
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Israel Unveils New Armed Robot Amid Outcry Over “Death Machines”
Post Date: 2021-09-13 19:17:28 by Horse
Israel unveiled a new remote-controlled killer robot Monday at a major weapons fair in the U.K. that human rights advocates are criticizing as an event to sell “death machines” and tools of abuse. Developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the Rex MK II is a four-wheeled vehicle mounted with two machine guns to carry out remote attacks. According to a press statement from the state-owned company announcing the release, the robot has already been sold to global customers... Poster Comment:The US has a robot that can communicate with satellites, do facial recognition, run 35 mph and kill humans a mile away.

Jews Did 911 (new intelligence)
Post Date: 2021-09-12 14:46:28 by Horse

Israeli Spying In The United States:
Post Date: 2021-09-12 02:20:07 by Horse
Israeli Spying In The United States: Censored Four-Part Fox News Series With Carl Cameron (2001) Poster Comment:This is a famous ABC series on Israeli spies in the US circa 911.

Israeli Mother Describes Attempted Forced Vaccination of Her Child [VIDEO]
Post Date: 2021-09-10 18:46:28 by Horse
If this testimony of attempted (and successfully executed) forced vaccination of 18 year olds in the middle of the night at an army base is true, it just adds to the bewildering, horribly ironic situation of Israeli elites using their own people as medical guinea pigs. This mum does raise the Nazi theme, quite rightly. Fortunately, the girl in question was not vaccinated because she fought back hard. At least we can say that they didn’t ultimately force her 100%. But many others were, who didn’t have the personal strength or development to stand up to uniformed-authority-figures who literally SAT ON the young girls, ordering them to be vaccinated immediately. Reflect on those ...

The longstanding complicity of the Israeli Medical Association with torture in Israel
Post Date: 2021-09-10 11:03:31 by Ada
There is not even-handed regulation of doctors worldwide regarding complicity with torture. The case of the Israeli Medical Association serves as a prime example. During the Middle Ages in Europe the practice of torture drew distinction from its association with confessed truth, repentance, and salvation, yet by 1874 Victor Hugo could write that “torture has ceased to exist.” However there has never been any doubt that torture would outlive its obituarists. In 2015 Amnesty International noted that 157 states had ratified the UN Convention of Torture, yet 141 states had used torture in the previous 5 years – this included Western supposedly liberal democracies. Torture is a ...

Isle of L.A. Part III: Gringo Star Supernova
Post Date: 2021-09-08 11:37:12 by Ada
Part III of my series about the changing face of L.A. Click for Parts I and II. I ended Part II with a look at how L.A. County’s Hispanics are habitual nonvoters. Let’s pick up seamlessly from there, in Compton. Compton used to be so black (over 85%) that at my high school we had a litany of “Compton so black” jokes. “Compton so black it don’t know its founding father.” “Compton so black its traffic arteries got sickle cell.” “Compton so black it was bought from Mexico on layaway.” “Mexicans do the scut work around here, they don’t riot when one of their own is arrested, and they aren’t dangerously self-destructive. ...

"There A Bunch Of Rich Jews" A Smart Woman On The Phil Donahue Show
Post Date: 2021-09-05 08:03:32 by Horse
Poster Comment:Woman understands why some are above the law.

Israel's 'Coronavirus Czar' Tells Citizens To Prepare For Eventual 4th Shot
Post Date: 2021-09-04 20:38:19 by Horse
"This is our life from now on, in waves" - top health official Salman Zarka said unironically. Poster Comment:A 4th shot? Wow! Each shot is exponentially worse. And Israel has both the highest rate of vaccination and covid. Two more years and the place is gone. Good News for the rest of the world.

Heavenly, Hellish Cape Town
Post Date: 2021-09-04 20:05:44 by Horse
In my last two articles, I pointed out the obvious, that war profiteers, whorish politicians and Jewish social engineers are destroying America. (If this is still news to you, then you are either an infant or a world-class moron.) My indictment didn’t sit well with several commenters, however, so I was accused of being, among other things, a warmonger, hater of whites, privileged immigrant who should give up my American passport and, get this, a “Jewish acolyte”! Alexandros, “Foreigners really have no business commenting on the affairs of Europeans. It’s normal to take criticism from your own, but not from your enemies. That is an affront.” In short, all ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-09-04 18:37:23 by Horse
Stop all of this. It's a distraction. We need to be talking about the Jews who engineered the whole thing. That's the key to solving every problem we've had for the past 20 years. Get a grip and refocus on the real problem instead of continuing this endless argument. JohnKaminski

Sackler Jews Cut Deal with Prosecutor, Win Immunity from Future Lawsuits
Post Date: 2021-09-04 08:54:49 by Ada
The so-called “opioid crisis” was actually nothing more than yet another crisis of Jewishness. OxyContin was brought to us by Purdue Pharma, owned by the Jew Sackler family. The pills that were so addictive were handed out for minor pain. OxyContin is ultra high powered synthetic stuff, more powerful than morphine and comparable to heroin. Of course, we’ve had normal opioid pain pills for over a century. Codeine has been around since the 1830s – it’s a light painkiller. We had Vicodin, Percocet, and others. People can get addicted to those, but it’s not a crippling addiction, and basic programs can get people off. So what the Jews did was come up with ...

Israel Fires Missiles at Syrian Capital of Damascus
Post Date: 2021-09-04 08:15:08 by Ada
Syrian media has reported a new round of Israeli missile attacks Friday morning, in the area around the capital city of Damascus. Reports of damage are not clear yet, and Syria focused on the missile defenses actively intercepting fire. As is often the case, the Israeli attacks came from Lebanese airspace, and as is even more often the case, Israel has not officially commented on the attack. This is the first reported attack in over a week. Israeli attacks on Syria are almost always done on the pretext of attacking Shi’ite factions, including Hezbollah. Russia has been interested in curbing the rate of Israeli attacks in recent months, though so far the only measure taken was ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-09-02 06:55:16 by Horse
“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews”–Edgar J. Steele

Israel Confirms It Has Launched Multiple Airstrikes
Post Date: 2021-09-01 07:46:45 by BTP Holdings
Israel Confirms It Has Launched Multiple Airstrikes ( While the United States struggles with Islamic militants in Afghanistan, Israel is continuing to defend itself against Hamas extremists working to destroy the nation of Israel and murder its people. On Monday, the Israeli Defense Forces announced that it had successfully carried out fresh strikes against Hamas bases in Gaza. A tweet from the official IDF account explained how throughout the summer, Hamas has launched a number of arson balloons from Gaza into Israel. The attacks involve balloons carrying material that is on fire being launched from Gaza, so that they land in Israel and cause fires in buildings ...

Israel Warns
Post Date: 2021-08-30 09:21:03 by Horse
COVID 'Green Pass' Will Expire If Residents Don't Get Third Jab Talk about moving the goalposts...

Israel now requires everyone over the age of THREE to show proof of Covid vaccination or a negative test before being let into restaurants and other indoor spaces - with country now 'at war' with Delta variant
Post Date: 2021-08-30 06:49:28 by BTP Holdings
Israel now requires everyone over the age of THREE to show proof of Covid vaccination or a negative test before being let into restaurants and other indoor spaces - with country now 'at war' with Delta variant Thursday, 19 August 2021 Covid restrictions have been extended to three-year-old's in Israel, with the country now 'at war' with the Delta variant. From today, everyone over the age of three in the country must show evidence of being vaccinated or a negative test before entering restaurants, cafes, gyms and other indoor spaces. The country — praised for its world-leading vaccination drive, which has seen two-thirds of adults get double-jabbed — is in ...

Any explanations?
Post Date: 2021-08-29 12:06:18 by Ada
Can anyone explain what’s just happened in Afghanistan? Surely the unimaginable shambles can’t be down to incompetence? Even the new all-woke military can’t have sunk to these depths. Or can it? Quite literally the whole process (is it really a process?) of leaving would put the armed forces of the Congo to shame. Could all those West Point graduates, masters of strategic planning and logistics, supported by multiple alphabet intelligence services, with unlimited money from the Fed’s printing press, could they really have produced such a fiasco, one which drags America’s reputation to the lowest level it’s ever been? Did they lose a reported $2.2 trillion ...

Israel’s Bennett Says He Will Continue Covert Attacks Against Iran
Post Date: 2021-08-25 09:50:27 by Horse
A few days ahead of his meeting with President Biden, Israel’s new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke with The New York Times and said he will continue covert attacks against Iran and will oppose any US efforts to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA. Israel has a long history of taking covert action against Iran, but Israeli leaders usually aren’t so candid about it. The Times report said that Bennett plans to present Biden with a new “strategic vision” for Iran that includes more “clandestine attacks” on Iran, including what Bennett referred to as “the gray-area stuff.” One of Israel’s recent attacks on Iran targeted the Natanz ...

Israel to Grant “Green Passports” Only to Triple-Vaccinated
Post Date: 2021-08-25 09:07:01 by Horse
Looming restrictions come as country struggles to understand Covid outbreak causing hospitalizations and deaths among double-vaccinated. The State of Israel may soon restrict travel within the country only to people who have received two vaccines and a booster shot, as deaths and infection rates amongst the fully-vaccinated increase. On Tuesday, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said the country’s Green Passport, which allows access to services and places within Israeli territories, could soon only be granted to Israelis who’ve been triple-vaccinated. “After about half a year, you have to get a third dose. Otherwise, the vaccine loses its power,” Horowitz told ...

New York Times admits the Pfizer vaccine is FAILING in Israel as post-injection infections skyrocket
Post Date: 2021-08-24 15:47:43 by Ada
(Natural News) You know things are bad with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and the plandemic agenda when even The New York Times is sounding the alarm about surging infections due to widespread vaccine compliance. The more people get injected, the Times now admits, the more they are testing “positive” for Fauci Germs, in many cases requiring hospitalization. How can this be when the jabs are supposed to be the “cure” for covid? The answer, of course, is that Fauci Flu shots cure nothing and actually cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), an unnatural immune response that makes it easier for the Chinese Virus to enter cells. Vaccine-induced ...

Coronavirus cases spike in highly vaccinated Israel but drop in unvaccinated Palestine
Post Date: 2021-08-20 09:33:09 by Horse
The Middle Eastern states of Israel and Palestine show contrasting figures in both vaccination rates and case counts amid the ongoing pandemic. Israel recently saw a massive spike in Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases despite three-fifths of its population being vaccinated. Meanwhile, Palestine saw its COVID-19 cases drop even though more than 90 percent of its population remains unvaccinated. Naturopathic doctor Suneil Jain pointed out the stark contrast in a tweet. His post said: “Palestine: 8.2 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. Israel: 62 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. Guess which one is doing better?” Poster Comment:One million Israelis have had ...

Israel now requires everyone over the age of THREE to show proof of Covid vaccination
Post Date: 2021-08-19 17:45:09 by Horse
or a negative test before being let into restaurants and other indoor spaces - with country now 'at war' with Delta variant Poster Comment:Israel has vaxxed 1 million Jews 50 and over with that third Pfizer shot. Apparently a flu shot for a person with 3 Pfizer jabs can become fatal. Dr Books says they should be dead within 3 years.

Sackler family tells court they will NOT pay $4.5B Purdue Pharma settlements
Post Date: 2021-08-18 20:51:05 by Horse
After its drug Oxycontin fueled opioid crisis' unless they get immunity from future legal action An heir to a pharmaceutical dynasty facing billions of dollars in settlement claims for its role in the opioid crisis says his family won't pay up unless it's absolved from any future claims. Poster Comment:Sacklers are Jewish.

WashPo's Jennifer Rubin: Whites Must Accept That a 'Demographic Tide' is 'Washing Over Them
Post Date: 2021-08-17 17:14:38 by Horse
,' Admit America Was 'Never Theirs' Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has transitioned seamlessly in the span of a few months from insisting the Great Replacement is a "myth" to praising it as a demographic fact worthy of celebration.

Israel’s Lawyer Speaks Up
Post Date: 2021-08-17 09:29:06 by Ada
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran America’s foreign policy is a funny thing, except for the fact that it is no laughing matter. Given the recent sentencing of whistleblower Daniel Hale for revealing to the media that the US military’s drone program kills innocent civilians including many children 90% of the time, one has to wonder what the “humanitarian” Joe Biden Administration is up to. Hale will presumably serve 45 months in a federal prison though the actual time in the slammer might be closer to 18 months if he behaves and submits to counseling. Biden’s Democratic predecessor Barack Obama was equally a plague on whistleblowers while also attacking a ...

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