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Embattled AG now accused in sex scandal 'cover-up' [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-26 12:13:09 by ...
Attorney General Gonzales among officials who allegedly ignored abuse of minor boys Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, both already under siege for other matters, are now being accused of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission after a Texas Ranger investigation documented that guards and administrators were sexually abusing the institution's minor boy inmates. Among the charges in the Texas Ranger report were that administrators would rouse boys from their sleep for the purpose of conducting all-night sex parties. Ray Brookins, one of the officials named in the report, was a Texas prison guard ...

Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer [Gannon was not involved]
Post Date: 2007-03-24 08:28:43 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer Senator Denied Campaign Connection but Mock Ad Maker Lived Wth Press Secretary By JAKE TAPPER and JONATHAN GREENBERGER March 23, 2007— The press secretary for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., recently lived with the creator of the scathingly satirical YouTube video ad that attacked Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a revelation that seems to undermine the senator's claim that he and his campaign had only "very attenuated" ties with the ad's creator. Ben LaBolt, the recently named press secretary of Obama's Senate office in Washington, D.C., roomed with Philip de Vellis, the creator of the "1984" ad, in Ohio ...

Army chaplain turns Brit woman into sex slave
Post Date: 2007-03-18 15:54:46 by Mekons4
March 17, 2007 -- A brazen upstate Army chaplain made a British woman his sex toy to "spice" up his boring marriage and threatened to kill her when she wanted to break away, officials said yesterday. Capt. John Lau, 50, told a military court he took Amanda Tyler into his Fort Drum home, turned her into his "second wife," "married" her in a mock Niagara Falls service, and took her to live with his real wife and family. But Tyler, 34, described the ordained Southern Baptist minister as a sexual sadist who controlled and terrified her. "The price for objections is severe. If you object, you pay, because he's 'The Master,' " she told the ...

Chasing the duclod man
Post Date: 2007-03-17 09:32:41 by Indrid Cold
When Iowa college students began receiving anonymous letters referring to them as “duclods” and darkly alluding to their bisexuality, one recipient became obsessed with finding the sender’s identity. As early as 1992, students at Grinnell College, a small liberal arts school in Iowa, began receiving strange, anonymous letters in the mail. The letters contained homemade greeting cards with crudely drawn pictures—men crawling on the ground, toilets and trash cans, twin closet doors—and jokes that didn’t make any sense. Q: What would a duclod like about the land of the giants? A: Standing in two closets without touching either knob. In one mysterious letter the ...

Post Date: 2007-03-13 11:00:26 by aristeides
March 13, 2007 --Our White House Press Corps sources report further disturbing news about President George W. Bush. Our sources have witnessed a clearly inebriated Bush approaching members of the press corps and making rude comments, including one particularly crude remark about First Lady Laura Bush. In that case, Bush, nodding toward Laura, called her a "cunt." While Bush's drinking is no secret to the White House press contingent, that particular comment was reportedly the worse they have heard uttered by Bush. Our sources also report that Laura Bush's stays at the White House are less frequent and that her overnight trips to the Mayflower Hotel often coincide with the ...

"Amazing Grace" Movie Makes a Hero out of an Oppressor of White Slaves
Post Date: 2007-03-11 08:28:09 by YertleTurtle
This year marks the bicentennial of the eclipse of the Negro slave system that was designed and implemented by pirates in the pay of Bloody Bess, Tudor Queen Elizabeth I. The Cryptocracy would like us to believe that Britain's regency branch of the Occult Protestant regime, out of the goodness of its sweet heart, and the particular benevolence of the evangelical Parliamentarian William Wilberforce, "abolished" slavery in one of history's great gestures of noblesse oblige. That's the fractured fairy tale as it is retailed to the unsuspecting kiddies, young and old, who frequent the new Hollywood film, "Amazing Grace." Slavery was not abolished in Britain, ...

Naked Principal Found With Sex Toys Watching Gay Porn In Office
Post Date: 2007-03-10 16:53:08 by YertleTurtle
As authorities stormed into a middle school office to arrest an alleged meth-dealing principal inside, they found an even more surprising scene inside. Sources said 50-year-old John Acerra, of Allentown, was naked and watching gay pornography when they arrived at Nitschmann Middle School in Bethlehem to arrest him on Tuesday. Acerra also had sex toys, drugs, cash and a pipe in his school office when authorities stormed his office, the sources added. He remained jailed on $200,000 bail Thursday night, police said. After the bust, one of his neighbors said they still couldn't believe the whole situation. "It's pretty sad if you're supposed to be the principal of children ...

Repub Prez candidates: Don't judge us by family values
Post Date: 2007-03-10 02:31:21 by Mekons4
Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who remarried one month after his 1980 divorce, said Friday that the personal lives of White House hopefuls shouldn't become an issue in the 2008 campaign. “I would like to see this campaign conducted on past record and ambition for the future,” McCain told reporters after a fundraising luncheon in Charlotte, N.C. “I would hope that gossip — or, quote, 'family issues' — would not enter into this campaign.” McCain's call to keep personal lives private came the same week that chief rival Rudy Giuliani asked for privacy as he deals with strained relationships within his family, including estrangement ...

Poor victimized gay pornstar wingnut responds
Post Date: 2007-03-10 01:51:56 by Mekons4
Left-wing blogs gleefully outed my gay porn past after I criticized antiwar zealots. But the truth has set me free. By Matt Sanchez Pages 1 2 Print Email Digg it My Yahoo RSS Font: S / S+ / S++ News Matt Sanchez March 8, 2007 | Was I totally clueless? When I stepped forward in late 2005 to talk about anti-military attitudes at New York's Columbia University, I knew my past might be put under the microscope. We hear it every day; in the age of Google, when any stray personal factoid may be lodged somewhere on the Internet, it's impossible to have privacy. We have all done things we don't want advertised, and many of us may have identities we've outgrown, but ...

Limbaugh Spins Verdict: 'Best News For Republicans And Conservatives There Could Be' ("POKING THE BEAR")
Post Date: 2007-03-08 15:25:51 by aristeides
Limbaugh Spins Verdict: 'Best News For Republicans And Conservatives There Could Be' Rush Limbaugh on the Libby verdict: Poking the Bear! Arthur: I paraphrase (pretty close to the original): "This is the best news for Republicans and conservatives there could be. All conservatives will now circle the wagons, after going dormant last fall for whatever reason. [Right, I simply cannot imagine what that reason might be.] The more the Democrats and liberals gloat, the better news it is for us. They are POKING THE BEAR! They'll be SORRY!!" on Nicole: Is Rush intentionally referencing the infamous sex scene in Libby's book? At age ten the madam put the child ...

Sex offender fired from job as youth prison guard in Texas
Post Date: 2007-03-08 14:45:51 by aristeides
Sex offender fired from job as youth prison guard in Texas AUSTIN, Texas A Texas youth prison correctional officer who is a convicted sex offender has been fired. The firing comes after the state sent law enforcement officials to all 22 of the state's youth facilities and to the commission's headquarters to investigate claims of sexual abuse of inmates by employees. The commission's acting executive director says an employee told officials months ago that the officer was a sex offender, but officials didn't act on the matter. The facility is run by a private contractor. A spokesman says the agency's contracts with the private operators prohibit hiring registered sex ...

Post Date: 2007-03-08 06:30:17 by Eoghan
San Diego U.S. Atty fired for knowing too much? The Randy Cunningham "Hookergate" Scandal is not the first prostitution scandal involving close relatives of indicted defense contractor Brent Wilkes, The MadCowMorningNews has learned. Brent Wilkes brother, Gregory Wilkes, managed the finances of The Wilkes Foundation, which was suspended by the State of California after failing to file financial statements for three years in a row. At the same time he also worked for a "Bush Pioneer" named R.D. Hubbard, who was caught in June of 2001 flying almost a dozen hookers by private jet to a casino he owned to service men government documents have only identified as “48 ...

CPAC's Gay Porn Star Honoree, Ann Coulter, and the Politics of Personal Crisis
Post Date: 2007-03-07 15:01:35 by aristeides
CPAC's Gay Porn Star Honoree, Ann Coulter, and the Politics of Personal Crisis I don't know if David Horowitz knew Cpl. Matt Sanchez was once a gay porn star and male prostitute when he introduced him to me at last weekend's CPAC. But he did know that Sanchez was an eager yes-man, and a supposed victim of the campus PC thuggery Horowitz has made a career out of decrying. As Horowitz played cardiologist, ranting to me about how each leftist "has hatred in his heart" and how members of the New Left to which he once belonged had "treason in their hearts," Sanchez stood faithfully by his side, muttering encouragement. "That's right. That's ...

Coulter's spit-on Marine is a gay porn actor
Post Date: 2007-03-07 09:31:25 by Mekons4
This just cracked me up. The guy was being honored by CPAC for, well, SOMETHING, and was sitting there when Coulter made her faggot comment. It's like the wingnuts are plotting their own destruction, and doing a damn good job of it. Jeff Gannon Redux If you are familiar with Cpl. Matt Sanchez, you probably know him as the handsome 36-year old Columbia University junior and USMC reservist who recently made the rounds of right-wing talk shows like O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes, where he received praise for coming forward and complaining about his treatment at the hands of Columbia's "radical anti-military students" who called him names and mocked his ...

Rush’s Entertaining Apoplexy Over Libby Verdict
Post Date: 2007-03-06 16:48:08 by aristeides
Rush’s Entertaining Apoplexy Over Libby Verdict by advisorjim [Subscribe] Tue Mar 06, 2007 at 01:11:38 PM PST Rush was full of hope this morning. He’d read AP reports that jurors on the 10th day were asking questions like "What is this guy accused of again?," and he had to be thinking Libby was going to walk. Suddenly, tragedy (or for the rest of us "justice") struck just as the first chords of Chrissie Hynde’s "My City Was Gone" announced the start to another 3 hours of "broadcast excellence." You’ve got to hand it to Rush. The Libby verdict was barely 60 seconds old before Rush was out there saying the jurors were D.C. ...

Accused D.C. Madam Could Name Clients
Post Date: 2007-03-02 17:44:29 by Eoghan
Woman Accused of Running D.C.-Area Prostitution Ring Might Sell Client List to Pay for Defense A woman accused of running an upscale prostitution service in the Washington area might sell her list of 10,000 clients to pay for her defense, her attorney said Friday. Authorities have seized about $1 million worth of real estate and $500,000 in cash and stocks from Deborah Jean Palfrey, 50, said her attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley. "She's found herself backed into a corner," Sibley said Friday. "There's only essentially one asset she could liquidate." Sibley also said he would subpoena dozens of Palfrey's clients and escorts to testify if the case goes to ...

Anyone watching the CPAC on C-Span now?
Post Date: 2007-03-02 10:59:38 by a vast rightwing conspirator
I'm home (a bit sick) today so I'm watching this because it's a dark, rainy day. It's quite entertaining. Huckabee, just told the CPACs that the Constitution should be brought in tune with the Bible AND the TALMUD???? (standing ovations) Now, Michael Barone is giving it to them - telling them they are idea-free LOL.

Post Date: 2007-03-01 20:45:42 by gothink3
story developing… We’ve been looking at Drudge Report for years now. It is no secret that news researchers and common people alike visit Drudge daily if not hourly because he always has the news before anyone else. We are lead to believe that this time he took it too far with his headline “Greenspan Warns of Likely Recession” in combination with a sub story entitled “CHENEY ‘TARGET’ IN AFGHAN BLAST” Or was this the plan all along… Let Drudge be our vehicle to scare and warn the people. He will raise the hysteria on his site and the other news affiliates will follow. Perhaps he is told what to publish and when to publish it. And now ...

Looking for Mr. Wrong in All the Wrong Places
Post Date: 2007-03-01 14:49:35 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Looking for Mr. Wrong in All the Wrong Places Thu Mar 1, 2:00 AM ET DEAR MARGO: I am an 18-year-old who finds herself attracted to middle-aged married men, gay men or those who are emotionally unavailable. It makes no sense to me because I have a good relationship with my father and am not looking for a "father figure." I simply find maturity and life experience incredibly sexy. I have no interest in "men" my age. They seem immature, irresponsible and generally incapable of carrying on a decent conversation. I have trouble motivating myself to be physically attracted to teenage guys, even though they're supposedly reaching their "prime." ADVERTISEMENT ...

Rudy Giuliani - Rising from the ashes
Post Date: 2007-02-23 21:54:33 by Eoghan
In post 9/11 America, seeing Rudy Giuliani in the flesh can feel like meeting a living saint. That day in early September 2001 is sacrosanct in the national psyche and Giuliani is the holy symbol of American resilience; American defiance; American courage. As the tall, angular Giuliani walks on to a stage in front of a business crowd in Miami Beach it is impossible not to think back to the fall of the World Trade Center. As he waves at the thousand-strong audience, every person is thinking of its famous totems: the falling towers, the billowing debris cloud and the mayor who refused to be defeated. Not that Giuliani lets his audience forget. He is in Miami to lecture real-estate ...

Anti-Bush Billboard Challenged in New Zealand (You've gotta see this!)
Post Date: 2007-02-23 21:32:47 by Arator
Complaint against Bush billboard upheld By Sarah McDonald A complaint made against a Hell Pizza billboard featuring US President George Bush has been partially upheld by the Advertising Standards Complaints Board (ASCB). The advertisement featured Mr Bush and the words "Hell. Too good for some evil bastards". Objections were made to the use of slang in a public place, the alleged denigration of Mr Bush, and perceived blasphemy. One of the complainants described the billboard as a vicious smear campaign against an openly Christian person. But advertising agency Cinderella Ltd defended the billboard, saying that it tapped in to a growing sense of outrage about the invasion ...

Chippendales Arrested In Lubbock [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-02-23 15:03:30 by bluedogtxn
Chippendales dancers arrested during show in Lubbock LUBBOCK, Texas — Police arrested eight Chippendales dancers and three others during the first of three sold out performances Friday, accusing them of violating the city's adult entertainment ordinance. Officers raided Jake's Sports Cafe about 30 minutes after the show started and the venue was closed. They arrested the venue's manager, the show's promoter and the dancers' manager along with the dancers in front of a disgruntled crowd of women. Shortly after, several hundred women began chanting, "Bring them back, bring them back" and "the City Council sucks, the City Council sucks." ...

Libby's lawyers: It's all NBC's fault
Post Date: 2007-02-20 22:34:56 by Mekons4
Wonder why O'Reilly is on a jihad about NBC networks? Other than Olbermann making him look like a fool on a nightly basis? Today in its closing arguments, Scooter "The Scoots" Libby's lawyers argued that Timmy "The Fatboy" Russert lied about what Libby told him because NBC is out to get George Bush and his administration. As you no doubt have heard, Bill O'Reilly has been on a tirade that NBC is conspiring against the Bush administration. His "proof" is hilarious, but he comes back to it night after night. Suddenly, Libby's lawyers are using the same argument. It's amazing. Russert is famous mainly for tossing Bush softballs in every ...

McCain Defends Christian Outreach Effort
Post Date: 2007-02-20 21:13:47 by Eoghan
VERO BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain is defending his outreach to conservative Christians, arguing that his effort is not political pandering to win the GOP nomination. McCain met privately Monday with religious broadcasters in Orlando, Fla., then answered questions about his appeal to conservatives in Vero Beach. In the 2000 campaign, McCain angered the party's right by calling evangelist leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell ``agents of intolerance.'' Last spring, he spoke at Falwell's Liberty University although hard feelings still linger among some conservatives. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson has said he won't support ...

BeAChooser Bozo Count at 40 Plus and Counting - A Possible Site Record [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-02-19 21:59:28 by Minerva
Last night I took a guess at Beachy's bozo count. Today he spilled the beans and indicated that the number I guessed, between 40 and 50, was substantially correct. Beachy Spills the Beans What does this mean? Well .... it means he is a piss poor excuse for excuse for an advocate. Nobody takes him serious. This is probably why Goldi booted him.

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