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Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents
Post Date: 2023-06-09 13:12:07 by Horse

Tucker on Twitter: Cling to your taboos!
Post Date: 2023-06-08 21:22:13 by Pinguinite
Ep. 2 Cling to your taboos!— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 8, 2023

Irish farmers REVOLT over WEF plans to kill their cattle | Redacted
Post Date: 2023-06-06 21:46:15 by Horse

UN body faults US, other states over Guantanamo prisoner torture
Post Date: 2023-06-06 06:27:16 by Ada
A UN watchdog hinted in a ruling made public that the United States' systematic use of Guantanamo Bay to hold suspects rounded up in its "war on terror" might in some cases amount to crimes against humanity The United States and seven other countries are responsible for torture and illegal detention of a Saudi prisoner awaiting a death penalty trial at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, a UN watchdog has ruled. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention also hinted that the systematic use of Guantanamo to hold suspects rounded up in Washington's "war on terror" after the September 11, 2001 attacks, might in some cases amount to crimes against ...

US: Arkansas pays Jewish doctor who refused pledge to disavow BDS Steven Feldman says money has not 'changed mistreatment of Palestinians', donates to Jewish Voice for Peace
Post Date: 2023-06-05 07:11:02 by Ada
The US state of Arkansas has delivered a $500 payment to a Jewish doctor, reversing a decision to withhold the money after the doctor refused to sign a pledge promising not to boycott Israel. The news was announced on Thursday in a joint news release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), the latter of which will be receiving the $500 as a donation from the doctor, Steven Feldman. “We are so grateful for Dr. Feldman’s generous donation to our work – and will use it to continue our efforts toward a future of justice, equality, and freedom for Palestinians, and for all people,” JVP executive director, Stefanie Fox, said in the ...

Gitmo’s Unsolved Deaths
Post Date: 2023-06-04 06:56:46 by Ada
If street thug prosecutors manage to railroad President Trump to prison, could he be Epsteined? Many Americans would be shocked to know that the government has previously covered up horrible prison deaths with outrageous lies. One of the most notorious incidents happened at a secret CIA facility located just outside the perimeter of Guantanamo. On the evening of June 9, 2006, Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman was on duty at Guantanamo Bay. From his unique vantage point high above the sally port, he observed, three times and at approximately 20-minute intervals, a paddy wagon drive to Alpha Block and then drive away with a manacled prisoner. Curiously the paddy wagon did not seem headed ...

Russian humor little too on the nose.
Post Date: 2023-06-02 15:08:53 by Horse
Carl Zha @CarlZha · Russian humor

Is the United States Losing Its Control of Ukraine?
Post Date: 2023-05-31 06:38:16 by Ada
In the very early days of the war in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was open to negotiating a peace. A proposed peace could have ended the war before tens of thousands of Ukrainians died and Ukraine’s infrastructure was devastated, on terms that satisfied Kiev’s goals. But the United States pressured Ukraine to go on fighting in pursuit, not of Ukraine’s goals, but of larger American ones. Putting an end to Ukraine’s negotiations with Russia, State Department spokesperson Ned Price remarkably said, “This is a war that is in many ways bigger than Russia, it’s bigger than Ukraine,” and insisted that Ukrainians go on fighting and dying for ...

Some Facts For Consideration
Post Date: 2023-05-30 09:35:36 by Ada
FACT: Things than can’t go on forever, don’t. Herb Stein’s famous “rule” is good to remember in times like these – whether it is applied to Ukraine, the US debt and spending cycle, even this new US base being built in the territory another country where we have neither a treaty or permission to be there. As an example of things that obviously can’t go on forever – we could look at the mismatched US/NATO proxy war over Ukraine. On one hand, you have a patient, strategic, well-supplied and well-led Army and PMC contractors doing the bidding of a domestically popular political leadership that entered the war reservedly but with valid nationalist, ...

Why They're Prosecuting Daniel Penny
Post Date: 2023-05-29 12:50:45 by Horse
BY Portfolio Armor Male heroism threatens the entitlement state. Poster Comment:Penny is the White man who stopped a Black man from throwing people onto the subway tracks to their deaths.

We Remember Our Dead
Post Date: 2023-05-29 10:37:26 by TommyTheMadArtist
“We Remember Our Dead” On Memorial Day here in the United States, we remember our dead who gave that last full measure to preserve our freedoms and our liberties in a country that is full of opportunity and abundance. We remember the sacrifice, the courage of those brave souls to sacrifice their lives in the pursuit of some noble cause. Whether it be freeing Europe from the clutches of tyranny twice, or trying to thwart communism and socialism from destroying good people and enslaving them, our dead are on nearly every continent having died for an ideal that is elusive and beyond our comprehension. I myself have not known anyone who has died in the course of any war, but I ...

Purging the Media
Post Date: 2023-05-29 10:36:17 by Ada
If you say something that brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers don’t want you to hear, you will find yourself canceled by the mainstream media. No matter how popular you were before, you will become a non-person. We all know this, but we need to grasp how pervasive this phenomenon is. Content that the forces of evil don’t want you to hear is banned. Gary Barnett gives an outstanding overview on the dangers of censorship and what is going on today: “Current censorship has reached levels not seen in the past, and with all the advanced technology available, this nefarious plot to silence the thinkers and hide the truth could affect all forms of speech. It is ...

CIA Pedocrats Upset Because Target Psyop Flopped
Post Date: 2023-05-29 00:18:19 by Original_Intent
...Democrats believe you are an “extremist” if you express opposition to ‘Satanist transgender queer’ products being marketed to children. LGBTTarget To Remove Satan ‘Pride’ Products; Democrat Accuses CEO Of “Selling Out LGBTQ+ Community”">Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The Pedocrats are flipping out over people rejecting their Satanic Pedophlia merch.. Each year I grow evermore pleased over leaving the "Party of Satan". Of course the head Witch is most vexed. Her illustrious Evilness Darth Hillary was looking forward to have more children to kill for her dark master.

GM's CEO Just Said "I Make All the Money and Our Workers Get Nothing"
Post Date: 2023-05-28 18:20:36 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:Wanna go for a ride?

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements
Post Date: 2023-05-27 20:05:33 by Horse
Authored by Christy Prais via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), In this series, we explore the contentious findings surrounding fluoridation of the U.S. public water supply and answer the question of whether water fluoridation poses a risk and what we should do about it. Previously: A confounding factor in the fluoride debate is the arsenic that contaminates the industrial sources of fluoride added to public water systems. A groundbreaking federal lawsuit could ban fluoride from drinking water, overturning a decades-long program aimed at preventing cavities that has been challenged by mounting evidence of harm. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) sued the Environmental Protection Agency ...

Reps. Gooden, Jordan, Demand Answers On Federal Funding Of Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2023-05-27 14:21:22 by Horse
Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Lance Gooden (R-TX) issued a joint letter calling attention to the potential use of federal funds to enable illegal immigration into the United States. Poster Comment:The US and the EU are funding 30 bus loads of illegal aliens a day from camps south of Panama in the jungle. They have other collecting points like Cancun.

Trial by Ordeal
Post Date: 2023-05-27 10:40:29 by Ada
“Let’s put you in the dunking chair and we’ll figure out what nature says about your status in the next world, and then we’ll make a decision about what to do with your still-living body.” — Matt Taibbi I’m sure you’re asking yourself: what’s up with the company CEOs like Anheuser-Busch’s Brendan Whitworth, Target’s Brian Cornell, and North Face’s Todd Spaletto? Did they green-light the disastrous Pride Month marketing campaigns based on transgender activism that are suddenly wrecking their businesses? Or do these things just happen down the chain-of-command while the top dogs are otherwise occupied, knocking golf balls around or ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-05-26 21:25:51 by Horse
In a recent address to the European Parliament, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing David Martin claimed that COVID-19 was not a natural occurrence but a calculated act of “biological warfare and a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, science was hijacked.” Poster Comment:There is an associated with a video that I just posted.

Do White Ethnicities Have a Future?
Post Date: 2023-05-25 07:51:11 by Ada
For many years the website has been the voice defending the white ethnicities who comprise the world of Western Civilization. In France the Le Pen family tries to defend French ethnics. In Britain, Enoch Powell and Nigel Farage spoke for British ethnics. The less visible European countries had defenders of their ethnicity, but despite the white ethnicities being large majorities, allegedly the rulers in a democracy, the white ethnicities are at times treated by “their” governments as dangerous “white supremacists.” Those who speak for white ethnicities and in their defense are demonized and persecuted by white media and white governments. Jean Raspail’s ...

Must See Memes
Post Date: 2023-05-24 15:55:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:Please share.

Neo-Nazi Militia Used US Armored Vehicles in Attack on Russia’s Belgorod Region
Post Date: 2023-05-24 07:46:20 by Ada
Financial Times reports that the Russian Volunteer Corps includes self- avowed neo-Nazis A neo-Nazi militia launched a cross-border raid from Ukraine into Russia’s Belgorod region on Monday using US armored vehicles, Financial Times reported Tuesday. Denis Nikitin, leader of the Russian Volunteer Corps, said his fighters who attacked Belgorod were in possession of US armored vehicles, including at least two M1224 MaxxPro armored vehicles, known as MRAPs, and several Humvees. Videos and pictures posted by Russia’s military corroborated Nikitin’s claims. Nikitin is a well-known extremist who has ties to neo-Nazis across the world and has his own white nationalist clothing ...

What does the fall of Bakhmut in Ukraine really mean?
Post Date: 2023-05-24 07:33:16 by Ada
New realities on the ground could take NATO’s involvement to the next level. A Q&A with Anatol Lieven & George Beebe. Reports indicate that after months of fighting, the Russians have taken the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. This comes at a time when world leaders are pledging more aid and weapons — including sophisticated, American-made F-16s — to Ukraine in hopes that its armed forces will be able to mount a much anticipated counteroffensive this spring. I asked the two top Russia experts at the Quincy Institute — Anatol Lieven and George Beebe — for their candid takes on what this apparent victory for Russia really means, and how it might change ...

MTG Unveils Amendment To Require Death Penalty For Smuggling Fentanyl Across US Border
Post Date: 2023-05-24 01:22:30 by Horse
Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced an amendment that would require the death penalty for anyone caught snuggling fentanyl across the U.S. southern border. Greene tweeted on Tuesday: “300 Americans are murdered each day by fentanyl. It’s the leading killer of young people, 18-34, in America. Today, I introduced an amendment to H.R. 467 to give the death penalty to criminals who intentionally or knowingly import fentanyl across our Southern border.” Greene’s amendment comes as several Republican lawmakers have pushed for new legislation to enforce tougher penalties to crack down on the fentanyl crisis. As the border crisis worsens, some ...

COVID Vaccine-Injured Sue Biden Administration Over Censorship
Post Date: 2023-05-24 00:48:47 by Horse
"Defendants now work in concert with social media companies to censor content the government deems ‘disinformation,’ ‘misinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’..." Poster Comment:About time someone sued.

Bud Light, THIS is an Apology Video! Leaked Bud Light Commercial, New Can Designs, *Watch Until End*
Post Date: 2023-05-23 10:46:50 by Horse
Poster Comment:Satire Ad.

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