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Rice: 'Ludicrous' to say administration has 'bunker mentality'
Post Date: 2007-12-21 13:24:27 by _______
At the State Department this morning, Secretary Condoleezza Rice was asked about Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's assertion in Foreign Affairs magazine that the Bush administration's foreign policy has been characterized by an "arrogant bunker mentality" and go-it-alone approach. The Associated Press is writing that Rice "denounced" Huckabee's comments. Here's the question she was asked and how she responded, according to the transcript from CQ Transcriptions: Question: "Madam Secretary, Mike Huckabee recently said that this administration has a go-it-alone foreign policy, that it has a arrogant, bunker mentality that's ...

Post columnist jokes: What was Cheney trying to hide with that office fire?
Post Date: 2007-12-21 11:48:43 by robin
Post columnist jokes: What was Cheney trying to hide with that office fire?12/21/2007 @ 10:05 am Filed by Nick Juliano Conspiratorial wheels started spinning in plenty of people's minds this week when a fire broke out in Dick Cheney's ceremonial offices. The vice president is known for his penchant for secrecy, and between destroyed CIA tapes and missing e-mails, the government he helps run hardly lacks precedent for getting rid of potentially incriminating evidence. For one Washington Post columnist, Wednesday's fire sparked reminders of an abandoned plot from the Watergate era, when a young Cheney was cutting his teeth of government service. "Arson might seem a ...

Ron Paul Stormfront Photo-Op smear [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-12-21 00:16:21 by hondo68
An LGF reader emailed this photograph, showing Ron Paul at the Values Voters Presidential Debate in Fort Lauderdale on September 17, 2007. Immediately to Paul’s left: Don Black, the owner of neo-Nazi hate site Stormfront. If anyone knows who the creepy guy in the hat is, please post a comment. Update: it’s Derek Black, Don’s son. UPDATE at 12/20/07 5:17:22 pm: Here’s another picture from the same event, showing Ron Paul signing an autograph for Derek Black:

Yertle Turtle's Motorhome
Post Date: 2007-12-20 21:34:38 by Critter

Kristol, Krauthammer Are Out of Time
Post Date: 2007-12-20 14:41:08 by aristeides
Kristol, Krauthammer Are Out of Time by John Koblin | December 18, 2007 | Tags: MediaBill KristolCharles Krauthammer This article was published in the December 24, 2007, edition of The New York Observer. Two conservative Time magazine columnists are on their way out the door: Neither William Kristol nor longtime contributor Charles Krauthammer will be on contract with the magazine starting next month. Mr. Krauthammer confirmed the news to Off the Record, and a spokeswoman for Time said Mr. Kristol’s contract would not be renewed. And according to two sources familiar with the discussions, Time is in negotiations with National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru to sign him to a ...

Porn Star Dishes On Relationship With Dead Hedge Funder
Post Date: 2007-12-20 13:22:04 by robin
A male hustler has come forward to discuss his sordid 18-month affair with hedge-fund manager Seth Tobias, but Lexx Parker shed no light on Tobias' mysterious death in September, when the non-swimmer was found drowned in his swimming pool in Jupiter, Fla. "Seth was a really good guy, a great guy. I had a lot of fun," Parker, 24, told The porn star from Memphis, Tenn., said he met Tobias 3½ years ago at Micky's, a gay bar in West Hollywood. They met four or five times over the next year and a half at Parker's house in the Hollywood Hills. "Seth knew I was a hustler and knew how much I charged . . . I did what I got paid to do . . . I was very ...

Enquirer Reports, Retracts: Rielle with Child {John Edwards}
Post Date: 2007-12-19 09:45:47 by Zipporah
Enquirer Reports, Retracts: Rielle with Child Who wasn’t surprised yesterday when Drudge posted a developing story about supposed Edwards-mistress Rielle Hunter being pregnant (even though it was from the National Enquirer? Who wasn’t then further surprised to see no mention of it on the NE’s site (though it’s re-posted here and cached here) and Drudge’s link not working for more than 12 hours? Hrm. Interesting. So, the Enquirer story is that supposedly Rielle was having the affair with “John” and they all knew and now she’s knocked up [Ed. note: Condoms, people, condoms! Jesus!]. But, about a month ago, Edwards’ Director of Ops/North ...

Police: Conservative Texan At Princeton Faked Attack - Brit Hume, "Where's the outrage"?
Post Date: 2007-12-17 19:48:51 by Brian S
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. — A Princeton University student who argued that his conservative views were not accepted on the campus confessed to fabricating an assault and sending threatening e-mail messages to himself and some friends who shared his views, authorities said Monday. Princeton Township police said that Francisco Nava was not immediately charged with any crime, but that the investigation was continuing. Nava claimed to have been assaulted Friday by two men off campus, police said. But he later confessed that scrapes and scratches on his face were self-inflicted, and that the threats were his work, too, said Detective Sgt. Ernie Silagyi. A spokeswoman for the Ivy League ...

Nazi lesbian porn film
Post Date: 2007-12-15 06:38:16 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:My experience with Randroids is that all of them are off, ranging from a little off to a lot off. None of them are capable of understanding what a horror any society based on her beliefs would be. This is the first time I've seen a video of her. She's a downright horror, more of a man than a woman. Can you imagine being stuck in some camp and seeing her come at you, dressed in a Gestapo outfit and wielding a whip? I sure can.

Kosovo: We're On The Brink Of A Balkans Bloodbath [Here comes the smoke and mirrors war]
Post Date: 2007-12-15 06:34:22 by noone222
WHILE most were asleep, we've walked to the brink of yet another war in the Balkans. Kosovo is a part of Serbia. That's a legal and political fact. It wants to break away and appears to have secured British and American agreement, but not, alas, the agreement of either Serbia, whose land it is, or Russia, which will veto any breakaway in the UN. The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) rules the roost and has said it will make a unilateral declaration of independence soon. The Serbs cannot allow Kosovo, sacred to their orthodox Christian heritage for 1000 years, to go without a fight. Serbia, with Russian help, outguns the KLA, who can only fight with outside help. That's where we ...

Really Creative FRetard Has Ad for Freddy
Post Date: 2007-12-14 23:41:34 by Mekons4
Dude actually copyrighted this drivel. This is the brainpower going on over there. EEG flatline creativity. My Script for a Fred Thompson Youtube Commercial (Vanity) Jim Gordon | 12/13/2007 | Jim Gordon Posted on 12/13/2007 7:42:57 PM PST by Bizhvywt Fred Thompson You Tube Commercial Scene: A take off of the old “New York City” Salsa commercial. 4 cowboys sitting around a camp/campfire discussing politics with southern/western accents, reading a newspaper. Cowboy #1 Reading newspaper: “Says here the election’s coming up”. Cowboy #2: “Oh, yeah”. Cowboy #1: “Says here Rudy Giuliani’s in the lead”. Cowboy #2: “Oh, yeah”. ...

Pat Robertson: Ice Storms Caused by Messing with Israel
Post Date: 2007-12-13 19:32:49 by Brian S

Post Date: 2007-12-13 17:16:15 by aristeides
The Dream Is Dead By MAUREEN DOWD Published: December 12, 2007 The man crowned by Tommy Franks as “the dumbest [expletive] guy on the planet” just made the dumbest [expletive] speech on the planet. Doug Feith, the former Rummy gofer who drove the neocon plan to get us into Iraq, and then dawdled without a plan as Iraq crashed into chaos, was the headliner at a reunion meeting of the wooly-headed hawks Monday night at the American Enterprise Institute. The room was packed as the former No. 3 at the Pentagon, previewing his upcoming book, “War and Decision,” conceded that the case could be made that “mistakes were made.” His former boss, Paul Wolfowitz, and ...

Mike Huckabee: Women Should Submit To Their Husbands (Zipporah Christine and Robin All Flock To Give Their Support)
Post Date: 2007-12-11 19:55:02 by tom007
Mike Huckabee: Women Should Submit To Their Husbands By: Logan Murphy on Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 at 10:32 AM - PST Via Daily Kos: Huckabee’s opinion on gay marriage is out there, but we should also be publicizing Huckabee’s opinions on heterosexual marriage. Specifically, what he believes about a women’s role in a marriage. In August of 1998, Huckabee was one of 131 signatories to a full page USA Today Ad which declared: “I affirm the statement on the family issued by the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention.” What was in the family statement from the SBC? “A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church ...

Bush Administration 'Mugshot' Exhibit Angers Right Wingers
Post Date: 2007-12-11 11:42:12 by Brian S
Tucked deep into a corner on the third floor of the New York Public Library sits an art exhibition. While few visitors ever pass the unassuming display, right wing bloggers are taking it upon themselves to get it banned. The project? A series of six black and white prints in the form of mugshots, each containing the faces key Bush administration figures in the first few years of his presidency. The various "suspects” in “Line Up,” as the exhibition is called, carry placards bearing a date. The Guardian reports that Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, who created the piece, chose the dates “to refer to key speeches in which they believe the politicians incriminated ...

Bush To Name Former Conservative Commentator Glassman To Sell U.S. Image Abroad
Post Date: 2007-12-10 19:46:58 by Brian S
President Bush intends to name a well-known conservative commentator and journalist to lead the State Department's struggling efforts to improve the U.S.'s image abroad, replacing long-time confidante Karen Hughes, who is leaving government by the end of the year, The Associated Press has learned. Bush plans to tap James K. Glassman, now chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees the Voice of America, to be the new undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, administration officials said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the announcement has not yet been made. The officials said the choice was expected to be made ...

(Saddleback Community Cult) [CFR] Pastor Rick Warren Hearts Huckabee
Post Date: 2007-12-09 14:26:46 by FOH
Rick Warren Hearts Huckabee Lately there has been a positive trend of influential Christian leaders coming forward in support of Mike Huckabee. The latest source is Dr. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California and best-selling author of "The Purpose-Driven Life". Dr. Warren recently made this statement about Governor Huckabee on a radio program:“I know most of the candidates running for president but I’ve known Mike Huckabee the longest, since we did our graduate degrees together in the late 70s. Mike’s a man of vision, compassion, and integrity. I’ve watched his uncanny ability to identify with normal people in ways that ...

Day of Rubbish (FrontPage Reviews Buchanan)
Post Date: 2007-12-09 11:17:50 by Rupert_Pupkin
Day of Rubbish By Ben Johnson | 12/7/2007 In the process of writing his new book, Day of Reckoning, Pat Buchanan has accomplished something more significant than in his previous mediocre tomes: he has produced the most widely circulated racialist tract currently available at mainstream bookstores. What is remarkable about this work is not Buchanan’s much-reported assertion that America is “committing suicide” and her “survival as one nation through midcentury is improbable – and impossible if America continues on her current course.”[i] Such sentiments have adorned sandwich-boards from time immemorial. What is remarkable is how – ...

NBC Decides to Run Conservative-Group Ad [Freedom's Watch]
Post Date: 2007-12-08 19:24:27 by Brian S
Saturday, December 8, 2007; 6:47 PM WASHINGTON -- NBC reversed course Saturday and decided to air a conservative group's television ad thanking U.S. troops. The ad, by the group Freedom's Watch, asks viewers to remember the troops during the holiday season. NBC had refused to air the ad because it guides viewers to the Freedom's Watch Web site, which NBC said was too political. But in a statement issued Saturday evening, NBC said: "We have reviewed and changed our ad standards guidelines and made the decision that our policy will apply to content only and not to a referenced Web site. Based on these amended standards the Freedom's Watch ad will begin to run as early ...

NBC Rejects Ad From Conservative Group [Freedom's Watch]
Post Date: 2007-12-08 12:44:41 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) — NBC has rejected an advertisement that asks viewers to remember and thank U.S. troops during the holiday season because it refers to the sponsor's Web site, which the network said was too political. The ad is part of a seven-figure newspaper and television campaign by Freedom's Watch, a conservative group that supports administration policy in Iraq. NBC said it declined the ad, not because of its message, but because it invites viewers to go to Freedom's Watch's Web site, which advocates support for the war. NBC has a policy against airing controversial issue ads. "Anybody in the world who would look at this ad would come away with nothing ...

O’Reilly and Beck get chummy over Islamofascism.
Post Date: 2007-12-06 21:56:52 by Zipporah
O’Reilly and Beck get chummy over Islamofascism. Yesterday evening, right-wing talk show hosts Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly teamed up on the O’Reilly Factor. Beck criticized the University of Florida for admonishing the campus College Republicans for airing the film Obsession, which students promoted with posters stating, “Radical Islam Wants You Dead.” O’Reilly and Beck agreed, “They missed 9/11 in Gainesville”: BECK: And in the — when they played it, they put out a flier all around the campus that said militant Islam wants you dead. Well, the university came out with a statement and said how dare you say that? That’s hate speech. ...

Hilarious But True: Bush Reads Wrong Phone Number in Speech
Post Date: 2007-12-06 17:51:20 by aristeides
Hilarious But True: Bush Reads Wrong Phone Number in Speech Trish | Dec. 6, 2007 “Call 1-800-DUMBASS.” You just can’t make this stuff up: ABC News’ Jennifer Duck Reports: President Bush announced new steps to help homeowners struggling with their mortgage payments. However, the president gave the wrong phone number to millions of viewers watching his statement on live TV. President Bush said, “I directed Secretaries Paulson and Jackson to expand the public awareness campaign. And I have a message for every homeowner worried about rising mortgage payments: The best you can do for your family is to call 1-800-995-HOPE.” However the president was off by a ...

The Flaws In the Iran Report (JOHN BOLTON)
Post Date: 2007-12-06 14:03:53 by aristeides
The Flaws In the Iran Report By John R. Bolton Thursday, December 6, 2007; Page A29 Rarely has a document from the supposedly hidden world of intelligence had such an impact as the National Intelligence Estimate released this week. Rarely has an administration been so unprepared for such an event. And rarely have vehement critics of the "intelligence community" on issues such as Iraq's weapons of mass destruction reversed themselves so quickly. All this shows that we not only have a problem interpreting what the mullahs in Tehran are up to, but also a more fundamental problem: Too much of the intelligence community is engaging in policy formulation rather than ...

Bolton Calls For Congressional Witch-Hunt Into Anti-Bush ‘People In The Intelligence Community’
Post Date: 2007-12-05 13:30:07 by Brian S
Yesterday’s National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) concluded that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003, pouring cold water on neoconservative calls for bombing Iran. Like his ideological kin Norman Podhoretz, former U.N. ambassador and Iran war hawk John Bolton has been attempting to slander the U.S. intelligence community’s collective judgments. Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons “for 20 years,” he defiantly declared today. To give weight to a single intelligence estimate “would be a mistake.” On Fox News today, Bolton went even further and called for a congressional investigation into U.S. intelligence agencies, stating that the report was ...

Norman Podhoretz: Dark Suspicions about the NIE
Post Date: 2007-12-04 11:59:27 by Brian S
A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), entitled “Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities,” has just dealt a serious blow to the argument some of us have been making that Iran is intent on building nuclear weapons and that neither diplomacy nor sanctions can prevent it from succeeding. Thus, this latest NIE “judges with high confidence that in fall 2003 Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program”; it “judges with high confidence that the halt was directed primarily in response to increasing international scrutiny and pressure resulting from exposure of Iran’s previously undeclared nuclear work”; it “assesses with moderate confidence that Tehran ...

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