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Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession
Post Date: 2009-11-18 07:38:03 by noone222
BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave his sternest warning yet about the need to contain rising U.S. deficits, saying on Wednesday that if government debt were to pile up too much, it could lead to a double-dip recession. With the U.S. unemployment rate at 10.2 percent, Obama told Fox News his administration faces a delicate balance of trying to boost the economy and spur job creation while putting the economy on a path toward long-term deficit reduction. His administration was considering ways to accelerate economic growth, with tax measures among the options to give companies incentives to hire, Obama said in the interview with Fox conducted in Beijing during his ...

Jackpot: Lawyers Earn Fees From Law They Wrote
Post Date: 2009-11-17 11:50:12 by Prefrontal Vortex
Jackpot: Lawyers earn fees from law they wrote By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, AP Sun Nov 15, 3:30 PM EST LOS ANGELES — Every lawsuit filed or even threatened under a California law aimed at electing more minorities to local offices — and all of the roughly $4.3 million from settlements so far — can be traced to just two people: a pair of attorneys who worked together writing the statute, The Associated Press has found. The law makes it easier for lawyers to sue and win financial judgments in cases arising from claims that minorities effectively were shut out of local elections, while shielding attorneys from liability if the claims are tossed out. The law was drafted mainly by ...

Nation's largest gay newspaper publisher closes
Post Date: 2009-11-16 17:32:51 by Esso
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:I smell a bailout. Gawd, I hope that's what I smell.

UNEP Europe head ponders Israel's 'solar paradox'
Post Date: 2009-11-09 13:31:54 by Prefrontal Vortex
UNEP Europe head ponders Israel's 'solar paradox' By EHUD ZION WALDOKS United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) European Regional Director Christophe Bouvier invited Israeli diplomat Ron Adam to lunch in Geneva late last month with only one topic on the agenda: Israel's solar energy production. "I usually talk to UN people about all sorts of reports, issues with Gaza and other political issues," but Bouvier wanted to talk about what he called the "Israeli paradox," said Adam, who is deputy permanent representative, Mission of Israel to the UN and International Organizations, Geneva. Adam spoke to The Jerusalem Post by phone Sunday during a visit here. ...

Senate blocks census US-citizenship question
Post Date: 2009-11-06 04:28:50 by noone222
WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats have blocked a GOP attempt to require next year's census forms to ask people whether they are a U.S. citizen. The proposal by Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter was aimed at excluding immigrants from the population totals that are used to figure the number of congressional representatives for each state. Critics said Vitter's plan would discourage immigrants from responding to the census and would be hugely expensive. They also said that it's long been settled law that the apportionment of congressional seats is determined by the number of people living in each state, regardless of whether they are citizens. A separate survey already ...

Former NYC Police Commissioner Kerik Plans To Plead Guilty To Resolve Pending Cases
Post Date: 2009-11-04 19:51:30 by Brian S
Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner and one-time nominee for Homeland Security secretary, will enter a guilty plea to resolve three pending criminal trials, a person familiar with the case said Wednesday. Kerik plans to enter the plea in a federal courtroom on Thursday in a deal that could bring him a recommended prison term of around 2 1/2 years, the person told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. The person was not authorized to discuss the plea negotiations publicly. Kerik, who won wide praise for his steadiness running the NYPD at the time of the 9/11 attacks, technically would have faced up to 140 years in prison if convicted of all the charges ...

Having more than 3 cats now requires a license
Post Date: 2009-11-04 09:32:18 by noone222
DUDLEY — Voters last night added language to a town bylaw that will make it illegal to own more than three cats without a kennel license, though Selectman Steven Sullivan said housing three felines was already a violation. The article came after a neighborhood feud over cats owned by Mary Ellen Richards of Kennedy Drive. Some of Mrs. Richards’ 15 cats are allowed outside, and one neighbor said the cats have ruined his yard. The discussion at town meeting last night had Mrs. Richards warning residents that the $100 per day fines being imposed on her could also be imposed on them if they fail to get kennel licenses for their pets. She has put her home up for sale and plans to ...

Norman Podhoretz’s Why Are Jews Liberal? Not Good Enough
Post Date: 2009-10-30 11:35:27 by Prefrontal Vortex
Norman Podhoretz’s Why Are Jews Liberal? Not Good Enough By Steve Sailer After 40 years as a leading spokesman for the Neoconservative takeover of the conservative movement, former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz admits in his new book Why Are Jews Liberals? that Neoconservatism has failed utterly at what would seem its most basic task: persuading Jews to vote Republican. While Podhoretz recounts his role in key steps in the Neocon ascendancy over the GOP, such as helping drive former National Review stalwart Joe Sobran into penury ("to encourage the others") and organizing denunciations of then-National Review editor John O’Sullivan, he confesses that the ...

The Snuggie Sutra. You have a Snuggie. You have sex. This was inevitable.
Post Date: 2009-10-28 22:31:27 by X-15

Mother facing prosecution 'for asking for ethnic hospital staff to be removed from birthing room'
Post Date: 2009-10-28 15:37:36 by Prefrontal Vortex
Mother facing prosecution 'for asking for ethnic hospital staff to be removed from birthing room' By Andrew Levy Last updated at 4:57 PM on 28th October 2009 A mother is facing prosecution under race discrimination laws after objecting to hospital staff from a specific ethnic minority group being present at the birth of her child. The woman was in the delivery room at the maternity unit and about to undergo a caesarian section when she made her demand. It was not clear whether she was referring to black employees, those of Asian origin, or any other race at Milton Keynes Hospital in Buckinghamshire. But an insider said: 'The mother objected to one type of ethnic minority ...

Honduras leader's nephew killed [Execution Style]
Post Date: 2009-10-27 10:35:30 by noone222
The nephew of the interim President of Honduras Roberto Micheletti has been found dead in what the police are calling an execution-style killing. Enzo Micheletti's body was discovered on Sunday in woodland near Choloma, 250 km north of the capital, Tegucigalpa. Police say his hands were tied behind his back and his body was riddled with bullets. There is no indication that his death is connected to the coup that brought his uncle to power at the end of June. The 24-year-old's body was discovered on Sunday two days after he had been reported missing. The body of another unidentified man was found nearby. Roberto Micheletti came to power in June Mr Micheletti came to power after ...

Sunstein urges: Abolish marriage
Post Date: 2009-10-23 10:12:18 by noone222
The U.S. government should abolish its sanctioning of marriage, argued Cass Sunstein, President Obama's regulatory czar. Sunstein proposed that the concept of marriage should become privatized, with the state only granting civil union contracts to couples wishing to enter into an agreement. Sunstein explained marriage licensing is unnecessary, pointing out people stay committed to organizations like country clubs and homeowner associations without any government interference. "Under our proposal, the word marriage would no longer appear in any laws, and marriage licenses would no longer be offered or recognized by any level of government," wrote Sunstein and co-author ...

Post Date: 2009-10-22 20:04:47 by X-15
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a front-page news story in today’s New York Times on the problem of child sexual abuse: Reporter Paul Vitello shows the shocking extent of child sexual abuse in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community. He also details the cover-ups that have long been aided and abetted by law enforcement. Where have all the church-and-state advocates been all these years when Orthodox rabbis were allowed by the D.A.’s office to settle these cases “internally”? Where have all the professional victims’ groups been in staging protests outside synagogues? Where have all the sue-happy lawyers been seeking to plunder the Orthodox? ...

The White City
Post Date: 2009-10-21 18:33:41 by Prefrontal Vortex
The White City by Aaron M. Renn 10/18/2009 Among the media, academia and within planning circles, there’s a generally standing answer to the question of what cities are the best, the most progressive and best role models for small and mid-sized cities. The standard list includes Portland, Seattle, Austin, Minneapolis, and Denver. In particular, Portland is held up as a paradigm, with its urban growth boundary, extensive transit system, excellent cycling culture, and a pro-density policy. These cities are frequently contrasted with those of the Rust Belt and South, which are found wanting, often even by locals, as “cool” urban places. But look closely at these exemplars and ...

French 'boy sex' minister defiant
Post Date: 2009-10-08 15:40:38 by freepatriot32
Frederic Mitterrand has rejected criticism from the far right A French politician has refused to quit over comments that he enjoyed paying for "young boys" in Thailand. Frederic Mitterrand, the culture minister, denied that passages of his book, The Bad Life, described sexual encounters with under-age boys. Interviewed on French TV, he condemned sex tourism, paedophilia, and said he paid for sex with men his own age. Mr Mitterrand, nephew of late President Francois Mitterrand, faced criticism from left and right in recent weeks. His book returned to the headlines after he made an impassioned defence of film director Roman Polanski, who was recently arrested in Switzerland on ...

Drop the Case Against Hank Greenberg
Post Date: 2009-10-07 17:18:20 by Prefrontal Vortex
Drop the Case Against Hank Greenberg By KEN LANGONE The Securities and Exchange Commission has thrown in the towel in its punch-drunk case against Hank Greenberg. The former CEO of AIG agreed to pay a $15 million "no fault" fine in August after a five-year inquiry into the company's accounting practices failed to prove fraud. But one obvious question remains. Why is the New York attorney general's office under Andrew Cuomo still wasting taxpayer money in court over the legal scraps? Having suffered through similar harassment by the New York attorney general's office under Eliot Spitzer, and in front of the same judge now handling Mr. Greenberg's case, I think I ...

Adorno as Critic: Celebrating the Socially Destructive Force of Music
Post Date: 2009-10-06 10:40:01 by Prefrontal Vortex
Adorno as Critic: Celebrating the Socially Destructive Force of Music Elizabeth Whitcombe August 28, 2009 The Frankfurt School was a group of predominantly Jewish intellectuals associated with the Institute for Social Research. It originated during the Weimar period in Germany, and became a bastion of the cultural left. With the rise of National Socialism, the Frankfurt School was closed by the German government, and many of its members emigrated to America. Theodor Adorno was the Frankfurt School's music critic (as well as the first author of The Authoritarian Personality, probably the best known of the Frankfurt School works). He looked at music like a recording engineer looks at ...

Kitten Killer Gets Nearly a Year in Prison
Post Date: 2009-10-03 15:10:25 by sizzlerguy
Hagerstown, Md A man convicted of killing four of his girlfriends kittens by throwing them into a fire was sentenced Thursday to nearly a year in prison despite the couple's pleas for leniency. Washington County Circuit Judge John H. McDowell also urged authorities to investigate whether defendant Robert L. Tomlin's girlfriend, Kelli Green, participated in the animal abuse and then lied to police. "You have given so many stories, conflicting stories, about what happened that evening that I don't believe a word that you have to say right now," McDowell told Green after she spoke in Tomlin's defense. McDowell ordered Tomlin, 22, to serve the maximum 341 days in ...

Kitten Killer Gets Nearly a Year in Prison
Post Date: 2009-10-03 15:02:49 by sizzlerguy
Hagerstown, Md A man convicted of killing four of his girlfriends kittens by throwing them into a fire was sentenced Thursday to nearly a year in prison despite the couple's pleas for leniency. Washington County Circuit Judge John H. McDowell also urged authorities to investigate whether defendant Robert L. Tomlin's girlfriend, Kelli Green, participated in the animal abuse and then lied to police. "You have given so many stories, conflicting stories, about what happened that evening that I don't believe a word that you have to say right now," McDowell told Green after she spoke in Tomlin's defense. McDowell ordered Tomlin, 22, to serve the maximum 341 days in ...

People Can Opt Out of Listing STDs, Abortions in Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Patrick Kennedy Says
Post Date: 2009-09-28 22:47:58 by Googolplex
( Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D.-R.I.) says people will be able to stop doctors from including records of sexually transmitted diseases and abortions in the new national system of Electronic Health Records that was mandated by the stimulus law enacted in February. The law says that doctors, hospitals and other health care providers must create an Electronic Health Record (EHR) for every American by 2014 or else face deductions in their Medicare payments. The EHRs are supposed to be integrated into a national health care IT system where health-care providers nationwide as well as the government would have the ability to access them when authorized. “This is totally going to be ...

Chicago Police Corruption Case
Post Date: 2009-09-19 08:11:52 by Turtle
Four former Chicago police officers implicated in the Special Operations Section scandal have been charged in the case, a sign that the state and federal probes of one of the city's biggest police corruption scandals ever is coming to a head, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation. Bart Maka, 30; Brian Pratscher, 35; Donovan Markiewicz, 38; and Guadalupe Salinas, 41, turned themselves in at a police station Thursday. They are scheduled to appear in Cook County Circuit Court Friday to be arraigned on a host of charges, including robbery, home invasion and official misconduct, according to court records. The four are expected to eventually plead guilty in ...

Hofstra University Student Who Claimed She Was Raped Racants Story; Admits Encounter With Four Men "Consensual"
Post Date: 2009-09-17 01:09:53 by Brian S
The Hofstra University student who claimed she was gang-raped by five men in a dormitory bathroom has recanted her story, prosecutors said Wednesday night. In an interview with prosecutors, "the alleged victim of the sexual assault admitted that the encounter that took place early Sunday morning was consensual," Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice said in a statement. Following the bombshell admission, a night court hearing was held, and Nassau County Court Judge Robert Bruno dismissed the charges against four men who had been arrested. "I have launched an immediate criminal investigation into the statements and reports given by the woman in connection with this ...

The Delusions of the Conspiracist
Post Date: 2009-09-11 18:43:27 by Turtle
A conspiracist is someone who believes in an impossible conspiracy, i.e., remote-controlled airplanes, explosives in the WTC, thousands of traitors planning it and pulling it off perfectly, disappearing, and none of them ever saying a word for the rest of their lives. Among the many problems of the conspiracist is that all unwittingly engage in the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc: because possible conspiracies do exist (a few people getting together to kill Jimmy Hoffa), therefore impossible ones exist (the 9-11 Truthers). Another problem none of them realize they have is that conspiracies are determined by whether or not the politician is Republican or Democrat. An example: if it ...

Duvall resigns from Assembly after taped sex talk surfaces
Post Date: 2009-09-10 15:08:02 by farmfriend
Duvall resigns from Assembly after taped sex talk surfaces By Torey Van Oot and Jim Sanders Published: Wednesday, Sep. 9, 2009 - 10:49 am Last Modified: Thursday, Sep. 10, 2009 - 11:38 am Republican Assemblyman Mike Duvall resigned from office today after revelations that he described lewd details of two sexual affairs at a televised committee hearing. The resignation came after Assembly Speaker Karen Bass today stripped Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, of his spot as vice-chair of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee following reports of a long-term affair he has carried on with a female utility company lobbyist. "I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate ...

Obama 'green jobs' adviser quits amid controversy [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-09-06 07:22:11 by noone222
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday. Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs" with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans. The resignation comes as Obama is working to regain his footing in the contentious health care debate. Jones issued an apology on Thursday for his past statements. When asked the next day whether Obama still had confidence in him, White House press ...

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