
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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America the Feckless
Post Date: 2022-05-17 10:08:04 by Ada
How low can we go? There have been several particularly disturbing stories in the media over the past week even if one chooses to tune out the US Congress’s pending astonishing overwhelming approval of a grant of $39.8 billion to Ukraine to continue the war to “weaken” Russia. Even so-called progressives in the Democratic Party voted for the war. So now the United States will be at war with Russia through proxy, like it or not, and the consequences could be devastating, particularly if NATO member Poland intervenes directly, as it has been threatening, but few in Washington seem to be awake to that reality. And only Senator Rand Paul, who is asking for an inspector general ...

Israeli Thugs Assault The Funeral Procession Of Shireen Abu Akleh
Post Date: 2022-05-16 16:30:06 by Horse

Chaos In Jerusalem As Israeli Police Attack Slain Al Jazeera Journalist's Funeral Procession
Post Date: 2022-05-13 20:10:10 by Horse
"This is awful to watch...I have my team working to get answers about what happened here," Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said.

Post Date: 2022-05-12 19:44:23 by Horse
Poster Comment:This prophecy was made in a long interview with an Israeli reporter. The Banks starved 3 million Gentile Americans to death in the 1930s. 123 million Americans were alive in 1929. 3 million stared to death. US was taken into WW I and lost 130,000 soldiers and 8,000 blinded. Why? Because Bankers wanted to bankrupt our allies by making the war last beyond 1915. And the Jews wanted to set up a Communist dictatorship in Russia killing 60 million plus Gentiles. I wrote this: Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. Israel did 911. Read this. 911 ...

Post Date: 2022-05-11 15:22:08 by Horse
On May 11, Israeli forces have shot and killed Al Jazeera’s journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian health ministry. Abu Akleh was reportedly hit in the head by a live while covering Israeli raids in the city of Jenin. The Palestinian-American journalist was rushed to a hospital in Jenin in critical condition, where she was pronounced dead shortly. Another Al Jazeera journalist, Ali Samoudi, was also wounded with a bullet in the back while covering the raids in Jenin with Abu Akleh. The journalist is currently in a stable condition. Both Abu Akleh and Samoudi were wearing distinctive blue press vests and helmets. The journalists were ...

Israeli Data Shows 25% Spike In Emergency Heart Problems Among “Fully Vaccinated” Young Adults
Post Date: 2022-05-10 07:37:36 by Horse
Covid vaccines cause spike in heart-related emergencies in young adults, especially after the second dose.

Post Date: 2022-05-08 10:58:09 by Horse

Q&A With Brother Nathanael
Post Date: 2022-05-07 20:47:01 by Horse

Lusitania False Flag Sinking:
Post Date: 2022-05-07 19:56:13 by Horse
How Greedy Jewish Warmongering Propaganda Works by Devon Stack VIDEO

Rabbi Yaron Reuven gives a warning to the Jews
Post Date: 2022-05-05 10:45:06 by Horse

FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules”
Post Date: 2022-05-05 07:09:35 by Horse
Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election Poster Comment:Fox also is pro vaxx for employees. Rupert Murdoch is Jewish and Australian.

US lawmakers say radical groups in Israel attack Christians 'with impunity'
Post Date: 2022-05-04 14:23:26 by Horse
A bipartisan group of US lawmakers issued a rare critique against Israel on Friday, citing a rise in attacks on the Christian community in Jerusalem carried out by Israeli perpetrators acting with "impunity". The lawmakers, led by Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro and Republican Gus Bilirakis, said radical groups in Israel were looking to "drive out" Christians from the holy city and threatening its "cultural and religious diversity". “We write today as a bipartisan group of Members of Congress deeply concerned by the rise in attacks against the Christian community in Jerusalem,” the lawmakers stated.

Nasrallah to Israel: ‘From here on, Iran may strike you back directly’
Post Date: 2022-05-04 13:45:42 by Horse
Description: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel in a speech on International Quds Day on 29 April 2022, that the Islamic Republic of Iran may strike back directly at the Tel Aviv regime from here on in retaliation for any attacks on Iranian forces in the region. Seen as a symbol of resistance and anti-imperialism to many in the Arab and Islamic world, Hezbollah is simultaneously listed as a terrorist organisation by a number of Western states, including the U.S., the UK, Canada and Australia. Source: Spot Shot Video (YouTube) Date: May 1, 2022 ( Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a small monthly amount here ) ...

Proof 'ISRAEL' & her 'JEWISH' Soldiers did 9/11
Post Date: 2022-05-04 02:45:37 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is more a history of criminal Zionism than an expose of 911. I watched it. Very good. An hour long.

Denying Holocaust Denial
Post Date: 2022-05-02 09:27:28 by Ada
On April 8, it was announced that Canada would soon be joining an illustrious club: the enlightened nations of the world that have elected to ban so-called Holocaust denial. Depending on how one interprets the law, there are currently 18 nations that either explicitly ban “Holocaust denial” (including Germany, Austria, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Russia) or generically ban “denial of genocide” (Switzerland and Lichtenstein). Canada would then be the nineteenth nation in this honor roll of obsequiousness. Canada’s action comes not long after the UN General Assembly approved a related resolution, A/76/L.30, on 22 January 2022, “condemning” ...

Israeli Dual Citizenship in US Congress is the biggest problem in US Congress
Post Date: 2022-05-01 13:35:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Catherine Austin Fitts said, "70 are dual loyalists."

AIPAC Shuns Republican Voters –
Post Date: 2022-05-01 11:06:22 by Horse
Endorses Radical Trump-Hater Liz Cheney

Nina Jankowicz. Is she Jewish?
Post Date: 2022-04-30 12:37:32 by Horse
She is married to Michael Stein. Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 @wiczipedia “Nina’s ancestors also came to the US from some Warsaw ghetto, but should she be ashamed of this? Of course not, she should be proud. Grandma and grandpa were just Jews* in the ghetto, and they came to a country where they were given a check mark on Twitter.” *in Polish/Czech

Can the Ukraine Win the War Against Free Speech?
Post Date: 2022-04-29 08:58:24 by Ada
The two most pressing issues of the day are Elon Musk’s plan to reinstate freedom of speech on Twitter and an impending war with Russia. Maybe these two issues can be tied together? First, let’s take a trip down Memory Lane and remember how we got to the point where we are begging a billionaire to please just allow us to state our opinions in public. The initial explanation of mass internet censorship was that people were saying mean things and that it was hurting the feelings of protected groups. In 2015, Chuck Johnson was the first person to be banned from Twitter for political reasons. That was followed shortly thereafter by the banning of MILO. Both were banned for ...

Why Didn’t A Catastrophic Mudslide At Babi Yar In 1961 Unearth Millions Of Bones Of Nazi ‘Holocaust’ Victims?
Post Date: 2022-04-27 21:42:34 by Horse
Official court historians of World War II agree that up to 100,000 assorted victims of “Nazi terror” were buried at the Babi Yar Ravine in Kiev — yet we are told that the sacred remains of these victims have been left undisturbed out of “respect” for the surviving family members — and Jewish burial “laws.” Those who have questioned the official narrative of Babi Yar have called for independent forensic investigation of the site — in order to set the official history on solid factual grounds — but Jewish leaders have resisted this — and thereby fueling the lingering doubts as to whether or not any strong corroborating evidence could be ...

US Diplomacy Continues to be Invisible
Post Date: 2022-04-26 08:49:57 by Ada
No deal with Iran and weapons for Ukraine Remember the Beatles’ song that went like this: “I read the news today, oh boy!”? To be sure there has not been much good news to savor recently, though notably, under the cover provided by the war in Ukraine’s domination of the news cycle, the Israel Lobby in the United States has been working harder than ever to promote the interests of the country that is most dear to its heart. It’s associated media arm has been ignoring the regular killing of Palestinians by Israeli security forces while also dismissing the ultra-violent incursion by the Jewish state’s police at one of Islam’s holiest sites, the al-Aqsa ...

Neocon Mark Levin: ‘I Am Not A Nationalist,’
Post Date: 2022-04-25 08:05:20 by Horse
People Who Push ‘America First’ Are ‘Schizophrenic’

Israel Dumps The Dollar For China's Renminbi
Post Date: 2022-04-21 10:20:14 by Horse
Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance Over the last 48 hours, China and Russia have taken big steps toward separating themselves from the monetary policy and economies of the west – and nobody has even noticed. Those who have been reading my blog for the last couple of weeks know that I have been predicting that China and Russia would grow far closer economically, creating, in essence, a second global monetary system where the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article proclaiming that Russia would back the ruble with gold as a way to fight back against western economic sanctions. I also made similar predictions about the new digital Chinese ...

Memo to Democratic leaders: Voters put Israel way down on list of U.S. allies
Post Date: 2022-04-20 18:47:08 by Horse
Today Shibley Telhami published a new survey that shows that Democrats put Israel way down the list of important U.S. allies. The pollster writes: Fewer than 1% of Democrats identify Israel as first or second choice among the two top US allies, behind eight other countries. The U.K., Canada, Germany, Mexico, France, Japan, China, and South Korea all rate higher among Democratic voters– as you can see in the survey. Telhami says the poll is evidence of a “growing… gap between elected Democrats and their constituents.”

Vice President Harris serves wine from illegal Israeli settlement at her seder
Post Date: 2022-04-18 14:43:47 by Horse
This is truly crazy. The Biden administration says it is committed to the two state solution and opposed to Israeli settlements. Then late Friday night, vice president Kamala Harris’s husband, Douglas Emhoff, bragged about celebrating Passover “with our hardworking staff by holding a Seder at the Vice President’s Residence,” and he tweeted a photo that showed– settlement wine, from the illegal settlement of Psagot north of Ramallah. You can see the bottle from the Psagot vineyard right in front of the vice president in the photo. What a joke. Poster Comment:Her husband is Jewish.

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