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Judges condemn police lies after 9/11 attacks that ruined pilot's life
Post Date: 2008-02-16 03:25:33 by noone222
Six years of fighting for justice left Lotfi Raissi an emotional and physical wreck and his marriage close to ruin. But yesterday, the Algerian pilot falsely accused of training the September 11 terrorists heard, finally, that he was “completely exonerated” of any part in the attacks on the twin towers. As Mr Raissi pored over the Court of Appeal’s densely worded judgment, the lengths to which the authorities had bent the rules to detain him in the febrile days after September 11 became clear. Three of Britain’s most senior judges condemned the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service for abusing the court process, presenting false allegations and not ...

George W Bush - American Idiot (Video)
Post Date: 2008-02-13 19:23:39 by TwentyTwelve
Click for Full Text!

John McCain and the Neocon Resurgence
Post Date: 2008-02-12 13:05:28 by Brian S
The neoconservatives, who have never been right about anything, have lately suffered more knockdowns than "The Bull of the Pampas," Luis Firpo, did in his first round with Jack Dempsey in 1923, but hopes for their demise as a political force have unfortunately proven to be premature. Part of the problem is that the blog and counterculture world where the neocons have been eviscerated is not the world of the New York Times, the Washington Post, Fox News, or the Wall Street Journal, where they continue to set the pace on the editorial and opinion pages. The presence of two neoconservatives, William Kristol and David Brooks, at the ostensibly liberal New York Times is a testimony to ...

Neo-Cons and Bolton Flock to McCain Standard
Post Date: 2008-02-11 11:47:19 by Brian S
As I noted in my last post, the withdrawal of both Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson would spur neo-conservatives and their closest aggressive nationalist friends, like John Bolton, to rally behind John McCain as their preferred candidate. Of course, now that Romney himself has withdrawn, there hasn’t really much of an alternative, notwithstanding Mike Huckabee’s ardent Christian Zionism. In any event, Jennifer Rubin, a political correspondent at Commentary’s Contentions blog (which has become much more active, if predictable, under John Podhoretz’s editorship), has a good rundown with useful links of the latest endorsements and commentary: “On Friday at CPAC, former ...

Bolton As McCain's Secretary Of State?
Post Date: 2008-02-08 19:51:51 by Brian S
Would embattled former UN ambassador John Bolton have a place in John McCain's presidential cabinet? The idea was brewing beneath the veneer of Bolton's address to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday. Revealing information that he said had never before been made public, Bolton discussed how McCain secretly tried to shepherd his nomination to the United Nations -- a nomination that was held up in Congress over Bolton's controversial anti-UN statements and policies. "He was very active behind the scenes," said Bolton, who was ultimately sent to the UN via a presidential recess appointment. "He thought I was the type of ambassador that ought to ...

The Neocon Hawks' Last Hurrah?
Post Date: 2008-02-08 17:05:55 by Brian S
Washington hawks warn Israeli policymakers that they could be on their own on Iran. February 08, 2008 There was perhaps no better vantage point from which to chronicle the twilight months of the Bush administration and its national security policy than the Israeli resort town of Herzliya, where in January the Interdisciplinary Center, a private college and research institute, convened its annual international security confab. The four-day conference, organized by Uzi Arad, a former national security advisor to onetime Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, brought together Israeli policymakers and thought leaders with their American and European counterparts. Attending the event, ...

Mike Huckabee "Responds" to James Dobson: I Would Vote for John McCain
Post Date: 2008-02-07 01:32:49 by _______
Washington, DC ( -- Mike Huckabee "responded" to pro-life leader Dr. James Dobson on Wednesday morning when he said he would definitely support John McCain over either of the pro-abortion Democratic candidates. Dobson, and other conservatives, have issued statements saying they wouldn't vote if McCain is the GOP nominee. On Tuesday, Dobson issued a statement saying he is disappointed that the Republican Party "seems poised to select a nominee who ... voted for embryonic stem-cell research to kill nascent human beings," and takes positions contrary to his on other political issues. "I am convinced Sen. McCain is not a conservative, and in fact, has ...

The NeoCons: An Illustrated Progression
Post Date: 2008-02-05 17:46:50 by FOH
From exile to redemption to exile again: a history of "militaristic idealists" known as neocons. Poster Comment:Let's round them up and cast them into the Ocean.

Neocons Lose Their Guy, But Find The Next Best Thing
Post Date: 2008-02-04 12:25:04 by Brian S
Earlier this week, Steve Sailer speculated on where neocons, who had backed Rudy Giuliani’s presidential bid with considerable enthusiasm, go now that the former mayor’s campaign has finally been put out of its misery. (via publius) So, are all the neocons who got jobs in the Giuliani campaign, like N. Podhoretz, Frum, Rubin, going to jump ship and join the McCain campaign? A lot of them supported McCain back in 2000. And will they be greeted with open arms by the McCain campaign, or will they be told they’re losers — as shown by the Giuliani steamroller — and should stay away. My guess is the former, mostly because neocons are harder to kill than Rasputin. No ...

Karl Rove to join Fox News Channel…
Post Date: 2008-02-01 13:35:56 by aristeides
Karl Rove to join Fox News Channel… ICN hears that Karl Rove will join Fox News Channel as a contributor and will likely be used throughout Super Tuesday coverage…

Bolton: ‘The Mullahs In Tehran’ Want A Democrat To Win The Presidency In 2008
Post Date: 2008-01-31 19:41:20 by Brian S
Since the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran said the country halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003, former U.N. ambassador John Bolton has made every attempt to press on for bombing Iran. Voicing his support for the major Republican presidential candidates — who have supported attacking Iran — today on Fox News, Bolton said Iran’s “mullahs” want a Democratic president elected in 2008 in order to ensure that they can continue to pursue building a nuclear weapon: Well, I don’t think it’s discussed sufficiently. But I think in part what the mullahs in Tehran are thinking about, looking at the odds of who might win, or at least what the ...

Transgender candidate runs for Republican endorsement in Brainerd(minnesota)
Post Date: 2008-01-30 04:52:01 by freepatriot32
BRAINERD, MINN. You could call Chrissy Nakonsky a candidate of change. Until about five years ago, Nakonsky, who recently announced she's running for the Minnesota Legislature and will seek the Republican endorsement in her Brainerd-area district, was known as Jeff Nakonsky. Nakonsky said the 2006 reelection of the state's only openly gay Republican legislator, Sen. Paul Koering of nearby Fort Ripley, gives her hope that Brainerd-area voters won't deny her a legislative seat because of her gender change. "If people vote for or against me, it should be because of my values," Nakonsky said. While there are about 400 openly gay or lesbian elected officials in the ...

Wolfowitz Gets New Job At State Department
Post Date: 2008-01-25 12:53:13 by Brian S
(CBS/AP) Former World Bank chief Paul Wolfowitz will head a high-level advisory panel on arms control and disarmament, the State Department said Thursday. The move by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice marks a return to government for Wolfowitz, a conservative with close ties to the White House. As deputy defense secretary under President Bush, he was a major architect of the Iraq war. Wolfowitz was replaced as World Bank chief last June after a stormy two-year tenure. His leadership was undermined by a furor over a hefty compensation package he arranged in 2005 for a bank employee who was also his girlfriend. Wolfowitz will become chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, ...

The Long Fuse to the Iraq War
Post Date: 2008-01-24 20:22:18 by Ada
They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons, Jacob Heilbrunn, Doubleday, 289 pages It is hard to imagine a title more overdue than They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons. Ever since neoconservatism’s chief contribution to world betterment, the Iraq War, began losing its luster, its adherents have gone into a kind of hiding, and the media has given them cover. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and New York Times columnist David Brooks, one or both of whom are neoconservatives, have suggested that the word is an anti-Semitic epithet. Others try to avoid it entirely: when Bill Kristol, who was definitely once a neoconservative, was hired by the New York ...

Kathryn Rogers, 31, Is Rush Limbaugh's New Girlfriend
Post Date: 2008-01-24 13:55:48 by robin
The Palm Beach Post reports that 57-year-old Rush Limbaugh has a new — and much younger — girlfriend. Limbaugh has reportedly been seeing Kathryn Rogers, 31, for the past six months. Rogers (seen with Limbaugh at a Miami fundraiser last weekend) lives in West Palm Beach and works as a party planner for the South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee. Last May, Limbaugh announced that President Clinton was "intently chatting up" Limbaugh's female companion at a New York restaurant, but he did not reveal her name. Limbaugh divorced his third wife Marta in 2004 after 10 years of marriage and, since then, has been linked to CNN anchor Daryn Kagan and been in trouble ...

The Power of Nightmares - BBC Documentary (Must watch, it's worse than we thought, folks)
Post Date: 2008-01-23 14:23:16 by christine

MicroChip ID - National Geographic Channel ® Pt.1
Post Date: 2008-01-22 19:38:20 by Itisa1mosttoolate
NOTE : This is NOT the full length version!! For the first time ever in You Tube, this is a mini documentarie with 8 minutes divided in two episodes released by the National Geografic Channel, related how people use already, the micro chip, in that case, in a disco... PS : The majority the people who you will go to see in this documentary and inside in the disco, are with the Microchip... MANY THANKS TO : NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL Part 2

Post Date: 2008-01-22 02:00:05 by TwentyTwelve
15 Comments sday.html ‘DOOMSDAY’ LEGISLATION Handful of Congressmen Could Rule America in Event of Catastrophe By Greg Szymanski No longer do Capitol Hill legislators need a quorum to do the people’s business. Now under a piece of hotly contested legislation passed without media attention on Jan. 5, only a few members of Congress are needed to do official business in the event of a catastrophe instead of the usual 218. Critics claim H. Res. 5 paves the way for tyranny, allowing “only a few to decide for so many.†The provision states: “If the House should be without a quorum due to catastrophic circumstances, then . . . until there ...

Things going 'great,' says Bush
Post Date: 2008-01-21 00:11:44 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON - His approval ratings are dreadful, his moral authority suspect. Many Republicans fear President Bush backlash guarantees catastrophic election defeats this fall, including losing the White House. One of Bush's stoutest loyalists even admits: "As a practical matter, he has now become irrelevant to the national conversation." George W. Bush cheerfully begs to differ. A year before he leaves town after two turbulent terms for a new home in Dallas and his beloved Crawford ranch, Bush is unusually ebullient these days. "We've come through some pretty rough times, but things are goin' great now," he told an old friend recently. Like his father, ...

Selling America to Arabia one bank at a time
Post Date: 2008-01-20 16:34:31 by Ferret Mike
You know that an economic issue has jumped the shark when the New York Times's op-editoraliste Maureen Dowd (MoDo) devotes her Sunday column to it. What's unleashed MoDo's moxie is how Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) -- those government investment funds estimated to control between $2 trillion and $15 trillion -- are buying up chunks of the U.S. banking system. The problem against which MoDo rails is that thanks to the policies of George W. Bush, the price of oil has quadrupled and the dollar has plummeted -- thus putting the U.S. at the mercy of those Arabian SWFs whose owners he groveled to this week to lower the price of oil. And while W. was grovelling, so were the CEOs of ...

Hal Turner: FBI spy (He Resigned...)
Post Date: 2008-01-19 23:14:39 by Mekons4
New Jersey radio host Hal Turner is well known as one of the most vicious neo-Nazis in America, a man who routinely suggests killing his enemies. Hal TurnerRailing against President Bush, he told his audience last June that “a well-placed bullet can solve a lot of problems.” He has written that “we need to start SHOOTING AND KILLING Mexicans as they cross the border” and argued that killing certain federal judges “may be illegal, but it wouldn’t be wrong.” In 2006, after he published an attack on New Jersey Supreme Court justices that also included several of their home addresses, state police massively beefed up security for the members of the court, ...

The Awful Waste Needs To Be Addressed
Post Date: 2008-01-19 10:49:17 by a vast rightwing conspirator
It seems to me, the main topic this election year should be 'efficiency'. While it is true that we are paying over $3 for a gallon of gas, what should concern us is that, under Bush's stupid leadership, we are paying up to $10,000,000.00 per killed Arab. If you don't believe me, do the math: divide the one trillion spent by the estimated 100,000 that the Bushists claim they killed. It comes down to $10 million per towelhead. Even if we do the high estimate and take the one million massacred Arabs, the price per smashed sand nigger is still an unbelievable $1 million a pop. This, my friends is outrageous and it calls for outsourcing. I bet there are hundreds of thousands of ...

More on Bush's Paraguay getaway (Nazis flock to Nazis)
Post Date: 2008-01-18 23:17:42 by Mekons4
Our paranoid friends over at Bring It On have put together a story that hasn’t exactly made Washington Whispers. It’s real short and real simple: * The Cuban news service reports that George W. Bush has purchased 98,840 acres in Paraguay, near the Bolivian/Brazilian border. * Jenna Bush paid a secret diplomatic visit to Paraguayan President Nicanor Duarte and U.S. Ambassador James Cason. There were no press conferences, no public sightings and no official confirmation of her 10-day trip which apparently ended this week. * The Paraguayan Senate voted last summer to “grant U.S. troops immunity from national and International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction.” * ...

S.F. appeals court bars government's probes of NASA scientists
Post Date: 2008-01-18 17:11:41 by X-15
A federal appeals court barred the Bush administration Friday from looking into the personal lives of NASA scientists and engineers who have no access to classified information, saying the probes are intrusive and unrelated to national security. The planned inquiry into the employees' backgrounds, finances, alcohol and drug use, mental state and unspecified additional issues amounted to a "broad inquisition" with "absolutely no safeguards" that would limit disclosures to topics that are important to the government, said the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by 28 scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion ...

Ron Paul Is Pissed!
Post Date: 2008-01-18 10:07:15 by Itisa1mosttoolate

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