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Labelled "Offensive" by YouTube
Post Date: 2008-04-20 19:28:36 by Turtle

Post Date: 2008-04-16 22:41:22 by YertleTurtle
Ephebophilia is a fancy man for grown men attracted to young teenage girls. Say, Mormons. The only way polygamy and ephebophilia can exist is if the older men run off the younger men, so they won't have any competition. It can also only work in a small, inbred group that is parasitical on the nation at large, since it could never survive by itself. Some food for thought.

Kirk Douglas hits cyberspace for another facet of his legacy
Post Date: 2008-04-16 10:22:54 by Tauzero
Kirk Douglas hits cyberspace for another facet of his legacyUsing MySpace and other venues, he pushes for an apology for slavery and to get young people involved. By Tina Daunt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Steve Sailer on Mama O'bama
Post Date: 2008-04-13 08:40:06 by YertleTurtle
Time Magazine on Mama Obama Time Magazine runs a cover story on Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetero, but bowdlerizes her leftist politics and exotiphilic sexuality. For example, Time vaguely burbles: "Shortly before she moved to Hawaii, Stanley saw her first foreign film. Black Orpheus was an award-winning musical retelling of the myth of Orpheus, a tale of doomed love. The movie was considered exotic because it was filmed in Brazil, but it was written and directed by white Frenchmen. The result was sentimental and, to some modern eyes, patronizing. Years later Obama saw the film with his mother and thought about walking out. But looking at her in the theater, he glimpsed her ...

Intelligent Stupidity
Post Date: 2008-04-12 09:22:25 by YertleTurtle
In his 1964 lecture course in Munich on “Hitler and the Germans,” Voegelin’s searing analysis of the state of spiritual debility characterizing German society during the Hitler era—and his accompanying critique of present-day German intellectual and spiritual life—is aided by his critical use of the Austrian novelist Robert Musil’s brilliant 1937 lecture “On Stupidity.” [1] In particular, Musil’s distinction between what he calls “honest stupidity” and “intelligent stupidity,” or “the higher stupidity,” serves Voegelin’s purposes extremely well in his analysis both the National Socialist leadership and the ...

My Six-Foot-Long Left Arm
Post Date: 2008-04-10 07:33:32 by YertleTurtle
I have serious doubts about macro-evolution, i.e., one species changing into another. It came about in an odd sort of way. It was because of an encounter with the gate where I used to work. To enter the parking lot, I had to roll down my car's window and punch a code into a box. The gate would roll open to my right. When I left, I had to roll down my window and press a green button. Since I was at the same gate, but facing the other way, the gate opened to my left. But it never opened far enough to exit. I had to back my car up and angle it to the right to clear the gate. It occurred to me if I had a left arm that was six feet long, I would have been able to press the button without ...

I'm fine. Stop curing me
Post Date: 2008-04-04 20:31:36 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Despite all this stuff about well clinics, there's no evidence that government campaigns alter behaviour Say what you like about the nanny state, but I do think it's a bit much when the Prime Minister takes it upon himself to make our new year's resolutions for us. In his message to mark the 60th year of the NHS, Gordon Brown resolves that we will all live healthier lives 33; stop smoking, drink less, exercise more. As a reward, the health service will still treat us should our personal regime inexplicably fail and we fall sick. This generous offer is to be made in a patient's contract spelling out “he rights and responsibilities associated with entitlement to ...

Pensioner, 76, forced to pull out own teeth after 12 NHS dentists refuse to treat her
Post Date: 2008-04-04 20:22:49 by F.A. Hayek Fan
A grandmother performed her own tooth extractions in despair after being turned away by 12 dentists. Elizabeth Green, 76, was in agony with two front teeth and after a fruitless search for an NHS practitioner, resorted to DIY. Her case is the latest of many to highlight the dwindling availability of NHS dental treatment. Mrs Green, a former chef, said it was made plain to her that if she could pay for treatment she would have been welcomed. "I feel so angry," she said. "I've worked all my life and paid taxes and then when I need help I can't get it." Last night she explained how she took matters into her own hands. "Two of my front teeth started ...

The Century of the Self
Post Date: 2008-04-02 07:31:24 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:The saddest thing about those who believe in impossible conspiracies -- remote-controlled airplanes, explosives in the WTC -- is that they don't realize those preposterous stories were created by the government to divert peoples' attention from real problems.

Cat Pee Will Get You High
Post Date: 2008-03-30 10:41:23 by YertleTurtle

Missing NY rev. found at Ohio strip club
Post Date: 2008-03-29 19:11:35 by F.A. Hayek Fan
RIVERSIDE, Ohio - Police say a pastor who was reported missing from his home in western New York has been found at an Ohio strip club. A police officer patrolling the K.C. Lounge parking lot Friday morning in the Dayton suburb of Riverside spotted out-of-state license plates on 46-year-old Craig Rhodenizer's car. The FBI and New York authorities had been searching for Rhodenizer, who disappeared Wednesday after telling his wife he was getting his computer fixed at Best Buy. He is the pastor of a church in Lyndonville, N.Y. Detective Matt Sturgeon said Rhodenizer was disoriented when confronted by police and said he felt "emotionally guilty."

Our friends, the Israelis
Post Date: 2008-03-26 07:47:16 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:9-11 was a Wahabi Muslim operation, not a Jew one, not a Bush one. There were no remote-controlled airplanes and no explosives in the WTC. There were, however, Mossad agents watching the Arabs over here, and these fools showed what Israel is really about when they high-fived the attacks. The guy at the end clearly shows who our REAL ENEMIES are.

A Song for Obama, his Wife, and his Minister
Post Date: 2008-03-21 18:34:03 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:"Sail Away" -- Randy Newman In America you'll get food to eat Wont have to run through the jungle And scuff up your feet Youll just sing about jesus and drink wine all day Its great to be an american Aint no lions or tigers-aint no mamba snake Just the sweet watermelon and the buckwheat cake Evrybody is as happy as a man can be Climb aboard, little wog-sail away with me Sail away-sail away Sail away-sail away We will cross the mighty ocean into charleston bay In america every man is free To take care of his home and his family Youll be as happy as a monkey in a monkey tree Youre all gonna be an american Sail away-sail away We will cross the ...

Report: Former Driver Claims to Have Had Group Sex With Former N.J. Gov. McGreevey, Wife
Post Date: 2008-03-17 10:31:07 by christine
TRENTON, N.J. — A former aide to ex-Gov. Jim McGreevey claims he had sexual trysts with McGreevey and his estranged wife before the governor took office. Theodore Pedersen, McGreevey's former driver and traveling aide, detailed multiple trysts in interviews Sunday with The Star-Ledger of Newark and New York Post. He disputes claims by Dina Matos McGreevey that she did not know about her husband's homosexuality when she married him in October 2000. In her book, "Silent Partner," Matos McGreevey says she missed the signs that her husband preferred men. She says she didn't learn of his homosexuality until shortly before he announced to the nation that he was ...

Obama's mother - an unconventional life
Post Date: 2008-03-17 07:07:25 by YertleTurtle
In the capsule version of the Barack Obama story, his mother is simply the white woman from Kansas. The phrase comes coupled alliteratively to its counterpart, the black father from Kenya. On the campaign trail, he has called her his "single mom." But neither description begins to capture the unconventional life of Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, the parent who most shaped Obama. Kansas was merely a way station in her childhood, wheeling westward in the slipstream of her furniture-salesman father. In Hawaii, she married an African student at age 18. Then she married an Indonesian, moved to Jakarta, became an anthropologist, wrote a dissertation on peasant blacksmithing in Java, ...

Post Date: 2008-03-16 11:06:11 by christine
In light of the second arrest of a homeland security official for child molestation or similar charges, I thought it was important to post this: STOP REPUBLICAN PREDATORS Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Click the link for the list

White Man in a Texas Prison
Post Date: 2008-03-11 20:19:41 by YertleTurtle
Demographers predict that some time in the next century whites will become a racial minority in the United States. This status has already arrived for many of the several hundred thousand whites who have the least control over their lives: prisoners. They are forced to live in the most intimate relations with a class of blacks and Hispanics whom most whites have carefully arranged their lives so as to avoid completely. Forced integration has produced racial animosity in society at large; the even more intensive integration in prisons creates even greater animosity. Prison administration is also a classic example of judicial dictatorship. [Editor’s note: See review of Judicial ...

Michelle Obama and the affirmative action perpetual futility machine
Post Date: 2008-03-10 20:33:07 by YertleTurtle
"Spengler," the Asia Times columnist who was a close associate of Lyndon Larouche back in the 1980s, takes a whack at Michelle Obama's "rage of a privileged class" as exemplified by her Princeton thesis. Typos ahoy! That reminds me of something I didn't squeeze into my long VDARE article on Michelle and racial quotas: how the downsides of affirmative action just spawn more angry demands for more affirmative action. It's a perpetual motion machine that never goes anywhere. Michelle got into Whitney Young H.S., Princeton, Harvard Law School, and Sidley Austin LLC due to racial preferences. The entire time she felt aggrieved because people around her at these ...

(Breaking) Gov. Elliot Spitzer - NY - tells aides of involvement in prostitution ring [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-10 14:12:28 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:They didn't mention the sex of the prostitutes, but given that he's a prominent politician, I'd guess it to be a healthy mix of boys and girls.

Michelle Obama and the Rage of a Privileged Class
Post Date: 2008-03-09 08:45:02 by YertleTurtle
For a year now, I've been pointing out that, while Sen. Barack Obama's brain may be in the center, his heart is on the far left. So it might be of some interest to find out more about whether his head or his heart is likely to prevail if he becomes President. Curiously, the Main Stream Media has shown little appetite for this task. Obama himself may not know the answer. As he has bragged (or warned, depending upon your point of view): "What I am constantly trying to do … is balance a hard head with a big heart." We're not accustomed to politicians as smart as Obama. White voters would likely find his supple intelligence too elitist in a white candidate. But ...

True or False: Book Publishers Can Avoid the Agony of Deceit
Post Date: 2008-03-05 01:02:10 by Tauzero
True or False: Book Publishers Can Avoid the Agony of Deceit By Bob Thompson Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, March 5, 2008; Page C01 To: The publishing industry. From: Your friends in the news biz. Re: Fake memoirs. Two words: Fact check! Once again, a publisher has been shocked to learn that the author of a memoir has made stuff up. We're not talking extended lines of dialogue magically remembered from decades earlier -- that little sleight-of-pen seems to have been accepted, Lord knows why, as something memoirists are authorized by the culture to do. No, we're talking about "Love and Consequences," in which "Margaret B. Jones" writes, as the New ...

James Earl Ray's gun didn't kill Martin Luther King, says brother
Post Date: 2008-03-03 20:46:00 by X-15
A disturbing new book is set to reopen old wounds before next month's 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. James Earl Ray, who died in 1998 at age 70, had recanted after just three days the confession that saved him from the death penalty. Now his brother, John Larry Ray, 75, claims that new documents offer forensic proof James was not the murderer. "Martin Luther King Jr. was a man admired by millions, but my brother didn't kill him," John told us in an exclusive statement. "I believe my brother was not only misused by conspirators within our government but also greatly misconstrued as a 'racist' and a 'murderer' by ...

Sen. Larry Craig Accepting Applications for Summer Interns
Post Date: 2008-02-27 08:02:56 by Jethro Tull
U.S. Senator Larry Craig Serving the citizens of Idaho Services Issues News & Updates About me About Idaho Site Resources Guide Releases Editorials Audio & Video Event photos eNEWS Washington Rpt News Feed Podcasts My Podchat Text:  A A A Go back to previous page United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of IdahoLarry CraigNews Release Dan Whiting (202)224-8078 Will Hart (20 ...

Why I Believe in Abortion But Wish Time Travel Existed
Post Date: 2008-02-23 11:43:31 by YertleTurtle
The grotesque and destructive Betty Friedan. There are some others, too, like Andrea Dworkin. Fortunately, they're both dead. Unfortunately, they weren't snuffed before birth. Guess what ethnic group both belonged to?

The Truth About Joseph Mercola M.D.
Post Date: 2008-02-21 20:31:01 by YertleTurtle
I spent a lot of money seeking help for my fibromyalgia with Dr. Mercola and his clinic staff. I followed their advice religiously. After 6 months of eating so many greens, I developed a kidney stone because of too much oxlate in my diet. They also missed that I was a diabetic even though they took many blood tests. I found I wasted all my money and was in worse health after the 6 months of multi-weekly visits. Really seems to be all about the $$$$. I had similar experience to those above. My first appt I didn't even meet with him, even though my appt was with him!!! Then I had to pay and go back to get my test results, and when I couldn't, the charged me to review my test results ...

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