
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies
Post Date: 2023-04-25 07:33:05 by Ada
Christian and Muslim persecution in Israel ignored by the White House The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free speech” and “freedom of religion” to justify its illegal actions. Right at the moment, the United States maintains garrisons illegally in both Iraq, where the country’s parliament has as it to depart, and also in neighboring Syria where the government is fighting an insurgency that seeks regime change and is supported by both ...

Israel wary as Iran's military might has grown hundred-fold: Israeli general
Post Date: 2023-04-20 11:27:05 by Horse
A high-ranking former Israeli military commander has acknowledged Tel Aviv’s inability to carry out acts of military adventurism against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, saying the Islamic Republic’s military might has grown “hundred-fold”. Major General Yitzhak Brick was cited by the Arabic-language Rai al-Youm newspaper as saying on Wednesday that the Israeli military had decided in 2009 to launch a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities after the regime allocated a four-billion-dollar budget for the aggression. Brick said the attack did not materialize because Israeli military leaders had reached an inevitable conclusion that the strike, if successful, would ...

Persecuted Christians In Israel Are Being Ethnically Cleansed. Is Anybody Listening?
Post Date: 2023-04-20 08:01:23 by Ada
Prior to Israel’s founding as a Jewish state in 1948, Christians made up 20% of Jerusalem’s population. Since then, the population has experienced a staggering decline, counting a presence of 2% in the birthplace of Jesus. The consensus among right-wing Christians has generally been that Israel is primarily hostile towards Muslims who attack them just for being Jewish. This is a manufactured opinion produced by media disinformation and omission. History and currently unfolding realities show that the Zionist movement is hostile to all non-Jews in the world. Following the Haganah’s (which would later become the Israel Defense Force) implementation of the Dalet Plan (also ...

Whitney Webb: EXPOSES Jamie Dimon's Shady Epstein Connections
Post Date: 2023-04-16 10:26:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:BLOCKBUSTER INTERVIEW Epstein, Dimon, Wexner, Kessler, the Crown family of Chicago (General Dynamics) and Maxwell are all Jewish.

Persecuted Christians In Israel Are Being Ethnically Cleansed. Is Anybody Listening?
Post Date: 2023-04-16 07:10:42 by Ada
Prior to Israel’s founding as a Jewish state in 1948, Christians made up 20% of Jerusalem’s population. Since then, the population has experienced a staggering decline, counting a presence of 2% in the birthplace of Jesus. The consensus among right-wing Christians has generally been that Israel is primarily hostile towards Muslims who attack them just for being Jewish. This is a manufactured opinion produced by media disinformation and omission. History and currently unfolding realities show that the Zionist movement is hostile to all non-Jews in the world. Following the Haganah’s (which would later become the Israel Defense Force) implementation of the Dalet Plan (also ...

IDF does damage control after military chief says ties with US not essential
Post Date: 2023-04-06 22:29:22 by Horse
IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said Wednesday that while security cooperation with the US is beneficial, it is not “essential” and Israel knows how to act on its own. “Israel knows how to work alone in the face of any security challenge, but it is good to see the US by our side,” Halevi told Army Radio in a relatively rare interview. “We know how to act alone, we are a sovereign country that reserves the right to make our own decisions and to act. It is good for the US to be by our side, but it is not essential,” he said.

Israeli Cops Beat Worshippers At Al Aqsa Mosque - Rockets Fly From Gaza - IDF Bombs Strip
Post Date: 2023-04-05 19:17:01 by Horse
"An unprecedented crime," says Jordan's government Poster Comment:Seems Israel is trying to get the whole of the Arab world to hate them.

I'm Not White, I'm Jewish,
Post Date: 2023-04-02 23:38:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:A roll call of the enemy of humanity.

Post Date: 2023-03-31 17:24:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a small town in Kansas. ADL objects. "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Leo Frank: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man by Nation Of Islam
Post Date: 2023-03-30 01:56:44 by Horse

Chaos in Israel as Netanyahu fires minister:
Post Date: 2023-03-27 11:17:52 by Horse
Tens of thousands protest in Tel Aviv and block a main highway after PM abruptly removes defence chief a day after he called for a halt to judicial overhaul There were chaotic scenes in Israel on Sunday night after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abruptly fired his Defence Minister just a day after he had called for an end to the PM's controversial judicial overhaul. Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv and blocked a main highway in front of the Ministry of Defence following the announcement, before water cannons were deployed in Jerusalem against crowds. The dismissal signalled that Netanyahu will move ahead this week with his judicial plan, which has ...

Post Date: 2023-03-27 08:24:15 by Horse
The state of Israel is literally on the verge of political and social collapse tonight (Sunday) after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired Defense Minister Gallant who opposes changes in the country's Judicial Powers. The Israeli Army is already suffering DESERTIONS as the Army sides with the fired Defense Minister! Netanyahu and his allies say the plan will restore a balance between the judicial and executive branches and rein in what they see as an interventionist court with liberal sympathies. But critics say the constellation of laws will remove the checks and balances in Israel’s democratic system and concentrate power in the hands of the governing coalition. This has ...

American Jews Are Starting Wars, Jewish Former CIA Spy Valerie Plame Wilson Retweets
Post Date: 2023-03-25 11:34:16 by Ada
Former CIA Operations Officer Valerie Plame attends the premiere for the film 'Fair Game' during the 36th Deauville American Film Festival in Deauville, France, on September 9, 2010. Wilson was recently lambasted for tweeting an article titled "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars." Updated | Valerie Plame Wilson landed herself in hot social media water when she tweeted out a link to a story titled "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars" on Thursday without any commentary to explain why she was sharing it. The article, published in The Unz Review, was published Tuesday by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA case officer and Army intelligence ...

American Jews Are Starting Wars, Jewish Former CIA Spy Valerie Plame Wilson Retweets
Post Date: 2023-03-25 10:33:30 by Horse
Valerie Plame Wilson landed herself in hot social media water when she tweeted out a link to a story titled "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars" on Thursday without any commentary to explain why she was sharing it. The article, published in The Unz Review, was published Tuesday by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA case officer and Army intelligence officer. Subtitled "Shouldn't they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?," Giraldi argued that American Jews are pushing for war in the Middle East and pointed to Iran in particular, which he said "does not conceivably threaten the United States." American Jews, according to Giraldi, ...

Bill Gates: the Movie (19 min)
Post Date: 2023-03-23 18:07:07 by NeoconsNailed
The Real Bill ------- NN SEZ: it's the great short summary of the much-worshiped beast's global life of unspeakable crime. What he's done in business is rotten enough, but the part about death jabs as a major factor in his obscene wealth starts about 3:15 and his mad science on 3rd-world children about 6:12 -- 24,000 tribal girls in India alone! This is not for entertainment purposes -- I post resources for use. Please save this link for polite deployment on friends, family, nabers, co-workers et al as openings arise for it. And arise they will! Don't forget the devastating cartoon version -- this seems to be only place the whole thing remains online: ...

MSNBC Panel Says That Criticising George Soros In Any Way Is "Dangerous"
Post Date: 2023-03-23 09:06:04 by Horse
“It definitely feels like a dog whistle that is dangerous.” Poster Comment:Translation; if you don't like George Soros, you are a dirty, filthy Antisemite.

E. Michael Jones on the Jewish War In Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-03-22 11:48:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:E Michael Jones is always worth listening to. STARTS at 1:50.

Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison
Post Date: 2023-03-21 06:18:54 by Horse
Two influential members of Israel's Knesset have introduced a bill to outlaw teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Israel and sentence violators to prison. Israel already bans Christians from proselytizing minors but this new bill will go even further and "ban any and all efforts to tell people about Jesus." Poster Comment:VIDEO: A lot of Palestinians are Christians.

US government bailout of Silicon Valley and banks is $300B gift to rich oligarchs
Post Date: 2023-03-19 19:42:33 by Horse

USVI Lawsuit Makes Stunning Allegation: Jamie Dimon 'Knew In 2008' That Jeffrey Epstein Was Sex Trafficker
Post Date: 2023-03-18 22:40:03 by Horse
The US Virgin Islands hit back against JPMorgan's claim earlier this month that CEO Jamie Dimon had no clue that Jeffrey Epstein was breaking the law. "Jamie Dimon knew in 2008 that his billionaire client was a sex trafficker," argued US Virgin Islands attorney Mimi Liu during a late Thursday hearing in front of Manhattan US District Judge Jed Rakoff, referring to the year Epstein was first criminally charged with sex crimes, CNBC reports. "If Staley is a rogue employee, why isn’t Jamie Dimon?" Liu said during the hearing to discuss the bank's efforts to have the USVI lawsuit against the bank dismissed. "Staley knew, Dimon knew, JPMorgan Chase ...

It’s Not Just the Settlers – or Israel – Responsible for the Torching of Huwwara
Post Date: 2023-03-16 08:08:01 by Ada
Endless indulgence from Israel’s supporters in the West has cleared a path to a fascist government intent on ‘wiping out’ Palestinian communities A sustained violent attack by hundreds of Jewish settlers on the Palestinian town of Huwwara last Sunday – as well as the response of Israel’s new far-right government – has divided Jewish opinion in Israel and deeply discomfited Jews abroad. The Board of Deputies, which claims to represent Britain’s Jewish community and is usually a reliable defender of Israel, felt compelled last week to issue a short statement condemning comments by a senior Israeli government minister, Bezalel Smotrich, after he called for ...

Israel and Its US Lobby Dealt Major Blow by China-Saudi-Iran Peace Initiative
Post Date: 2023-03-14 08:07:33 by Ada
On Thursday the New York Times ran yet another report about Saudi Arabia’s entry into an “Abraham Accord,” but if only certain conditions could be met. It quoted longtime Israel lobby heavyweight Martin Indyk and reported on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s think tank the Washington Institute for Near East Policy “expert” delegation’s visit to Riyadh to finalize a deal. Then on Friday explosive news broke that China had successfully concluded a secret peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The plan aims to restore diplomatic relations by reopening embassies within two months. They also agree to restart their April 2001 Security ...

Qatar commits $500k to families of Huwara rampage victims
Post Date: 2023-03-14 07:29:00 by Horse
Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani on 13 March committed $500,000 to the families of the victims of the recent rampage in the town of Huwara in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus carried out by extremist Israeli settlers. On the night of 26 February, Israeli settlers stormed the town of Huwara and proceeded to burn 75 homes, injuring nearly 400 Palestinians and killing one. According to eyewitness reports, the Israeli military witnessed the violence but took no action to stop it. The Israeli military estimated that between 300 and 400 people participated in the pogrom. The Huwara Municipality expressed its gratitude to the Secretary-General of the ...

E. Michael Jones & Gemma O'Doherty: The Inevitable Collapse of the Jewish Slave System
Post Date: 2023-03-09 14:52:48 by Horse

Rep. Gaetz Resolution to Remove Troops From Syria Fails to Pass Through the House, as Majority of BOTH Parties Vote Against it
Post Date: 2023-03-09 14:38:14 by Horse
Rep. Matt Gaetz’ resolution to remove troops from Syria within six months was shot down on Wednesday. Poster Comment:We are in Syria to help protect Israel from Lebanon.

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