi -- and this was the original salute American school children was required to engage in.

Rush Goes to War
Post Date: 2010-07-05 15:05:26 by Turtle
The place: Rush Limbaugh's front porch. Rush: (watching TV) Okay, now throw the ball here. Now throw it there. Soldier: What're you doing, Mr. Limbaugh? Rush: Directing the war from my armchair! Oops! Another brave patriot just made the ultimate sacrifice to protect Israel! And to bring Jesus back! And to make sure my SUV has plenty of gas! Say, how do you like my $20 million mansion? Pretty good for a loudmouth and college dropout, huh? Soldier: You've been drafted, Mr. Limbaugh. Rush: Ha, ha! Very funny! Hand me my putter, will you? I need a break from running the war from this side of the world. Soldier: I'm serious, Mr. Limbaugh. You've been drafted. ...

Hang 'em High
Post Date: 2010-07-05 14:57:41 by Turtle

"Undocumented Democrats"
Post Date: 2010-07-03 11:45:53 by Turtle

The Planned Destruction of the Family
Post Date: 2010-06-28 15:01:03 by Turtle
Just recently a 'battered woman,' for that is how she saw herself, came to me for help. Her lover, who lived apart from her and her children, had beaten her up badly and she was forced to go to the hospital. He then took her back to her own house and stayed with her in order to look after her while her wounds healed. 'You are not a battered woman,' I said with a sigh. I define a battered woman as a woman who is a genuine victim of her partner's violence. 'You are a violence-prone woman, a victim of your own need for violence.' I sighed because those two sentences uttered twenty-five years ago in my early work at Chiswick caused me to be hated and despised. I ...

Betty Friedan and her Lies (This Just Gets Better and Better)
Post Date: 2010-06-28 14:30:49 by Turtle
Betty Friedan was one of the founders of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and a co-signer of the original (1966) Agenda of NOW. Judging from some of the statements that the original Agenda of NOW contained, it may seem that what feminism was about in those days was nothing more than an attempt to get women a place in the sun. The 1966 Agenda of NOW stated: "NOW is dedicated to the proposition that women, first and foremost, are human beings, who, like all other people in our society, must have the chance to develop their fullest human potential. We believe that women can achieve such equality only by accepting to the full the challenges and responsibilities they share with ...

Betty Friedan: Dead Womanoid
Post Date: 2010-06-28 11:26:51 by Turtle
The Playboy dream, as expressed by Professor ‘enry ‘iggins in My Fair Lady’s version of Communist George Bernard Shaw’s play, Pygmalion, was always that a woman should be "more like a man." Why waste precious time and money courting? Let’s just have a few drinks at the bar, enough to get lubricated, off with the clothes and jump into bed. If there is a pregnancy, well, that’s her problem, isn’t it? By morning, you’ll be gone. And mirabile dictu, that’s exactly what the womanoid movement has done, in the name of "liberation." A "womanoid," by the way, is a creature that has some of the physical accoutrements of ...

The Woman Behind
Post Date: 2010-06-26 12:20:41 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Golly, a Jew. When I was a newspaper reporter I covered a speech by this woman. She was so nervous that as she was walking to the podium she crashed into my chair and pushed me into the table.

The Wannabe Ninjas
Post Date: 2010-06-23 12:14:27 by Turtle
The time: right about now. The location: these days, just about any place in the United States. The characters: an accountant, a Chevy Cavalier, a poodle, and several police dressed completely in black, just like ninjas in a cheap kung fu film. Wannabe Ninjas: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Accountant (getting out of car): What the heck is this? (He looks down and counts all the holes in him.) You idiots just shot me 54 times! I'm not going to survive this, you know! And I've got a wife and two young daughters! Head Wannabe Ninja: You're a drug dealer! Accountant: I am not! I'm an accountant! See the horn-rimmed glasses, the pocket protector and the tidy little mustache? ...

School Board President/Public Masturbator Resigns (My title)
Post Date: 2010-06-23 11:25:55 by Turtle
The good news is that most Detroit Board of Education members have ignored school board president Otis Mathis’ ill-considered attempt to retract the resignation he submitted last week after Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Teresa Gueyser outed him for masturbating in school business meetings. Mathis has no future in public service. If he even dimly appreciated his predicament, he’d be decamping to a remote foreign country instead of trying to get his office back. The bad news is that the board majority that elected Mathis president earlier this year is still in place, and at least one of their number, the Reverend David Murray, has dismissed Mathis’ over-the-top ...

The Death of the Wasp
Post Date: 2010-06-22 12:08:36 by Turtle
A remark by Richard Brookhiser in April in a syndicated column in the New York Post about “how we’re all WASPs now” made me realize that Brookhiser’s statement taken in context does not prove what he thinks he’s saying. A journeyman author, long associated with NR, Brookhiser, to all appearances, is an upper-class WASP endowed with all the proper manners and tics. Nonetheless, for decades he’s been in the employ of the neocons, people who would hardly qualify as bon gratin. A scene involving one of their leaders, John Podhoretz, sticks vividly in my mind. While in the employ of the Washington Times, where Arnaud de Borchgrave entertained him lavishly as a ...

Hanna Rosin: This is What a Feminist Looks Like
Post Date: 2010-06-22 11:04:49 by Turtle
A couple years ago the National Organization for Women came up with a new PR campaign. The program duped unsuspecting college students into wearing a T-shirt carrying the gratuitous slogan, “This is what a feminist looks like.” The campaign was designed to dispel the popular notion that all women’s libbers are Helen Thomas look-alikes with a hooked nose, deep-set eyes, serpentine lips, and rhinoceros-hide skin. For a while, the program seemed to working, mostly because the persons wearing the T-shirts were 20-something college drop-outs – men and women alike — who were more than happy to don free apparel that appeared to be advancing a worthy social cause. But ...

Did Obama concede that Arizona's SB1070 "is the settled law of the land"?
Post Date: 2010-06-21 23:11:02 by Artisan
After President Obama met with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon at the White House May 19th, he later met with Arizona's governor Jan Brewer on June 3rd. Obama had previously referred to Arizona's recently signed lesgilation SB 1070 as 'misguided', and Brewer emerged from the private meeting with the president stating, in part, “We agreed to try to work together in order to find some solution...We know we’re not going to agree on certain issues until other issues are worked out... I explained to him exactly what my convictions were when I followed that though the legislature, to make absolutely sure that there was no racial profiling.” News outlets have ...

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