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A few news reporters changing their names
Post Date: 2022-06-27 02:01:13 by omoto1
I haven't been on the passed five months because of things in reality in life (Aiding in taking care of mother with her knee replacement surgery while being on the foreign currency network for income) while also getting back to creative writing. A funny thought went through my mind last week. I ***only*** (Emphasis) watch Fox News Channel because I consider it entertaining. I'd rather watch Fox News Channel than the communistic national network cnn because of their pathological compulsive lying on screen. I noticed for the passed few months that media reporters have been changing their names on screen. The last time "Jason whitelock" was on was a month ago when he was ...

Roe v. Wade Was Just Overturned: 5 Facts To Know by Babylon Bee
Post Date: 2022-06-27 01:08:34 by Horse

Infographic: How To Spot A Homeschooler by Babylon Bee
Post Date: 2022-06-25 11:50:36 by Horse
With homeschooling on the rise, there's a good chance you and your children may come in contact with one of these strange homeschooled people. Oh no! To help you remain vigilant, we have created this handy infographic that will help you spot them. by Poster Comment:SERVICE UNAVAILABLE. WE SHALL SEE IF THEY ARE ALLOWED BACK ONLINE AFTER THEY TAKE DOWN OFFENSIVELY FUNNY SATIRES.

God ordained Authority: Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
Post Date: 2022-06-24 19:25:23 by X-15
The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine teaches that when the superior or higher ranking civil authority makes unjust/immoral law, policy, or court opinion – the lower or lesser ranking civil authority has both the God- given right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority; and if necessary, actively resist the superior authority. The doctrine was first formalized by Christian men in Magdeburg, Germany in 1550. The lesser magistrate doctrine is rooted in the historic Christian doctrine of interposition. Interposition is where one steps into the gap – placing themselves in between the oppressor and his intended victim. Interposition can take place verbally or physically. ...

"It's Not A Turndown...It's A Takedown" - Catherine Austin Fitts
Post Date: 2022-06-24 10:36:11 by Horse
Via Greg Hunter’s, Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), contends this is what the so-called “reset” looks like. High food and fuel prices along with crushing interest rates are no accident. CAF explains, "To me, this is part of the ‘going direct reset.’ ..." “There is an official narrative, and the official narrative is they’ve got to stop inflation... Let’s look very simply at what happened. They voted on the direct reset. Then they injected $5 trillion into the economy that went to the insiders. Then they used Covid to shut down ...

Grocery Chain Publix Says It Will NOT Vaccinate Children Under 5, And Does Not Need To Explain
Post Date: 2022-06-23 19:28:18 by Horse
The Grocery store chain Publix said it would not be distributing COVID-19 vaccines for children under the age of five at any of its pharmacy locations. Poster Comment:At least one company said NO.

God Bless the Farm Girls!
Post Date: 2022-06-23 00:38:29 by Horse
Poster Comment:Farm girl says her family moved from the Central Valley of California to Tennessee to avoid the crazies who took water from farmers. Now Biden is trying to put forward OSHA regs that says you cannot work outdoors over 80 degrees. Where does it not get over 80 degrees in the summer in America?

'THE COUNTRY DESERVES THE TRUTH': Jordan, Marshall Outline How They Will Go After Fauci
Post Date: 2022-06-21 17:38:17 by Horse
Reps. Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) have released a new video outlining the GOP plan to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci and his potential cover up on the origins of COVID-19. After midterms, if the GOP holds majorities in both houses of Congress, the Reps. have a plan of action for holding the bad doctor accountable. And they’ve highlighted that plan in a newly released video. “I’m hopeful the Senate is going to be in Republican hands. I’m hoping the House is going to be as well,” Jordan says in the video. “And we’re already talking about a joint-type of investigation we can do because the country deserves the truth. “One of the things ...

Assange Is Doing His Most Important Work Yet
Post Date: 2022-06-18 11:15:21 by Ada
British Home Secretary Priti Patel has authorized the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States to be tried under the Espionage Act in a case which seeks to set a legal precedent for the prosecution of any publisher or journalist, anywhere in the world, who reports inconvenient truths about the US empire. Assange’s legal team will appeal the decision, reportedly with arguments that will include the fact that the CIA spied on him and plotted his assassination. “It will likely be a few days before the (14-day appeal) deadline and the appeal will include new information that we weren’t able to bring before the courts previously. Information on how ...

The Navy is firing a lot of officers and saying almost nothing about it Since May 31, six commanding officers and one command master chief have lost their jobs.
Post Date: 2022-06-18 08:04:06 by Ada
Commanders relieved for 'loss of trust and confidence' in recent months. The Navy tends to relieve leaders in clusters, and the firings have come thick and fast recently. Since May 31, six commanding officers and one command master chief have lost their jobs: Capt. Amy Larson and Marine Lt. Col Bret Swaim were relieved as commander and executive officer of the Naval Justice School; Cmdr. Matthew McCormick was relieved as commander of Electronics Attack Squadron 137; Cmdr. Devine Johnson and Command Master Chief Earl Sanders were ousted as the skipper and senior enlisted leader of the destroyer USS Bulkeley; Capt. Jeffrey Sandin was fired as head of Recruit Training Command; and ...

Proud of Yourselves?
Post Date: 2022-06-14 11:54:02 by Ada
Five-year-old children generally have no idea what adult sexuality is about…. America has an eating disorder — have you noticed? — and a touch of the old sexual dysphoria — am I a boy or a girl? — and has been caught in its room playing with razor blades. Ergo: America is a thirteen-year-old girl in need of some therapeutic assistance. Who will answer the call for help? Here we are in the fat middle of Pride Month. Why is it, then, that the authorities have sent squadrons of drag queens out across the land like so many flying monkeys, flapping and shrieking from the candy-colored forests of Oz, to conduct “story hours” for children? Is America not ...

Hezbollah: All options on table to stop Israel from plundering Lebanon resources
Post Date: 2022-06-11 19:22:20 by Horse
The Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement says the resistance would not remain “silent” in the face of the Israeli regime’s efforts to plunder the country’s maritime gas resources. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks on Thursday after a vessel operated by a Greek company arrived at the Karish Gasfield in Lebanon’s territorial waters to extract gas for the occupying regime. “The resistance cannot stay silent in the face of plunder of Lebanon’s resources. The resistance’s essential duty is to protect Lebanon’s land, waters, oil, gas, and dignity,” Nasrallah said, adding, “All options are on the table ...

Escobar: Will The Global South Break Free From Dollarized-Debt?
Post Date: 2022-06-11 19:07:58 by Horse
Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle, In his latest book, economist Michael Hudson pits socialism against finance capitalism and tears apart the 'dream civilization' imposed by the 1 percent. With The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism, Michael Hudson, one of the world’s leading independent economists, has given us arguably the ultimate handbook on where we’re at, who’s in charge, and whether we can bypass them. Let’s jump straight into the fray. Hudson begins with an analysis of the “take the money and run” ethos, complete with de-industrialization, as 90 percent of US corporate revenue is “used ...

Biden Approval Plummets To 22% Among Young Adults, 24% Among Hispanics
Post Date: 2022-06-11 18:45:04 by Horse
At least no mean tweets...

A Call To Arms: Teachers In Conservative States Are Volunteering To Carry Guns
Post Date: 2022-06-11 03:32:46 by Horse
"In active shooting incidents, time is everything.. Poster Comment:From Columbine to Florida to Uvalde, the police were worthless.

Judge Greenlights Lawsuit Alleging Heavy Metals in Baby Food Linked to Autism, ADHD
Post Date: 2022-06-10 21:10:09 by Horse
A lawsuit alleging baby food manufacturers knew their products contained high levels of heavy metals will advance to trial after a California judge ruled the science behind the plaintiffs’ claims is sound. A lawsuit alleging baby food manufacturers knew their products contained high levels of heavy metals will advance to trial. Judge Amy D. Hogue for the Superior Court of the State of California on May 24 ruled the plaintiffs’ experts used sound scientific evidence to argue that heavy metals found in certain baby foods can cause autism spectrum disorder (“autism”) and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed in ...

Indiana may experience rolling blackouts this summer. What are they? How can you prepare?
Post Date: 2022-06-10 14:33:13 by Dakmar
Hoosiers may need to find other ways to cool off this summer besides fans and air conditioners if extreme energy usage spikes tap out the power grid. The Midwest is likely to put its power grid under stress and, at worst, experience power outages over the next few months, according to a new North American Electric Reliability Corp. report. The energy grid may struggle to meet demand as people crank up their air-conditioning units and use more power when temperatures rise. However, utility companies say blackouts are a worst case scenario, only a small possibility and not a reason to panic. What is a rolling blackout? A rolling blackout is when utility companies temporarily turn off ...

Group aiming to defund disinformation tries to drain Fox News of online advertising
Post Date: 2022-06-10 13:30:45 by Ada
A nonprofit aiming to defund disinformation online that has taken money out of the pockets of several prominent far-right websites now has its sights set on its most formidable target yet: Fox News. The group, Check My Ads, is hoping the success it has had in stripping advertising dollars from right-wing provocateurs including Steve Bannon, Glenn Beck and Dan Bongino will give it momentum as it attempts to confront a powerful media empire. On Thursday, the outfit announced a new campaign directed at Fox's website and its popular YouTube channel calling on the public to pressure online ad exchanges to stop doing business with Fox. It comes just as the House committee investigating the ...

Donald Trump’s Truth Social Bans Dr Sherri Tenpenny…
Post Date: 2022-06-10 09:53:41 by ApesForEvolution2
"If this is true, what’s the difference between President Trump and the swamp he claims to want to drain? There would be zero difference."

The U.S. Forest Service Should be more Careful with Matches
Post Date: 2022-06-09 10:24:17 by Ada
Congress and the administration have recognized the incredible challenge facing the U.S. Forest Service. The agency manages ten percent of the continental U.S. land base. They have allotted millions to rehabilitate the overgrown, fire-prone National Forests as well as billions for wildfire suppression. However, in the Forest Service’s zeal to achieve results, they are too often adding fire to the landscape. The results have unfortunately included destroying hundreds of homes and tens of thousands of acres of forest. Note to the Forest Service: please be judicious in your use of this tool -- the results can too often be devastating and even fatal. The cure (adding fire to the ...

Bombshell: San Francisco Recalls Woke DA Chesa Boudin
Post Date: 2022-06-08 09:29:45 by Horse
By: The American Journal 3 mins ago Even the left is getting tired of the Soros influence in America

Uvalde Funeral Worker Tried to Shoot Killer but Police Gave Him Mind-Boggling Orders Instead
Post Date: 2022-06-07 17:48:25 by Horse
With the initial police response to the Uvalde, Texas, shooting already being criticized, a new claim has emerged that police sent away a civilian trying to intervene in the early moments of the atrocity. Cody Briseno is an attendant at the funeral home across the street from Robb Elementary School, according to NBC. On May 24, with no idea of what was to come, he said he became involved in the incident when he ran to help Salvador Ramos after the 18-year-old crashed his truck, according to NBC. Briseno was outside with a co-worker when the incident began. They went to help the truck’s driver. Ramos got out of the vehicle with evil in his eyes, Briseno told NBC. “I see him ...

Tulsi Gabbard Shreds Biden Admin: ‘They Weaponize Government Against the People’
Post Date: 2022-06-07 09:43:28 by Ada
"They decide what is true and false. They decide what is misinformation and what is information. And those who don’t toe the line are accused of spreading misinformation and being targeted and smeared," says former Democrat lawmaker. Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D) excoriated the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice for leveraging their power to punish individuals with dissenting views. In a keynote address at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver on Saturday, Gabbard warned that the Biden administration’s campaign to fight “misinformation” is actually a veiled attempt to control information. ...

Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter
Post Date: 2022-06-07 07:30:47 by Horse
As Democrats rabidly push for more “gun control” amid the terrifying crime waves ignited by their soft-on-crime policies, there are daily reminders of why our Second Amendment right to self-defense must never be infringed. One of the most poignant examples involved an eight-month-pregnant woman who used an AR-15 rifle to defend her then 11-year-old daughter and injured husband during a violent home invasion three years ago in Lithia, Florida. At the time, her husband, Jeremy King, was being pistol-whipped and kicked in the head by two masked burglars. “Them guys came in with two normal pistols and my AR stopped it,” King told Bay News 9 in Tampa in 2019. “[My ...

Post Date: 2022-06-06 21:09:43 by Horse

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