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Apple’s 1984 Macintosh Super Bowl commercial The greatest of all time
Post Date: 2022-08-20 01:49:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:Anya Major (born 1966) is an English athlete, actress, model and singer who starred in Apple Computer's "1984" commercial, and in 1985 appeared as "Nikita" in the video to Elton John's song of the same name. In 1983, the Chiat/Day advertising agency held a casting call in London, on behalf of their client, Apple Computer, for what would prove to be a landmark television commercial. The vision of the agency and director Ridley Scott stipulated an actress capable of running up to a large video screen, spinning with a sledgehammer, and releasing it at the video screen. Most of the models and actresses tested struggled to do this; one errant throw ...

Quiet-Quitting: Are You Doing Only What's Necessary At Work And No More?
Post Date: 2022-08-19 21:58:19 by Horse
Wondering why productivity is down? Think about the new phenomenon called quiet quitting...

BANNED! YouTube's OFFICIAL Election Interference on Full Display! GUEST: Kari Lake
Post Date: 2022-08-18 19:44:36 by Horse

President Trump took the Binder with him.
Post Date: 2022-08-18 10:29:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:Does not embed.

Giant Satirical Billboards—Mounted on Trucks Driven All Over the Nation’s Capital—
Post Date: 2022-08-18 09:49:32 by Horse
Are Publicly Shaming Democratic Party Leaders for Their Illegal Persecution of Julian Assange. The mobile billboards are a brainchild of standup-comic-turned- activist Randy Credico. Each one is 15 feet long and circulates around DC’s most famous landmarks, skewering the hypocrisy of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Jerald Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats. D.C. residents and tourists—as many as 40,000 a day—are stopping in their tracks, doing a double take, then breaking into big smiles whenever one of comic-turned-activist Randy Credico’s huge 100-square-foot billboards drives by. Video Player 02:09 02:13 Randy Credico talks about his Assange motorized ...

Sweeps Week on FBI TV!
Post Date: 2022-08-18 09:33:45 by Ada
National news media and federal law enforcement are now as indistinguishable in America as in any autocratic country anywhere And they told two friends, and so on, and so on… CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll. “You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…” It was less question than ...

Questions For Democrat Politicians
Post Date: 2022-08-18 08:11:24 by Horse
1) The average rent in the US is $2,000 a month and 15% of all renters face eviction. Why do you hate renters so much? By letting millions of illegal aliens into the country you are raising rents and enriching parasites like Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, who is buying apartment complexes and jacking up rents. Kim Iversen is moving out of her 2 bedroom apartment in LA county. It has shoddy construction - you can hear the neighbors. And it is not in the best neighborhood. But after she moves out the landlord will raise the rent over 50% to $6,000 a month. Why do youdespise people who rent apartments? 2) Why do you hate Mexican children so much? You are allowing tens of thousands of ...

Blood clots taken out of the heart of a vaccinated person -- !!WARNING GRAPHIC!!
Post Date: 2022-08-17 22:33:48 by Horse

He's Actually Doing This... And It's Just Beautiful!
Post Date: 2022-08-15 17:07:46 by Esso
Poster Comment:This is probably the closest I'm going to get to good news today. DeSantis is a pretty good troll. If "Real People" Commercials were Real Life - CHEVY Millennials

Must See: ‘Under the Skin’ — How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries
Post Date: 2022-08-14 22:15:52 by Horse
“Under the Skin,” a new documentary by science journalist Bert Ehgartner, explores research into the aluminum compounds used in vaccines, including a new “extra-strong” aluminum compound used in Merck’s Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus. nt cervical cancer, became a global blockbuster through an aggressive marketing campaign, despite rare — but serious — side effects that left girls injured and struggling for answers. “Under the Skin,” by science journalist Bert Ehgartner, explores research into the aluminum compounds — added “experimentally” to vaccines almost 100 years ago — and a new “extra-strong” ...

The WOKE LEFT'S Most Hated MOVIE They've Never Seen!!
Post Date: 2022-08-14 10:07:17 by Horse

Street Artist Sabo Hangs ‘F*ck the FBI’ and ‘Trump 2024 MAGA’ Signs Around Los Angeles
Post Date: 2022-08-13 01:28:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Ad for recruits to the New FBI. Hello, there. Do you like framing innocent people? Are you willing to tamper with evidence, to lie in court and to write out false reports? Then you are the person we are looking for to join the new FBI.

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2022-08-12 11:18:22 by Horse
"All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable." -- Henry David Thoreau (1842). "Civil Disobedience"

Media Smear The Outraged Moms Helping Recall Los Angeless Pro-Crime DA
Post Date: 2022-08-12 10:51:40 by Horse
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, whom many believe is too lenient on crime in his district, faces a possible recall this election year. Last week, the Los Angeles Times published an editorial in protest titled, “Anti-Gascon drive extends era of destructive, distracting recall mania.” When addressing the consequences of progressive policies on Americans, the legacy media’s leftist distortion is evident in nearly every line. The piece begins with the assertion that voters’ desire to remove Gascon has no rational basis. It is instead motivated by “anxiety over disease, lockdowns, political turmoil, violence and societal disruption.” Gascon is ...

Florida Congressman offers radical response…
Post Date: 2022-08-09 12:01:40 by Ada
Will we start to see real moves towards nullification of Federal authority? Strong words from the governor, too: Click for Full Text!

Top 10 "Aliases" For Vaxx-Induced Injuries Blamed On Covid
Post Date: 2022-08-09 11:13:44 by Horse
Whenever anyone experiences an adverse reaction to the Covid jabs, they're told it's anything other than the Covid jabs. Here are some of the "mysterious" health issues popping up lately. Editor's Note: The push for The Great Reset requires the masses to suspend disbelief in dangers from the Covid-19 "vaccines" as well as any future mRNA jabs for as long as possible. The unhinged push to inject people with a drug that clearly doesn't do what was promised but causes tremendous and common adverse reactions instead is all by design. They are gaslighting. They are suppressing the truth. They are doing everything they can to cancel those who report on such ...

Elon Musk Challenges Twitter CEO to Debate to Prove Bot Reporting Twitter Materially Restated Its SEC Reporting on Bots
Post Date: 2022-08-09 10:10:26 by Horse
3 Days After Signing Deal with Musk without Telling Him It’s actually fun to watch Elon Musk run free on Twitter, had this been anyone else, Twitter would have censored them and kicked them off. But yet again, Musk has Twitter in a position where it can’t kick Musk off the site because he is the potential new owner.

Dan Bongino: “This is some Third World Bullsh*t!
Post Date: 2022-08-09 10:03:05 by Horse

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2022-08-08 19:08:58 by Horse
"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their Country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." -- Thomas Paine December 23, 1776

The TWA 800 Whistleblower Is Legit
Post Date: 2022-08-08 10:05:04 by Ada
In the past few weeks, I have received numerous inquiries about ten-year Navy veteran William Henry Teele III. After years of quietly providing information to me and other investigators into the July 1996 destruction of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island, Teele has gone public and is naming names. I shared some of Teele’s information in my 2016 book, TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy. Teele did not claim to be on the ship that fired the missile. He was on the USS Carr, a guided missile frigate that was one of the “combatants” in the battle group that destroyed the unfortunate 747 and killed the 230 souls on board. Everything that I could verify ...

Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein, and "Cognitive Infiltration"
Post Date: 2022-08-08 07:23:45 by Ada
Late last week a Texas jury ordered Alex Jones to pay nearly $50 million in compensatory and punitive damages to the parents of a child killed in the Sandy Hook shootings, with two more trials still scheduled. These awards may be sharply reduced, but if they are not, the result will probably mean the destruction of Jones’ media empire. For decades Jones has been one of America’s most prominent conspiracy theorists, and although I’ve never watched his show nor scarcely ever visited his website, under ordinary circumstances I would be quite sympathetic to his plight, given the tremendous record of dishonesty by his arch-enemies in the mainstream media. From what I’ve ...

We Want Their Names: Gateway Pundit Files Suit to Expose Identities of Epstein's Clients
Post Date: 2022-08-07 10:39:32 by Horse
A media outlet has filed a legal document seeking to make public the names of the clients of Jeffrey Epstein. The list of clients became a much-discussed item during the recent trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s longtime associate. Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking in December. In May, as Maxwell’s sentencing was making headlines, Elon Musk called for the list to be made public, wondering at one point why the Department of Justice was keeping it hidden. UFC Middleweight Champion Israel Adesanya suggested that the list, with prominent names upon it, appeared to have vanished.

Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd) Owns Lying Scumbag CNN Puke
Post Date: 2022-08-07 06:44:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:I don't have a TV so I don't recognize the CNN man.

Deborah Birx UnMasked - I Bet You Haven't Heard These Stories About The Scarf Lady
Post Date: 2022-08-05 10:11:39 by Horse

Watch: Gun Hobbyist Makes "100% Working 3D-Printed Gun" That Fires Plastic Ammo
Post Date: 2022-08-05 09:24:38 by Horse
War journalist Jake Hanrahan, the founder of independent media platform "Popular Front," tweeted a video that shows a gun hobbyist firing plastic ammunition from a "100% 3D-printed gun." Hanrahan said gun hobbyist @SuckBoyTony1, who designs and builds 3D-printed firearms that are electronically ignited, created a "working 100% 3D-printed gun." He continued: "The barrel and even the ammunition is plastic." Jake Hanrahan @Jake_Hanrahan · 3D-printed gun hobbyist @SuckBoyTony1 has made a working 100% 3D-printed gun. The barrel and even the ammunition is plastic. Whilst this obviously isn't a practical weapon, the potential implications of ...

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