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Site of the week: Linh Dinh has emerged and is still masterly (vulgarity advisory)
Post Date: 2022-02-08 15:29:29 by NeoconsNailed
The Vietnamese-American Dinh's paycheck in the US dried up because his commentaries are so truthful, e.g. "racist". Being homeless as I understand it, he's living in one country and then another and chronicling life in their light with his characteristic withering wit and wisdom. Unz was regularly publishing him but that mysteriously stopped some weeks ago. Now Ada's found Dinh's current URL and as you'll see he's lost none of his expository powers. Especially because he REFUSES TO CALL COVID JABS "VACCINES", he totally devastates the covid racket and ULTIMATELY puts it in his place below. Honestly I can't respects anybody who does call them ...

Blockade At US-Canada Border Could Paralyze Detroit Auto Industry "In Two Days"
Post Date: 2022-02-08 14:25:05 by Horse
"A closure of the bridge would be catastrophic..." Poster Comment:What about Canadian stores? Where are they going to get truckers to deliver?

The Best Trucker Memes On The Internet | Compilation
Post Date: 2022-02-08 13:02:08 by Esso

Viral Clip of Wide-Eyed 5-Year-Olds Forced to March, Chant for BLM -
Post Date: 2022-02-08 10:43:04 by Horse
Libs of Tik Tok @libsoftiktok A school in DC forced kindergarteners to march around with BLM signs and chant “Black Lives Matter”

Wake-Up Call
Post Date: 2022-02-08 10:11:56 by Ada
I must say, I believe the truth of our predicament will grow a whole weirder as we stumble into springtime…. How many times have I reminded you that history is a prankster? Who would have guessed that Canada, demure, inoffensive, shrinking violet among nations, would rise to lead a world-wide revolt against the Satanic dominion of digital neo-Bolshevism? I mean, what else can you call it — this political Saint Vitus Dance sweeping Western Civ that seeks to destroy every constitutional liberty, deprive citizens of life, property, and even language, and reduce every individual to an internet-surveilled and controlled automaton… this global megalomaniacal mental illness ...

Rumble SPAC Explodes Higher After CEO Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million "To Make The World A Better Place"
Post Date: 2022-02-07 17:23:21 by Horse
Well, this might change the narrative! Just hours after Spotify CEO Daniel Ek affirmed he will keep the company's cash-cow (to placate shareholders, rejecting demands from the mob to cancel the world's most successful podcast), but was careful to rebuke Joe Rogan (to placate SJWs and ranting staff who are 'triggered'), Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski has sent a letter to The Joe Rogan Experience, offering the podcaster $100 million over four years to bring his 'free speech' discussions to an uncensored platform. Dear Joe, We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation. So we’d like to offer you 100 million reasons to make ...

Canadian Media Meme
Post Date: 2022-02-07 10:40:22 by Horse

Police Threaten Arrests For People Giving Fuel [or food] To Freedom Convoy
Post Date: 2022-02-07 08:31:21 by Esso
Ottawa police have threatened to arrest anyone providing the Freedom Convoy with gas and diesel cans after they initially blocked trucks with fuel tanks coming to the aid of the protesters. Authorities announced that anyone providing “material support” to the demonstrators would be subject to arrest from midnight last night. Asked whether “material support” included necessities like food and water, a police spokesperson told Fox News that the announcement “relates to hazardous materials that represent a public safety or fire hazard.” Videos soon emerged of people being arrested and police seizing fuel from protesters. Police had previously barricaded key ...

Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION - Feb.6, 2022 "State of Emergency Update"(14m)
Post Date: 2022-02-07 08:03:56 by NeoconsNailed
Freedom Convoy Leadership Update - Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics. #irnieracingnews #freedomconvoyupdate #freedomconvoyaddresstothenation Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:These guys are clearly the salt of the Anglo-Saxon earth. They say exactly what we'd want 'em to -- in so many words THE WHOLE CRISIS IS FAKE and the restrix MUST END "TOMORROW". This is war -- communist kikes against humans -- and they're on the front lines. They MUST win it for the whole world. Pray hard, you Christians!

Impeach Biden, Harris, Fauci, Yellen, Austin, et al.
Post Date: 2022-02-07 05:40:39 by Horse
I have seen tame versions of the idea that we should impeach Biden when the Republicans get control of the House. I would suggest that Republican congressional candidates advocate impeaching (indicting) Biden, Harris, Lloyd Austin III at Defense, Janet Yellen at Treasury, Secretary of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge, Janet Woodcock at FDA, Rochelle P. Walensky (CDC) and Chiquita Brooks-LaSure who is the Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The latter is the woman who paid hospitals billions of dollars to administer Remdesivir to covid patients which killed thousand of Americans by destroying their kidneys and liver. Fauci ...

"This Is A Nationwide Insurrection" -
Post Date: 2022-02-06 19:30:32 by Horse
Ottawa Mayor Declares 'State Of Emergency' Amid Trucker Convoy 'Occupation' “We can’t allow this kind of terrorism in our community to continue this way.” Poster Comment:"This Is A Nationwide Insurrection" - He has that part right.

AJ DePriest Uncovers The Enormous Covid Bribes To All Education And Hospitals From The US Government
Post Date: 2022-02-06 18:21:30 by Horse

GoFundMe Cucks on Vow to Steal Money from Convoy Donors
Post Date: 2022-02-06 10:43:23 by Ada
Apparently, there are some things that are still “too illegal” – even for multinational tech corporations. I didn’t actually realize that anything was illegal for a tech company, because of our values in the Constitution and who we are as a democracy. But Ron DeSantis is good at getting things done. Deadline: The GoFundMe website has reversed course and decided to automatically refund donations to the truckers organization leading a protest against Canadian pandemic restrictions. That’s after politicians vowed to investigate the website’s original plans for dealing with donations to the truckers. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said Saturday morning that ...

Convoy Canada: Police Declare “Nationwide Insurrection” (Trucksurrection?) and “Terrorism” (Truckorism?)
Post Date: 2022-02-06 10:11:27 by Ada
The government of Canada has gone into a hysterical mania because people parked a bunch of trucks in the street and then just keep honking the horns for days on end. They’re like, ready to send in Mossad snipers. But then, after they assassinate all the drivers, how will they get all the trucks out of the road? Tow them with bigger trucks? I mean, I guess they can pull the keys off the corpses and try to drive them all out, but whatever the case – that would take forever. Maybe there is some type of Israeli logistical company they can contract…? RT: Ottawa Police Services Board held an emergency meeting on Saturday afternoon, but failed to devise a clear plan of action ...

Elon Musk slams GoFundMe over protesting truckers
Post Date: 2022-02-05 09:11:15 by Ada
The billionaire compared the fundraising platform to ‘professional thieves’ after it froze donations for Freedom Convoy 2022 Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted a meme on Saturday, calling US-based fundraising platform GoFundMe “professional thieves.” Musk also posted a screenshot of the platform’s 2020 tweet promoting a campaign to raise money for farming inside the ‘CHOP’ zone (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) in downtown Seattle, Washington, which was occupied by activists during the peak of the anti-racism and police brutality protests in the US that year. GoFundMe’s tweet from two years ago said: “In a community with no police, this ...

Psychopaths are running the country right now
Post Date: 2022-02-04 20:33:17 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is an interesting campaign ad.

You Cannot Trust These Hospitals - They Are killing People
Post Date: 2022-02-04 13:21:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:This man is in Arizona. Feds are paying hospitals to vent and to administer Remdesivir. The latter destroys your kidneys and liver before killing you.

We found Trudeau in his secret bunker
Post Date: 2022-02-04 10:17:12 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Followed by footage of the Convoy in VANCOUVER with a heart-wrenching narration.

Saskatchewan Premier Pledges To End All COVID Restrictions As Ottawa Braces For More Protests
Post Date: 2022-02-03 21:14:36 by Horse
"Watch the dominoes fall"...

Austrian government challenged to either prove COVID pandemic is real or end restrictions
Post Date: 2022-02-03 12:56:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:The Supreme Court of Austria has said they must prove their allegations of the dangers of covid.

Brilliant brief summary of the JQ
Post Date: 2022-02-03 11:10:52 by NeoconsNailed
Human beings are a part of nature, and if they are not interfered with by Jews, they will behave in a natural manner. Obviously, man is in a fallen state, but most of the problems that the sin nature of man creates are self-correcting, given the process of natural selection. We as men are in some ways at war with the natural world, as it is dangerous and forces us to work to provide ourselves with food. But the natural world is also always there as a corrective mechanism, to prevent us from devolving into a lower state. The Jews want to liberate us from the natural world in order to remove the self-corrective mechanism, and basically just destroy everything.

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2022-02-03 10:44:19 by Horse
"Lying to the people is a bad business model." Kari Lake on the Media's decline in viewership.

The Gateway Pundit Files Official Complaint Against T-Mobile with Missouri Attorney General
Post Date: 2022-02-03 10:37:29 by Horse
– Requests Investigation of Mobile Carrier for Blocking and Erasing Text Messages with GP Articles and Links Poster Comment:T-Mobile is owned by Deutsche Telecom so they are Globalists.

The Name of the Game: DailyStormer Dot Name
Post Date: 2022-02-03 07:44:18 by Ada
February 3, 2022 Okay so, uhhhhhh. Remember ““? We’re back there now. Apparently, that’s been forwarding this whole time. Whatever. I didn’t realize we had that backup yesterday, and we probably should have been advertising it as a backup. The state of is still in flux. I think there’s a good chance it will come back. But for now, you should use Tor, and you should also tell people to use Because a lot of people are too lazy or retarded to use Tor. PLEASE let people know about this change anywhere you are allowed to let people know about this change!

Beware Of The Man Who Just Wanted To Be Left Alone
Post Date: 2022-02-02 22:13:35 by Horse

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