
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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The Week That Perished
Post Date: 2022-03-06 09:43:47 by Ada
The Week’s Most Straining, Sustaining, and Ukraining Headlines SKOR-ZANY Otto Skorzeny epitomized “strange bedfellows.” The Waffen-SS Obersturmbannführer was the Errol Flynn of the Third Reich, performing feats of derring-do for his Führer, much to the chagrin of Europe’s Jews. Yet later in life, Skorzeny was recruited by the Mossad to carry out operations for Israel (“schmaltz herring-do”). And today the world’s witnessing even stranger bedfellows: Ukraine and Israel. For decades following WWII, Ukrainians were held as uniquely contemptible by those in the Never Againosphere (“Dey were da woist collaboratahs of da Holocaust”). ...

Meet The Lesbian Hired By A Jesuit University As Its ‘Rabbi-In-Residence’ To ‘Queer’ Its Christian Students
Post Date: 2022-03-04 16:46:04 by NeoconsNailed
(Jewish News Of Northern California) Since becoming University of San Francisco’s rabbi-in-residence in 2019, Rabbi Camille Angel has been busy, whether she’s creating inclusive on-campus spaces, helping to empower students through her classes, officiating Jewish lifecycle events or leading Passover seders: When Angel’s hiring was announced, it made headlines. A Jesuit Catholic university appointing a rabbi-in-residence was unprecedented, especially when that rabbi is a lesbian and longtime LGBTQ activist. She says credit for her presence on campus is largely due to the Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice. “I was trained and I’m a rabbi to serve ...

Georgia Set To Make Questioning Holocaust Illegal by Chad Chaddington
Post Date: 2022-03-03 09:59:00 by Horse

Hedge funds and other financial firms now own nearly 1/3 of the daily newspapers in America.
Post Date: 2022-03-01 10:37:39 by Horse

Original Schindler's List book was published as fiction
Post Date: 2022-03-01 10:09:34 by NeoconsNailed
Schindler's Ark Thomas Keneally’s remarkable, Booker-winning historical fiction about the unlikely hero who rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazi death machine. In the shadow of Auschwitz, a flamboyant German industrialist continually defies the SS and becomes a living legend to the Jews of Krakow. This is the story of Oskar Schindler, a womaniser and drinker who was transformed by the war into a man with a mission, risking his life to protect beleaguered Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland. The book was published as Schindler’s List in the US and subsequently turned into a hugely successful film, which won seven Oscars, including Best Picture. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I heard of this ...

Ukraine’s Jewish President Said Males Aged 18-60 Are Banned From Leaving the Country, but If You Didn’t Already Know, That Order Exempts Jews
Post Date: 2022-02-28 11:52:38 by Ada
Neighboring Moldovan Jews are ready with fleets of busses, food, and pre-rented hotels for their co-ethnics while White Gentiles (who aren’t allowed agency anywhere in the world) are forced to stay behind and die. “In the Jewish community we have contingency plans to accept refugees in the west if people need to leave” said Ukraine’s Chief Rabbi. Israeli representatives are also there making sure their people are safely evacuated. When the Israelis aren’t facilitating third world migration into Europe, they’re facilitating Jewish emigration into Israel. After the 2014 invasion of Crimea, some 30,000 Jews left Ukraine for Israel. I recall Barbara Specter ...

The Bidens are Jewish: Evidence
Post Date: 2022-02-28 11:51:41 by NeoconsNailed
Joe Biden Family Tree =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sure, this wouldn't stand up as proof in any court, but what do courts know. Take it from me, a clan this commie, this corrupt, this sleazy, this liberty-hating has more than a touch of Hebrew hemoglobin. Didn't know Jill's maiden name was Jacobs. The clues are pretty hard to miss here: en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Jill_Biden#Early_life It was originally the Italian or Sicilian equivalent Giacoppo -- this proves nothing by itself, but what family headed by a person of such parentage weren't churchgoers in the early 1950s? Even with mother of (?) English extraction. God's Chosen People are famously ...

Israeli forces fatally shoot child, block ambulance
Post Date: 2022-02-27 09:01:03 by Horse
Israel fatally shot a Palestinian child on Tuesday and left him to bleed while preventing an ambulance from reaching him. Muhammad Rizq Shehade Salah was about 100 meters from the Israeli-built separation barrier in al-Khader village south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank when an Israeli soldier shot him in the torso with live ammunition. The Israeli army claimed he had been throwing a Molotov cocktail, according to Haaretz. But the military statement actually quoted by the newspaper is much more vague. It says that Israeli soldiers “identified three suspects who arrived at a location where Molotov cocktails were repeatedly thrown at Israeli vehicles recently.” No ...

SPLC Director Threatens To Call Police On Reporter Over Questions About Sexual Harassment Allegations
Post Date: 2022-02-26 17:19:13 by NeoconsNailed
Two of the remaining top-level staff at the embattled Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) threatened to call the police on a Daily Caller reporter on Thursday, as he tried to ask about their knowledge of sexual harassment by Morris Dees. Heidi Beirich and Maureen Costello, Director of the Intelligence Project and Teaching Tolerance respectively, were spotted in downtown DC, coming in and out of the Daily Caller’s building throughout the day. Costello took over the Teaching Tolerance project in 2010, and Beirich joined the SPLC back in 1999. The board and senior leadership of the SPLC has, for years, been stacked with friends and allies of the disgraced founder Morris Dees. Dees, ...

Welcome to Yom Kippur Time!
Post Date: 2022-02-25 17:10:04 by NeoconsNailed
Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidre Prayer Every year, including this year, Jews around the world will be gathering to celebrate the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. It is called Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. At synagogues everywhere worshippers will recite the Kol Nidre prayer. Taken from the first two Hebrew words of the prayer, Kol Nidre means “all vows.” The goyim are told that Yom Kippur is an occasion when pious, saintly Jews approach their Maker in a penitential rite to beg his forgiveness for wrongs they have committed during the past year. That is rubbish. In fact, on their Day of Atonement Jews ask for and receive nothing less than absolution for all the sins ...

Post Date: 2022-02-24 18:35:34 by NeoconsNailed
Perm-36 is a memorial museum to Soviet repressions on the site of the world's only preserved gulag camp. Local historians who founded the museum have been replaced at the helm by a state organization. The ousted historians now fear the change of management means Soviet crimes will be whitewashed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wait a minute -- did somebody besides ME just say "PUTIN" and "SOVIET" in the same sentence? His numerous admirers among American patriots aren't going to like this. It shows him a lying, conniving, bullying commie at heart. Now.... who'll be the first to jump up and say he wasn't a very serious KGB goon, he's a great Orthodox Christian ...

LIVE THREAD: Russia Launches TOTAL War on Fake Country of Ukraine, All Airports Bombed, Tanks Rolling to Kiev
Post Date: 2022-02-24 09:17:17 by Ada
LIVE HAPPENING THREAD – UPDATES BELOW Here is the 24/7 RT stream: UPDATES – ONGOING 8:06 AM EST That short haired bitch from the EU and that gay faggot from NATO just gave a speech about their deathly sanctions. Putin has done everything he said he was going to do, exactly as he said he was going to do it, and he said he doesn’t care about sanctions. I’ll say again: the sanctions are going to hurt the West worse than Russia, in real terms. Russians are ready to deal with a bit of austerity. The West is not. Furthermore – Russia is literally fighting an existential battle for its existence. The West is doing what? Why are they defending the Ukraine? It’s ...

Yid Oligarchs Wage Civil War in Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-02-24 05:53:09 by Horse

Google Maps Location Data of Freedom Convoy Donors Posted Online
Post Date: 2022-02-23 22:43:03 by NeoconsNailed
Precise Google Maps locations of people in Ontario, Canada who donated to the Freedom Convoy was posted online as a result of the GiveSendGo hack that was incited by the media. Following the legacy media-led demonization of the Canadian truckers and their supporters, the names of 90,000 people who donated to the cause were leaked. Now a Google Maps link was posted, “pointing to locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated, including those as low as $10,” reports Breitbart. After being public for hours, Google finally terminated the link, which has now been replaced with a message ...

Vinnitsa, Ukraine: Where Jewish-Led NKVD Terrorists Murdered 10,000 Christians And Blamed It On The ‘Nazis’
Post Date: 2022-02-22 14:14:09 by NeoconsNailed
(Front National Suisse) Here we present another eye-opening article from the revisionist site, Front National Suisse — we would encourage our readers to explore their unique archive of historical material that has been memory-holed for self-evident reasons. You can read the original article on their website in French — or you can read it below translated in English. Here we have a gut-wrenching glimpse into the belly of the Judeo- Bolshevik beast — the utter ruthlessness and depravity of the NKVD’s genocide against the Christian Ukrainians at Vinnitsa — documented with German precision and photographic detail for the world to see. And, yes, the NKVD was dominated ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2022-02-21 20:39:17 by Horse
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America ...

Machinations Already underway for President Nikki Haley
Post Date: 2022-02-21 15:16:22 by NeoconsNailed
Poll Touted By South Carolina Mainstream Media Downplays Donald Trump, Deifies Nikki Haley Legitimate results? Or proxy war propaganda? Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Just click the link -- did this page up once and accidentally deleted it. Haley is a completely artificial, contrived phenomenon like her fellow diversity pinup Obongo. Since the establishment is incapable of honesty and routinely steals elections now you know serious hanky-panky's afoot. Author is Will Folks -- site merits a free email sub, esp. for South Carolinians. NN

Post Date: 2022-02-21 00:45:00 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Ha hahaaaa -- 'gas ovens'!!!!! He cites one example of the knowing, deliberate fakers -- Elmore Rosen.

Jews Claim They Prefer We Call Them ‘Jews’ Rather Than ‘Jewish’ But Can’t Promise Not To Be Offended When We Do
Post Date: 2022-02-19 13:49:49 by NeoconsNailed
(Times Of Israel) The leading dictionary of standard German has changed its definition of Jew — or “Jude” in German — after a recent update caused an uproar in the country’s Jewish community — a move reflecting the sensitivities that persist eight decades after World War II, which they have apparently renamed “The Holocaust”: The Duden dictionary had recently added an explanation to its online edition saying that “occasionally, the term Jew is perceived as discriminatory because of the memory of the National Socialist use of language. In these cases, formulations such as Jewish people, Jewish fellow citizens or people of the Jewish faith are ...

A mother's face doesn't lie. Justin meets his real father, Fidel Castro
Post Date: 2022-02-15 22:09:10 by NeoconsNailed
LARGE COLOR CLOSEUP CAPTION: A mother's face doesn't lie. Justin meets his real father, Fidel Castro at PET's funeral in 2002. When will Canadians realize the Prime Minister is Fidel Castro's son?" The article, accompanied by pic of Justin's momma Margaret Trudeau kvelling over a photo album on a sofa with Castro: Castro Murdered 100,000 - Will Justin Follow in Father's Footsteps? 346964864.1627224119 Canadians are in denial. Their Prime Minister's father executed 100,000 people. Karen Leibowitcz: "In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they 'debunked' the story that ...

Senate Republicans Move To Delay Vote On Biden's Fed Vice-Chair Nominee
Post Date: 2022-02-15 19:10:05 by Horse
"On 36 questions for the record, for example, Ms. Raskin claimed she either did ‘not recall' or was ‘unaware'. Her repeated forgetfulness defies credulity..." Poster Comment:Raskin is a Jewish name.

Mel Mermelstein Dies — Lawsuit Revealed This ‘Best Witness’ To Homicidal ‘Gas Chambers’ Was ‘Demonstrable Fraud’
Post Date: 2022-02-15 14:02:48 by NeoconsNailed
(Jerusalem Post) Mel Mermelstein — a publicity hound and self- proclaimed “Holocaust survivor” who sued the Institute of Historical Review — helped out by a prejudicial Jewish judge who refused to recuse himself — died on Friday at his home in Long Beach, California, aged 95 of COVID- related complications, according to a report in The New York Times: In 1944, when Mermelstein was 17, his parents, two sisters and brother were deported with him from their Hungarian town to Auschwitz. At the concentration camp, his mother and sisters and were murdered in the gas chambers and his father and brother died from other causes, The Washington Post reported. Before his ...

The Secret Of Frank Sinatra’s Success: Illegal Gun-Running For Israeli Haganah Terrorists
Post Date: 2022-02-12 16:09:55 by NeoconsNailed
(Israellycool) Had it not been for his connections with the Jewish mafia — specifically his cozy relationship with Jewish mobster, Mickey Cohen — Frank Sinatra might otherwise have been a footnote in Hollywood history. In the late 1940s, Sinatra’s career as a singer had stagnated — his fame had begun to fade after leaving Tommy Dorsey’s band, when Cohen took Sinatra under his wing and used his significant clout in Tinseltown — and then in Las Vegas — to turn Sinatra into a “legend,” but that fame came with a price, and Cohen would want something in return — which Sinatra was more than willing to give: Francis Albert Sinatra may have been ...

Latest Olympic doping scandal 'propaganda gold' for Russia
Post Date: 2022-02-12 03:16:15 by Dakmar
On Dec. 5, 2017, after determining that Russia had been operating a sophisticated doping operation, the International Olympic Committee suspended the country from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics. (The ban that would later be extended thru 2022, including the current Games in Beijing). In announcing the sanction, IOC president Thomas Bach declared Russia was guilty of "an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the Olympic Games." Yet despite the tough talk, there was a catch: Russian athletes who had never tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs could still compete under a shadow organization – in this case the "Russian Olympic Committee." ...

Army Whistleblower:
Post Date: 2022-02-11 23:10:17 by Horse
Mossad Set Up A Laptop Stand At Mall Near Army Base To Spy On American Troops Operatives for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, set up a laptop kiosk at a shopping mall near a U.S. Army base to sell laptops rigged with spyware to U.S. military servicemembers, a former Army intelligence analyst tells Big League Politics. And he said the U.S. military found out about it but kept it quiet. Cody R., former Army intelligence analyst who served in Afghanistan, vowed to put his hand on the Bible and swear to the following story about how the "Israeli government has a mistrust in everyone, including its allies." Cody R., former Army intelligence analyst who served in ...

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