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Over 40% Of Americans Think Civil War Likely Within 10 Years
Post Date: 2022-09-02 19:57:25 by Horse
Around 2/3 of those polled also believe that political division in this country has gotten worse since Joe Biden took office Poster Comment:Civil War 2 starts the day after the Dollar Dies which should be before November 2024 elections.

Middle-Class Parents Were "Tricked & Fleeced" - Nassim 'Black Swan' Taleb Blasts Biden's Student-Loan Bailout
Post Date: 2022-08-31 18:55:34 by Horse
...the cost of Biden’s "debt jubilee should be borne by universities, not taxpayers." Poster Comment:Universities have more administrators than professors.

HAND IT OVER, ZUCK! GOP Senators Demand Facebook's FBI Communications on Hunter Biden
Post Date: 2022-08-30 21:40:39 by Horse
Zuckerberg revealed Facebook spoke with the FBI during a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience. “Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think basically came to us – some folks on our team – and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.’” Now, the GOP Senators want answers. According to The New York Post, “In a new letter to Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg Monday, Sen. Johnson, ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee ...

Project Veritas:
Post Date: 2022-08-30 21:36:36 by Horse
Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal Admits to Discriminating Against Hiring Catholics, Hopes to Ensure Students Vote Democrat in Future (VIDEO) Greenwich, Connecticut – Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School admitted he discriminates against hiring Catholics. Poster Comment:This took 16 minutes. Bad ISP acting up again. Go to source to see Part 1 of 2 Part series.

Old Man Knocks Out Young Gangster (Street Fight Breakdown)!
Post Date: 2022-08-30 12:20:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Old guy knows how to box. Gives young thug a lesson. Study his technique.

America First Delegates Take Over Michigan GOP,
Post Date: 2022-08-30 06:59:27 by Horse
Still Face Challenges From Establishment Poster Comment:America First seems to me to be better than China, Davos, the Third World and Israel First.

"Get The F*** Out Of This Province!" Canadian Deputy PM Pounced On In Alberta
Post Date: 2022-08-29 20:41:02 by Horse
Chrystia Freeland is the smiling face of Canadian-Covidian tyranny Poster Comment:Freeland is the grand-daughter of a famous Ukrainian Nazi. The Canadians are invoking state's rights against Trudeau regime's Davos insanity.

In Defense of Alex Jones
Post Date: 2022-08-29 07:40:05 by Ada
Carefully indoctrinated hatred of Alex Jones is the basis for the $49 million civil trial award to an alleged parent who says he was defamed by Alex Jones’ reporting about the alleged Sandy Hook school shootings. I use the word “alleged” because I personally do not know if the claims of the “defamed” person are true, and I do not know if the official narrative of the shooting is true. They might be. If so, I can understand how a parent could be offended by Alex Jones’ reporting, but how is the parent defamed? If he is a parent of a Sandy Hook school shooting victim, my heart goes out to him, and Alex Jones was wrong in his conclusion. But being wrong in ...

Anti-Immigrant, Eurosceptic Sweden Democrats Set To Become Nation's 2nd Largest Party
Post Date: 2022-08-28 07:49:39 by Horse
According to the latest opinion poll from SVT/Novus, the Sweden Democrats are now the main challengers of Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson’s incumbent Social Democrats currently leading a minority government. Poster Comment:Great news from the old country. I am 1/8th Swedish. Very rare that you see common sense in Europe.

Drug Company Unveils New Drug To Fix Side Effect From Other Drug That Fixed Side Effect From Other Drug
Post Date: 2022-08-27 20:00:21 by Horse
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has announced a new drug to fix the side effect from their last new drug, which was developed to fix the side effect from the one before that. "Finally, relief for the massive hemorrhoids caused by our last medication is on the way," said Pfizer CEO Ronald Porter. "And with that last medication having basically solved the exploding spleen issue from the drug before that, we are really in business." Pfizer had initially released the medication "Pytriq" to help treat mild cases of seasonal allergies. "Our studies showed excellent results, with less runny nose and cough. However, about half of the people on Pytriq experienced ...

Gavin McInnes Raided by Feds Live on Air, Allegedly Sitting in Jail Right Now
Post Date: 2022-08-27 08:19:28 by Ada
On Thursday night, political commentator and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes was arrested by federal law enforcement live on air. McInnes is seen sitting in his hosting chair – which is a very cheap, bad chair – and looks toward someone entering the studio. “We’re shooting a show, can we do this another time?” McInnes asks. He then gets up from his chair, which was a big mistake. He should have remained at the mic. Once they break into your house, you know you’re getting arrested, so there is no point in trying to talk to them, and if he’d remained in front of the camera and mic, he could have a very sympathetic scene spammed all over the internet. ...

Post Date: 2022-08-26 19:47:07 by Horse

My Comment at Auschwitz film
Post Date: 2022-08-26 18:33:32 by Horse
Google this: "July 1, 1916 Worst day in British military history." On that day Britain had 58,000 casualties. I heard the other day of an island off the coast of New Foundland, Canada that lost so many men in one battle that the women had no men to get them pregnant after the war so their island almost became extinct. That should never have happened as WW I would have ended in 1915. But Woodrow Wilson wanted the war to last until after the 1916 elections when he could get Americans into a European war. Thomas Lamont, a senior business partner of J P Morgan, told businessmen in Philadelphia that the war would be good for America because it would bankrupt Britain, France and Germany ...

When Whites Fight Back! - New Edition
Post Date: 2022-08-26 08:45:45 by Horse

My Comment at A Zero Hege Video.
Post Date: 2022-08-25 09:09:54 by Horse
In 1929 there were 123 million Americans. At least 3 million of them died of starvation though some demographers say as many as 4 to 7 million. They died because the US money supply contracted 31%. The US Federal Reserve is privately owned by member banks. The Bankers created it and decided to give themselves the right to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing thus transferring wealth from Main Street USA, the people who did all the work, to the parasites of Wall Street. There was a plan to end the Depression in 90 days. It was called the Chicago plan and was essentially Dr Irving Fisher's 100% Money. He would have started with President Lincoln's Greenbacks which ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2022-08-24 14:42:41 by Horse
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of 'Men who wanted to be left alone'. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the "Men who wanted to be left alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left alone", fight with unholy ...

Laith Marouf: "Syria: For 1st time since Vietnam a '3rd world country' withstands Imperial invasion"
Post Date: 2022-08-24 12:12:46 by Horse

Post Date: 2022-08-23 20:02:40 by Horse

More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart
Post Date: 2022-08-23 12:09:56 by Ada
There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had – at that time – provided to Ukraine. Attached to that is another clip showing the horrific state of several US major cities, including in Pennsylvania, California, and Ohio. The video of American cities is shocking: endless landscapes of filth, trash, homelessness, open fires on the street, drug-addicted zombies. It doesn’t look like the America most of us remember. Watching Biden bragging about sending billions of dollars to corrupt leaders overseas with American cities looking like bombed-out Iraq or Libya is US foreign ...

Ruby Ridge Standoff Began 30 Years Ago
Post Date: 2022-08-23 10:17:41 by Lod

Republicans deploy protesters dressed as IRS agents to Democrat events across the country to respond in fury to Biden's Inflation Reduction Act
Post Date: 2022-08-22 17:52:33 by Horse
giving agency $80billion for more agents and increased audits Protesters dressed as IRS agents were deployed across the country at Democratic lawmakers' offices to bring attention to the Inflation Reduction Act giving $80 million to hire more agents for audits. Images outside offices shared by Republican National Committee field offices show protesters dressed in black suits and sunglasses holding signs with phrases like 'Thanks for hiring me' and 'Income Removal Service,' as an alternative acronym for IRS. Some of the other signs, specifically in border states like Texas, plead for 'more Border Agents' and 'less IRS enforcers'. The initiative from ...

My Censored YouTube Comment
Post Date: 2022-08-22 06:42:56 by Horse
I made the following comment to the above Jordan Peterson video. We must push back but I think we have an advantage when we push against corruption. The Masters of the Universe require corruption and fear to succeed. Dr Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fiits have proven that at least $30 trillion has been stolen from the Pentagon. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted to CBS News that $2.3 trillion had gone "Missing" from the DOD. Dr Skidmore told the following true story which he thought was funny. The US Army has an annual budget of $122 billion a year. One day the US Treasury gave them a check for $800 billion to cover up the holes left by all that ...

Lawsuits Coming For Entities That Don't Change COVID Mandates After CDC Update: Lawyer
Post Date: 2022-08-21 20:53:22 by Horse
"I think it’s remarkable that it’s taken the CDC this long to come around to admitting the science on this topic..." Poster Comment:Employers and schools still mandating shots.

11 Year Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab and His Globalist Goons
Post Date: 2022-08-21 13:50:31 by Horse

HILARIOUS New Ad Perfectly Mocks Liberal Insanity
Post Date: 2022-08-21 12:59:35 by Horse

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