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Reassessing Political Correctness
Post Date: 2007-05-08 06:37:15 by Ada
Senator Sam Brownback said something at the Republican primary debate in California that would seem to challenge common understanding of what is usually referred to as political correctness. In discussing the many social ills he presumably planned to eradicate as president, Brownback lamented, "We've got a culture that's got things like what Don Imus said going on not only on the radio. Now it's in records that are being market[ed] to teenagers with million dollar ad budgets using the same words that he was fired for." Now, is this political correctness, or is this anti-PC? Sure, the common PC response to the Imus flap was to side with Jesse Jackson. But here we ...

Blitzer's list of recent Washington sex scandals included only Democrats
Post Date: 2007-05-06 10:32:27 by Indrid Cold
On the May 3 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer observed that Washington is "no stranger to sex scandals," then provided viewers with examples of scandals involving only Democrats. During the segment, Blitzer was discussing the "DC Madam" scandal that has already led to the resignation of Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias, the first director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Blitzer listed three sex scandals: former President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky (1998), former Sen. Gary Hart's (D-CO) liaison with Donna Rice (1987), and former House Ways and Means ...

Book claims Kennedy had affair with young intern
Post Date: 2007-05-05 20:07:27 by YertleTurtle
PRESIDENT John F Kennedy had an affair with a teenage White House intern and had sex with her while travelling on official business, a noted historian revealed yesterday. Robert Dallek, author of a new Kennedy biography, An Unfinished Life, said the intern hired by JFK had only the barest of qualifications. "She had no skills. She could answer the phone," Mr Dallek told the NBC programme, Dateline. "Apparently her only skill was to provide sexual release for JFK on trips, and maybe in the White House." His revelations stem from a sealed 17-page oral history submitted to the Kennedy Library by 77-year-old former aide Barbara Gamarekian. Ms Gamarekian, who still ...

Dozens of Heads Were Bowed (in shame? - Jeff Gannon now heads the International Bible Reading Association!!!)
Post Date: 2007-05-05 13:10:08 by Arator
Dozens of Heads Were Bowed By Dana Milbank Friday, May 4, 2007; A02 Let us pray. Let us pray that, on next year's National Day of Prayer, there is better attendance at the "Bible Reading Marathon" on the West Front of the Capitol. Organizers put out 600 folding chairs on the lawn -- the spot where presidents are inaugurated -- and set up a huge stage with powerful amplifiers. But at 9:30 a.m. yesterday, not one of the 600 seats was occupied. By 11 a.m., as a woman read a passage from Revelations, attendance had grown -- to four people. Finally, at 1 p.m., 37 of the 600 seats were occupied, though many of those people were tourists eating lunch. Where was everybody? ...

OMG: The Akin Gump Escort Worked For... Monica Goodling's Lawyer!!!
Post Date: 2007-05-05 09:55:36 by aristeides
OMG: The Akin Gump Escort Worked For... Monica Goodling's Lawyer!!! Here are two quick updates to our earlier coverage of Akin Gump, the prestigious D.C. law firm, where an assistant to alleged D.C. madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey worked as a legal secretary. The second of these updates is nothing short of mind-blowing. 1. As a commenter pointed out, Tom Goldstein, the head of Akin Gump's Supreme Court practice, just posted an "opening" for a "special assistant." This led some to wonder: Could the madam-in-training have worked for the Supreme Court superstar? It wouldn't be THAT suprising. The job announcement (PDF) mentions that an appreciation for poker is ...

John Kennedy's Maladies and Conditions
Post Date: 2007-05-03 21:22:31 by YertleTurtle
From a medical standpoint, Kennedy was a mess. For example, there is the simple fact that Kennedy was hospitalized more than three dozen times in his life and given the last rites three times. It will take Dr. Zebra awhile to organize and respond to the information that recently became available in The Atlantic Monthly in late 2002 and Professor Dallek's book. It is already clear to me, however, that Professor Dallek has not fully analyzed the implications of Kennedy's illnesses and medications. Bumgarner is an excellent source of information on Kennedy's medical history. The diagram below summarizes the possible interplay between Kennedy's medical problems. The rest of ...

Former ethics panel chief disputes Wolfowitz claim
Post Date: 2007-05-02 17:23:18 by aristeides
Former ethics panel chief disputes Wolfowitz claim Posted online: Thursday, May 03, 2007 at 0000 hrs WASHINGTON, May 2: The former chairman of the World Bank’s ethics committee on Tuesday accused the institution’s embattled president, Paul Wolfowitz, of misleading a panel investigating his role in granting his girlfriend a raise. In a written submission to the investigating committee, former ethics chairman Ad Melkert contradicted Wolfowitz’s assertion that he fully informed bank officers of his handling of his girlfriend’s transfer to the State Department and that his actions had their blessing. “I am deeply hurt by efforts to manipulate information,” ...

Bush official resigns over escort links
Post Date: 2007-04-28 10:34:00 by aristeides
Bush official resigns over escort links By ANNE GEARAN, AP Diplomatic Writer 2 hours, 5 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Randall Tobias, head of the Bush administration's foreign aid programs, abruptly resigned Friday after his name surfaced in an investigation into a high-priced call-girl ring, said two people in a position to know the circumstances of his departure. ADVERTISEMENT It was Tobias' own decision to resign, according to one of the people, who said the issue came up only in the past day or so. The people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is still under way. Tobias submitted his resignation a day after he was interviewed by ABC ...

Piece o' crap song #3 "Puppy Love" Paul Anka
Post Date: 2007-04-27 20:13:36 by YertleTurtle

Culture Club - Karma Chameleon :P
Post Date: 2007-04-27 19:54:00 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Poster Comment:...And you used to be so sweet: I heard you say That my love was an addiction When we cling, our love is strong When you go, you're gone forever...

Huckabee's kid a dog-torturer
Post Date: 2007-04-27 15:31:04 by Mekons4
BOY SCOUTS KILL DOG! ACTION NEEDED: DEMAND INVESTIGATION (Miller County, Arkansas) Two boy scout counselors, 17 year old Clayton Frady and 18 year old David litickabee, the son of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, have admitted to catching a stray dog during their summer session at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, AR, and hanging the dog by his neck, slitting his throat and stoning him to death. Camp officials, who did not report the crime to law enforcement officials, have admitted that the act did occur and have fired the boys from their positions. However, no charges have been filed against the young men. Arkansas State Police conducted a perfunctory investigation, but did not attempt to ...

Spandau Ballet - True
Post Date: 2007-04-27 12:46:13 by Peetie Wheatstraw

Piece o' crap song #2 -- "These Boots Are Made for Walking" by Nancy Sinatra
Post Date: 2007-04-27 06:06:34 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:Had she not been Frank's daughter, this song would have never been made. She cannot sing.

Piece o' crap song #1 -- "Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-04-26 20:13:55 by YertleTurtle

Laura: "no one suffers more than their President and I do."
Post Date: 2007-04-25 16:33:51 by Mekons4
Laura Bush wants you to know that when it comes to Iraq, no one is suffering more than the First Couple. No one. by Joe Sudbay (DC) · 4/25/2007 08:23:00 AM ET Discuss this post here: Comments (360) · digg it · reddit · FARK · · Link Listen, you Americans, Laura Bush wants you to know the President is suffering over Iraq. In fact, Laura told Anne Curry on the Today Show, that the American people need to know that "no one suffers more than their President and I do." No one? She's as delusional as her husband. Of course, her husband is the person who caused the suffering -- and is the one person who can end it. I would wager that there ...

Wolfowitz hires lawyer to clear name (BOB BENNETT)
Post Date: 2007-04-24 15:40:02 by aristeides
Wolfowitz hires lawyer to clear name [24 Apr, 2007 l 2256 hrs ISTlREUTERS] WASHINGTON: World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz has hired a high-profile lawyer who hopes to present to a special bank committee Wolfowitz’s case that he was not unethical in directing a promotion for his girlfriend. Robert Bennett, a Washington based lawyer who has represented clients like former president Bill Clinton, said he hoped to present Wolfowitz’s case to a bank committee now assessing whether he abused his position or breached ethics in promoting and approving generous pay rises for his companion Shaha Riza, a bank official. “We are going to expect the bank to give Mr Wolfowitz a fair ...

Germany urges resignation of Wolfowitz
Post Date: 2007-04-24 15:04:11 by aristeides
Germany urges resignation of Wolfowitz 17:49' 24/04/2007 (GMT+7) Germany openly called on Monday for resignation of World Bank leader Paul Wolfowitz over his handling of a promotion he approved for his girlfriend. "The situation, as it is, is no longer acceptable," German Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, said in an interview published by the Financial Times Deutschland on Monday. "My conclusion is that Wolfowitz should do the bank a service and take the consequences himself. The sooner, the better," said Wieczorek-Zeul, who is also Germany's governor to the World Bank. Meanwhile German government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm said that Berlin had ...

Despicable. Rude. Distasteful. Foul. Disrespectful.
Post Date: 2007-04-24 00:51:18 by Ferret Mike
You can choose any of these words, and you still would not be close to characterizing someone who'd protest at another person's funeral. Well, that's exactly what the Rev. Fred Phelps was planning. Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church congregation had plans to protest at each funeral and memorial service for the shooting victims at Virginia Tech. Phelps has said vicious acts of violence like what happened in Blacksburg is God's punishment for homosexuality. Huh? Homosexuality is the cause of Monday's events? That's definitely a stretch. It's a joke to take someone serious when his Web site address is See, according to Phelp's ...

Shoah survivors forced back to Germany due to Israel's lack of restitution laws
Post Date: 2007-04-23 23:11:16 by rack42
Holocaust survivors have left Israel to live out the rest of their days in Germany due to the better conditions they receive there, according to a documentary program broadcast Tuesday night by Israel's Channel 2 television. The documentary, Musar Shilumin (The Morals of Restitution) opened with an elderly woman speaking from her comfortable home in Berlin to two of Israel's best known docu-activists – Orly Vilnai Federbush and Guy Meroz. The woman's fluent Hebrew was spoken with an unmistakable German accent. This Holocaust survivor had left Israel to return to Germany to receive the free medication and monthly allowance provided to survivors by the German government. ...

Cho’s Professor Nikki Giovanni: Teaching Hate At Virginia Tech
Post Date: 2007-04-23 05:46:11 by YertleTurtle
Ever since South Korean immigrant Cho Seung-hui gunned down 32 people at Virginia Tech, there has been much comment that the university should have realized just from his two hate-filled and inept plays that the senior English major was a dangerous creep who needed to be taken away. For a playwrighting class, Cho penned Mr. Brownstone and Richard McBeef (which, despite the Macbethian title, is a Hamlet-knock off about a young hero's lethal conflict with the new stepfather who murdered his real father). Richard McBeef includes such sterling dialogue as: "I hate him. Must kill Dick. Must kill Dick. Dick must die. Kill Dick." Many have asked: "How could the English ...

The Scandalous History of the Red Cross
Post Date: 2007-04-22 09:20:24 by YertleTurtle
Iin recent years, the image of the Red Cross has been tarnished. The worst scandal came after the September 11 attacks, when it was revealed that a large portion of the hundreds of millions of dollars donated to the organization went not to survivors or family members of those killed, but to other Red Cross operations, in what was described by chapters across the country as a "bait-and-switch" operation. Recently, long-simmering concerns about the Red Cross' disaster relief operations were expressed by Richard Walden, of the humanitarian group Operation USA, in the Los Angeles Times--prompting a vitriolic response by the Red Cross. But these recent scandals are nothing new ...

A Christian Adminstiration? Hardly?
Post Date: 2007-04-21 12:51:37 by YertleTurtle
President Bush has called Christ his most important moral teacher. Following this lead, the current administration regards itself as deeply religious and many of its members are very open about their faith. Yet, in spite of the abundant professions of piety, it is difficult to avoid the feeling that something is wrong somewhere. The source of the unease is obvious: Christ taught humility, meekness, loving one’s enemies, turning the other cheek and sacrificing one’s life for others. The Bush administration talks about a unipolar world and American empire, fights wars, tortures prisoners, defends that torture, builds an all-powerful presidency under “unitary executive” and ...

Check Out Head of NY Rotary Club And You May Get To The Bottom Of Who Caused 9/11 (Connections go deep to the White House and Vatican, according to Illuminati insiders. Further, high level P2 Masons knew about 9/11 before it happened.)
Post Date: 2007-04-20 00:21:16 by Coral Snake
Check Out Head of NY Rotary Club And You May Get To The Bottom Of Who Caused 9/11 Connections go deep to the White House and Vatican, according to Illuminati insiders. Further, high level P2 Masons knew about 9/11 before it happened. By Greg Szymanski April 18, 2007 Leo Zagami, a former high level Mason and member of the Illuminati, said the head of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge and the head of the New York Rotary Club, Georgio Hugo Balestrieri, told him in private conversations they had prior knowledge of 9/11. The conversations, according to Zagami, took place in Europe before 9/11, adding that he had personal information many high level Masons overseas also had prior knowledge of ...

Bush muses on marriage, chicken-plucking
Post Date: 2007-04-19 22:30:48 by Peetie Wheatstraw
WASHINGTON - Strange things sometimes come out of President Bush's mouth. "Polls just go poof." "Remember the rug?" When Bush went to Ohio on Thursday to talk about terrorism, he ended up musing about marriage and chicken-plucking plants, the agony of death and his Oval Office rug, which resembles a sunburst. About his legacy, Bush said historians are still assessing George Washington, the nation's first leader. "My attitude is, if they're still writing about (number) one, 43 doesn't need to worry about it." On being married: "A good marriage is really good after serving together in Washington, D.C." Maybe the president just felt ...

Alec Baldwin's Threatening Message to Daughter
Post Date: 2007-04-19 18:50:38 by mirage
An enraged Alec Baldwin unleashed a volcanic tirade of threats and insults on his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland, calling her a "thoughtless little pig," and bashing her mother Kim Basinger -- and TMZ has obtained the whole thing unfiltered and raw. And, we've learned, the tape could cost Baldwin his visitation rights. After Ireland failed to answer her father's scheduled morning phone call from New York on April 11, Alec went bersek on her voice mail, saying "Once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone," adding, "you have insulted me for the last time." Switching his train of thought, Baldwin then exercised his incredible ...

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