
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Hebrews to Negroes Movie Trailer - Wake Up Black America
Post Date: 2022-11-05 04:57:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is the movie Kyrie Irving linked to that got him suspended and forced to make a donation to some Jewish BS group. The movie is gibberish but I don't see why he gave in to the Hebes and gave them money though the NBA commissioner is a Hebe.

Jewish Settlers Attack Palestinian Women Harvesting Olive Crops near Nablus
Post Date: 2022-11-02 10:12:11 by Horse
A Palestinian woman holds an olive tree in the West Bank village of Qalandiya. (Photo: Anne Paq, ActiveStills) Jewish settlers on Tuesday attacked Palestinian women harvesting their olive crops in the village of Qaryout, near Nablus, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. Ghassan Daghlas, a local official, said that settlers attempted to steal the olive crops the women harvested as Israeli soldiers detained village residents who wanted to help the women ward off the settlers. Over 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law. Poster Comment:Israelis have destroyed hundreds of thousands of ...

Great Replacement At Harvard: Non-Jewish White Enrollment Down To Under 10%—Less Than Jews, Less Than Blacks
Post Date: 2022-11-01 09:44:00 by Horse
Ron Unz [Harvard ’83] has posted a 5900 word article about 21st century racial discrimination in the Ivy League, and concludes that in spite of the ”Asians. Asians. And Asians” focus of legal action and Conservatism, In fact, it’s actually non-Jewish white Americans who are ”hardest hit.” He’s been writing about this for years, writing, for example, ”[I]t appears that Jews and Asians constitute approximately half of Harvard’s student body, leaving the other half for the remaining 95% of America.” [Some Minorities Are More Minor than Others, Wall Street Journal, November 16, 1998]. Harvard was, of course, founded by non-Jewish white ...

Hungary’s ‘Nationalist’ PM Viktor Orbán Is Nothing But a Commie Plant [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2022-10-30 01:01:43 by NeoconsNailed
Original Piece The Soviet Trust model of using controlled opposition to trap anti- communists and conservatives is still in use today. Look no further than Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who has successfully fooled Western (and Eastern) conservatives into believing that he and a clique of so called Eastern nationalists, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, are genuine conservatives trying to save the world from the globalists and the evil West. It seems Orban’s anti-immigration policy has been the main driver in affirming this carefully crafted ruse. Unfortunately, Orban and other East Bloc nations’ ...

Israel Escalates Attacks On Iranian Targets In Syria
Post Date: 2022-10-28 11:18:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:Israel is really attacking Syrians trying to split them off from an Iranian alliance. Iran has been upgraded to a Russian strategic partner. To me that means they should be upgraded to the S-400 which should force the US out of Iraq and Syria in 2023.

The Jews Are Ye’s Misfortune
Post Date: 2022-10-26 10:04:30 by Ada
Kanye West’s Jew-obsessed meltdown offers many potential angles for analysis. I could start with the “why do you still trust Tucker?” angle. Carlson prefaced his now-infamous Kanye interview with an assurance to you, the viewer, that even though Kanye’s detractors claim the man’s mentally ill, he isn’t: “Is he crazy? No, he’s not. He’s not crazy at all.” That’s a direct quote. Yet Tuck knew when he uttered those words that he’d had to edit out footage in which Kanye clearly displayed mental instability (ranting about impostor children kidnapping his kids, Louis Vuitton assassinating black people, a divinely inspired plan to build ...

Israel appoints settler as army chief in occupied West Bank
Post Date: 2022-10-25 11:47:00 by Horse
The Israeli government officially confirmed a settler, Major General Herzi Halevi, as the 23rd military chief of staff of Israel’s Defense Forces on 24 October. Halevi, former head of Military Intelligence and the Southern Command, and current deputy chief of the IDF general staff will begin his three-year term on 17 January. Defense Minister Benny Gantz proposed Halevi’s appointment in early September, citing the IDF’s need for stability, according to the Israeli portal Ynet. The move is considered unorthodox ahead of Israel’s November elections, as caretaker governments have traditionally avoided approving senior posts. Meanwhile, opposition lawmakers called for ...

The West Bank in Palestine Is Ready to Explode
Post Date: 2022-10-24 08:36:15 by Horse
There is a battle brewing in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. Thousands of Israeli occupation forces will be deployed to face a growing resistance force. The ‘natives are restless’ and the Lions’ Den has mobilized to fight for their freedom and human rights. 500,000 illegal Jewish settlers now live in the West Bank in some 130 settlements. Today, the Israeli forces said dozens of settlers ran through Hawara, near Nablus, throwing rocks at Palestinian cars. The settlers used pepper spray on the Israeli commander as well as another soldier and sprayed another two soldiers at a nearby checkpoint. Settlers are allowed to intimidate Palestinians and destroy their property, ...

Petraeus Says the US Could Enter the Ukraine War Even If There’s No Threat to NATO
Post Date: 2022-10-24 08:22:59 by Ada
No one could have predicted that this entire thing of funding the Ukrainians was just a process of acclimating people to the idea of war with Russia with the end goal of the US Military entering the war directly. Well, actually, I predicted that, but people were obligated not to listen to me because I am pure evil (because of that mean stuff I said about the innocent, angelic and totally powerless Jews). Please pay no attention to the fact that these Jews are saying that Russia is losing and it’s so embarrassing how badly they’re losing – but also, the US has to invade the Ukraine to stop Russia. RT: The US and its allies might directly intervene in the ongoing conflict ...

Michael Collins Piper Final Judgment Lecture - JFK' s Death - Mossad-Israel Connections
Post Date: 2022-10-23 14:55:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:Bookmark this and watch it when you can. This is the best explanation of the assassination of JFK.

HENRY HERSKOVITZ, Ann Arbor, MI City Council Mtg, Holocaust Education
Post Date: 2022-10-20 22:05:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jewish man denies Holohoax at Ann Arbor City Council meeting.

Jewish Settlers Steal Olive Harvest from Palestinian Land in Jerusalem
Post Date: 2022-10-19 08:01:57 by Horse
Jewish settlers, protected by Israeli occupation forces, stole the olive harvest from Palestinian land in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi al-Joz on Monday, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. WAFA correspondent said that dozens of Jewish settlers broke into a privately-owned land and stole the olive harvest, escorted by Israeli soldiers. Last week, Jewish settlers, under the protection of the Israeli army, also broke into Palestinian land in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan and stole the olive harvest before the landowners came and forced them to leave the area. Jewish settlers intensify their assault against Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest ...

More Big Cases On The Way As Supreme Court Takes On Affirmative Action
Post Date: 2022-10-18 09:40:32 by Horse
The Supreme Court has already had a busy session with its rulings on gun laws and its historic overturning of Roe V.Wade. However, more big cases on the docket for the Supreme Court are coming up. The Court will hear cases related to affirmative action regarding university admissions. Universities are currently permitted to consider race when considering who gets admitted. However, two Asian-American students say that this rule causes them to be discriminated against. Poster Comment:The Jews get admissions on the White quota. I am waiting for the Jews to be regulated on quotas.

Place the Material in the Wells: Docs Point to Israeli Armys 1948 Biological Warfare
Post Date: 2022-10-17 12:06:54 by Horse
On April 1, 1948, David Ben-Gurion wrote in his journal about “the development of science and speeding up its application in warfare.” A month and a half later, he wrote about “biological materials” that were purchased for $2,000. Only now, 74 years later, has a connection between these two entries come to light. The disturbing story behind them was recently uncovered by historian Benny Morris and historian and Israel Prize laureate Benjamin Z. Kedar following extensive archival research. Evidently, the excerpts from the diary of the man who would become Israel’s first prime minister are traces of his involvement in a secret operation to poison the drinking water ...

Lebanon accuses Israeli naval gunships of entering its territorial waters
Post Date: 2022-10-17 12:02:05 by Horse
The Lebanese military claimed Sunday that Israeli naval gunships have violated Lebanon’s sovereignty by entering its territorial waters. The Israel Defense Forces denied the claim. The latest alleged incident took place Saturday off the coast of Naqoura in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese military said, accusing an Israeli warship of crossing some 330 meters into Lebanese territory and staying there for 10 minutes before turning back. Lebanon said this was the latest in a series of incidents in recent weeks and that they had raised the issue with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL.)

Ye on the Jews: “They’ve Been Fucking with Me for Too Long”
Post Date: 2022-10-16 09:42:42 by Ada
It was announced Friday that Ye would be appearing on Drink Champs at 9 PM on Saturday. When that time came around, the show was not posted, and it was clear that they were editing it. They announced that it would be on at 11 PM, and it was not actually posted until after midnight. You would expect at that point that they had removed everything about the Jews. But you would be completely wrong. The 44-minute segment that Drink Champs posted as “Part I” is the most hardcore appearance of any famous person since World War II. I cannot even believe all this stuff the artist formerly known as Kanye West said about the Jews. Everyone should just watch the entire 44 minutes ...

Jewish Supremacist Gloats Over Demise And Replacement Of White Christian America
Post Date: 2022-10-15 19:59:56 by Ada
(Washington Post) Jennifer Rubin — a Jewish supremacist and ultra- Zionist apologist — wrote a recent op-ed piece for the Washington Post gloating and salivating over the Jewish-orchestrated browning of America — while demonizing White Christians comprising America’s heartland who dare to resist their replacement: The 2020 Census shows that while Whites remain the largest ethnicity group in the United States, the demographic decreased by 8.6 percent over the past decade. Those identifying as multiracial, by contrast, grew by a stunning 276 percent. Hispanic, Black and Asian American populations all grew at a rapid rate, too. Now, the country is nearly 19 percent ...

Historians reveal Israel's use of poison against Palestinians
Post Date: 2022-10-13 21:22:34 by Horse
The details of Israel's secret use of biological weapons and poison against Palestinians during the 1947/48 ethnic cleansing campaign has been revealed in a recent article by historians Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar. The 84-year-old Kedar is professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the more well-known Morris is famed for his work as one of Israel's "New Historians". This group of Israeli scholars, including Professors Ilan Pappe and Avi Shlaim, dismantled the occupation state's official narrative about its creation in 1948 and the birth of the Palestinian refugee crisis. However, unlike his fellow historians, Morris went on to become a rather ...

Israels Operation Breaking Dawn killed 49 Palestinians. These are their stories.
Post Date: 2022-10-09 13:11:58 by Horse
During the three-day Israeli assault on Gaza between August 5 – 7, 2022, now known as Operation Breaking Dawn, 49 Palestinians were killed, including 17 children. Since the end of fighting, the Mondoweiss team identified every airstrike conducted by the Israeli air forces and undertook the project of memorializing the Palestinians who were martyred in the Israeli attack, including interviewing many of their families. While Israeli airstrikes were still ongoing in Gaza, moving from place to place became a deadly mission, and even venturing outside of your home could expose you to deliberate and indiscriminate Israeli bombing. The Israeli military regarded anything that moved on the ...

Jewish Ritual Murder Books
Post Date: 2022-10-04 02:05:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:URL goes to a page with books from Barnes review.

Poland Formally Claims $1.3 trillion in WWII Reparations from Germany
Post Date: 2022-10-03 16:46:50 by X-15
JUST IN - Poland's nationalist-conservative ruling party formally claims $1.3 trillion of World War II reparations from Germany on German Unity Day. Poster Comment:If Germany says they can make payments on that claim then there's going to be a whole bunch of pissed off kikenvermin in Israhell who will claim that they thought they had squeezed Germany dry. OY VEY!!!!!

Rights group: Israel holding 800 Palestinians without trial
Post Date: 2022-10-03 07:41:54 by Horse
Israel is holding nearly 800 Palestinians without trial or charge, the highest number since 2008, an Israeli rights group said Sunday. The group, HaMoked, which regularly gathers figures from Israeli prison authorities, said that 798 Palestinians are currently being held in so-called administrative detention, a practice where the prisoners can be held for months, do not know the charges against them and are not granted access to the evidence against them. The group said the number of those held in administrative detention has risen steadily this year, as Israel conducts nightly arrest raids in the occupied West Bank in response to a spate of attacks against Israelis earlier this year.

Israeli settlers attacked 15 mosques since January: Official
Post Date: 2022-10-03 07:40:22 by Horse
September that Israeli troops and extremist settlers have stormed and attacked 15 mosques since the start of the year. The minister highlighted that these provocative actions come as a direct result of Tel Aviv’s policy which allows settlers to carry out violent and destructive acts with impunity, stressing that such behavior could trigger a religious war. Last year alone, the Palestinian Authority (PA) recorded more than ten attacks on different mosques across the West Bank, as well as the damaging of several others in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israeli aerial bombardment. The most commonly attacked religious site in the West Bank is Al-Aqsa Mosque, located in the occupied ...

Igor Shafarevich and the Jews
Post Date: 2022-09-30 17:36:59 by X-15
One way to become an unwitting dissident is to assume that the truth will set everyone free. Igor Shafarevich, in his 1989 essay “Russophobia” (my review here), spoke the truth about the overwhelmingly negative impact the Jewish Left has had on Russia, and he received merciless defamation from the Jewish Left in return. Much of this abuse came from the mostly Jewish “Third Wave” of Russian émigrés who were known for their undue and quite racist insults of Russians during the 1970s. (Russians being either brutal, slavish, or messianic were the most prominent stereotypes.) The essay uncovered the Jewish complicity in the October Revolution and its bloody ...

This is What Got Katie Halper Censored & Canceled By The Hill: Israel Is An Apartheid State
Post Date: 2022-09-30 09:29:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jews and ADL tried to claim that Israel is not an Apartheid state.

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