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Lawmaker Linked to Two Bribery Scandals
Post Date: 2007-07-06 16:03:51 by Eoghan
Rep. John Doolittle's associations with some notorious scoundrels have him uniquely tied to both congressional bribery scandals that have sent other Republican lawmakers to jail. Justice Department investigators are focusing on the California Republican's dealings with jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff, including $5,000 monthly checks from Abramoff to Doolittle's wife. Then there's $37 million in federal funds Doolittle secured for a defense contractor accused of bribing now imprisoned ex-Rep. Randy ``Duke'' Cunningham. Brent Wilkes, a benefactor of both Cunningham and Doolittle, is awaiting trial in San Diego on charges of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. ...

Judge lifts injunction on 'DC madam' phone records
Post Date: 2007-07-05 19:21:37 by aristeides
Judge lifts injunction on 'DC madam' phone records Josh Catone Published: Thursday July 5, 2007 A judge in the US district court in Washington, D.C. has lifted the temporary restraining order (TRO) preventing the so-called 'DC madam,' Deborah Jeane Palfrey, from selling or distributing the list of phone records from her escort business. "The List in question is the Defendant's personal property," wrote the judge, "and contains only a log of telephone numbers. It was neither seized by the Government when it searched the Defendant's residence in California, nor listed in the Indictment putting the Defendant on notice as to which items of her property ...

'Pottermania' spells trouble (Harry Potter is Satan!)
Post Date: 2007-06-30 18:09:21 by YertleTurtle
Within 24 hours after its July 2005 release, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" had sold 6.9 million copies in the United States alone – 287,564 books per hour – making it the fastest selling book in recent history. If early buzz proves accurate, however, the whirlwind of Pottermania accompanying the July release of J.K. Rowling's seventh and final installment, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," will catapult the series to new heights in the world of literary accomplishment. But, contends author Steve Wohlberg, what many people don't know is that when Harry Potter and his Firebolt whoosh off the shelf, he's not alone. A victory for ...

The Insanity of Jack Chick
Post Date: 2007-06-30 08:22:28 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:I used to wonder how some people today and many people in the past have fallen for this. Then I realized Norman Mailer was right: the natural condition of mankind is fascism. Freedom has only existed for a little for 200 years, and even now we're losing it. Fascists, no matter which name they use (fundamentalists, communists, socialists, whatever) want you to question nothing. We are to have no thoughts, no imagination, no music, no fun -- nothing that makes life worth living. You can see this horror in such novels as "1984" and "Brave New World." Recently, the closest myth that portrays this is the Borg of Star Trek -- unconsious and ...

Robertson thinks Rudy heaven-sent : Televangelist praises 'outstanding' Giuliani at lecture
Post Date: 2007-06-27 11:59:11 by aristeides
Robertson thinks Rudy heaven-sent Televangelist praises 'outstanding' Giuliani at lecture BY DAVE SALTONSTALL DAILY NEWS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT Wednesday, June 27th 2007, 4:00 AM VIRGINIA BEACH - Conservative televangelist Pat Robertson praised the pro-choice, pro-gay rights Rudy Giuliani to the rafters yesterday - stopping just short of giving the former mayor his blessing for the presidency. "This is supposed to be a nonpolitical thing," Robertson said in introducing Giuliani at a lecture series at the preacher's Regent University here. "But we would be remiss to forget the fact that he seems to be running for President." "And in point of ...

GOD HATES THE WORLD (You Tube video by scum-sucker Fred Phelps)
Post Date: 2007-06-25 15:47:27 by Ferret Mike
-- GOD HATES THE WORLD, by Fred Phelps Poster Comment:I hope this gets piped into the Phelp's suite in Hell on a loop for these degenerate bastards to enjoy after their blessing of the Earth by passing on from their foul bodies.

Trouble at the Prosecutorial Hilton and the Two Americas
Post Date: 2007-06-22 06:45:08 by Ada
While the Duke Non-Rape, Non-Kidnapping, and Non-Sexual Assault Case has resulted in the ouster of the miscreant Michael B. Nifong from his prosecutorial office in Durham, North Carolina, on the other side of the country it seems that the spirit of Nifongism lives on. Furthermore, if justice truly is going to be served – and this Nifong case has placed prosecutors on notice – then either a prosecutor or his wife is going to have to share a cell with the recently-jailed Paris Hilton. Now, even with The Nifong Show playing at full tilt in North Carolina, nothing has captured the public’s attention more than the Paris Hilton affair in Los Angeles. Yes, please spare me the ...

Did Al Gore CONSENT to the Theft of the 2000 Election, Possible Proof in This Photo, Also see the REAL man Behind the American NWO Curtain in this Photo!!!!
Post Date: 2007-06-22 01:03:41 by Coral Snake
Possible Proof that Al Gore AGREED to the theft of the 2000 election by Bush before the TRUE power behind the American Presidential throne again proving that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the major partys. It is very important to notice the man BEHIND and BETWEEN the hand shaking Shrubya and Al Gore. This man is not Jewish but is the ROMAN "Cardinal" (Senator) EDWARD EGAN. "Cardinal" (ROMAN Senator) Egan and his Jesuit "Confessor" are the TRUE powers behind the NWO here in America. Like Al Gore and Shrubya, Israel and AIPAC serve THEM, not vice versa.

(UK) Judge cleared of rush-hour flashing (by his peers)
Post Date: 2007-06-14 00:37:30 by robin
Lord Justice Richards - he said today: "Throughout the trial I have put my trust in the legal process and I am delighted that it has enabled me to clear my name." One of the key planks of his defence was that his Calvin Klein underpants could not of allowed him to expose himself. Here he is presenting the evidence in court One of Britain's top judges was cleared today of exposing himself to a woman on a train. Sir Stephen Richards, 56, who sits in the Court of Appeal as Lord Justice Richards, left the City of Westminster Magistrates' court a free man after being cleared of intentionally exposing himself to a fellow commuter twice on trains in south London last year. ...

CBS chief calls Rather comments `sexist' [Rather says Couric is dumb]
Post Date: 2007-06-12 15:16:28 by a vast rightwing conspirator
CBS chief calls Rather comments `sexist' By SETH SUTEL, AP Business Writer2 hours, 7 minutes ago CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves shot back at former CBS news anchor Dan Rather on Tuesday, saying remarks Rather made about his successor, Katie Couric, were "sexist." Rather, speaking on MSNBC by phone on Monday, said CBS had made the mistake of taking the evening news broadcast and "dumbing it down, tarting it up," and playing up topics such as celebrities over war coverage. The comments appeared in blogs and in a story published Tuesday in the New York Daily News. While referring to Couric as a "nice person," Rather said "the mistake was to ...

The Four Reformers
Post Date: 2007-06-07 06:42:46 by YertleTurtle
Four reformers met under a bramble bush. They were all agreed that the world must be changed. `We must abolish property,' said one. `We must abolish marriage,' said the second. `We must abolish God,' said the third. `I wish we could abolish work,' said the fourth. `Do not let us get beyond practical politics,' said the first. `The first thing is to reduce men to a common level.' `The first thing,' said the second, `is to give freedom to the sexes.' `The first thing,' said the third, `is to find out how to do it.' `The first step,' said the first, `is to abolish the Bible.' `The first thing,' said the second, `is to abolish laws.' `The ...

Foot-Kissing Principal Gets Probation
Post Date: 2007-06-05 23:19:27 by farmfriend
Foot-Kissing Principal Gets Probation LORAIN, Ohio - A former Catholic school principal convicted of kissing the feet of three male students to settle a bet on a volleyball game was sentenced Tuesday to two years' probation. Robert Holloway, 50, resigned from St. Anthony of Padua School in this city west of Cleveland after the 14-year-old students and their parents reported the foot-kissing to police in February 2006. Police later seized two school computers from Holloway's office and 400 images of adult foot-fetish behavior. Some of the photos depicted scenarios he had engaged in with the boys, police said. Holloway entered a no-contest plea in April and was convicted of three ...

Libby's Bid for Leniency Hits Snag [Scooter orders 5-year supply of soap-on-a-rope]
Post Date: 2007-06-05 11:18:28 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Libby's Bid for Leniency Hits Snag Tuesday June 5, 2007 3:31 PM AP Photo WX105 By MATT APUZZO Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Former White House aide I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby's hopes of avoiding prison in the CIA leak case began to dim Tuesday as a federal judge ruled he could face a longer sentence because the investigation he obstructed was so serious. Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, is the highest-ranking official convicted of a crime since the Iran Contra affair. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald wants to put Libby in prison for up to three years because the investigation he was convicted of obstructing - the leak ...

The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
Post Date: 2007-06-04 21:43:15 by Peetie Wheatstraw

Scammers Mimic IRS in E-Mail Scheme [HA HA HA]
Post Date: 2007-06-03 06:35:05 by noone222
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service warned computer users not to fall for phony e-mails that scare people into believing they are under tax investigation _ then give scammers access to their computer hard drives. The tax agency said Thursday that the e-mail claiming to be from IRS Criminal Investigation falsely states that the person is under a criminal probe for submitting a false tax return to the California Franchise Board. Opening up an attachment to learn more about the complaint allows those behind the scam to gain remote access to the computer. The IRS stressed that it does not send out unsolicited e-mails or ask for detailed personal and financial information, including ...

Thompson Forms Presidential Committee [one more shoe to drop (the Newt) and the GOPs are done]
Post Date: 2007-06-01 15:50:27 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Thompson Forms Presidential Committee Friday, June 01, 2007 By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON — Republican Fred Thompson took the first formal step toward a widely expected bid for the presidency, establishing a preliminary campaign committee on Friday. The "testing the waters" committee allows Thompson _ a former Tennessee senator and actor best known for his film and television roles, including as a prosecutor on NBC's "Law & Order" _ to raise money, hire staff and gauge support without officially committing to a White House bid and without having to publicly disclose donations or expenditures. The "Friends of Fred Thompson" ...

Bush's Attack on Amnesty Opponents
Post Date: 2007-06-01 15:46:34 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Bush's Attack on Amnesty Opponents By Chuck Muth Thursday, May 31, 2007 When it comes to dealing with the illegal immigration issue, President Bush and his administration are their own worst enemies. On other issues, the president is sugar and spice when it comes to Democrat opponents. But when it comes to rule-of-law conservative opposition to his “amnesty” proposal, the preferred method of operation is akin to thwacking the hornet’s nest with a stick. You may recall that when the Minutemen first brought this issue to major public attention a few years ago with their volunteer border patrols, President Bush called them “vigilantes.” And it’s been ...

1981 ABC News Report on Bohemian Grove
Post Date: 2007-05-27 13:25:48 by Arator
Poster Comment:I'm amazed that this ever made it on the air. I'm even more amazed that it was saved from the memory hole and posted on You Tube.

US rabbi convicted of child sex abuse arrested in southern India
Post Date: 2007-05-26 13:06:00 by BTP Holdings
US rabbi convicted of child sex abuse arrested in southern India May 23, 2007, 2:16 PM EDT CHENNAI, India -- An American rabbi convicted of sexually abusing children has been arrested in southern India after an 11-month manhunt across Asia, police said Wednesday. Rabbi Alan Jay Horowitz was arrested at a seaside resort in Mahabalipuram, a town in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, by police acting on a tip from Interpol, said a senior police official, D. Mukherjee. He added that U.S. authorities were expected to soon begin extradition proceedings for Horowitz, who was wanted for violating his parole by leaving the United States. "We are extremely pleased to have this dangerous ...

Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Pornography
Post Date: 2007-05-25 22:48:01 by BTP Holdings
Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Pornography Complaint Alleges Virginia Man Accessed, Downloaded Graphic Child Pornography By JACK DATE Feb. 23, 2007 Federal agents arrested Charles Rust-Tierney, the former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU, Friday in Arlington for allegedly possessing child pornography. According to a criminal complaint obtained by ABC News, Rust-Tierney allegedly used his e-mail address and credit card to subscribe to and access a child pornography website. The complaint states that federal investigations into child pornography websites revealed that "Charles Rust-Tierney has subscribed to multiple child pornography website over a ...

Post Date: 2007-05-23 14:20:59 by aristeides
May 23, 2007 -- SPECIAL REPORT. The corporate media still does not get it about the so-called "Washington Madam" case. Beyond just another titillating DC sex scandal, this affair involves the U.S. Attorneys firings, massive bribery involving military and homeland security contracts, and potential blackmail of high government officials. WMR can report that Disney and ABC executives spiked the Washington Madam story at the very last minute before new names were to be revealed on ABC News' 20/20 on May 4. For some four weeks, ABC News' special investigative reporter Brian Ross, senior executive producer Rhonda Schwartz, producer Justin Rood, and other staff and interns ...

Post Date: 2007-05-23 14:06:06 by aristeides
WOLFOWITZ AND GAL PAL SPLIT UP May 23, 2007 -- PAUL Wolfowitz has really had a bad couple of weeks. He not only lost his job, he lost his girlfriend, too. Wolfowitz, one of the architects of the Iraq war, was pushed out as president of the World Bank over a controversial pay and promotion package he arranged for his brunette girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza. Sources say Riza, a brilliant feminist with a promising diplomatic career, was upset by all the publicity and the implication that she was getting ahead with the help of a powerful man. "She was furious about the embarrassment," said one source. Last week, Wolfowitz bowed to mounting pressure over the cronyism scandal, agreeing ...

BeAChooser Will be Gone on May 22 and May 23
Post Date: 2007-05-23 12:03:09 by Trace21231
I forgot to put this up yesterday, so sorry. BeAChooser will be gone from May 22 until at least late on May 23. He is attending the Jewish Gay Republican Convention in Encino. He will be back posting after the convention.

Gay flamingos pick up chick [it's wholesome and natural. less filling too]
Post Date: 2007-05-22 08:42:47 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Gay flamingos pick up chick Mon May 21, 12:03 PM ET A pair of gay flamingos have adopted an abandoned chick, becoming parents after being together for six years, a British conservation organisation said Monday. Carlos and Fernando had been desperate to start a family, even chasing other flamingos from their nests to take over their eggs at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) in Slimbridge near Bristol. But their egg-sitting prowess made them the top choice for taking an unhatched egg under their wings when one of the Greater Flamingo nests was abandoned. The couple, together for six years, can feed chicks by producing milk in their throats. "Fernando and Carlos are a same sex ...

McCain launches F-bomb
Post Date: 2007-05-21 15:28:28 by aristeides
McCain launches F-bomb Brahm Resnik 12 News May. 20, 2007 11:00 AM Senator John McCain's well-documented temper put him on the front page of Saturday's New York Post. You won't find this blow-up on YouTube. During a private meeting off the Senate floor, McCain fired an f-bomb at fellow Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas, after Cornyn questioned McCain's participation in bipartisan talks over the new immigration reform bill. The temper issue has dogged McCain for years, and gets at whether he has the temperament for the White House. The Arizona Republic brought up his "volcanic temper" during his run for president in 2000. Republic reporter Bill Muller ...

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